• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)

Oz kind of liked the sound of going out to eat. It wasn't exactly original, but it was a nice gesture. He smiled. "That sounds nice," He said. "Now that class is over, I should depart. I will see you around." He began to walk towards the door. He didn't know how it would go with Sebastian, but he was hopeful. He walked past the man who had fallen over previously and began to head to his dorm room.

Theflamre Theflamre
Kagami Enoshima

The vampire sighed at the boys stubbornness. "You aren't here to become a famous individual. You are here to make the world safe." Kagami replied, moving closer to Kristofer. " Besides, an alias keeps you safe. You don't want to be chased by villians and citizens 24/7." She insisted. Kagami pointed to Maven, who gladly went into the Tech center to get his costume. " Be like your friend, darling. These clothes will only be worn for a few moments so think of it as a school uniform."
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Kristofer "Kay" Steinkuhler
Location: Tech Class | Mood: Unhappy
Interactions: Maven ( Zenpai Zenpai ), Kagami ( Kisaki Kisaki ), Nizaki ( The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth )

There was the feeling of all around disapproval radiating from the three people present. The joking guy thankfully didn't say anything judgemental, instead, he made a demonstration of how to walk through a door. He should write a WikiHow article. Kristofer didn't like to be in the center of a joke, but he accepted this one. It was kinda funny how he forgot how to properly walk through doors, so to that, he gave a chuckle.
But the teacher's and the barging-in-to-the-conversation student's response was nothing to laugh at. The teacher may have answered Kristofer's unasked question of what a superhero truly does, but there were holes to her response. Holes that truly showed how weak the vampire teacher truly was.
"Keep the world safe," Kristofer snorted in derision, "And destroy your happiness and freedom? What is there to gain from that? All you are doing is slowly destroying yourself."
But the vampire teacher did have a point, though it resonated in Kristofer in a way that she probably didn't expect. If Kristofer was truly going to partner with Sierra in her chaotic deeds, Kristofer would have to protect himself with something to hide his identity from the students, the teachers, and the Original Hero, in order to not get his cover blown when at school.
But he didn't need a suit from the school. It would only mean a betrayal of Sierra. Or he would have to tell her about it. But it would make him untrustworthy for the city villains. But if he continued to refuse to take a costume, it would blow Kristofer's cover. Kristofer gritted his teeth, a window in the back of the room shattering from the stress of his dilemma. Would he seriously destroy his freedom by taking a suit?
It was then that Kristofer realized. He had to sacrifice his own freedom a slight bit for the sake of getting to his goals. It was a necessary evil, so Kristofer stood up from the floor. He wouldn't wear the suit, but he would take one.
"Fine, you win," Kristofer growled to the vampire teacher, pushing her out of the way to get to the suit machine. He stepped in and was surprised to hear the machine ask him to stay still.
"Shut up," Kristofer said to the machine, but he followed the instructions and stayed stock still, closing his eyes. When he finally stepped out, he was shocked that his vision was covered in blue. What was going on? He patted himself down, it felt like as if he was only wearing a thin, tightly fitted costume all over his body. What was going on? Then it hit him.
His outfit was a Halloween skin suit.
It was tight, and cobalt blue, which did seem to suit Kristofer's powers of glass manipulation decently well. The blue suit covered every single inch of his body, showing the curves of his body, as well as accompanying his fox ears pretty well. Additionally, it didn't seem to bother any of his sense particularly much. It was also hilariously unexpected and mirrored (no pun intended) Kristofer's wishes to be rebel perfectly. Kristoferchuckled at his outfit, everything was somewhat funny. This slowly dissolved into laughter, then crying laughter, and finally, Kristofer collapsed onto the floor, sobbing with laughter.
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-Zack Aurum-

Zack's hair stood up as if he was super saiyan. It annoyed how Johnny dodged his and Cj's attack. All he wished was to wipe that smirk off his face. "Unlike you, my knuckles can handle some good rough housing." Zack said, hopping over Johnny's swing. Punching things was forte

"You little bastard!" Zack yelled. This man just waltz into the room and was destroying his dad's office. Then he had the nerve to run. The half angel followed Johnny before the batman' threw a chair projectile toward him and CJ. He punched the flying chair, causing a explosion of pieces of wood to scatter the room. " CJ, why don't you give him a good shock so I can get a good hit." Zack suggested through the gritting of his teeth. Instead of running foward to punch his opponet, golden liquid started to form between his fingers, turning into solid light disk. " Let's see how good you are with that bat of yours."

Meowfyre Meowfyre
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
CJ Sentrale
Location: Luxor's Office | Mood: Angry
Interactions: Johnny Crash ( Meowfyre Meowfyre ), Zack Aurum ( Kisaki Kisaki )

While Zack's fists might have been made to punch wood, CJ's wasn't. A punch into the door was seriously jarring for CJ's fingers, though thank goodness his angel healing quickly numbed the pain. But the pain made it so that the baseball guy's swings were more unexpected, and CJ's agile feet almost didn't react in time. Thankfully, he didn't get himself hit.
"I may dislike Luxor, but destroying his office is not okay!" CJ shouted. He spent more time that he liked to admit being swallowed by the oversized chairs, reading an exciting novel, with Luxor at the table doing paperwork (or eating cake). So he was almost just as upset as Zack was. He swiftly followed Zack, leaving the demon lady on the ground.
"I will gladly accept the idea!" CJ replied to Zack, skidding to a halt. He leaped a few paces away from Zack to lower the chance that a stray tendril of electricity was to shock Zack, and turned off the lights to avoid busting the lightbulbs.
"Try to avoid this!" CJ shouted, throwing his arm out towards the baseball boy. Immediately, a spiderweb of lighting streaked towards the baseball boy in a wild and uncontrollable manner. CJ was only aiming for the boy, but it also ended up turning the lights back on.
Oz kind of liked the sound of going out to eat. It wasn't exactly original, but it was a nice gesture. He smiled. "That sounds nice," He said. "Now that class is over, I should depart. I will see you around." He began to walk towards the door. He didn't know how it would go with Sebastian, but he was hopeful. He walked past the man who had fallen over previously and began to head to his dorm room.

