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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. (Closed)



Just a Rando
Title: Luxor Academy: Newsletter!

Salutations! As you all may or may not know already, Luxor Academy is one of the most prestigious supernatural educational institution to date! Providing a safeguarded and bright future for those yearning for further comprehension and understanding of his/her exceptional abilities! Guardians or any concerned family members should not worry, Luxor Academy provides a safe and acceptive environment for all diverse species, races, and so forth! Not only this but your ambitious pupil will be provided with only the most luxurious of treatment which includes but isn't limited to... Complimentary cuisine food prepared by only the most experienced of gourmet chefs, Seven-star housing divisions for both male and female students, additionally your dependent will acquire a bi-weekly salary after being institutionalized and successfully meeting any post requirements before hand. Upon reaching campus grounds, undergraduates will be immediately greeted by one of Luxor Academy's personal guides! Although be aware that you might not get the same individual each time as even our most precocious of members require their rest.

Before boarding LuxAcademy Transportation, remember to bring any essential equipment that you deem necessary to bring! You'll be away from home for quite an extended period of time and wont get a second-chance to get your personal belongings until your mailing prerequisites have been fulfilled, anything believed to non-essential will already be provided to your 'person' as soon as you're assigned your own personal housing unit.

By Supernatural International law, we are not responsible for demonic possessions, death, the reanimation of the dead, nor lost limbs. Please see the handbook of Superno et rationes for more information regarding any unmentioned rules or regulations.

[Operation H.E.R.O now-a-go?]

Congratulations! You've been invited to our H.E.R.O Program, what is our H.E.R.O program you may ask? Due to past unforeseen circumstances of our confidentiality being shattered into bite-size pieces along with having to pain-painstakingly negotiate politics with important Government figures of Edenia, Chief Executive Officer - Luxor A. Aurum reached an agreement which had led to the construction of Neptunes bridge, a 2 or so mile long bridge extending from Haven's Island to Edenia which granted sightseers from all around parts of the world to take in the sights and scenery of the beautiful island and potentially get a tourist invitation to the campus!

(Remember if you want to bring a family member or friend for a couple of days make sure you speak with a counselor or a staff member to make sure it cooperates with Luxor Academy's schedule.)

Skepticism way a big concern for us once this decision was made, non-supernatural humans were at first very terrified at the idea of having a community of powerful beings at their 'front door step' but fortunately as time passed so did doubt! Graduates had found themselves being proud citizens of Edenia even managing to settle down and create a family with non-humans which in return had kick-started a new generation of youth that obtained strange or passed down powers from their parents. As expected life in Edenia was a bit unordinary from what it once was, Edenia's new economy was 'booming' because of the significant rise in powers, construction became easier! Healthcare was now accessible to just about anyone in need, but of course all of this came with a price...

Those that did not conform to the social norms of society or laws set in stone had made a name for themselves through committing acts of violence on the people of Edenia! it is because of this that Operation H.E.R.O was established by the one and only, Original Hero! Also known as "The Origin." It has been said that this pure-hearted being was the first to act out on these villains by putting them in their place and saving countless lives, it is to him that we owe great gratitude as it created followers willing to step up and fight against these acts of evil and because of this Operation H.E.R.O was made to turn ordinary power influenced students into legendary heroes that would protect the world as we know it.

Now.. It's up to you future Hero to take place in the foot steps of The Origin and become one of the legends!
Remember students with great power comes great responsibility!
1) No op characters.
2) At least one paragraph for a response.
3) Try to make a post one or twice a week.
4) Make sure to warn others if you are going to be gone for a couple of days.
5) Keep it PG-13. Fade when it's getting too steamy.
6) Be respectful to others
7) Don't control other people's characters without permission.
8) Have FUN!
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Welcome to Luxor Academy

It was peaceful day at the garden area. Students began filling the seats at the Garden's amiptheater as they waited on for their principal. "Are you sure you don't want me to perform? I could do a little song." Kagami asked with wide puppy eyes. " No, we don't need a concert. We are making a short ceremony due to all previous failures when it goes on for too long. Just go and get the arena ready." Luxor replied. " Yes sir." Kagami said with a pouty face, voice with disappointment. She turned into a a bat and flew away. Luxor looked to the stage once he was alone " Let's get this over with.".

