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Fantasy Maesphora

Which elf says righteous snob the best?





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Mercer said:
Which elf says righteous snob the best?




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Did you do something suspiciously magicky to this? Every time I look at it I can't stop laughing
Uhhh. Why the frack would a church of the friggin sun have a bloody inquisitorial department? Can anybody explain the bloody logic behind that? Helloooo. Sun Knights?!
I'm not sure either man. I'm still wrestling with the idea that this had to be a huge ass fucking dragon to cripple an entire kingdom so easily
KaldorDraigo said:
Uhhh. Why the frack would a church of the friggin sun have a bloody inquisitorial department? Can anybody explain the bloody logic behind that? Helloooo. Sun Knights?!
maybe there's some sort of weird illuminati shit going on and the government is angry because theyre close to finding it out?????? lmao idk man
Well, it is a major religion. No matter what they're the knights of they need some way to keep non-believers from taking away their power. I think Mercer's got the right idea with this
it's the capital. Big, strong, unbeatable capital. But thanks to stupid festival organisers and a distinct lack of precautions (why the frack were there no squads of troops with ballistas standing by for drsgon?), races from al around maesphora, not only the locals, are in shock. Plus. Sun Church. Iconic. Justice. Protection. Knights.

It's a mental thing. You only need to kill one man to discourage an entire army. Distroy a kingdom's pride and joy... Well...
Why would the Catholic Church have an inquisitorial department. To stomp out those who oppose their views. Any large religion in history has had its fanatics that would kill. Here is a reason, trying to stomp out the spread of the illegal and unholy dark arts such as soul magic. The real question is why wouldn't there be one. Unless the world is in a constant state of peace. Btw show me sun Knights and I'll show you Templars. The Catholics had their own holy army and an inquisition. Bare in mind I asked before I did anything. If you guys don't want a villain then fine, I just wanted to keep things interesting.

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The world kinda is.

Has been for hundreds of years according to lore.

Soul Magic is not evil. Ot's discouraged for pratical purposes BECAUSE it's dangerous. Not because "omg vodoo magic pls call the inqusition"

Even bloody demon magic is perfectly acceptable. Evil entities. From another dimension. Making pacts with mortals.

But whatevs man. The GM has spoken.
Honestly, most of the characters aren't even from Aurelia. Kalixa doesn't care, Basil, Mercer, and Aelia aren't religious. I think the only whose really greatly affected by the collapse of the Sun Church are Lindliel and a whole kingdom of NPC but nobody really cares about the NPCs so we just have to work around Lind
Should I make an character that's an inquisitor for the church. @KaldorDriago beloved an inquisition is unrealistic and doesn't make sense.

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You decide if it's a good idea or not. If you don't want it I'll forget the whole thing.

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Oh, your villain character? Sure. I'm not going to stamp down what's real in a fantasy roleplay. We already had a dragon terrorize a kingdom so why not? I don't see the problem. But I'm really too tired to discern what's logical or not right now so @HelloSushimi can decide.

Also surprise surprise, Xian's not there.
tl;dr Mercer and co. want to create a villain character whose part of the Sun Church and wants to bring down the group but Kaldor and co. think that an Inquisition is unrealistic in the Sun Church.

On the topic of characters, there's really no character limit as long as you can handle them and NPCs (ex. Piras, senior commander, soldiers, the fucking dragon, etc.) are free to use.

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