Theflamre Theflamre
He smiled and nodded, keeping the freindly looking face right up an tell Oz left the room. His body posture improved when Oz was gone, it wasn't noticable to anyone that was watching but he stood straight up with out even an inch of lean forward or backward. He clicked the last few keys and walked out of the building. First thing he noted was he was hungry, and did he know how to fix that.... he started off towards the transit off the island
The trip was short, after all the transport was top of the line.
It kind of bothered him actually, all the little things around here that were dubbed simply top of the line. Like someone was just vomiting money at them in an attempt to keep them satisfied. The grotesque thought brought Sebastian no pleasure. He disliked certain things and had tastes beyond just his firm love of all things gory. He relised that in the moment when he was in the act all those bodily liquids and such just became part of the show, but if someone was just sick or something sebastian became uninthrawled. The line of thought alone made him want to get a bit sick so instead he thought of something pleasant.
His mind wasn't one track, so instead of the nastiness that came naturally to him he thought of food. He wasn't expetional, he made a point of it, no A on a rolls, relationship, or expetional skills outside of one. As a growing psychopath he had become fond of a particularly gruesome killer and along with it the skills, and one of the vices of the man. This man had been hannibal lector, and sebastion was a cook.... and a cannibal. Eating human wasn't as exceptional as everyone expected, in fact the only exeptional thing about it was knowning what you probably tasted like. He had only done it a hand full of times, which was way too much, but he knew the major pitfalls and diseases like the back of his hand. So he only ate safety and reserved it for when he had the time and he was certain that he had the time to do it.
This lead him to where he was going, a butchers shop, he stepped out of the bus and walked in. Another unique trick he had learned was called the dropped wallet routine. He slipped someones wallet out of their pocket took what he needed and gave it to someone who was working along with a description of who owned it. It became a bit of a challange when he had to direct someone else to the worker who knew the first guy. It took was a bit of patience,but soon he had enough for a shopping routine without having stolen too much from one person to be noticable and not payed a penny him self.
He decided on pork chops, grabbing a mid sized one fresh cut from the butcher. He went to the store next buying seasoning from it and immediately heading toward a place that he could catch one of the bits of transit back to the island. He stepped back onto campus walking quickly now, after all he was actually stuipidly hungry. He headed right up to the dorms snatching a welcome gift of some assorted soaps and stuff, and his room key and heading up. Someone is very lucky he atleast was told what room he was in before hand or else he would have taken one at random and hijacked the place.
He slipped into his room ignorning the majesty or squaller of his room. He didn't care he had the munchies, he found the grill, found some cooking ware and got to work. He began heating up a pan as he whipped out a nice pork chop. He scored the fat with his knife, sliding easily through over and over without fail. He had learned to put meat sideways as to not cut the cutting board. with that done he had only to begin cooking.
He began by covering the pork chop in a coating of salt and pepper, both sides. The stove top heating up suprisingly quickly he could alread throw it on and add some olive oil. He then pulled put some thyme and garlic. The scent wafted throught the vents and under the door, it filled near by apartments and the lower floors hall ways near his room. Cookings arouma aside he was pleased with how it was looking. Be drained a bit of the resulting liquid into a bowl as he pulled out a head of lettuce. He began cutting it up afte flipping the pork chop, his knife made it so he could baste with one hand and cut with the other. He chopped his soon to be salad into a managable amount and pulled his pork chop off the stove placing it down on a cold stove top. He plated the lettuce without topping, not because he didn't have a sense of taste ot anything but because it was simply healthier. He plated the pork chop separately flipping it over once to coat it in its own juices before putting it ontop of the salad. He growled at him self and his stomach growled back as he cleaned the kitchen before sitting down. Looking around he noticed again how price was not option to the school. He smiled finally enjoying the elite schools dorms atleast. He took a glass of water and sat down, cutting up his pork chop more throughly and getting a napkin. He enjoy the quiet so he played nothing, just sat and ate by him self.
Clair O'Reilly


Clair's eyes went wide when Jessica began apologising and as time went on and Jessica decided to take her uncalled for blame Clair's tears began to flow without any hint of yielding. To be honest she didn't know if she was crying because she was happy, sad, confused or frustrated. Her head was a moshpit of flowing emotions and she wanted no part in it what so ever.

But then again she wasn't really to blame, her first day at Luxor had been pretty intense. First of all, she had hacked into experimental military tech. Then she had been hit in the head with a baseball bat and knocked unconscious. Then she was quite literally dragged from one end of the campus to another and heavy-handed into staying with the one woman she wanted nothing to do with. Well, that or serving life in prison. Now on top of all that she had someone apologising to her for all the torment, she had gone through as a child. Not just someone but the person she had blamed for years, the person she had come to hate, despise even. Jessica Starry.

Everything was a mess, Clair was a mess, the floor was a mess and Jessica. Her cooking was a mess!

When Jessica then asked for Clair to get herself ready, the girl practically leapt onto the hero and tackled her to the ground with a tight hug "Thank you, thank you thank you thank you! Jessica.... I'm sorry for hating you! I'm ready, I already have my stuff ready!"

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Peski walked to the tech class, she felt outgoing at the moment and wanted to make some friends! The class ends before she arrives and she just stands outside, listening to people argue... Cody came jogging to the room, he ran from the kitchen to the tech class, he wasn't huffing or puffing, just.. It didn't faze him whatsoever. "Hey hey what's going on here? Gotta ask, camera man said there looked like there was an argument! Cams have no sound.." he said looking at Kagami and the other people she seemed to be speaking with. Cody looked both menacing and kind, like a fluffy wolf with small canines... "He did say someone near knocked themselves out, someone need an ice pack?" he asks tossing a small bag of ice into the air and catching it. Peski looked at Cody and looked away, Cody didn't notice, but he sensed her presence..
(sorry for short, and for using your name in character again Kisaki xd)
Kisaki Kisaki
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Johnny B. Crash

Raising a leg, Johnny stomped down on the over sized... table? Desk? Whatever it was, Johnny's foot was the drill sergeant and the table quickly stood straight up at attention, the various things on top of it sliding off in the process. Taking a glance at the disk forming in Zack's hand, Johnny had no idea what that did but he didn't plan to find out. Putting his hand against the back of it, Johnny gave it a push and sent it at Zack as he said, "You know Buceta, I think you've got blood pressure problems or maybe somethings wrong with your circulation. You're getting awful red in the face there". After seeing him splinter that door, Johnny had no illusions of this doing anything put stall him. But that's all he needed as he turned to grin at CJ."No offence Mr. Pence, but I'd rather not have any therapy," Johnny said as he ran over to the globe in the few seconds before CJ launched the lightning. There's no way Johnny could dodge the electricity, but maybe he could take out CJ before he zapped him. Swinging his bat against the giant globe, the earth was turned into a spinning meteor with a course for CJ's face. Unfortunately for Johnny, he's not exactly faster then light. Though the globe was sent on it's course, the lightning was already off. And Johnny was holding a big, long, hunk of metal.

Streaking straight towards his bat, Johnny gasped as hundreds of volts of electricity coursed through him. His bat was heated up by several hundred degrees fahrenheit, burning his right hand as he held onto it. Johnny tried to drop it, but his muscles seized up due to the electricity and his hand stubbornly gripped it even as it seared his skin a gruesome black. As the lightning coursed through his body, a thousand more little burns popped up, his shirt thoroughly ruined by several scorch marks. A trickle of blood seeped out of his nose. It hurt. It hurt so fucking much. Johnny could feel himself slipping forward, he was about to fall.

No. NO. Johnny's mind roared at this indignity and his blood roared with it. As he slumped forward, a stubborn leg lurched forward and smashed down into the floor. The planks splintered under his foot, Johnny slumped forward but still stood, still stubbornly held his bat. Breathing heavily, gasping for breath, Johnny forced his back to straighten. Staring through his sweat drenched locks, Johnny glared at CJ. Gritting his teeth, Johnny tried to force his body to charge at CJ, but it didn't listen. All he did was lurch forward a few inches. He couldn't move, he couldn't fucking move. Johnny was a sitting duck.

Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Zack Aurum

"Little fucker! I think you might be the one who needs to cool down." Zack yelled. He was aiming to save the disk for Johnny. When the desk came flying toward him, he simply kicked it with more energy than a normal kick. The desk was oblierated into smaller pieces of wood.

"Yeah, yeah." He waved off CJ's warning. He hopped back to let the shorter boy work his magic. He couldn't wait to throw the disk at the batter's face. Zack's light made weapons weren't sharp. They were blunt but hard enough to leave a bruise. The half angel grew a grin as he noticed CJ's magic had paralyzed his opponent. "Bat boy seems to have taken a good shocking. Now, prepare yourself as I-"

Zack accidently let go of the disk between his fingers. They all went into different directions, breaking various of objects within the room. One clogged the recently arrived Luxor on the forehead. The principal seemed unaffected by the hit. "Shiiii-t. Dad." Zack lowered his hands as a nervous smile appeared on his face. His father stood there silent and assessed the room around him. Zack could feel the anger building up around his dad. " I didn't do anything! This guy came into your office and threaten me and CJ for no reason. "

"You three are in big trouble. Skipping class to fight one another." Luxor said with a strange calmness. He walked over to the broken chair on the floor and stared down at it as if he lost his loved one."You three are going to have to work off the damage."
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Attack of The Demonic Duo!!!

A collab by Solemn Jester Solemn Jester and Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

Suddenly from in front of the school main building sinister music began blaring, and a massive pyre eclipsed the sun casting its shadow over the school. Before anyone could even bother to ask what was going on, a ear piercing laugh cut through the air like a knife through butter.
”Mwuahahaha!!! We've finally done it! Prepare students of Luxor Academy! As we! The Demonic duo have come to burn your precious place of learning to the ground!!! Try and stop us if you can! But it is hopeless! My destructive fires cannot be stopped by such weaklings!”
With this statement two shadowy figures leapt from the pyre. The first being a toned, black haired man wearing black skin tight latex, with several different flame designs on it. He crossed his arms, leaning against the second shadow who had appeared in a weird kind of pose, as if they'd rehearsed this a lot.

