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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)


  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Starry Estate )(Mood: Desperate)
    (Interactions: Clair )
    (Mentions: )

    For a heroine considered to be so powerful, Miss Spotlight felt utterly powerless in the face of such a distraught scene between her and Clair. "I hate you." Receiving those three painful words felt like a well-deserved blow to the heart, with a following punch to the gut to the stomach as Clair sprinted back to her bedroom and leaving a now broken Miss Spotlight all-alone to ruminate on those aching blistering sea of emotions swirling through her like a raging storm. "Please forgive me." A weakened response spilled out from her constricted throat as she drooped her out stretched arm back against her side in disbelief. Why? Why did she have to go and do that?! What's the point in being Edenia's protector if she can't even stop herself from getting upset at a little girl? Caressing her bicep while gazing mindlessly at the mess, Jessica's guilt only amplified seeing the same event play out in her head over and over again as if it were a broken record continuing to spin. "No wonder why she hates me, I cannot even control my own emotions." Even though there was many things to be disliked about the girl, Jessica almost found herself instinctively wiping away the droplets of sadness dripping from her eyelids before she just wiped the tears away with her forearm.

    Clair was so different, yet so similar! Every time she noticed that awkward techy-girl she pictured a younger image of herself trying to mentally cope with the jailed emotions locked inside. "She is hiding something." But what? Why was she hiding the reason why she hated her? It didn't make any sense! Was it her personality that she disdained? Sure It would have some significance behind her insults that she directs at Jessica but then again there must've been a logical reason behind her growing to hate it. "Maybe I should try mentioning it." Figuring she'd do just that before cleaning up the mess made in the kitchen, Miss Spotlight begun quietly tip-toeing up the stairs before knocking on the guest bedroom's door and making herself present with her voice. "Clair? Don't worry, i'm not coming in but.. I just want to apologize for... Everything! I know you hate me for who I am, I cannot control that but I do want to know why.. That's why i'm so frustrated, call it ignorance but I just want to know what i've done to hurt you so badly." Pressing her hand against the side of the door-frame, Miss Spotlight tried her best to express herself anyway she could as she continued to speak "If it's okay for me to say, I don't hate you either! In-fact, I'm jealous of you! Unlike me, you're actually smart.. Really smart, smarter than i'll ever be." Feeling she said all she could, Jessica sunk against the wall across from the door, sitting quietly on the carpet beneath her as she patiently waited for any kind of response.

Eria Vanvleet
She sighed as she looked out of the window, quietly pondering the what being late would intell. She hadn't been late to the testing they offered before she had step on grounds, though there was a fresh cut from glass she had assumed had been simulsted on the back of her leg that told her she should have been. She hadn't been late to send in her registration, even though there was an extra week of shipping time, she hadn't even been late to get a flight even though it was a four hour trip to the airport and she had to get on a flight at eight to be on time. The only thing that rendered her late was that damn random storm. Two hours, the words haunted her, she hadn't been this late to anything since she was a child the meer fact she was so late made her want to punch something.
She was on a bus though and actively giving into agression made her powers go off so she instead strared out of the window quietly muttering. Atleast the town was nice, she had never been witness to any sort of "modern marvel" before so this city was definitely new to her. Size wasn't really an object to her, after all she had worked on a mountain most of her life so this was the equivalent of medium size for something big in her mind. It was the flashing lights, the big screens, the fact everyone was on their phones, things simply worked around here. Where she was from things broke down and did so often, so she half expect things outside of heavy duty equipment to break. In fact she tensed up significantly when ever they started crossing the bridge over to the large school on the other end, if she had her way they would have made a walking path. Though she relised walking would have only made her more late, when the bus finally slowed to a halt on the other side of the bridge she sighed deeply in relief and quickly made an exit. Her over sized pack making the door a bit akward but she pushed out anyways even if it did get her a few agitated stares as she took the liberty of widening the door her self.
She looked around again a bit caught off guard by the massive complex, it was a place of wonder to regular people and to a much grander extent her. It took her a brief few moments to blink away the mix of awe and shock at the scope of the place, but once she was moving she was moving, she heard the announcement to head towards the tech center and found a map. Having her heading she took the most direct path there, cutting corners and running. Depiste the high rate of people getting knocked off their feet by her running into them she dubbed it a good plan. That is tell she reached the actual building, now calling her fit was a bit of an understatement, she was athletic. She had spent her life on her feet and it showed in her calfs and toned arms. She however also grew up in a very cold place and this was an island with a little something known as tropical heat.
she stumbled the last few feet her vision a bit blurry from the sudden rush of steamy heat, she was fairly certain she had left a path of distruction in her wake by using her powers to cut through a locked door. Despite this she still managed to start undressing on the way there, when she finally arrived she was in an under shirt, her heavy snow pants, boots, and her bra. She was also red faced and panting alot, she made mental note to reserve her heavy snow jacket, heavy long sleeved shirt and all other winter clothes for winter. She looked up to see two teachers? Faculty atleast, She managed a good wave before leaning against the side of the machine and panting some
Kisaki Kisaki
Maria and Kagami
Lady Gagabio_lab_by_cementiet-d70zk5t.jpg
Lab room and Tech Controls
Zenpai Zenpai Theflamre Theflamre
"You'll see." The vampire said to Oz, giving him a pat in the back. Later, another student came to her asking if he ditch the class. "This class will only be held once. You could go but you'll miss out on some class participation points. " Kagami explained. He was able to come back to the tech lab to get his outfit, though. The crimison eyed vampire eyed the students that entered the room. She waved at them as others waved back.

