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Fantasy Maesphora

Ah, so that's what I was missing, Port Navia. I forgot to label that lil' town. I'll edit the map for Port Navia but Esreal Lands couldn't fit on the map as it's an entirely different piece of land in which you have to take boats from one island to another to get to in the south.
Thanks, I was wondering if the Esreal lands were a separate continent. Will there be any established towns or small trading hubs there when we arrive?
Most likely one little/almost abandoned town but the rest of the civilizations are tribal villages and such.
Sweet, we'll have some company. Did you hear that other me, we won't go insane after all.

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Honestly disappointed nobody is trying to stop "blondie" (as everyone seems to be calling him) from booking it out of there
It's fine. It seems that a lot of people have abandoned this RP. If people are still interested, we can continue but don't feel obligated to. It's fine if you're not interested. Haha
There's not enough interest, I'm marking this RP as inactive. Thanks for taking part on Maesphora.

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