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Fantasy M.A.G.I.C.K.A.



The Happy RP Salesman
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Magical Academy Granting Interested Creatures Kickass Abilities


(Self explanatory)

(The Academy accepts global students as there is a translingual bracelet system in place)

(this can be any age withing reason. If you are draconic, for example, expect to live to 1800 before being admited, but if you are human or Cyclops, thinking logically, you don't live near that age)

(Try to have a drawing or anime esque picture for this as the RP itself is more suited to an anime than an irl situation)

(What character race you choose will determine your specialization in magic, and sometimes where you are placed in certain cliques or activities)

Backstory before academy life:

List of races and affinities are below for reference:

Fairie-excel in Light Magicks. can use both a human and pixie-like form
Demon-excel in Dark Magicks. A misunderstood race that is viewed as evil by most students, when it is simply a bloodline
Tree Sprite- Excel in Plant Magicks. must be watered/hydrated every two days
Light elves-excel in Healing Magicks. A proud race that views itself to be pure and blameless
Dark elves-excel in Illusion Magicks. A by-product of Dragons and Light Elves Mating. they are viewed as a disgrace
Lamia-excel in Hypnotism Magicks and (ironically) are amazingly talented chefs. cold-blooded, and must use heat sources(usually other -students) to get warm. there are no males of this species.
Naga-excel in Hypnotism Magicks and (ironically) are amazingly talented chefs. cold-blooded, and must use heat sources(usually other -students) to get warm. these are similar to Lamia, but are completely reptilian with no human features and are native to Japan.
Arachne-excel in deception related magicks and can use traps and such using webbing. some breeds of arachne also have the ability to make their traps completely invisible at the cost of mana reserves being depleted the longer this is in effect.
Dragons-excel in transfiguration Magicks (and not just on themselves(vary in size when in true form))
Harpys-excel at speed enhance/dampening Magicks, and their flight abilities are unparalleled
Vampires-excel at no magicks, but can summon familiars. there is a monthly blood drive to allow them a substantial amount of sustenance when at school so they don't feed on unwilling classmates. However, I did say UNWILLING. THESE ARE NOT TWILIGHT VAMPIRES. THINK ALUCARD ON A LESS POWERFUL SCALE.
Werewolves-excel at no specific magicks, but their strength is unparalleled even when not in wolf form
Centaurs-excel in weaponry usage and are the fastest ground-bound race to date. Have two stomachs, and therefore eat both human and horse foods each meal. the largest appetite of any race.
Minotaurs-excel at weaponry as well as size manipulation.They are slower than Centaurs, however, they can appear as giant creatures or as relatively human-sized beasts
Mermaids-excel in water-related Magicks, and can breathe underwater. must be hydrated constantly
Fire Sprites-excel at fire-related magicks, but need to smoke and eat coal to sustain themselves
Golems-excel in earth magicks, and can use the earth to "build" weapons to use on the battlefield.
Ghouls-excel in ethereal and death related spells of arcane origin. vary in appearance, don't eat anything and, for all intents and purposes, are basically just other monsters that died yet retained the ability to be on the material plane.
Cyclops'-excel at modern technology magicks(example: like a technomancer), and keep the school up to date and modernized, but lack depth perception.
Half Breed- excel at whatever the two halves are, but are also weak to more things than a regular race
Celestial- basically a demigod, they excel at foresight magicks and can usually tell you what will happen in the near future, however, none of them is 100% accurate. they are weak to physically strong opponents, however, they are very evasive in combat.
Djinn-excel at no specific element, but have the power to grant wishes as long as they are able to handle the backlash of the amount of power it takes depending on the wish. unlike the ones in captivity that need lamps, these Djinn are basically free to choose who they deem worthy of such a power, but it causes a time delay on the next wish granted based on how much power was required to grant the previous wish.
Gorgons- known more commonly as a Medusa to the uncultured, can turn people to stone, but at the age we start the RP at it is not immediately upon looking. think of it like a choice. The petrification also does not happen immediately. It spreads slowly and can be reversed by healing magicks of a specific kind.
Nekojin-Excel in manipulating Luck itself. most people view it as a curse, as Nekojin, for the most part, are a mischievous race that uses this power to further their amusement and cause trouble
Oni-excel in Japanese weaponry specifically such as katanas and naginata and have increased endurance beyond what is considered humanly possible. they can also perform certain spells like boosting their own power to take down enemies that by all rights should be stronger than them
Humans-excel in three different magical elements of your choice, but fail at most every other magical affinity no matter how developed the person gets.

As a side note, please pick three different character races for three different students.
Three being the max per player, and two being the minimum.
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    "Open minds make soaring hearts."
    Darynne Taevas

    Nationality: Polish
    Race: Celestial
    Age: Sixteen
    Gender: Female
    Orientation: Unexplored

    Virtues: Kind, caring, loyal, compassionate
    Vices: Meek, hesitant, indecisive, insecure
    Likes: Animals, plants, cocktails (virgin), pretty things
    Dislikes: Loud/mean people, rainy days, sauerkraut
    Hobbies: Gardening, flying, people-watching
    Talents: Singing, cliff-diving, divination
    Habits: Twirling her hair, biting pens/pencils
    Quirks: Referring to people in the 3rd person
    Dreams: Peace, love, animal sanctuaries
    Fears: Confined spaces, asphyxiation

    Backstory: Both of Ryn's parents have been on assignment (from the powers that be) in the Middle East for a couple thousand years. As a reward for their good service, they were transferred to Eastern Europe a couple years ago, so Ryn grew up in several different places and, as a result, knows quite a few languages. Though she has a deep, abiding love for where she was born and raised, she's also very fond of where she lives now, and happy to be remaining in the area to go to school. She's really looking forward to her new life at Stowerling Keep, and to meeting all her classmates.
    codedbycrucialstar | hidden scrolls, hover over photo
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Name: Samantha Cyclinthia

Nationality: American

Age: 17



Backstory before academy life:
Samantha had always been very good at videogames despite her depth perception issue. Tournament level, hacking into code level good. She was always a klutz outside of virtual fun however, so many people bullied her and she kept to herself until being told she needed to go to the Academy, where she hopes to make some friends and start fresh

Markus Protski


Age: 1,475


Fire boy.jpg

Race: Hellspawn

Backstory before academy life:
Markus was born to a russian fire sprite woman and a Demonic father who was never there for him. though his mother always told him his gift of flame was special and his dark magic was quite abundant for a child, he seemed to harbor more curiosity about dad than actual hatred as one might expect. Growing up, he secretly used his power over darkness to visit demonic places in hopes that he'd find what his father left behind. This curiosity, coupled with the fact that he knows little fear of the unknown made him dangerous to those around him.
Recieving the Stowerling Keep letter only excited him, as curiously, no one had ever mentioned school to him before then

Name: Slith Kraimor

Nationality: American

Age: 304


Race: Naga

Backstory before academy life:
Isolated high up in the rocky mountains, Slith enjoyed hunting and cooking for his small group of friends, whom were a few humans that kept his existence hidden from the world simply because they didn't like to start conflict... oh and of course because once you ate a meal he made you would want him to cook on a constant basis... When the academy contacted him, he said his goodbyes to his friends and ventured to the spot that would soon take him to the outside world, knowing almost nothing about it.
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Rabla Ikusta

Born in Japan/ Spent 200 years raised in America




Fire Cat

Backstory before academy life:
Rabla was born the child of a Nekojin and fire spirit, they were granted a lot of freedom as their solo child though they received very little attention by their parents due to that freedom. They spent a lot of time either causing trouble for other people or playing with humans while acting like a cat, though their were times where they would just read human books for the fun of it. Although after a while their parents received a a invite to take Rabla to the Academy at first they were dismissive of it but after a few days later Rabla started a small fire in a building which caused their parents to reconsider and send him away to the academy.
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I would like a human appearance for him, though don't know where you'll find a cat-eared-and-tailed person image

  • YbXLzlD.png

Name: Suzuka Gozen
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 486
Appearance: A Towering giant of a woman even when not transformed with the most prominent features other than their obvious size, muscle and physique being the wild mane of hair, sharp-toothed feral grin, and piercing eyes even within their human form. While in human form she is commonly garbed in a loose-fitting sports suit, she has been known to wear a more formal actual suit for occasional meetings with respected clan members where the human form is required. Within her true form however she wears a more flamboyant version of Unamori, cut resembling more of a chap design and tapered in burgundy bindings with large flame designs, she has fashioned what appears to be a giant tiger pelt into an outer vest atop another with more bindings over her hands. Moving with a clear monstrous strength it is not uncommon for tremors to emit from the force of their footsteps, even more so with the several tons of mystic Iron she calls a Tetsubo and drinking gourd.
Race: Oni
Backstory: Descended from the Onimusha Clan that rose to prominence originally during the Azuchi-Momoyama period following there service to the Human Warlord Nobunaga Oda who united several clans, and are currently one of the more notable families within the Japanese Yakuza. Particularly wild even by Oni standards she would commonly trick lesser families into conflict with her shapeshifting abilities purely to slip into large scale skirmishes though her most recent attempt has upset the order within the family resulting in the decision to send her away to the Academy in an attempt to have her calmed down as well as out of the way for a bit until trouble dies down. It was also not uncommon for her to lose control of her strength and result in increased property damage with such costs commonly adding up to significant amounts, her prowess for fighting unnatural along though she did show an appreciation for some calmer activities such as a bartending side job, baseball, movies, shogi, and karaoke.


Name: Daisy Darlington
Nationality: American
Age: 18
Appearance: A large set girl with twin small thick horns above her head and a loose swinging tail, she adopts an increase in her legs in particular when transformed with a white and black hide forming atop hoofed feet as well as similar enlarged ears. Somewhat clumsy in her movements in general, she holds a smiling innocent face despite her size, tending to be clad in practical and simple fashions with a cow-print being a common theme as well as large workboots.
Race: Minotaur (Were wolf cow*/Centaur?)
Backstory: A young girl from the Darlington farm in Texas, she has spent a great deal of her life within the more remote and rural settlements giving her an appreciation for both the simpler things and a friendly down to earth demeanor. She holds an unusual affinity to plant and earth-based magic atop of her physical strength and speed, also a colossal appetite and fantastic survival skills most notably in an uncanny sense of navigation and intuition. She lacks the versatility with weapons more common to her race, instead being more attune to her hammer and woodworking tools being incredibly capable with her hands provided it does not involve technology, with the most advanced item she has ever worked on being the family truck, this atop of course her knowledge of agriculture and livestock in general. She would be sent to the academy as a chance to socialize among more of the supernatural students by her parents and belief that the chance to see more of the world is good for her.


Name: Concordia Asfour
Nationality: Algerian
Age: 5008
Appearance: A petite girl with captivating eyes seeming to illuminate her face as well as long flowing hair reflecting the night sky flowing down freely to her lower thigh, strangely enough, the scene within seems to alter depending on the angle being viewed and her movement as if more of a window than anything. Regardless of how she is styled or presents herself, she appears to give off aetherial and exotic otherworldy aura even for a supernatural creature. Gentle and stoic for the most part her true intentions and feelings are often conveyed within subtle movements and deliberate word choice, not one to speak as frequently as one would expect with the soft clinking of her outfits more commonly heard. She generally attires herself within a tight fitted bodysuit of sorts worn in absence of anything but thick leather shackles of sorts with broken chains, which also includes a distinct lack of footwear. Despite this her attire appears to remain spotless regardless, floating in her silent steps along with her path with airy grace.
Race: Djinn
Backstory: The child of two enslaved Djinn, who along with her parents had been subjected to a long period of imprisonment within a pocket world of sorts due to a wish of their former owner and enslaved to the desires, a fate she had managed to have avoided due to being born free of an object of captivity giving her the ability to refuse wishes that her parents had lacked. It was only due to a poorly worded wish that this world was escaped allowing them to return to the modern one to see how vastly it had changed.

A font for magical energies it can tangibly felt even by those without skills at such sensing, rolling off her like an ocean despite her small size, with a talent for transmutation, conjuration and mild illusionary light-based effects on top of her wish-granting abilities. She has shown a great interest in reading, dance, musicals as well as music in general with a very creative personality contrary to her stoic display, well-read of almost any topic she can get her hands on, though the use of much of the modern electronic technology instead preferring the physical methods. On the more physical side she has taken to athletics quite well with decathlon, cross country and parkour In order to aid in her adjustment to the free life, her parents had sought to enroll her in the academy, to perhaps gain some degree of familiarity with others that both have them had lacked.

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Could we get a OOC chat linked at the top? (dont want to chat in this too much)
Done and done. wrote a bit of lore at the OOC since I know you are all dying to try and figure out who runs the place.
Lilja Afzelius




Backstory before academy life:
Lilja spent her whole life off the coast of Sweden, to two middle-class working parents. Lilja has always had a thing for getting people to do what she willed, using what she thought was her beauty. She didn’t have a very eventful life up until she was told to go to the academy.
Magnus.png Name:
Magnus Valentínsson




Backstory before academy life:
Born in Iceland, Magnus was always a big kid. Standing at 208.28cm[6’10], and 195kg[430lbs], Magnus has almost unparalleled strength. Having always competed in games of strength, Magnus was quickly idolized in his country, going to events of strength to represent his country. This was all before he had turned 18 years old.
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Name: Dendi
Nationality: Russian
Age: 20
Appearance: Pic is a basic human form. Round, amber eyes, red, shoulder length hair. Pale white skin, with lots of freckles. Medium build, not very imposing. Hair hides a pair of small horns
Race: Demon/werewolf
Backstory before academy life: Life on the streets, troublemaker. Child of a factory worker and a demon. Had not so great experiences with street gangs. Eventually joined one out of slef-preservation

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