Trumpets blew as Luxor stepped to the podium. " Welcome boys and girls to Luxor Academy. I'm sure you are excited about your opportunity to become strong and maybe even become a hero." He began. Students cheered to confirm they their excitement, causing a small smile to appear on Luxor's face. " Let's get into the basic info for every ceremony I held on this campus. Classes will begin today but you have an hour period to set up your dorms and befriend others. Remeber to be on your best behavior." Luxor pointed to the floating screen at the back of him. " For those in the H.E.R.O program will report to the arena after the waiting period is over." He explained, before looking around in the crowd. " Any questions? No, then this ceremony is offically ove-" On the sides of the stage, fireworks went off while confetti fell over the crowd of students. The trumpet players began playing the ending ceremonial music as soon as the fireworks went off. " I thought I told her no fireworks or confetti. She never listens." Luxor muttered, rolling his eyes before spreading his wings and flying off to the tallest level of the main school building.
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Oz felt uncomfortable as the opening ceremony proceeded. He was accustomed to fanfare whenever it came to events, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. He shifted uneasily in the intricate clothes that had been chosen for him by his parents. They were as elegant as they could make them without limiting his movement too much. He cringed at the sound of trumpets and winced at the fireworks and confetti. He really didn't like all the pomp and grandeur. Just being in what used to be his home made him sick with how needless it all was. Why can't people with so much appreciate what they have? He tried to keep his head down as he walked towards where the dorms were indicated. He got all the information he needed, and he just wanted to get away from all the noise. He had already found out which room was his and he tried to get there as fast as possible. As soon as he got to the room, he closed the door and leaned against it, letting out a sigh. Although it wasn't his decision to come here, he was hopeful that this experience would be good for him. He isn't liking it so far. He just hoped every day isn't like that.

❤ Jessica M. Starry ~ Miss Spotlight ❤
  • (Location: Luxor Academy, Garden Ceremony. )(Mood: Upstaged)
    (Interactions: Random Students and The Origin.)
    (Mentions: )

    At the time of the Grand Ceremony a diverse expanse of Superheroes were patiently sitting themselves on a row of colorful benches giving the impression they were made out of solid stained glass, a majority of these Heroes and Heroines steadily held themselves in the honor of Luxor Aurum's presence and patiently attending his gathering of new faces while carefully paying attention to each word that sprung from the professional man's lips. Truly it was an honor to be in the direct company of someone so renown even if they were already superheroes to begin with! Such a man with enough influences to create an operation dedicated to creating a future generation of heroes deserved the utmost respect, it's clear as day that he was a shining example of moral fortitude as an Angel like him should be! Gatherings of recognized icons such as Big Kong, a burly sentient gorilla capable of human speech and super strength! Or The Siren, a she-devil of a lady that had the potential of parting large bodies of water or even sending enemies flying with nothing but her voice. But who could forget the most loveliest of the bunch, who might that be you wonder? Well only the greatest tantalizing, suggestive, and sexiest Heroine to step forth her lovely crimson-red heels into Luxor Academy... Miss Spotlight of course! At the time of the long-winded speech she was viewed sitting amongst the crowd with a lethargic expression written heavily on her face like a canvas. "Jeeze, I expected it to be boring but not this boring! Where was Kagami with the whole singing routine? Heck, they didn't even get the dancing animals I requested."

    An apathetic sigh was stripped from her lungs as her slender palm held up her the side of her face, preventing her from nearly falling asleep until those marvelous fireworks concluded the end of a boring introduction with Luxor fluttering irritably away back to his cozy office, possibly to doze off or argue with the person who installed those fireworks but apart from that introduction, it was time to make a brilliant encore with none other than herself! It was the right set of circumstances to make a gorgeous display of simply heroic beauty, so taking the opportunity that was in-front of her she swiftly but confidentially stood herself up, making sure her lavender-colored outfit was as skin-tight as humanely possible before delicately swaying her hips side to side as she approached the front of the stage as if it were a private run-way specifically made just for her. By the time she had ended her stride to the podium across from her Miss Spotlight immediately struck an alluring pose that was complimented with a lovely smile and a series of dazzling beams of light which made her costume shine brilliantly with the Sun, it wasn't rare for her to make a scene such as this, it wouldn't be surprising either if Luxor was beginning to shake his head in disappointment at the woman showboating again for the seventh time she's been around the campus but what could you expect from a woman whose supernatural powers required admiration from those around her? Not wasting a moment too soon Jessica firmly rescued the lonely microphone from the clutches of the wooden podium and begun speaking proudly of her and of those around her.