The second shadow was a mature woman wearing a corselet with long sleeves, skin-tight shorts and stiletto heeled boots. The clothes both bore an assortment of strings that were clearly both to set the chestpiece and her sleeves tighter, plus purple and gold designs the resembled ropes. One might wonder, why were these two figures dressed up as 80s comic book villains, or even why were they dressing in matching black costumes which such a warm weather? Yet, before either question could be answered, the female chimed in, icy-blue gaze lighting up from under a masquerade-like mask: "You tell them, sweetie!! I'll be sure to tie everyone up lovingly so they can have front seats to our show! I've heard it's quite the heartwarming performance~!! They'll be in so much awe that they won't be able to move a muscle~", the lady had brought the back of her hand to her face, breaking into a crazed crackle as she also joined the man with her own rendition of the pose.

The masked man opened his fist. A black and purple swirl of flames rising from it as he did so.
”That's perfect darling! You go ahead and string em up! This is bound to be one hot shower!”
The masked man stood up, and sent his flames bursting around them in a magnificent over the top show of power.
”It's about time we introduced ourselves! I'm the super villain known by all! I scorch the world of all that is good! Alongside my smokin hot partner! I’m Thanatos!!! Now! Introduce yourself sexy!”
He held his hand out towards the attractive woman that was standing beside him. His glowing purple eyes shining behind his mask. As he waited for her to introduce herself.

The woman took a couple of steps forward as if she was standing in a catwalk, her swirled blonde hair going in a frenzy like a snake's den powered by her excitement: "Heyooo everyone, Eris here!!”, she had started with a friendly wave of her hand, "Hope you like the circus because today I'm bringing that one of a kind circus experience to y'all~" Immediately, the female's hair took on a more united stance, extending as if it was made of rubber and wiping at the ground threateningly in a swift motion. Then the bundle of hair quickly returned, back at what would be considered its normal behavior, leaving cracks on the floor where the attack had connected. "...If you catch my drift~~", the woman winked, breaking into a burst of psychotic giggles.

"Hey, hey, Thanatos, sweetheart!! Should we tell them the surprise now or later?!", Eris had turned around at her partner excitedly, bouncing with energy and clearly holding on another fit of giggles.

Thanatos applauded Eris and her show of power. A sadistic smile gracing what little of his face you could be seen.
”Haha! Well you're right darling! Lets inform them of our plan!”
Thanatos flames rose into a giant wall of fire. Separating them, and the pyre from anyone who might try to stop their little spectacle. Suddenly the flames formed a image. Showing a map of the school, with odd doodles of lumpy circles placed in the library area.
”We know you didn't ask but we're gunna tell ya anyway! Coming at ya hot from in front of Luxor Academy! It's yer killer host Thanatos, and the lady of lashes herself Eris! So let's tell you how this is going to work! We've placed several bombs in the library! It's your job to find them!”
Thanatos pointed at the lumpy circle in the map with a flaming arrow. Then a timer with three hours written on it popped up.
”Ok! So we'll give you clues! It's your job to find our potato bombs, and deactivate them before they go boom! There are 4 bombs! So of course you only get 3 hours! Which I think is pretty generous. Wouldn't you say darling?”
He said turning to Eris once more. His eyes blazing with a purple, and black fire showing his excitement.

As the instructions were being given, the female was clearly not paying attention. Having heard all of those before, the blonde was instead engaged with fiddling with a couple of the curls of her hair, playfully, with all of the glee of a child as she did so. She had merely perked up at the mention of her name for an instant and returned to the task once more. Only when the subject turned to 'boom' and bombs did Eris start following Thanatos' speech, icy blue gaze lighting up more and more in anticipation, her excitement soon matching her partner's: "Uhuh!", the woman nodded her head with enthusiasm, "If you ask me, you might have been too generous with the timer!! Hnnnng! I just can't wait to see this place going with a big bang~!!"

"But oh well, your game, your rules...", Eris wave her hand dismissively before picking back up, "And talking about rules~ Here goes the riddle for the location of the first bomb!" Clearing her throat a bit, the lady took on a more serious tone for the first time, speaking each word very clearly: "You know, obsession leads to a whale of a good time! This sailor found out first hand! Ohhh, what could it be?"

Putting her hand over her mouth in a thoughtful manner, the woman pretended to ponder for a while, leaning her head this and that way: "Huh, no idea!! But I'm not the one who needs to solve it now, am I~?" With a new fit of giggles, she had raised her hand towards the building, waving as if an audience had been there watching them all the time, "Good luck heroes~~ You're all going to need it."

Thanatos shot his hand into the air, a massive smile on his face as he did so.
”You heard the woman!!! Now's the time! Best get to figuring this one out! Before the school day ends with a bang!”
Suddenly in his excitement black, and purple flames erupted from his mask. Making him look like a living inferno. Although this didn't seem to burn the mask any.
”So! Is anyone gunna come to the rescue!? Or is Luxor Academy going to the big playground in the sky!? Guess we'll see!”
Suddenly the map disappeared showing something that seemed like a video feed of the library. Thanatos sat back on a lawn chair, eating some popcorn he had made for the situation.

Pleased with herself, Eris stopped beside Thanatos, her long blonde hair entangling and trancing together to weave the form of a wooden stool. The woman then carefully set herself on the folicular construct, almost no different from the real deal.
Hehehe, their favorite reality show was about to begin!! This should be fun~!

@Everyone related to the Hero Program in any way... and Aiko: Kisaki Kisaki , H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 , kenchin kenchin , Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth , Uasal Uasal , SidTheSkid SidTheSkid , Theflamre Theflamre , Meowfyre Meowfyre , Zenpai Zenpai , Dawnblade Dawnblade , Four Eyes Four Eyes , Mitchs98 Mitchs98 , I Iamkingdomhearts1000 , YungJazz YungJazz , Lassy Lassy , Kloudy Kloudy , FTR FTR , Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
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Kagami Enoshima

"Being a superhero dosen't mean you'll get to be happy in return." Kagami sighed at the boy's stubborn views of life. A hero's purpose is to save people and make a world a better place, not to make youself feel good."Rude as well." Kagami stated after being purposely bumped into. She never dealt with such a rude student in her entire life as a teacher.

The vampire turned to follow Kristofer back into the tech lab. She saw Cody by the corner of the room talking. He was a sweet boy but had quite a temper when angered. She looked back to Kristofer in his new 'hero' costume. It was absolutely adorable. "Oh my, such a cute costume for a bad boy."

"The school is being attacked!" A student came screaming into the tech room. It seemed to not suprise the girl at all. This invasion was actually useful. Kagami clapped her hands to get everyones attention within the room. " Attention students! We are under attack. I would take this chance to test your new suits out on these goons." She suggested.
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
Aiko Kirishima

You'd think with Aiko being the librarian and all she will help the students look for the bombs placed within her library. Unfortunately that was not the case as she had returned and sat down reading. When the Heroes arrived, she didn't provide much help. There was a directory but it was 4 dimensional and wasn't much help due to the insane complexity of the map. Aiko just seemed annoyed that people were asking her so she gave them serial numbers of books which might aid their journey.

Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Miss Spotlight's Estate )(Mood: Inspired)
    (Interactions: Clair )
    (Mentions: )

    She'd felt truly disgusting about her previous behavior towards Clair! Even with those former bitter words having been strewn, not to mention her cooking which was now continuing to smother the kitchen's porcelain floor in a bowl of cheesy goodness. "How could I be harsh on someone like you?" She shared, appropriately giving a comforting embrace to the young teenager to reassure her that having that misplaced hostility wasn't her fault but instead the likes of that self-righteous clique of awful bullies that physically and verbally harassed her throughout grade-school, leading her to this traumatized mentality that she secretly shared with Jessica whom remained silent as a mouse about her own harrowing past-life experiences in defiance at her less than reserved lips that were begging to let out a 'sermon' of awful ordeals she had gone through but yet she simply couldn't. Expressing her achievements was easy, in fact she could do that just about anywhere! Her whole personality is based around blabbering about her own successes and accomplishments but down-falls? She couldn't bare to speak about them, not even to one girl who was capable of understanding! Both of them had it pretty rough in their upbringings, especially Clair who was dealing with flashbacks of the past and coming to terms with the sole person that she hated for all these years... Why was this so difficult for Jessica to explain? Deep in her heart she wanted to let Clair know even if it meant breaking this false facade of confidence but the sheer pressure almost made her choke as she stepped away, nearing the front door of the estate only to visibly shake as she latched her grip onto the cold handle of the entry, undressing the visor from her face in the process.

    "I-I must confess." Opening her mouth nervously while holding her visor in a tightened grasp, she stepped slowly away from the access with a sense of alarm as her elaborate facade of identity began chipping away at itself while she turned around, a broken mess of emotions written on her face revealed the disquieting image of dysphoria as she felt the pompous stump from which she stood crumble underneath her, giving way to a hidden disposition that was far diverse from the self-assured heroine known as "Miss Spotlight". "You know me as Miss Spotlight but.. I must inform you that, I am actually.." Unfortunately while on the verge of fully explaining herself to Clair, Jessica's voice was cut-short by a emphatic series of wails created by her cell-phone that was now buzzing rapidly against her utility-belt. "Sorry." With an apologetic sigh she reached for her buzzing gadget belt, an irritated look now forming on her face in response to being interrupted by possibly one of the most inopportune times. Didn't they realize that she was in an important conversation? It was probably one of those many shitty exes spamming her inbox in a desperate attempt to take her back or something! Just another instant reminder that she needed to delete most of the contacts from her phone, then again she'd probably need Clair to do that since she wasn't the most tech-savvy. "Now let's see what's so important." Rolling her eyes, she un-clipped the phone from off of her belt before gazing at the blinking screen that kept flashing with a barrage of sound notifications.

    Mouth agape, Jessica's face quickly turned pale as she unconsciously released the phone causing it to crash to the floor before dramatically rushing towards the exit. "Clair, we'll have to take care of those girls another time! Someone has placed bombs in the library, i'm hoping this is just a prank because if not... We're in a serious amount of danger." In spite of wanting to use this time to bond with Clair, there was a pressing matter that needed to be dealt with! Who in their right mind would endanger the lives of everyone on campus? If this bomb threat was indeed 'real', then whomever was behind it was definitely organized! Much more methodical than your ordinary villain. "You may not be a certified Hero yet but with the display of skills you've revealed earlier, I think you're more than capable of handling a real threat like this." Closing her eyes, she knew that once more she had to pull off a false 'face' of courage... Not for herself but instead for Clair, Jessica needed to be gather up her will even if it meant picking up the shattered pieces that were left of it and putting them back together. "Heh, I don't think we're going to need to visit those girls after all." Twisting her worrisome frown into the shape of a smile as she overheard the passing sounds of news helicopters flying past her estate and to the scene of the campus. Clutching her visor, she instinctively placed it once more on her face and revealed the flurry of inspiration bursting through the emerald-colored eyes behind it. "We'll crush their dreams by making yours come true!" Thinking that it was time to give someone else the spotlight instead of her, she kneeled down in-front of Clair in hopes that she'd be moved by her actions and words as she begun to continue her short-winded speech. "Those girls might've thought of you as some broken-down girls but from this day forward, you will prove them wrong! Not just as Clair but as Miss Spotlight's duo! What do you say partner?" Extending her arm with an opened hand, she stared attentively at Clair with an assured expression joyfully drawn throughout her lively appearance.

    "It's your spotlight now!"

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Attack?" Corri thought "Who would attack? It seems like a terrible lapse in judgment" He shook his head clearing it. He needed to be focused. For his abilities in particular metal focus was key, without it none of his constructs held there shape for long. letting out his breath slowly he materialized his Hero form. A form fitting suit of plate armor made from his signature blue energy formed around his clothing. For now he left the helmet off so that his face was sill seen. the helmet of course would be completely transparent to him but hide his face for real hero work in the future.
Oz was on his way out of the Tech Headquarters when two villains decided to randomly appear and put bombs in the library. Joy. He cringed at the painfully obvious riddle they were spouting out and they had clearly rehearsed this whole mess. He sighed, his suit appearing over his clothes at his mental command. He began to head towards the school's library, he was shocked at the sheer size of the library. He had seen large libraries before, but this was overkill. Okay. No big deal. He just needed to find the name Melville in what was likely a colossal fiction section.

Maven frowned as he saw what looked like a circus act. He saw a few other students beginning to search for the bombs, and riddles weren't really his strong suit. He decided that somebody had to deal with these monsters who planted them. He just had to test their strength a bit first. He took in a deep breath and held his hands in front of him before casting a spell with them. It was meant to send a normal person flying backward and he aimed it at the female in the duo while she sat on a stool made of her own hair. He was mostly using it to see how they would react, and he could form a plan accordingly.

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Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Johnny B. Crash

Johnny swayed, his eyes on the golden disk building in Zach's hands. The desk was reduced to kindling, maybe the third of a second it stalled Zach would of been enough for Johnny to do something if he could fucking move. The disk was coming and Johnny couldn't do shit about it. He was tempted to just close his eyes, let it happen without entirely being aware of it. Like getting a needle stuck in you at the doctors. But that wasn't Johnny's style, he was gonna stare the blinky fuck down right until Johnny got his teeth knocked out and his brain took a 5 minute lunch break from consciousness. Gritting his pearly whites, Johnny braced himself as well as he could. Here it comes, he's throwing it and...

It missed? It hit fucking damn near everything in the office but Johnny? Did he fucking miss on purpose? Is this blonde fuckboy fucking looking down on him? Wait, the fucks he doing now. He's turned away? This motherfucker though it was over, that a fucking little zap meant Johnny was out. A red aura started leaking out and surrounding Johnny as his rage built at the idea that he was being pitied and ignored. Johnny's blood was roaring, louder then it had ever before. Rage fueled feeling rushed back into Johnny's limbs. With magical energy infusing every little vein of muscle and mote of epidermis suddenly all those little electrical burns didn't seem to really matter that much. With a few experimental flexes of his hand Johnny grinned and took a few steps at blondie, menace in each step, each emitting an audible stomp. This wasn't over, just because he decided to start talking to some guy. Who incidentally had just moved past him, wait who is this guy anyways, Johnny hadn't really been paying attention.

Oh. He's someone who's also very mad. And he's very powerful, Johnny could feel it. Which, guessing from context and what he just said, this would be the guy whose office Johnny had just helped trash. Luxor. The principal.

At the metaphorical snap of a finger Johnny's red aura was gone and his rage drained out as his brain realized something it was very familiar with.

Johnny was in trouble.

Time to bail. Johnny's head started whipping around like a flail as he desperately looked for an escape route. Doorway is a no go, would mean passing by Luxor. With the metaphorical bucket of ice water bringing Johnny back down to planet Earth, he wasn't nearly angry or excited enough to break through the roof, wall, or floor. Not to mention that even if he could that would probably only make the problem worse. Ah HA! A giant ostentatious oversized window. And what's that? A giant pillar of flame? A megalomaniacal dialogue? Bombs, you say? For the students to find? Why, it's the perfect excuse to exit stage left! Johnny himself couldn't think up a better one.

His panicked expression shifted out for a cheeky little grin as Johnny fell into the familiar thrill of an escape, saying, "Well, as appealing as that is bossman, I'm afraid I gotta go. Bombs to find, an academy to save, you know, hero stuff." Taking a few slow cautious steps to the window, Johnny stuck his bat back into his surprisingly durable backpack while he continued to talk. "So as much as I'd love to stick around and do some public service, you see I just must be going. I'm sure these two fine gentlemen will be perfectly willing to help you out with this little mess. Tchau fellas!" Bringing his left hand up to his forehead, Johnny have a quick goodbye salute to everyone else and madly sprinted for the windows. He briefly considered crashing through it, but considering what he'd done so far already it seemed like a bad idea to pile more on the junk pile. Hurriedly pushing the sash up, Johnny enthusiastically grabbed the sill and using his arm, hopped through the little opening and jumped into the air, grinning madly. Sometimes it paid off to be a little guy.

As he fell freely through the air, Johnny could hear his blood again. But this was different, this time it was feeding off the thrill Johnny felt and singing back to him. It was nice. But not sissy singing. It was like, Metallica or Slipknot singing to him. But about how great he was. Yeah, yeah. Sing on dude. Anyways, the tune from the blood was enough that Johnny didn't go splat when he landed on a convenient little outcropping of roof (oops there goes some shingles). Sliding down the roof, Johnny couldn't help but love this. This scenery, this fun, this really made the whole 'leaving his friends and family behind to go to some weird academy' worth it. Sure, the giant fire pillar kinda threw the feng shui off, but this place was really beautiful. Oh, and I suppose it made up for the electrocution too, but that was in the past, real peanuts. Who cares about that? Johnny was jumping from roof to roof several hundred feet up from the ground now. Much more important

Launching himself from the outcropping of roof as he slid to the end, Johnny aimed for a little protrusion of... some kinda pointy pointy looking thing protruding from the main spire? Whatever it was, it was fairly far from where had launched but he managed to make it. Which was nice, he might of been fine but Johnny sure wouldn't of liked to faceplant from all the way up here. Using his patented roof sliding technique™ he slid down the much more smooth top of the pointy thing. Man, no shingles on this thing. Can't even call it the roof. Due to how smooth it was and how much sharper the angle of it was, Johnny built up speed pretty quick, the wind rushing past his face causing him to squint and a few rebel tears to escape from his eyes. Rapidly approaching the edge, Johnny grinned and stuck out his hand, grabbing the edge right before he went off, stopping his forward momentum, then letting go as he dropped straight down. Laughing with glee as he spun wildly in freefall, Johnny by happenstance spotted his next target. Another giant spire like the one he'd just left, though this one was a little less giant. You know what lets just separate it from that old one and call it a wizard tower. Getting a big toothy grin, Johnny stretched out his legs and arms, breaking his spin, before maneuvering himself into a landing form. 10/10, gold medal, perfect form from Johnny.

With a fairly loud crash Johnny landed, leaving an imprint of his sneakers in the marble and came out of the subsequent dust cloud running. It was still really steep, so it was a tricky thing to not fall on his face, but he managed. If Johnny's blood had been singing before, it was a god damn choir now, being fed through a huge oversized amp with the volume nob cranked up to 11. A choir of Slipknot and Metallica. Hell yeah. Anyways, point being, Johnny felt up to some real big hops now. Approaching the edge rapidly, Johnny took a little preparation hop, his momentum carrying him just short of the edge and giving him a little boost for the subsequent BIG hop he took. Like a little space shuttle, Johnny launched off with the wizard tower as his target. Arms flailing, legs stretched out, and mouth still grinning, that's how Johnny gracefully soared. Incidentally gracefully is not how he landed, as if the last 'roof's' angle was sharp this wizard tower was a fucking scalpel. Faceplanting into the wizard tower at not-very-safe speeds, Johnny desperately scrambled for purchase before he started slipping. His hands gouged out bits of the roof before he seized on the idea of grabbing onto these brand new handholds.

Sighing in relief, Johnny peered around, looking for a suitable landing spot. Hmm, gigantic hugely impractical stone wing. Yeah that'd do, I mean sure that's way farther then he'd ever fallen before, but that almost made it more fun. Scrabbling around the wizard tower, Johnny coiled himself up against the wall before launching himself into the air again. Soaring up into the sky, Johnny's upward momentum lasted a good few seconds before it ran out. Johnny almost felt like he was hovering for the brief second before gravity asserted its tyrannical will. It started slowly, but as Johnny's forward momentum keep pushing him onward, downward momentum quickly turned Johnny until the littlest comet you'll ever see. Grinning with the glee of a kid in a candy store, Johnny couldn't keep it in anymore. As he rocketed toward the giant stone wing, Johnny stuck out his arms and yelled as loud as he could,



Johnny dragged himself out of the little crater he'd left in the stone wing and spat out a little pebble of it that somehow ended up in his mouth. Gross. Quickly patting himself off in a vain attempt to get the dust out of his clothes. Actually speaking of his clothes, Johnny took the impromptu pause to inspect the damage to them. Little burns were on damn near everything, the soles of his sneakers had been practically grinded off by his roof sliding techniques™, and the dust cloud that went up from his landing had basically coated him in blotches of dust. Hell, with the burn marks and dust marks, he practically had his own leopard pattern of spots now. Hmm, his right hand was also pretty badly burnt. All things considered, he was a bit of a mess. As he strolled forward on top of the wing, he took his chin and thought. Hadn't there been an announcement before he got in a fight and this bomb business started? Yeah, yeah! About getting costumes! Brand new free duds, practically waiting for him. The building's probably on the way to the library, it'll take 5 minutes and then he can sort out the bombs in no time. Sprinting to the tip of the wing, Johnny skid to a halt and started peering over the edge. Now where exactly was that tech lab, and the library for the matter?

Interactions: Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart

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And the Attack of The Demonic Duo Continues!!!

Collab by Solemn Jester Solemn Jester and Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , again

Thanatos was sitting around bored by the waiting. Honestly he'd seen snails go faster than this. He stood up watching as a student sent some sort of magic blast at Eris, a knowing smile spreading on his face as it soon dispersed not even making it through the firewall that protected them.
”Ha! It seems we have company! It's about time things got moving! All this waiting was killing me! Well, it was killing all of you...but you know what I meant. Anyway, since the kiddies want to play I'll oblige! Go get em sweet thang!”
Thanatos told Eris opening a gap in the firewall for her to go and play with her new friend. He waved goodbye with a happy smile, as if a parent was happily waving goodbye to his child.

Playfully swinging her legs in the air, with the fake stool shifting slightly under her, Eris had been watching the fiery-display excitedly, watching students walk into the library and making all sorts of commentaries about their attires and how long they would last... But then a new person, probably a student, showed up in the corner of her gaze and he had tried cancelling the party! Tried, because it hadn't been able to cross through Thanatos' barrier, which warranted the female to stare at it in awe for a while. Okay, that was neat!

And then she had turned at her partner, a note of begging and excitement reflected on her icy-blue gaze. Eris didn't have to say a word, the male had already seen right through her, his new sentences sending the woman in a cheer that had her standing up from the makeshift stool: "Yaaaaaay!! Tha-Tha, sweetie, you're the absolute best!!", she would have leaned her head closer to him if the man hadn't been sitting a bit too far away, "Finally, time for some real excitement~!!!!"

The female hopped and clapped her hands together a couple of times, unable to contain her energy any longer. She reeeeally wanted to go there and show that little, importunate mage punk just how a real, impactful show was made~! At this point, the imitation of a stool had receded back into being lovely blonde curls and the villainess tilted her head deep in thought, wondering how to make her grand-entrance, or well exit, depending on the point of view...

Then, there was a malicious grin and suddenly Eris was airborne, launched over the gap, propelled by her own hair that had formed into a spring way too fast for one to realise it was even doing so. "Heads-up Harry Potter! This is how we do things the fun way!!!!!!!"

"It's time for your Eris house-special treatment~!!!", she announced, flipping in the air and falling directly at the party-pooper, with a hair-full slap attack ready to connect with his boring face!

Thanatos smiles his dazzling pearly whites gleaming like polished pearls in the sunlight. He spun around crossing his arms and using one to hold his chin. Which he had tilted ever so slightly to better show his handsome face...or at least what you could see under the mask.
”Don't you know it baby! Now show that dork who's boss! Well... actually that's me...but show him how superior you are to him! Yeah! That works!”
He decided nodding to himself before turning back to the image. While the fight was entertaining. The pace of the hunt was beginning to annoy him. So he once again let his voice echo throughout the school grounds.
”Alright you bunch of eggheads! These riddles aren't even that hard! Yet it seems you're taking far to long! I know the library is a bit tricky to traverse. But that's what you have a librarian for. You'd think they'd do their job. Hmm..maybe this place could use a staff change...well I guess once it's burned to the ground that won't be an issue.”
He realized, his arms still crossed as his muscular, chiselled body being shown clearly thanks to his outfit more or less outlining his body. He couldn't help but feel this wasn't going to be quite the big battle he had hoped. It was really disappointing. A school full of super-powered individuals, some of the brightest young minds in the world. But they couldn't even figure this much out? Maybe the world really was coming to an end. But if not, maybe it should. He shot up into the air, landing on his knee arms spread eagle behind him.
”ALRIGHT!!! Fine if you really need some assistance. Then here's the last few riddles!"

Second riddle:
"It's said that this man holds the world in place, yet in this form, anyone can hold him."

Third riddle:
"Everyone nose when this boy is telling a tall tale."

Fourth riddle:
"It was odd to see that one of Greek myths' greatest heroes wasn't a demigod."

“Ook, now don't go thinking im doing this because I'm niiice ugh.”
He said the last words as if they left a bad taste in his mouth. Which as far as they were concerned they did. He rose a fiery fist to show he was still ready to blast them away if he need be.
”I'm only doing this because we went to a lot of trouble to make these riddles! So i'm not going to you fools ruin all that hard work by not.. getting..past the first riddle...waaah! Why must you be so cruel! Just find the damn books already, you're ruining everything!!"
He told them dropping to his knees and pounding the ground almost pleading, in some desperate attempt to get the students to actually go along with his plan. Clearly he had dropped his villainous facade for a less villainous, equally ridiculous one. Almost like a child throwing a tantrum. Of course he quickly picked himself up, and dusted himself off. Clearing his throat he addressed the students once more.
”Sorry, I've just...ugh it's been a really long day. I'd much rather finish it already. So uhh, hurry up and die. Ok thanks! Bye!”
With that his voice cut back out, and he went back to watching the students search for the books and trying to solve their riddles.

@Everyone, again: Zenpai Zenpai (Direct interaction with Maven), Kisaki Kisaki , H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 , kenchin kenchin , Coyote Hart Coyote Hart , The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth , Uasal Uasal , SidTheSkid SidTheSkid , Theflamre Theflamre , Meowfyre Meowfyre , Dawnblade Dawnblade , Four Eyes Four Eyes , Mitchs98 Mitchs98 , I Iamkingdomhearts1000 , YungJazz YungJazz , Lassy Lassy , Kloudy Kloudy , FTR FTR , Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
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Maven quickly jumped back at the woman's airborne attack. His initial attack was blocked, but from what he could tell, it was due to a barrier which she had left behind. He barely dodged her attack and she seemed to mostly rely on her odd hair manipulation. He took a deep breath and prepared another spell. It was too early to know if he should summon some assistance, so he continued to rely on his own magic. He raised one of his hands up and swung it in a slicing motion, aiming at the woman's hair while with the other he crossed his middle and index finger and began reciting a spell. Under his breath, he mumbled, "Na prokalései tin kakotychía mou ston echthró mou kai na katastrépsei tin moíra tou." The hand he had used to cross his fingers began to vibrate slightly and he quickly pointed it at her. It was a spell for misfortune and should make her luck go extremely sour.

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(An Alien Invasion? In our Solar-System? We think not!)
(Could this be.. The introduction of an Animal Duo?)

  • (Location: Outside of Milky Way Galaxy )
    (Interactions: Ganpo & Boshie )
    (Mentions: )

    Dismay flustered throughout Luxor Academy’s foyer, bustling gatherings of students and visitors alike were conveying a group display of panic as they jostled their way through the various sets of exit-ways that the university had to offer. Rumors of explosives had nearly everyone beating a hasty retreat away from the campus, it was complete “Pandamonium” as expressed emotionlessly by a supposed faculty member whom at the time was haphazardly fluctuating his plump fluffy arms in a ridiculous impression of joy while acknowledging swarms of journalists looking for critical explanations or some form of resolution to this harrowing event currently taking place. He couldn’t help but find it rather astonishing being in such a complicated circumstance, albeit it wasn’t because there was a delirious duo of psychopaths threatening to lambaste the school in a fiery hell-storm nor was it in view of the zombie-esque hordes of publishers disregarding his personal space by unintentionally bonking his poofy head with the diaphragm at the end of their microphones! The whole reasoning behind his internal crisis was due mainly to the fact that he was no more than just a captivating Panda on his way to get some delicious morsels of baked goods at the cafeteria. Were these Humans under the false impression that he was some sort of tubby guy in a Panda costume? It was perfectly reasonable to think of this, after all he’s the proud mascot of Luxor Academy! Regardless of their misconception, Boshie did amuse them for a short while even though he had no clue of what was going on and was more preoccupied with the alluring aroma of sprinkle-covered brownies being hauled out from the lunchroom’s oven. “I can already taste the chocolatey goodness.” The tempting thought of sinking his toothy fangs into the rich-chocolate was getting too much to bare for the poor bear! He needed to devise a crackerjack styled scheme to get past them in order to reach his sweet tasting prize.

    “Look a cleverly thought out distraction!” It might’ve been a ludicrous way to sidetrack a conversation but luck was on his side. Frantically turning their gullible heads to where he pointed his woolly finger, reports were quick to divert their attention before realizing that their Panda friend had simply vanished and was nowhere to be seen! He couldn’t believe that worked, but it did and he was mere inches away from the counter that was acting as a pedestal for the ceramic plate holding his yummy treats. Just as he thought he could take a bite out of his chocolate-coated treat, he was taken back by a freakish sensation that made his ears perk up as it overtook him. “An Alien invasion?” Boshie second-guessed himself at the idea of it but once he took a disappointed gander up to the sky there was no questioning it, there was a ‘freaking’ enormous armata of vicious cosmic beings hurtling their way towards the galaxy and he had a strange feeling that they weren’t going to make a friendly introduction! As much as he wanted to sit his big rump down onto a nearby bench and dig his drooling mug into some brownies, it was his duty to find out if his suspicions were correct although this didn’t stop him from swooping his big paws across the table and scooping all of the brownies including the plate into his decorative panda styled satchel. “Mm, maybe I can have a few on the way up?” Boshie joyfully exclaimed as he elevated up his foot from the floor, only to descend it back downwards in a casual manner against the ground. Just from barely touching the floor with his softened pads, Boshie had created a depthy crater in the cafeteria causing clouds of broken-up debris to be strewn about and soon pushing through the aperture of the ceiling making it look like an eruption of smoke as the barely recognizable image of a Panda was seen bursting through layers of atmosphere that quaked in sheer awe at the baffling momentum that had passed through it! During his ascension through the confines of space, Boshie had a sinking feeling in his gut as he was given a thought about his so-called friend… He hated to admit it but, he had to wonder what he was doing.

    Somewhere not far off in a field of beautiful tulips, the sun shone down upon a odd sight. What appeared to be an overweight Racoon, was prancing around his bulbous belly jiggling as he chased a butterfly. ”He he he, come back friend. I'mma get you!” Said the racoon in a rather slow deep tone that might give one the impression he was a bit daft. Eventually he tripped rolling onto his back and laughing as the butterfly came to rest on his large chest. ”Huh? Me, well im a Tanuki. See not a racoon.” He said rubbing his tummy his eyes big and wide showing all the wonder behind them. ”I don't know why people always call me a racoon…” he lowered his eyes, making a sad hum as he did. Before returning back to his happy plump expression he always had. ”Maybe I should wear a name tag, but instead of my name it could, it could say what I am.” He suggested to the butterfly. Who seemingly gave no response. He quickly rocked himself back up to a sitting position, and gave a sigh. ”Yeah, you're right. I can't even write. How would I do that? I guess I'll just have to keep correcting people. Oh well, I don't care all that much anyway. So long as people keep feeding me, and playing with me, and rubbing my tummy. Hehe, I like tummy rubs.” Ganpo smiled hugging his stomach at the thought of tummy rubs. He hasn't had any in a while. His apartment for some odd reason didn't allow visitors. Aside from the occasional person in uniform who came in to feed him. But it was always weird stuff like bugs, or leaves. He thought it was strange they didn't let him have company when they always had lots of people coming to watch him sleep, and eat. One day he spent the entire afternoon just staring at a baby girl, who kept staring back at him. It was a nice place, but Ganpo eventually got tired of being stuck at home alone. Ganpo was a free spirit, he never did like staying in one spot to long. So he left, and oddly enough found lots of yummy snacks outside his apartment. He even got to meet some of his neighbors. There were lions, and tigers, and bears, oh and even other creatures. Ganpo visited them all before leaving, they even played some. Although the bigger ones like the Lions didn't seem quite right after they played with Ganpo.

    Almost like they had been emasculated or something. Ganpo promised he'd come back to play more, but they didn't seem fond of that idea. Eventually he found his butterfly friend, and decided to go play with him. That had been a few days ago, now he didn't know where he was. Suddenly he felt something he hadn't in a while. He turned his big multicolored retinas up to see a familiar figure jetting into the sky towards a massives fleet of what looked like star destroyers. Suddenly Ganpos expression turned more serious, and he hopped to his feet. ”Ok miss butterfly, I gotta go. My oldest buddy is going to play with some new friends, and I wanna catch up. Besides,” Ganpo inhaled deeply taking in the scent of all that was around him. Causing flowers, trees, and many other things to sway towards the vacuum his nostrils had created before he exhaled causing a small scale hurricane, which quickly settled down. His expression turned serious, and rather intense, and he spoke in a deeper more macho voice. Kind of like the Hero of a action movies voice. ”I smell brownies.” With that he began to swing his gut around, the momentum, and power it began to emit causing the very planet to start swinging back and forth, if only slightly. Anyone close would think of it as a small earthquake, anyone far away wouldn't notice it. Then with his last sway he swung his gut up at the sky, causing his large body to shoot up towards the sky eradicating the flower field into colorful vapor, which quickly parted, all except one flower, which the butterfly had sat itself upon perfectly safe. Ganpos normal derpy expression lay happy and content on his face as he rocketed towards the fleet without a care in the world, like a meteor heading to destroy a planet. Within moments he blasted through several ships, causing them to be torn apart upon impacting with his gargantuan iron belly, and exploding. To which Ganpo simply giggled hanging in the vacuum of space seemingly fine. ”Tickles.” He replied, now searching for his old friend, and the brownies.

Aila - Luxor Academy- Outside Main BuildingAila was sort of glad everyone seemed to ignore both her and her toast creating antics. It was...embarrassing to say the least. Though at the same time she was sort of upset no one had even batted an eyelash. It was giant toast! C'mon! What wasn't funny about that? It was to her anyway. The blonde huffed and pouted a bit through her suit, the suit she was actually quite happy for. It fit her perfectly and was even in the design scheme she wanted. Perfect. She was about to walk around all stealthy like and poke on a few more of the machines there...until Thanatos and his woman showed up. She heard the music and immediately lost all focus, heading outside to see the cliche and rather tacky looking 80's villain duo. She listened to them...they...even sounded like they were out of an old, really bad, super hero movie!?

Who the heck were these guys and why did they sound dumber than she did? She just stared blankly at them for a while, the blonde haired woman dumbfounded. And pretty dumb. But that wasn't relevant right this second. A little bit later? Perhaps. But right now? Not yet. So apparently these two were here to destroy the school for...whatever reason. She looked at the map which looked not unlike something she had drawn before...maybe even a little better. Okay so she wasn't good at drawing and those doodles were kinda impressive. What he said next during his speech perplexed the girl. Potato...bombs? You...You could make bombs out of potatoes? She couldn't help but wonder just how that was even possible...and what the results would be if they exploded. Would they explode into a mountain of fries? Or?

These were questions that she must know, questions that had to be answered. For...okay not for science. For...uh...because she wanted to know dammit! Yeah! That was it. While a few started attacking, sitting around, screaming it was the end, or actually attempted to solve that riddle that she hadn't even paid attention to at all Aila was debating walking up and questioning this. Sure, it would be dangerous...but...she had to know. Once Eris was distracted with a battle she crept her way around them, right up to the barrier near Thanatos. "Hi Mr. Scary Villain dude. Soo...uh...you said you were using...potato bombs riight?" She asked curiously, a tiny grin on her lips as she tilted her head questioningly. "So uhh...how is that even possible? Potatoes don't go boom...I've never seen one do that unless someone explodes them intentionally. I sorta did that once it was pretty fun! Made lots of mashed potatoes...just had to add seasoning and stuff." She began her ramblings and line of questionings then. "Like....are the potatoes themselves explosive? Did you rig explosives to them? Or they magical exploding potatoes?" She continued, seeming to get more excited with each word.

"Ooh...are they magical exploding potatoes with explosives rigged to them for extra potoatey explosion power?!" She shouted in awe. "Ooh ooh..! And...uh...what happens if they explode? Do they make lots of fries? Mashed potatoes? Or...something not potato related at all?" If anything, Aila was a damn good distraction to the villain to let others do things if they so chose to try and attack him. Not her intention at all, but, hey. Take what you get right? "Ooh! And...if...if they explode into fries or mashed potatoes...are the fries or mashed potatoes explosive too? Like...like uh...a potato frag grenade!?" She seemed very excited at the idea of a potato frag grenade. Now that would be an awesome toy to use to prank the students. She definitely wanted to get her hands on one. Imagine. A potato that exploded harmlessly into an endless amount of exploding fries. She couldn't think of anything better.
Solemn Jester Solemn Jester Anyone Anyone nearby​
Clair O'Reilly


Clair was in absolute awe. In awe of the woman, she had spent years hating. In awe of the spotlight hero, she had and perhaps even still regarded as obnoxious and over the top. She was in awe and that, well that wasn't going to cut it. If she truly was going to make it as a hero, as miss spotlights partner. Well, she'd have to step up her game. And for the first time in quite a while, she'd have to get serious. And for perhaps the first time she'd have to put her life on the line to protect those around her. To protect her school and her new partner.

This was her chance, her time to shine. Just like Jessica had said. Clair was not going to mess this up. She couldn't afford to. There were no respawns in the real world and it was anything but balanced. One mistake was all it could take for a catastrophe to take place.

Brushing past Miss Spotlight Clair could feel her adrenaline pumping and a grin beginning to quickly envelop her features as her personality quickly returned to a more normal and more familiar state. Turning the handle of the front door made a loud clicking sound and as Clair took to leave the house she couldn't help but respond to Miss Spotlight in a somewhat playful manner "If you don't hurry your ass up you're going to miss the new episode of Love Islands hero edition. That's what I have to say, now hurry up, you can't be my partner if you slow me down all the time....".

Turning then to face Miss Spotlight in the driveway Clair couldn't help but smile, her eyes glowing an abnormal shade of purple as she did so "Jessica, I'm going to borrow your admin rights for a while. I'll keep you covered with the school's safety and security features. You, well you go do whatever you do and if Luxor comes asking for me later... Well, you deal with him okay? You're the one that's supposed to be keeping me in check right?"
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko didn't seem to care as she was casually indifferent about being in the same room as potentially deadly bombs. She kept on reading at the desk ignoring her students pleas for help. She may have acted upon her own feelings rather than the organisation as she saw it fair that since Kagami ignored her and left with that [Violent word] Maria, that she should do the same towards her pupils and ignore them. She had yet to receive orders either and hence did nothing except referring them to the 4 dimensional map/ directory of the library. There was a warning on the edges warning of Interdimensional beings should not be looked at in the eye or they may expect to be disemboweled brutally. The map wasn't much help as it is insanely complex and at the 1000th shelf inwards begins to get darker for some reason. This was coupled by strange noises of thise who had gone insane in the darkness as well as hallucinations. It is said beyond those shelves lay forbidden secrets to which only human interfaces can access like Is there a God or the ultimate meaning of life but of course none of this had ever been confirmed. It could just be an endless black void to which not even light could enter.

Kisaki Kisaki Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Kristofer "Kay" Steinkuhler
Mood: High on something | Location: Tech class/Luxor Academy hallways
Interactions: Kagami Enoshima ( Kisaki Kisaki ), Sierra Doyle ( SidTheSkid SidTheSkid )

After what seemed like quite a long time, Kristofer finally managed to stem his uncontrollable laughter. In all honesty, it felt amazing to be able to laugh so freely. It was a luxury that Kristofer felt that he had lost since his parents. So in a way, Kristofer wasn't all too unhappy about the vampire teacher forcing a superhero costume onto him. The skinsuit was pretty fun too.

First matter Kristofer decided was to show Sierra it. He got to his feet, taking out the shady throw-away phone that Sierra had given him and did his best to snap a selfie, sending it to her with the caption, "Like my 'superhero' outfit? Don't beat me up if I'm wearing this. It's against my will."

At that moment, there was a commotion, which Kristofer's mind quickly summed up to, "Bomb threat, be an idiot and try to diffuse it."

Of course, Kristofer had no intention of doing so, and he definitely had no intention of doing so with the stupid skinsuit as the vampire teacher suggested. So in direct disobedience, Kristofer deactivated his skin suit and leaped down the levels of school, 'ready to save the world'. He unsafely went down the stairs by sliding down the guardrails at the edges and ended up at the entrance of the school.

Yes, Kristofer had no intentions of saving anyone. He would save his own skin, and it mattered not if the vampire teacher or any of the students perished. The only concern he had was whether or not Sierra was okay. But he decided that Sierra was probably too clever to be in the middle of the HERO organization's headquarters.

It didn't matter that Kristofer knew how he could help out. It didn't matter a bit that Kristofer was able to quickly deduce that the answer of the first riddle was Moby Dick. He may have read the book in his spare time, but Kristofer had a stone-hard resolve to not use his life to help save the school. Because if the school blew up, wouldn't it be much more interesting?

But that moment of interest would only be short; what would happen afterward? Kristofer's thoughts warred against each other. Would he let the school blow up, or would he milk all the chaos out from the academy bit by bit?

Blow up the school. Wouldn't it be a pretty sight?
Let them live another day. Would it be a hilarious watching them believe that they were safe?
Blow up the school. Pillage whatever is left and move on.
Let them live another day. Reap their support and reap their power, to finally use it against them.
Let the school perish. Laugh at their misery and misfortune; laugh at the principal, who would be powerless. And laugh at the original hero, who would lose the support of the new generation.
Bid your time. Wouldn't it be better to have the students die at your hands rather than from a stupid bomb? Where's the fun in that?

The last idea was pretty enticing. There was more excitement to be found in the school. To walk away would be missing out on a gigantic opportunity to cause chaos. And at that moment, Kristofer had a magnificent idea. An idea that would grant Kristofer some glee, cause some mayhem, and save the school at the same time.

And that idea was to blow up the library. It was logical that the library stored books in several dimensions. If the portals were blown up, then it would save the school. And he could use that as a facade to his true intention of blowing something up. It was brilliant, and Kristofer just needed the support of the students to help him. He quickly sent Sierra a plea for help with his endeavor of blowing up the library, then walked into the school, where students ran around in terror. He drew his naginata shortsword, and the drawn weapon immediately threw attention onto him.

"Students of Luxor Academy!" Kristofer felt the familiar feeling of being a leader, from when he was the leader of the kitsune drug gang, "You know what needs to be done! These evil beings are only toying with us! They have no intention of letting us go away without something lost to us! For all we know, there might be a fifth bomb. Why should we root out that possibility? They are evil villains, after all. And we all know that villains are the vilest beings on this earth, and have no morals."

"So, my fellow students," Kristofer spread his arm out with his naginata, "We have only one choice. We must destroy the library for the sake of keeping the rest of the school intact. A small sacrifice to keep everything from falling apart. We must be willing to make the hard choice. Join me, we must demolish the library!"

Kristofer lifted his naginata in the air as a symbol of action, doing his best to prevent a sinister smile from breaking out on his face. It was time to have some fun.
-- Goddess of Discord and Strife --
Interactions:a Zenpai Zenpai

((OOC: I was uncertain of how to proceed, so I let a d20 decide for me. You got an 18 in the roll so, enjoy~!))
With the mage out of the way, Eris' attack connects with the ground instead. Once more breaking the stone floorings upon contact, this time the force is enough to pulverize some of the marble, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. In the mili-seconds before gravity takes a hold of her again, she flashed the boy a wink and using the momentum to her advantage, used the recoil of the attack to launch herself back a couple inches, finally landing on the floor.

"Not bad for the start, honey. Not bad at all~", the woman clapped, slow, yet enthusiastically, gradually making her way over to her opponent. Her diamond blue eyes lit up eerily as the female did so, they seemed to starve for more, "But maybe I should offer you some tips, you know, to cellebrate this encounter..."

That's when a new attack connected, prompting Eris to stop everything she had been doing. The blonde could feel the impact of some sort of magic and the other's hand movements seemed to indicate the same, but the weak cut spell that had been sent her hair's way doesn't do more than startle the villainess briefly.

"Ehhh!!!", she let out suddenly, imitating a reality TV's show loud buzzard sound, "First lesson of the day, you're going to need better than that!!!!"

After cracking away as one laughs at their own joke, Eris grinned clearly preparing a new assault. Whatever she's planning, it's clear that the mage is not going to have enough time to finish the spell before he'll have to defend himself. For a moment, the two are at a stalemate... Whoever strikes first might win and then!

The tone of the male's speech changes.

Sightly turning around, the blonde's attention on the fight is gone, replaced by a semblance that's a mix of concern and confusion. That, wasn't part of the rehearsal, was it?

"Awwwww~!! Look at what you lot've done! Now Tha-Tha is upset!!!", the female shouted, looking at no one in particular, the same way one might reprehend a child for misbehaving. She even reinforced the action by glancing angrily at the sides, towards whoever might be listing or watching.

And then it hits her... Ah! The Merlin-wannabe. She had totally forgotten about him!! Oops!

Perhaps by the nature of the spell, or perhaps just Eris' lack of attention, the woman doesn't realize what had just befallen her until it was too late.
From an observer's point of view, nothing seemed to work. The spell was cast, the blonde villainess stood there normally, merely shifting her gaze from her partner in crime to her attacker. At this point the cloud of broken stone was long gone.

"It's my turn now..."

With a malicious, rather bloodthirsty smile, Eris started from where she had been standing, without turning back at the mage, and executing a backflip used her hair as aid to connect it into a graceful cartwheel. The woman wasn't fast, but given what was known of her thus far the new assault was promised to be just as devastating and it would have been, if it wasn't for the extra magic variable.
During the cartwheel the female misstepped. When her foot doesn't touch the floor again as had been the plan, a flash of realization crosses her mind. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. The mistake sends her rolling to the ground, completing a full circumference twice before she finally stops, cocooned by her own hair. The woman wiggles once or twice before deciding that the effort is fruitless.

For an instant, her icy-gaze is locked on the perpetrator, seemingly burning with fury, ire and perhaps even a promise of payback, but it is soon gone as if it had never been, replaced by an amused chuckle instead:

"I hope it is your birthday, magic-boy, 'cause you've got a hell of a gift wrapped up~!!"

"Ohhh, one of your friends has come up with a different idea, I see...", the woman gestured with her head towards the new commotion in the background, she seemed legitimately interested to see where that was going.

Well, it sorta threw a wrench at their plan, but eh, can't expect plans to work 100% of the time now, can we? Also the library exploding doesn't seem as bad, and it should make for some really fun looking fireworks... Pffft, who is she trying to trick, books are boring and they won't be missed.


With so many distractions in place, including Eris' own behavior, gradually, slowly and unnoticed the woman's hair begins to slither up, receeding back to a short lenght. The female might be a little tied up at the moment, but it is not meant to last.

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