"I see some of you are finally arriving. It's always good to arrive early than to be late." Kagami stated. A few students that already arrived to class had nervous looks on their faces. " Don't worry darlings. You won't be fighting but instead dressing up." Kagami said with enthusiasm, moving her arms in a shape of a rainbow. Kagami put her hands on her hips as she walked toward Maria, who was tinkering with 'Lady Gaga'. Maria pulled herself away from the machine to greet the students. " Ah, hello everyone! I'm so excited to see my machine be used. I need a demonstrator first! Anyone who wants to step right up? Anyone?" Maria spoke with speed. Others would think she had too many cups of coffee in the morning with her giddiness.
I Iamkingdomhearts1000
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Meowfyre Meowfyre
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
YungJazz YungJazz
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Dawnblade Dawnblade
Uasal Uasal
Lassy Lassy
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Maria and Kagami
Lady GagaView attachment 466492
Lab room and Tech Controls
View attachment 466493
Zenpai Zenpai Theflamre Theflamre
"You'll see." The vampire said to Oz, giving him a pat in the back. Later, another student came to her asking if he ditch the class. "This class will only be held once. You could go but you'll miss out on some class participation points. " Kagami explained. He was able to come back to the tech lab to get his outfit, though. The crimison eyed vampire eyed the students that entered the room. She waved at them as others waved back.

"I see some of you are finally arriving. It's always good to arrive early than to be late." Kagami stated. A few students that already arrived to class had nervous looks on their faces. " Don't worry darlings. You won't be fighting but instead dressing up." Kagami said with enthusiasm, moving her arms in a shape of a rainbow. Kagami put her hands on her hips as she walked toward Maria, who was tinkering with 'Lady Gaga'. Maria pulled herself away from the machine to greet the students. " Ah, hello everyone! I'm so excited to see my machine be used. I need a demonstrator first! Anyone who wants to step right up? Anyone?" Maria spoke with speed. Others would think she had too many cups of coffee in the morning with her giddiness.
I Iamkingdomhearts1000
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Meowfyre Meowfyre
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
YungJazz YungJazz
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Dawnblade Dawnblade
Uasal Uasal
@(currently tagging)
Deciding that this would be a good way to introduce himself Nizaki raised his hand. "I would." He said.

He walked over to Maria. He was also curious to see what the machine did. He looked at it. "This thing looks... Interesting. I don't really know how to put it." He said his hands rested in the pockets of his jeans.
Oz looked confused. Dressing up? Really? Was she just being silly or was this a metaphor for something more serious? The instructor also said this was his only chance to do this class and his grade would suffer if he fled. Great. So there was no getting out of an awkward situation with Sebastian. He would just have to attempt to avoid him. One of the instructors, the one with long green hair, asked for volunteers. Oz immediately backed away, not even wanting to risk being picked from the crowd. He might seem like a coward, but he just didn’t want any unnecessary attention drawn to himself.

Maven felt a playful grin spread across his face as he heard they were taking volunteers for “dress up”. Thinking it might be fun, he strolled over to where he was in plain view of the professors and raised his right hand. He didn’t really know what was going to happen next, but that was half the fun of such impetuous actions. He had a face where most people thought it creepy when he smiled, but he didn’t care as his grin got a bit wider. Whatever came next would be better than just sitting there and watching. “I can go first,” he stated.

Kisaki Kisaki
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Maria and Kagami
Lady GagaView attachment 466492
Lab room and Tech Controls
View attachment 466493
Zenpai Zenpai Theflamre Theflamre
"You'll see." The vampire said to Oz, giving him a pat in the back. Later, another student came to her asking if he ditch the class. "This class will only be held once. You could go but you'll miss out on some class participation points. " Kagami explained. He was able to come back to the tech lab to get his outfit, though. The crimison eyed vampire eyed the students that entered the room. She waved at them as others waved back.

"I see some of you are finally arriving. It's always good to arrive early than to be late." Kagami stated. A few students that already arrived to class had nervous looks on their faces. " Don't worry darlings. You won't be fighting but instead dressing up." Kagami said with enthusiasm, moving her arms in a shape of a rainbow. Kagami put her hands on her hips as she walked toward Maria, who was tinkering with 'Lady Gaga'. Maria pulled herself away from the machine to greet the students. " Ah, hello everyone! I'm so excited to see my machine be used. I need a demonstrator first! Anyone who wants to step right up? Anyone?" Maria spoke with speed. Others would think she had too many cups of coffee in the morning with her giddiness.
I Iamkingdomhearts1000
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Meowfyre Meowfyre
Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
YungJazz YungJazz
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Dawnblade Dawnblade
Uasal Uasal
@(currently tagging)
He was already trying to get their attention when the othet man began to talk, so he figured he had the advantage on being picked. He raised his hand "I need out of this jacket anyways" he wore it mostly for the times he had spent in it. He always knew that red or something like it would be better for him and his particular hobbies, but the thin jacket had always been the least constraining thing that hid his scars. He hoped it would give him long sleeves, and if it happened to he one of those skin tight latex things even better.
I mean why did supers even wear skin tight latex? He always had assumed that since the first super who had did it had a sidekick who happened to have a young side kick he had been a pedo. That didn't explain why everyone else did it, he honestly almost laughed at the idea everyone else did it following a pedophile. He didn't know how to feel about the idea that he may be the next in line to follow suit, he was alot of things but pedophilla was definitely something he found immoral. Actually he didn't approve of alot of things, murder out side of his gallows, identity theft, large scale theft of any scale (people can due without their next two bucks in his mind).
He obviously had been having bit of an internal argument about a latex suit (maybe not specifically that last part) his face showed it. He had cast his gaze towards the machine, carfully scanning every inch of its large metallic body as if trying to desern greater purpose by just looking at. He however had little to no techincal expertise and wouldn't known anything out side of the normal in that sort of topic. So he simply put his trust in the instructors, worst came to worst the machine would tear him apart and they had learned who he was.
It would probably be a terrible death had they learned all he had done. Flaying him alive ,breaking his bones, and lighting him on fire even. He would be so horribly awefully killed by the strange machine that it would leave his corpse unrecognisable. His happy smile returned to
Maria and Kagami
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

"Oh my! So many people are volunteering to go first." Maria gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. Tears of joy were flowimg down her cheeks. She rubbed of her tears and noddded to herself." Well then, we will be going in chronological order by who raised their hand first." She pulled the Nizaki up to the platform. " Stand still and keep your face straight. Now I shall shimmy off to start 'Lady Gaga'."

Kagami took to the job of organizing the students into a line around the machine as Maria typed into the computer.

The translucent door to 'Lady Gaga' closed behind him. "Please stand still as I scan you." The machine pleaded with a monotone voice. A wide blue plane of lazers lowered down the boy's body. " Synthesizing suit." The computer stated, causing a bright light to flash in the chamber. The cloth of the current owner started to turn into colorful particles, floating away then bouncing off the walls until they returned back into a new form. The light that blocked the sight to others disappeared but left a cloud of white smoke within the chamber.

"You can now step out." Maria called out as the smoke thinned out. She rubbed her hands together eagerly to see the product. " The machine is now self programmed so once he steps out the other can go next." She said over her shoulders.

-You choose your own appearance-
Zenpai Zenpai
Theflamre Theflamre
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Maria and Kagami
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

"Oh my! So many people are volunteering to go first." Maria gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. Tears of joy were flowimg down her cheeks. She rubbed of her tears and noddded to herself." Well then, we will be going in chronological order by who raised their hand first." She pulled the Nizaki up to the platform. " Stand still and keep your face straight. Now I shall shimmy off to start 'Lady Gaga'."

Kagami took to the job of organizing the students into a line around the machine as Maria typed into the computer.

The translucent door to 'Lady Gaga' closed behind him. "Please stand still as I scan you." The machine pleaded with a monotone voice. A wide blue plane of lazers lowered down the boy's body. " Synthesizing suit." The computer stated, causing a bright light to flash in the chamber. The cloth of the current owner started to turn into colorful particles, floating away then bouncing off the walls until they returned back into a new form. The light that blocked the sight to others disappeared but left a cloud of white smoke within the chamber.

"You can now step out." Maria called out as the smoke thinned out. She rubbed her hands together eagerly to see the product. " The machine is now self programmed so once he steps out the other can go next." She said over her shoulders.

-You choose your own appearance-
Zenpai Zenpai
Theflamre Theflamre
Nizaki stepped out. The suit was metalic and close fitting. It was darker colors and had a helmet that covored his head. The visor was black to hide his identity though he could see through it.

Maven lets out a bit of a chuckle when he hears the name of the machine. 'Lady Gaga? That's amazing.' He thought to himself. The first guy entered the machine and came out looking not half bad. The Suit fit his body well and Maven couldn't help but be a bit attracted to him in it. Maven wasn't stupid enough to make a move, though. The chances of him actually swinging any way but straight were low. Since he was second to raise his hand, he stepped forward into the machine. The machine spoke in its flat voice and he stood absolutely still as instructed. The machine went through its process of scanning him and creating his attire. It looked like something out of a Dungeons & Dragons fantasy world, but he had to admit he kind of liked it. The dark greys and blacks suited his powers and his alias, so he didn't mind. He stepped out of the machine so the next person could go.

Maven lets out a bit of a chuckle when he hears the name of the machine. 'Lady Gaga? That's amazing.' He thought to himself. The first guy entered the machine and came out looking not half bad. The Suit fit his body well and Maven couldn't help but be a bit attracted to him in it. Maven wasn't stupid enough to make a move, though. The chances of him actually swinging any way but straight were low. Since he was second to raise his hand, he stepped forward into the machine. The machine spoke in its flat voice and he stood absolutely still as instructed. The machine went through its process of scanning him and creating his attire. It looked like something out of a Dungeons & Dragons fantasy world, but he had to admit he kind of liked it. The dark greys and blacks suited his powers and his alias, so he didn't mind. He stepped out of the machine so the next person could go.

Nizaki was impressed with the look of the costume it seemed to be very Dungeons and Dragons. A game he was very familiar with and enjoyed playing. He kept looking at his own suit impressed with what the machine had done. He walked up the guy who just received his costume. He held out his hand.

"Hello. I'm Nizaki Hyuga." He said.
Maria and Kagami
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

"Oh my! So many people are volunteering to go first." Maria gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. Tears of joy were flowimg down her cheeks. She rubbed of her tears and noddded to herself." Well then, we will be going in chronological order by who raised their hand first." She pulled the Nizaki up to the platform. " Stand still and keep your face straight. Now I shall shimmy off to start 'Lady Gaga'."

Kagami took to the job of organizing the students into a line around the machine as Maria typed into the computer.

The translucent door to 'Lady Gaga' closed behind him. "Please stand still as I scan you." The machine pleaded with a monotone voice. A wide blue plane of lazers lowered down the boy's body. " Synthesizing suit." The computer stated, causing a bright light to flash in the chamber. The cloth of the current owner started to turn into colorful particles, floating away then bouncing off the walls until they returned back into a new form. The light that blocked the sight to others disappeared but left a cloud of white smoke within the chamber.

"You can now step out." Maria called out as the smoke thinned out. She rubbed her hands together eagerly to see the product. " The machine is now self programmed so once he steps out the other can go next." She said over her shoulders.