    "Salutations It Is the living beauty you all know and love, Miss Spotlight! But i'm sure you're already aware of that by now. I'd just like to say that i'm so pleased to see this many faces being in attendance tonight, all to see me! How thoughtful, i'm sure you're also pretty amped up that you've been accepted into our H.E.R.O program." Spouting off on the microphone like a regular social butterfly, Starry continued her presentation as she joyfully curled strands of her flaxen hair between her fingertips as she wandered herself closer to the edge of the platform and spoke. "Not only this but all of you have the pleasure of having me teach you, along with our most respected of staff! I'm very excited to see th-" To the surprise of many, mainly to Miss Spotlight. A booming deep laugh blared through the Amphitheater's speakers as one by one televisions across the campus begun flickering themselves on, revealing the familiar face of the one and only Original Hero! Heads spun excitedly at multiple monitors as they watched their beloved icon let out a heroic "Ho-ho-ho!" Masses of students, visitors, and all-around applauded cheerfully at the sight of the Origin standing before them on the big screen wearing his signature armored outfit, his limitless morale and courageous music reaching even through the monitors itself and grasping those attentively watching him.


    "I believe you've made your point, thank you Miss Spotlight! As for all of you.. I'm glad you've all arrived safely, it's absolutely outstanding to see such a sea of aspiring heroes here at our proud campus. I personally welcome you all to Luxor Academy and congratulate you all for participating in our H.E.R.O Program! This is your first courageous step onto becoming a future superhero, but be warned. This is a dangerous path that only the strong willed may pass through, there's more to being a protector than having superpowers! It requires dedication, courage, and even sacrifice if necessary but... I have faith that all of you will make it through, I and the rest of the heroes here will do our hardest to form you into the next generation of Superheroes... Remember with great power comes great responsibility, this is The Origin signing off!" With the end of another speech, fireworks bursted through the day-time sky once more with a deafening bang and flicker of lights with Miss Spotlight furiously stomping off stage with her arms crossed at the sight of being upstaged. "Always gotta make a scene doesn't he?" She pouted.

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Aiko Kirishima

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Aiko sat next to Kagami observing the new faces. She had just arrived after sitting the books in the library. "I have arrived." She stated monotonically sitting next to Kagami and leaning next to her clearly tired. Even human interfaces get tired. She sighed not fazed by the fireworks as long as she was withing Kagami's grasp she didn't care. She was only rudely awoke by Miss spotlight's speech. She was in no position to drag her off the stage so just watched. These past two years have been alright for Aiko. She managed to get full time at the Luxor library and lives in the Teacher's dorm. She was rather upset she couldn't live with Kagami any more so cherished every moment she was around.

Kisaki Kisaki SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

When cody graduated from the academy, he decided it'd be best if he stayed there. He felt like he'd get in massive trouble alone. Besides, he wants to stay close to his best friends he made. So, when Elena withdrew her people and contract after a few years, she gave the campus security thing to him. Minus all the gear and all that. All he has, among some others, is his powers, and a shirt that said SECURITY on the top back, and a badge, well a card.. ID thing, and a generous gift from crow, his tonfas chains that give people nightmares... which have been proven useful to subdue semi powerful students.. This being his second year working there, and he has met many students he has come to call friend, mostly the older ones, younger ones he see as friends kids hes looking after. Pain when they speak to him like they're gonna get away with some things... When he saw the introduction yet again, he rolled his eyes and groaned. He walks along the paths, where the seats are. He stood by Aiko. Their relationship-not what you thing- has been same as they first met. "Aiko do you need to rest?" he asks noticing she seemed tired. "Kagami... Did she get a new book series last night?" he asked curiously. He's known Kagami for awhile, since they first met at the school really. She's one of his best friends, and has a small crush on her. He wasn't all too happy before he met her, every time there's something bringing him down or the group feels sad, she's always positive, she finds something to make everyone happy.

Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Aiko Kirishima


Aiko ignored Cody as she was recharging which could be mistaken as sleeping. She rested on Kagami's shoulder with a book on her lap. She didn't want Cody to interrupt her still the same as two years ago and in high school. She had never seemed to change since High school. However, she did go out at night more. Probably to drink or visit Kagami. She was noticeably shorter now that everyone else had finished growing. Though a day alter, she was suddenly the same height as everyone else. These anomalies are quite normal for Aiko who almost no one but Kagami truly knows about. She plans to join the H.E.R.O program if Kagami intends to join.

Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177
Kagami Enoshima
H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto

Kagami was at least a inch taller than before. Her appearance changed slightly with longer eyelashes and a more mature body. "Hi Aiko! " She greeted. She noticed the tired look on her friend's face. " You seem tired. Sleepy?" She asked. Not long after, Cody came. " Hey Cody!" The vampire leaned her head against Aiko's. " I don't know exactly. Since it's Aiko then probably yes." She answered the boy with a warm smile. Kagami was oblivious between the tension between the two but she did notice their slightly weird interactions with each other. " I should be meeting up with Crow. I have to help him with the H.E.R.O program testing at the arena." She stated, cracking her knuckles. " But I can spend a couple minutes talking to you two."

Cody smiled a bit. "Oh alright. Might head there with ya, don't know if im staying, might have someone working guard there in case someone flips out more than they should... back in our day they'd just smack us with a cane or something..." he chuckles. "Course now, with new laws n stuff.. Only security can handle them, unless they're from labs around the world, then anything goes.." he said shyly.. "Anyway... Have ya seen the head chef lately? Need to know, since for my schedule, it's fried ham with cheese..with any side.." he said, Cody being an expert cook, he asked to be the sub for when the head chef is out sick or something.
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Kisaki Kisaki

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Crow was in the Opening Ceremony and unlike his past self, he enjoyed it a bit more especially with everyone ignoring Ms. Spotlight everyone found her attractive but he only saw a childlike girl trying to get some attention. He then started to head to the Arena he needs to start testing the power scale of the new student's and introduce himself to the young kids. Crow smiled because He likes seeing the new kids getting stronger over the years here in the School and Maturing aswell like three of his Student's are now working here Kagami Aiko and Cody. " Yea where is she I hope she isn't late because of a concert I told her to keep her schedule organized especially with the new semester. Starting" Then Crow Hears the three familiar Voice's and he walks next to Cody and Kagami. " You do know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day did you three already eat because I don't want a little miss complaining that she lost because she didn't eat breakfast like last year." said Crow with a small smile while he patted Kagami in the head " Cody are you already getting used to them I gave them to you because I know you where going to master them better than me"
Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
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  • (Location: City of Edenia, Neptune's Bridge )(Mood: Starstruck)
    (Interactions: Miss Spotlight & Others. )
    (Mentions: )

    Spirit, a historic word used to describe one's inner state of mind or attitude. One thinks of many quality features that accurately characterize a Superhero such as having near limitless amounts of fearlessness, physical robustness, and even having a worth-while special ability that's enough to make foolhardy foes shudder from its pure authority. But Spirit? Well that's almost a given! Whether it be a low-ranking D class or an S rank hero/heroine, an unbreakable will of dedication is always needed because without that you're almost always destined to set yourself up for failure! Out of every single inhabitant that Edenia had to offer, nobody understood that better than Yakai Damanji! A 'slightly' portly fellow around his early twenties are so that lived most if not all of his days by a specific code of 'honor' that he upheld with the utmost diligence through his acts of unwanted chivalry in addition to keeping up with respectable moral codes that he has developed through near endless hours of rigorous manga studying plus meticulously picking apart motives of certain anime characters yet sadly despite having driving ambition, Yakai is haunted by something he deems as nothing less than a foul curse brought upon him by what he believes is his 'handsomely' good looks carried by his 'rippling biceps' and multiple waifus! Being such the sought-after 'Chad' that he was, it was only inevitable for him to be haunted by the failure of his actions which occurred nearly every waking moment of his life, mainly around good-looking women but still! He felt comfortable as he was now alongside with his multiple feathery-stuffed wives scattered across his mattress, one even dangling from the wooden blades of the ceiling-fan above him after a long strenuous night of what he likes to call 'intimate bonding'.

    Surprisingly with all the pillows around they didn't take much space up compared to him as seen from his inflating gut pushing out with each extensive inhale he took which sounded like a freight train blowing through his nostrils as soon as he exhaled, signifying his deep sleep spell he was under, it didn't take too long for this slumbering trance to be interrupted by the store-owner of the comic-book store he was sleeping in, luckily for him it was also his friend who let him temporarily live there because of the dispute he had with his parents not too long ago which involved a public outburst regarding him wanting to go to Japan or something along those lines. "Damnit Yakai, wake up!" He shouted through his scruffily beard in a desperate attempt to get his lazy friend up, however it was no use as Yakai was having a dream about being a part of The Origin's team, where he was granted the role of a super side-kick! That and he was probably dreaming about that one star girl's boobs again. Exhausting all of his options the store-owner left the room with a sigh before returning with an ice-cold bucket of water that he aggressively dumped over Yakai, ice-cubs scattered across the room once he screamed in confusion at his friend's drastic means of waking him up. "Holy freaking crap, what was that for?" Clearly annoyed by this, Yakai confronts him before snapping into an immediate realization, he was late! He couldn't believe that he forgot about his invitation to the H.E.R.O Program! Granted it wasn't his due to the mailing recipient being a completely different person but in this life he had only one opportunity to get to actually meet the famous heroes! "Shit! Why didn't ya say somethin' sooner?!" Stumbling beside his face-palming friend, Yakai managed to make his way down the stairs in an odd fashion as he struggled putting on his pants before blowing through the break-room's door in a hunger-filled search for grub, seeing as he had little time and noticing the bus just outside the window he snagged anything he could get which was a whole bag of Captain crunch and a gallon of chocolate milk which he placed in his risque anime girl covered backpack following his exit out of the comic-book store together with noticing the bus subsequently leaving before he had the chance to make it to the bus-stop.

    "Oh no you don't!" Bursting into a pathetic excuse of a run, he wasn't going to let his dreams slip away that easily not today! It was only a matter of time until the bus driver discovered the hefty individual's exhausted reflection in his side mirrors before stopping to give him the chance to hop aboard and go along for the long journey to Luxor Academy. "Thank.. You!" He huffed to the driver as he shuffled atop of the steps and made his way to the back of the bus, nearly 'wapping' about every single passenger by accident with his humongous freaking bag and letting loose a couple of pieces of cereal that fell from a part of his unzipped luggage. Regardless of pissing off every passenger and getting irritated looks from them it was an enjoyable experience for him watching the scenery pass by him along with the cool breeze of the ocean that filled his heart with absolute bliss once they had reached Neptune's bridge. However things took a turn for the worse, a loud screeching noise blared out once the bus-driver locked up the breaks to avoid colliding into a traffic jam that had just mysteriously happened in-front of him, but that wasn't the worst part! Pedestrians with looks of fear on their face were abandoning their vehicles and running in the opposite direction which got the attention of everyone on board. Petrified screams quickly adjusted the atmosphere to a sudden horror, goose-bumps formed on Yakai's skin once a bleak-looking abomination had revealed itself after effortlessly tossing the emptied sedan in-front of them, smashing it into one of the side guard-rails causing the momentum to send shattered glass flying in addition to heaving it over the colossal bridge.

    B+ Rank Creature, capable of creating fatal lacerations and bite-marks! Limited strength but great agility.

    Bright soul-less eyes stood out from the creature's bleak colors, its twisted maw ripped and pealed at torn skin with saliva dripping from the strands as it came closer. What the hell was this thing?! If it wasn't scary enough seeing that dreadful abomination from afar, things got a whole lot worse when it made an impressive leap forward and clung itself to the hood of the bus, creating a terrifying screech that made a few students cower in their seats apart from a few that were itching to try their powers out for a change except for Yakai who secretly didn't have powers and was on the verge of having an accident in the back row of seats until a flashing glimpse of a woman caught the notice of him as well as the others who shifted their eyes in the woman's direction who fired a sparkling beam of light out from her fingertip, striking the beast through the shoulder and making it squeal in pain. "To think.. I was going to enjoy my day off! I'll make sure you pay back every single second you waste!" Yakai's expression lit up with excitement as he recognized the voice, somehow making his upper body fit through the window to get a better look at the scene, Miss Spotlight was shown a couple of meters away from the beast with an aspect of displeasure quaking the air around her with anger, at the time it just seemed as if she had malice towards the beast but in reality she was coping with having her 'attention' stolen from earlier. If it were an experienced creature it would've avoided blindly attacking but being the mindless beast it was, it flew into a rage and sprung at Miss Spotlight unaware of the swirling miasma in the palm of her right hand, as soon as it got within a hand's reach of her she swung her hand outward at the beast. "Eat this ugly! Beacon of Hate!" Using her signature move, an outward blast envelops the beast sending them hurtling backwards and digging up sections of asphalt as it ragdolled rearward to their demise, completely vaporizing the beast in the vast energy.


    Beacon of Hate is a signature attack oriented around creating significant damage to an enemy, forming a spherical ball of energy from within, Miss Spotlight converts the destructive energy into the palm of her hand before charging into an enemy which is presumably close enough to attack without causing the energy itself to dissipate from overuse. Once having made physical contact with someone's body, Miss Spotlight's aura-based move creates an outward projection of wind and light, sending an unprepared monster barreling towards its doom. (This is usually used on monsters and not humans.)(Rumored to be used by a previous villain she had fought.)

    Everyone around including those on the bus excitedly peered out their windows, a few citizens stumbled out of cover to look in awe at the catastrophic scene. A gulp followed from the heroine's throat as she noticed the extensive damage that was done on the road of the bridge, sections of it asphalt shredded from the attack. This was almost-definitely going to be an expensive cut out of her paycheck, to her surprise a positive reaction came out of those watching along with Yakai who was flailing his arms and cheering awkwardly as the bus continued on its journey. Redness enveloped her face as the hordes of citizens crowded around her, applauding her and letting out emotional strings of praise as she stood in the middle of the bridge... Him and the rest of the students on-board couldn't believe it, they was gonna be a hero just like her!

    (This'll act as an opening to those that haven't made it and were riding the bus to Luxor Academy.)

Aiko Kirishima


"Recharging." She replied monotonically remaining to lean next to her. When she heard about her doing something with Crow she finished charging by coincidence. "I'd like to come along." She said with her trademark monotonous voice. She ignored the presence of Crow and Cody and stood up to face Kagami. She held a stack of at least 5 books with both hands. She wore a proper teachers uniform but seemed to only wear that except in bed. Her chest was still the same size as it was in high school. "Perhaps. Tutor." She said monotonically pointing to herself suggesting she could tutor the HERO class.

kenchin kenchin Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177
Kagami Enoshima

"Tutor? Sounds awesome!" Kagami exclaimed with a small squeak. It would give a oppurtunity for her to hang out with her friends more. "Sorry, I haven't but breakfeast sounds delicious. I wonder why you aren't the head chef. You always make better meals than me." The vampire said to Cody with a small laugh. Everyone knew she could only tea, and that's not even considered cooking.

The vampire waved at the nightmare god with glee. He was strange but a wonderful friend. " I had two liters of blood today so I should be good for the rest of the day." Kagami's eyes sparkled when Crow patted her head. " I was about to come and meet you at the arena." She said, nudging his shoulder with her elbow." Sooo, what did you give to Cody? Is it cool?" She asked.

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177
kenchin kenchin

The half demon smiles at his group of friends, when kagami told him hes an amazing cook he blushes a tad, he loves being told he makes great food. When she asked crow what the weapon of his is, he thought it'd be best for Crow to explain. It'd make sense coming from him. Cody plans on walking with them to the arena and then leaving for the kitchen to get cooking... Maybe he will meet someone new to the school while on the way, who knows?
Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
kenchin kenchin
Crow looked at kagami nesting her head under his hand "well I gave cody my old weapon that now I feel bad that I did but forced the Drawfts of Svartalfeim to make." Looking like he regretted just remembering the experience. "The pair of tonfas chains are made of things that should not exist in the real world. They are strong enough to chain up even gods, the purpose was to make me stronger in the past because they also trap them in a world of nightmare." Crow looks at Cody Aiko and Kagami "but the old me has learned that I get stronger with you kids now let's get some food before the class starts"
Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko stood up and followed them if they were leaving reading while walking. She managed to avoid any Collisions with students and teachers. Her reading a book while walking was commonplace enough that it was not uncommon to see Aiko with her head in a book. She didn't really care about Crow or Cody and stayed close to Kagami.

Kisaki Kisaki H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 kenchin kenchin
Kagami Enoshima- The Arena
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto kenchin kenchin H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177

Christina Bloodc2559eb16d97cc74ac751cb5de540327.png
Mei Crozona

"Wow! That's very generous of you." Kagami noted as she listened to Crow. Cody was strong but with the weapons he'll become stronger."Anyways, we should get moving. Food should be the last thing we should think of now if you don't won't Luxor getting made at us for not starting class on time." Kagami said. She continue to walk to the arena's entrance then entered. At the viewing room, she saw a tall, white haired women.

Kagami waved at Christina, the magic teacher. " Your finally here. The simulator is ready to go. It can conjure up various of scenarios in seconds." The witch said as she passed the controller to Kagami. " The simulator ends when all enemies are killed or the emergency shut down button is pushed. Don't worry about the students getting hurt since the simulator can only simulate pain, not create any actual injuries."

" I got it."

"Good, now I'll just be in the comfort of my dark classroom. Take care kid." Christina said before leaving the vampire behind.

Hologram screens appeared throughout the school. A women with pink hair, tied into a ponytail, appeared on screen. She was Mei Crozona, the vice principal and head of the disciplinary commitee. She was also known as the salior mouthed cousin of Luxor.

"Hello students! Mei here, it is time to go to class. Students participating in the H.E.R.O program will report to the arena. Make sure you aren't later."
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Cody and Peski

Cody walks with the group, he still needs to learn how to use the tonfas, he usually use them as regular tonfas minus the chains, but using the powers for are, still difficult for him. He usually just juses his fire powers... As they walked he senses the presence of a demon. This one is an obvious to see, she's bright red, white hair, black clothes and blue eyes.... Peski senses him and they both end up staring at each other for a second before Peski looked away. Cody wasn't alone anymore, which shows something might be wrong, for as long as he knew, he was the only demon born... Now, he has many questions, though he hid his feelings well, as he looked like he was looking for trouble makers... "So Kagami, want me to stay and help you with the class or do you have it all under control?" he asks kindly as Peski stood in the arena room looking around for a place to sit down and wait for instructions...

Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
Kisaki Kisaki
kenchin kenchin
Oz almost jumped when the holographic screen appeared in his room. He only had a vague idea of where the arena was, but he shouldn't have too much trouble finding it. He hurried out of the dormitory building and began to head to where he believed the arena was. He was beginning to think he was lost before he caught sight of the large structure. He hoped he was on time before heading inside. There were already some members of the staff waiting inside. He waved nervously. He probably looked ridiculous in his current clothes, as he didn't have time to change before the announcement appeared. He just hoped they didn't treat him differently or judge him harshly. It wasn't his fault he was wearing such garments, he just couldn't bring himself to say no to his parents. This was going to be a difficult first day.
The public transport bus moved at the pace of a snail towards Kristofer's destination: Luxor Academy. But once again, Kristofer didn't care about the fact that he was late, and about to become even later because of the traffic congestion. Simply, Kristofer didn't feel like he needed to worry about the school. He had overslept the night before in the inn where he had spent his time waiting for the school to be set up. Then, after being annoyed awake by the bright golden rays of the sun, Kristofer had eaten all of the oatmeal that was provided in the communal dining area. Despite knowing that he should be getting on the road to school since school started in half an hour. Kristofer spent that time practising judo, a sport that he had zero talent in. Only after landing on his back several times and almost breaking the coathanger trying to judo flip it, Kristofer relented and headed out the door to go to school.

It was a process to get there that was completely annoying. