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Fantasy M.A.G.I.C.K.A. (OOC)



The Happy RP Salesman
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
For eons, an academy has existed in the forests of Transylvania. This Academy, dubbed Stowerling Keep predates mankind, as mankind itself was a race created among the turmoil of the beasts known as the supernatural. these beasts and creatures are all welcome in the school. There are rules in place, but one remains unspoken.

NEVER piss off the Headmistress. Her name? Gaia. Yep. A literal god of creation owns the place. And while it is true that she is hard to piss off, no one has lived through her wrath. So my advice to you is don't try and create World War Supernatural 1, even if your intentions are... less than amicable.

The current Vice Headmaster is known as Dracula, and some people say he's been around longer than his own legend if the rumors are true. There are even rumors that he has gone by the name Alucard at times.

Have a safe and educational time discovering the mysteries of your own abilities!
"Don't piss off the headmistress"
"Do piss off the headmistress"
It needs to be done then.
I see Oni getting blasted across Horizon, before running back in and process repeating a few times.
The RP will start within the next few hours!

Writing up a post! This is my favorite part of the RP! The expectation! YOU don't know what to expect! I don't know what to expect!

This is so exciting!

flails arms
Cool, its late so likely wont be able to post til tommorow some time, hopefully RP doesnt move too fast (had 3 pages of responses while i slept/worked before)
I should probably mention that this will have a posting order.

this order will be determined by the first round of posts. UNLESS your character ABSOLUTELY NEEDS a convo with another one, it should be kept to one response per person per go round.

we good on that?
Does this include if it is 2 people in a isolated scene?
In terms of isolation, this does not include dorms. more like isolated if you are away from all other characters, for example, if you are both in a scene where you are hunting a monster, and everyone else is obliviously at the academy classes
I mean in a place away from other characters so they would be unable to add to the scene for the most part. But that question is answered i think now.
Got the template done at least for when i do post. One other thing, would it be worth putting what language is being spoken in general for clarity? (also not sure how you do that box you used for translation so if you could add the code for that it could be nice for others too).

Maybe add the language in brackets after what is spoken?
I should probably mention that this will have a posting order.

this order will be determined by the first round of posts. UNLESS your character ABSOLUTELY NEEDS a convo with another one, it should be kept to one response per person per go round.

we good on that?
Am I authorized to post for my two characters separately?
(Pretty please xD )
Yes you can, but try not to post in an order that you need to change later. I would rather not have you asking to switch around where you are slotted if you can help it, but as far as that is concerned, I will allow, for example, one of your characters to post where the other one was as long as the story isn't disrupted.
There may be times i dont have time to post all the characters at once so they may be staggered, is it ok to slot them in as i finish them once my turn comes around?. For example, i had time to do one for Daisy before i take a nap and will work on the other two when i wake up.
And third is posted....was expecting another to fall in between them funny enough. Sorry i only had one interacting directly though.
It's alright, I intended for the first posts to be sendoff/enter train posts.

Little interaction is required at this time
Gaaah, I thought we had more players/characters so I waited to post again and now I'm in the wrong spot ><
quesadilla quesadilla You still planning to join?
Ayama, you may post now and we will sort out a posting order after the initial introductions.

I was really not wanting this to happen tho
I mean always time to get more interest. I suppose it helps with more focus between characters since juggling alot of players can get difficult/confusing somtimes, but then again too few and it can have issues too.

Once we get the order down though it should be fine, this is just teething issues really.
I know we have only a few players. that is why there are 3 characters per person as long as they want that

The other reason will be apparent later, but for now just saying that the dorms are a case of "I have a roommate or two, and a main common room" should be reason enough, right?

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