-You choose your own appearance-
Zenpai Zenpai
Theflamre Theflamre
He giggled in glee as he walked into the suit maker, honestly the waiting had made him anxious. He slipped in past the last person pressing into the booth, I mean the last person did it so it wouldn't be a super big deal if he followed suit. It didn't turn on immediately, he was suprised it turned on at all. It ran through a series of checks, beep after beep each one coming up with nothing even though the pressure sensor's reassured the rest of the machine that someone resided within it. He leaned back, machines like that, though rare even to a person who go anywhere on a whim, rarely worked. When finally a soft ding announced its self his eyes shot open a bit. It was both troubling and interesting, honestly magic always found its way around his power, he didn't know it yet but magic was his Achilles heel.
His suit creation was even more interedting though and he quickly discarded the previous worries that had bogged down his mind as he went to work.
His first selections fell well out of the norm for the machine, little things such as a hoody and sweat pants were strange to it. Being a machine however it was compliant, it sew him the custom fitted clothes without complaint. The materials were well chosen by a man who knew what he was looking for. Stain resistant, comfortable, didn't make sound when something rubbed against them. It was the little things that made his suit so special, and one thing that made it strange. It wasn't the greyish white color for the hoodie, nor the checks for it not retaining any color from materials it found its self covered in. It was the hood, within the hood was a thin breathable sheet of black cloth, not just black but vanta black it reflected no light at all. Normally this would draw attention but mixed with the rest of the apparel and his powers he would be as a ghost amoungst anything, crowd or no crowd. With a small inner pocket inside the bigger pocket he was done, he slipped the large stelleto switchblafe from his old jacket to the new hidden pocket as the doors opened to reveal him.
The grey man stepped out, it was a quieting moment for him mentally, the suit possessed no supernatural powers but yet it held something over him. A promise, a promise it would hide him, it would make all the killings his heart desired possible it's simply design making him nothing more then a ghost to the masses. He felt his hesrt thumb within his chest, his eyes were glazed over not that anyone could see he took one step forward noticing the first back turned he felt his free hand tighten around his knife the clothes in his other hand the only thing keeping him from grabbing the mans shoulder to hold him steady while he gutted the man.
His second step brough him out the machine and back into realty, he felt a mixture of emotions, shame being the primary. The man wasn't destined for the gallows and he had almost killed him for no other purpose then to test out his new clothes advantages. He straightend him self and brought the hood back, the black veil naturally slipping over his head then affixing its self to the back of the hood.
By the time it was all the way back he was grinning that stuipid innocent grin that plastered its self on his face when he was in public. "Next!" He said with all the pride and glee of a flirtatious young student with not a care in the world. His masked had slipped if only temporarily, he wouldn't let it happen again. He needed to remind him self that he was an absent minded over joyed teen, the monster was reserved for more quiet places. A part of him showed its self every time he came back from the brink of a killing, when the blood was cleaned off and the madness subsided. It told him to leave the knife somewhere quiet and away from society, it told him it wasn't too late for a change.
He didnt have time for his own inner monologue right then, he shoved it back into the dark recesses of his mind and walked back to the blue haired boy grinning rougishly "shame about my suit, maybe you'll get something to show off your... personality~". Teasing people made him feel better, it also let him supress his macabre side so he would tease away at the man despite being younger. He didn't touch him but he stayed close taking a step then twirling on his foot so he stood meer inches away from the mans back. He wondered what would happen when the man broke, a restraining order? Maybe but he felt the man liked his teasing to a point and it might have a more interesting outcome. Who knew, who was too scared to find out
Zenpai Zenpai
Maven chuckled a bit when the guy he had been admiring not five minutes earlier introduced himself. "Maven Le Fay," He introduced himself, shaking Nizaki's hand. He was likely just being friendly, so Maven didn't assume anything because of the introduction. He tried to smile in a way that would seem friendly, but he likely just ended up looking creepy.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Oz felt his face flush at Sebastian's comment. "You say that like you know my personality," He said. He didn't mind flirting, but Sebastian was coming on to him without even getting to know him, and that bothered him a bit. He just wanted some respite from the conversation so he stepped into the machine. He also wanted to get the whole thing out of the way so he could leave as soon as possible. He stepped back out wearing a costume that had previously only existed in his imagination. It allowed movement and was breathable so he didn't boil under all the cloth. He let out a small sigh and stepped away from Lady Gaga, allowing for another student to use it. He was likely to be spoken to by Sebastian again, so he put on a blank, expressionless face and looked towards Lady Gaga to see the events unfold, trying not to look in Sebastian's direction.


Theflamre Theflamre

A noticed someone else, a much smaller presence approaching, though in her state it could have just as easily been a mistake. She set the information aside for now. Zack’s kind of thought process was quite literally exactly what she was hoping for, being hidden by these two to save their own asses. She smiled internally as Zack approached her to help, though being sure to keep a pitiable look on her face. That became a lot easier as his, less than gentle, touch sent waves of stinging pain across her senses. He’d probably notice her agony as he lifted her up. That, and the fact that her wounds and seared skin were leaving a black substance on him. A turned away from the healing potion. That sort of magic would have no effect on her let alone her state; she’d need maleficium or time to heal. “Keep it then.” She said wincing. She stood, a bit shakily, at Zack’s side as he held her. A was moderately bothered at the moment. She’d hoped one or both carry her but instead they seemed content propping her up and leaving her just as unsteady as when she’d fallen.
In the mood she was in, CJ’s banter and personality were like nails on a chalkboard, in a room of screaming cats. “Just, shut, your fuckin, mouth…” A sang in her mind. For lack of anything better to do, she decided to try and reorient her feet from the awkward position she’d been set down in, maybe trying moving again. As she did, she lost her balance again but as she went to reach of Zack, CJ pulled him away, causing her to fall mostly face first back onto the dusty floor. A let out a noise that seemed part whimper, part laugh, this situation was really starting to wear on her. CJ was lucky, this time. He was entirely right that, at the moment, her most powerful sense was her 6th one. She couldn’t really understand what they were saying, but she knew they were talking and make them out a few feet away in her blurry vision. She was suddenly much less sure about this, huddling like they were did not seem like it would spell good news for her. She tried to use her abilities to eaves drop on them supernaturally but couldn’t seem to get much more than static and garbled nonsense. It was at this point that she recognized the person from before who was just then entering Luxor’s office. A demon in the midst of a two half-bloods, none sympathetic to her, obviously, she decided to try her luck with the new comer. They felt neutral and not intimidating to her in her state. Why not?
“Help! Some help me!” A cried out, selling the tone of a helpless victim unsurprisingly well. “They’re insane! They tried to kill me and now they want to lock me in this tomb!”

Meowfyre Meowfyre Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart


Nequam was excited to see Trae, or anyone really, but it being someone she could recognize did make it better. Having spent the majority of her life trying to win the favor of a very angry and very aggressive parent who made it painfully clear that she wasn’t welcome around, Nequam instinctively flinched and scrambled a bit as Trae reared to hit the wall. The wall collapsed on her, burying her in rubble. Luckily, Trae had the good sense to pick her up out of it and set her down on her feet. Her mien became very clearly dog like as Trae patted her down to get rid of the dirt, dust and debris, she may have rolled onto her back if something hadn’t broken her trance. If Nequam had one skill set, it was dog. She very easily noticed Kypher coming to meet Trae and her, causing her to get a bit apprehensive by his b-line kind of approach. She was, however, also very distracted by Trae so she ineffectively tried to split her attention between him and the incoming Kypher. She would turn to stare at the man before, ears perking, going to try and respond to Trae in inaudible speech and manic gestures that could very well mean anything under the sun. His kindness and pats were met with glad obedience and a furiously wagging tail. However, in her giddiness, Nequam was almost caught off guard by the very one she’d been paying so much attention to. When “Master Hawthorne” spoke, she spun around to face him and took a few steps backwards towards her partial sibling. She didn’t like him, the way he spoke, he seemed like a stick in the mud. The look of derision he gave her was one she was particularly well acquainted with so that didn’t bother all that much. The girl circled him warily, every now and then, just as cautiously, moving closer for a whiff. He smelled like pretension and tea...with milk in it.

YungJazz YungJazz Kloudy Kloudy
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Eria Vanvleet

she stood up finally and moved to go into the machine, she wanted new clothes that fit the environment she was in. She really didn't care much what they did beyond that, looking over at the man who walked out she relised she in the presence of someone who may fancy him self a wizard in fact two people. So that was what was on her mind walking in, wizards, if she could have read into that she would have relised she was building to complement their style.
her suits creation was a good bit more loud then others, the fact it was audible at all was a interesting change of pace. If one was listening you could hear the sounds of metal being bent and blow torches. She personally was laughing a like a luntic, which started about half way through the process. All of this combined made for a very noisy fifteen minutes which was a record for suit creation ,in her class atleast, thus far.
She felt...awkward to say the least, she walked put and broadcasted every single thing she haf ever been slightly ashamed of. She was six six and toned, so what walled out was a six six muscular person in a suit of armor. It wasn't easy being literally bigger then alot of men, for one the moment she stepped out of the mining city or others like it she got looks. It wasn't like bad looks, but she was intimidating to look at, she had frost burns around the base of her neck that looked like actual burn scars. She also had just regular damn scars, he hands and arms were covered in them from the mines. The best thing beyond the utility of the armor was thr fact it was much lighter them expected being made with some of the highest quality technology on quite literally earth in all likely hood. It didn't impare her movements, it was breathable and it even came with a incredibly comfortable purple under coating.
It took her a moment to really register what she looked like, when she finally figured out (via the dreaded selfie) her previous worries fell away. Heck she even thought of the suit looking cool, she slapped the first wizard to walk out on the shoulder, grinning at him through her mask. "Come wizard, there is justice to be done," She was joking of course but it still sounded right, her deep (for a womans, still very feminine) voice coming out of the front of the mask gave her words a ring that she found pleasing to the ear.
Zenpai Zenpai Zenpai Zenpai


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Johnny B. Crash

Johnny wandered through the ostentatious hallways, marveling at the sheer fanciness of it all. Johnny could scarcely believe he'd been invited to it, place was insane. Coming up before set of intricate double doors, Johnny took a glance at the plate on them. Luxor's office, huh? Well, don't mind me if I just barge in. Pushing them open, Johnny was struck dumb by the office. This, this "office' was fucking huge. It was almost as big as his family's apartment, shit if you factored in the height of it, it probably was. There was so many books, just lining every wall and then there's the giant fuck off painting.

Johnny was interrupted from staring at the office by what was currently inside it, some red skinned girl with horns and sharp looking teeth had fallen on the floor. Oh and she was asking Johnny for help. Because standing over her was some kid Johnny didn't know aaaaand more importantly, blondie buceta himself! Witha bunch of black goop on him and some moonshine in his hands. Wonder where he got it. Wonder if he'd tell Johnny. Probably not, Johnny did a good job of making him hate his guts. Wait, what was she saying? Something about them being insane, trying to kill her, lock her up? Hmmm. Is that a good enough reason to pick a fight? Yeah, yeah that's a good reason to pick a fight. Chicks are great excuses to get into a fight.

Pulling his bat out and giving it a few experimental one-handed swings, Johnny wore his favorite shit eating grin and yelled out, "Yo! Buceta! Fancy meeting you here!" Looking at the wounds all over the chick and then back to him, Johnny smirked and said, "Damn Buceta, looks like you can't even go 30 minutes without picking on someone. First that fancy ass looking guy and now a babe? Dude, I think you're addicted. You need some help man." Idly picking a book off a shelf and throwing it up in the air, he said, "Don't worry buceta, I hear books are great for the mind." Grinning, Johnny grabbed his bat, brought it to his shoulder, and swung. The book was sent rocketing at Zack's face. Unfortunately for him, it was a hardback.

FTR FTR Kisaki Kisaki Coyote Hart Coyote Hart
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Maven chuckled a bit when the guy he had been admiring not five minutes earlier introduced himself. "Maven Le Fay," He introduced himself, shaking Nizaki's hand. He was likely just being friendly, so Maven didn't assume anything because of the introduction. He tried to smile in a way that would seem friendly, but he likely just ended up looking creepy.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Oz felt his face flush at Sebastian's comment. "You say that like you know my personality," He said. He didn't mind flirting, but Sebastian was coming on to him without even getting to know him, and that bothered him a bit. He just wanted some respite from the conversation so he stepped into the machine. He also wanted to get the whole thing out of the way so he could leave as soon as possible. He stepped back out wearing a costume that had previously only existed in his imagination. It allowed movement and was breathable so he didn't boil under all the cloth. He let out a small sigh and stepped away from Lady Gaga, allowing for another student to use it. He was likely to be spoken to by Sebastian again, so he put on a blank, expressionless face and looked towards Lady Gaga to see the events unfold, trying not to look in Sebastian's direction.


Theflamre Theflamre
He clicked his toungue at the words, he had some understanding of normal peoples feelings on things and knew that he may have over stepped. He would apologize later but for now he appreciated the horns. He assumed they were made of glass or ice but nothing was certain in this place, he only could guess. He supposed guessing was what had failed in him in his intial attempts to tease the man just now. He never liked guessing but had become quite depended on it as of late, he assumed they were calling them into a trap and he was right, he assumed the machine wasn't going to kill him and he was right, but guessing how far was too far with a person was still inaccurate.

Two out of three wasn't bad for most poeple, but he was a phycopath two out of three was unacceptable. He kept his distance for the moment, he knew to let people cool off after making them mad. Perhaps it was for the best that he did so, he didn't have any way to try and coup with the situation at the moment he needed time to think. He wondered if he should make a sudden turn, switch to being overtly romantic rather then flirty. He didn't want it to be obvious that he was lieing to everyone about how he acted and it may deepen the grudge. He needed normalish things to blend in, a boy freind, a close group of freinds, hobbies. Right now he was playing the role of the over self obsessed guy who was a bit flamboyant. Normally he kept a creepy smile and told bad jokes and puns that hinted at people getting hurt.

Sometimes he wondered how far he would go for all of this, not that it mattered in the long term. If he became a hero then he could simply claim they were villains or something. He had plans, irons in the fire and they had only just begun to heat, one day they would be hot enough to forge into blades. But tell then he would play the dunce, the smiler, the fool, even if it made all his closest freinds people who didn't know him at all.
Maven chuckled a bit when the guy he had been admiring not five minutes earlier introduced himself. "Maven Le Fay," He introduced himself, shaking Nizaki's hand. He was likely just being friendly, so Maven didn't assume anything because of the introduction. He tried to smile in a way that would seem friendly, but he likely just ended up looking creepy.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

Oz felt his face flush at Sebastian's comment. "You say that like you know my personality," He said. He didn't mind flirting, but Sebastian was coming on to him without even getting to know him, and that bothered him a bit. He just wanted some respite from the conversation so he stepped into the machine. He also wanted to get the whole thing out of the way so he could leave as soon as possible. He stepped back out wearing a costume that had previously only existed in his imagination. It allowed movement and was breathable so he didn't boil under all the cloth. He let out a small sigh and stepped away from Lady Gaga, allowing for another student to use it. He was likely to be spoken to by Sebastian again, so he put on a blank, expressionless face and looked towards Lady Gaga to see the events unfold, trying not to look in Sebastian's direction.


Theflamre Theflamre
Nizaki felt shivers run down his spine when the man smiled. He reminded himself not to judge Maven though. After all if he was at the hero school then he was one of the good guys. Je was rather quick to pull his hand back though. He took off his helmet and rolled his head around stretching his neck. His neck made a popping noise as he did so. "So what's your talent?" He asked.
Maven snorted and turned around at the slap on his shoulder and the joking remark. "Wizard, huh? Close, but not quite," He chuckled. As a little show of his powers, he sent out a silent call to one of his favorites. He smirked as the air over his left shoulder began to shimmer as the eyeless face of Annis appeared. She made a hissing and clicking noise, her mouth opening and closing slowly, her razor-sharp teeth showing occasionally. He brought his hand up and caressed the white-pink skin on her cheek, causing her to chitter happily, the end of her long tail wrapping around his ankle.
"She's a beautiful specimen for her kind. Chameleon demons are usually so hard to tame, but sweet Annis is wrapped around my finger. The thing is, I didn't even have to break her. I just had to be a friend." He scratched the certain spot on her neck, just under her jaw that he knew made her the happiest. She made another pleased clicking noise. He chuckled. "Now Corin, he was a different story. Stubborn as an ass, that one. But for all his faults, he's loyal. Being damn good with all the heavy lifting doesn't hurt his case." He lets out a laugh at his own joke.
He looked back at the woman he was talking to. Realizing how much he just rambled on he said, "Sorry. When it comes to my demons and monsters I get carried away." Looking back at Annis he said, "Shimmer away, dear. You can go home now."
The fins on the sides of her head flattened against her skull in her disappointment. She obviously wanted more rubs, but she would likely intimidate some of his classmates, and he didn't want to do that more than necessary. He conveyed this to her with his thoughts and she reluctantly understood. She quickly faded from sight, returning to her home shortly after. Maven knew she was gone once he no longer sensed her presence.
He turned back to Nizaki. "Sorry I got distracted there. Not only do I summon demons, monsters, etc., I'm very good with curses and just magic in general that fucks other people's shit up. I can also levitate," He shrugged it off like levitation wasn't that big of a deal. His feel lifted a half a foot off the floor as an example.
Demon bab.jpg

Dawnblade Dawnblade The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Maven snorted and turned around at the slap on his shoulder and the joking remark. "Wizard, huh? Close, but not quite," He chuckled. As a little show of his powers, he sent out a silent call to one of his favorites. He smirked as the air over his left shoulder began to shimmer as the eyeless face of Annis appeared. She made a hissing and clicking noise, her mouth opening and closing slowly, her razor-sharp teeth showing occasionally. He brought his hand up and caressed the white-pink skin on her cheek, causing her to chitter happily, the end of her long tail wrapping around his ankle.
"She's a beautiful specimen for her kind. Chameleon demons are usually so hard to tame, but sweet Annis is wrapped around my finger. The thing is, I didn't even have to break her. I just had to be a friend." He scratched the certain spot on her neck, just under her jaw that he knew made her the happiest. She made another pleased clicking noise. He chuckled. "Now Corin, he was a different story. Stubborn as an ass, that one. But for all his faults, he's loyal. Being damn good with all the heavy lifting doesn't hurt his case." He lets out a laugh at his own joke.
He looked back at the woman he was talking to. Realizing how much he just rambled on he said, "Sorry. When it comes to my demons and monsters I get carried away." Looking back at Annis he said, "Shimmer away, dear. You can go home now."
The fins on the sides of her head flattened against her skull in her disappointment. She obviously wanted more rubs, but she would likely intimidate some of his classmates, and he didn't want to do that more than necessary. He conveyed this to her with his thoughts and she reluctantly understood. She quickly faded from sight, returning to her home shortly after. Maven knew she was gone once he no longer sensed her presence.
He turned back to Nizaki. "Sorry I got distracted there. Not only do I summon demons, monsters, etc., I'm very good with curses and just magic in general that fucks other people's shit up. I can also levitate," He shrugged it off like levitation wasn't that big of a deal. His feel lifted a half a foot off the floor as an example.

Dawnblade Dawnblade The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
"That's really cool. Mine is kind of really hard to explain. It's best to try and show you. If your up for it... punch me." He said confidently. He thought that it would be cool to show off some of his power. He got ready for whatever Maven might do. "Or just in general hit me as hard as you can." He said. He inhaled deeply and began to hold his breath.
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Maven lowered himself back to the ground. This guy wanted to get punched? He could be able to turn his skin into iron or something. Maven didn't care. "Alright," He said. "I'm not that physical, so don't expect much." He didn't hit him as hard as he could, as that was probably a bad idea, but he put enough force behind it to leave a bruise on a normal person.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Maven lowered himself back to the ground. This guy wanted to get punched? He could be able to turn his skin into iron or something. Maven didn't care. "Alright," He said. "I'm not that physical, so don't expect much." He didn't hit him as hard as he could, as that was probably a bad idea, but he put enough force behind it to leave a bruise on a normal person.

The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
When the punch connected Nizaki visibly absorbed the Kinetic energy of the attack. He also punched the metallic helmet multiple times absorbing that energy. He kept going for about a minute then he started to turn blue he released his breath releasing the Kinetic energy all at once. He had stored enough that the release could be felt through the air. Like the whatever air that was in the way was moved by the energy pushing against Maven somewhat.
Eria Vanvleet
she paused at the strange sights being shown to her, she started to recoil towards her bag at the sight of the demon, but was stopped by his explanation. She wasn't much for religion of any sort but in a world like this, in the far northern cold of her home. She knew monsters, the old kind, the kind that don't leave survivors and don't attack big groups. So she supposed demons weren't out of the question though she was a bit (extremly) skeptical about their use. Monsters were monsters, not pets or any sort of thing to be trusted, and if she didn't have her helm on he might be able to see her option of it painted on her face.

Regardless something else strange came about, a man walked up and requested to be punched. If it hadn't been for the shock of seeing a demon she would have responded but you snooze you loose. She got to see the resault though, some sort of reflection of force backwards at his opponent or something atleast. She didn't catch all of it still on guard expecting that thing to leap out of thin air and attack someone.

She did laugh though when she heard that he wasn't a strenght based hero. "Get the knight to punch you not the sorcerer" she hadn't had much in the way of technology growing up ,but she did have fire emblem awakening. It was one of the three video games she had any experience with and this seemed like a appropriate refrence to her. She loudly smacked her breast plate in challenge, say what you will a full suit of armor had that effect on it's wearer, it made them want to slap their chests and taunt. Regaining some sense of poltiness she added " Not that your weak or anything. " it was awkward and half assed but an apology for saying something stuipid none the less

Zenpai Zenpai zen The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Eria Vanvleet
she paused at the strange sights being shown to her, she started to recoil towards her bag at the sight of the demon, but was stopped by his explanation. She wasn't much for religion of any sort but in a world like this, in the far northern cold of her home. She knew monsters, the old kind, the kind that don't leave survivors and don't attack big groups. So she supposed demons weren't out of the question though she was a bit (extremly) skeptical about their use. Monsters were monsters, not pets or any sort of thing to be trusted, and if she didn't have her helm on he might be able to see her option of it painted on her face.

Regardless something else strange came about, a man walked up and requested to be punched. If it hadn't been for the shock of seeing a demon she would have responded but you snooze you loose. She got to see the resault though, some sort of reflection of force backwards at his opponent or something atleast. She didn't catch all of it still on guard expecting that thing to leap out of thin air and attack someone.

She did laugh though when she heard that he wasn't a strenght based hero. "Get the knight to punch you not the sorcerer" she hadn't had much in the way of technology growing up ,but she did have fire emblem awakening. It was one of the three video games she had any experience with and this seemed like a appropriate refrence to her. She loudly smacked her breast plate in challenge, say what you will a full suit of armor had that effect on it's wearer, it made them want to slap their chests and taunt. Regaining some sense of poltiness she added " Not that your weak or anything. " it was awkward and half assed but an apology for saying something stuipid none the less

Zenpai Zenpai zen The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Nizaki looked at her. He walked up to her. "How strong is your punch?" He asked. "Oh by the way I'm Nizaki?" He said. This was a good time for him to try and make some friends with the people here. "Anyway if you can do better. Go for it." He saod confidently. "In fact hit me multiple times" He said. He inhaled deeply and began to hold hold his breath.
Lu/Ciel - Luxor Academy - Tech BuildingLu hummed softly as she walked alongside Ciel, the demon girl a bit annoyed. They sorta got lost and well, they sort of missed literally everything but actually being able to go get their suits made. She was sure if this was found out that they'd be kicked out of the academy...or at-least get detention of some sort. She really didn't want to find out what a super hero academy of sorts gave for detention, so she kept quiet and in turn had pretty much demanded Ciel stay quiet too. She knew how he could be and she didn't want him messing things up for them so soon just to get at her. Nonetheless, after asking a few people for directions with the pretty awesome excuse of having to go to the bathroom and getting lost from the others thus having no idea where they were supposed to be, they soon arrived. She sort of shuffled off to the side of everyone else gathered there, the girl waiting and staring silently.

Ciel chuckled at how obvious things looked, the petite girl looking like she had just murdered someone and was trying her damnedest to cover it up. He didn't say anything, both standing there being awkwardly silent. While Lu called herself not drawing attention to herself, it was doing everything but going as planned.
(Le Open for Interactions)

Aila - Luxor Academy- Tech BuildingAila sang to herself as she skipped down the sidewalk, the air-headed female not really paying attention. She wasn't lost, no, unlike Lu she knew exactly where she was going and how to get there. However, she was doing things her own way. There was just too many interesting things here after all! Along the way she had had something of a mini-adventure; getting into a growling contest with a dog person, actually attempting to fly a few times by using wind to spin her pigtails, climbing a tree and diving off to see if it helped only to fail and nearly break her arm, and a lot of other Aila-esque things. Lesson learned on not being able to fly? Probably not. The girl was actually currently singing 'I'm a Helicopter!' over and over while she moved along, using her wind magic to continue to spin her pigtails. Certainly not the brightest bulb in the box at all.

Soon, she made it to building, forcing the doors to slam open with a good ol' burst of her magic. "HELLO EVERYBODY!!" She cheered, leaping inside with a wide beaming smile on her face. "Did I miss it? Did I? I still get a neato suit right?" She asked, bouncing around a little as she eyed everyone to see if they had suits yet. "I want mine to be blue...no...purple...noo...Pink AND Purple! Like..tye-dye." She said, giggling a little and grinning at them. "Do I get a mask too?" She asked. "I want it to be blue and purple, matching colors are for nerds!" She said, looking around at the various devices in the building. "What's all this junk do?" She asked, pretty much immediately going over to start poking buttons on what looked to be a pretty dangerous instrument but for all she knew was a super fancy toaster.
(@ all you nerds)​
Lu/Ciel - Luxor Academy - Tech BuildingLu hummed softly as she walked alongside Ciel, the demon girl a bit annoyed. They sorta got lost and well, they sort of missed literally everything but actually being able to go get their suits made. She was sure if this was found out that they'd be kicked out of the academy...or at-least get detention of some sort. She really didn't want to find out what a super hero academy of sorts gave for detention, so she kept quiet and in turn had pretty much demanded Ciel stay quiet too. She knew how he could be and she didn't want him messing things up for them so soon just to get at her. Nonetheless, after asking a few people for directions with the pretty awesome excuse of having to go to the bathroom and getting lost from the others thus having no idea where they were supposed to be, they soon arrived. She sort of shuffled off to the side of everyone else gathered there, the girl waiting and staring silently.

Ciel chuckled at how obvious things looked, the petite girl looking like she had just murdered someone and was trying her damnedest to cover it up. He didn't say anything, both standing there being awkwardly silent. While Lu called herself not drawing attention to herself, it was doing everything but going as planned.
(Le Open for Interactions)

Aila - Luxor Academy- Tech BuildingAila sang to herself as she skipped down the sidewalk, the air-headed female not really paying attention. She wasn't lost, no, unlike Lu she knew exactly where she was going and how to get there. However, she was doing things her own way. There was just too many interesting things here after all! Along the way she had had something of a mini-adventure; getting into a growling contest with a dog person, actually attempting to fly a few times by using wind to spin her pigtails, climbing a tree and diving off to see if it helped only to fail and nearly break her arm, and a lot of other Aila-esque things. Lesson learned on not being able to fly? Probably not. The girl was actually currently singing 'I'm a Helicopter!' over and over while she moved along, using her wind magic to continue to spin her pigtails. Certainly not the brightest bulb in the box at all.

Soon, she made it to building, forcing the doors to slam open with a good ol' burst of her magic. "HELLO EVERYBODY!!" She cheered, leaping inside with a wide beaming smile on her face. "Did I miss it? Did I? I still get a neato suit right?" She asked, bouncing around a little as she eyed everyone to see if they had suits yet. "I want mine to be blue...no...purple...noo...Pink AND Purple! Like..tye-dye." She said, giggling a little and grinning at them. "Do I get a mask too?" She asked. "I want it to be blue and purple, matching colors are for nerds!" She said, looking around at the various devices in the building. "What's all this junk do?" She asked, pretty much immediately going over to start poking buttons on what looked to be a pretty dangerous instrument but for all she knew was a super fancy toaster.
(@ all you nerds)​
Njzaki looked her. He smiled seeing her. Just as with all schools he was meeting people of all kinds of colors. He walked up to her and placed his hand on her arm. He pointed to the machine that she was supposed to step inside to get her costume. "You're looking for that machine." He said. I

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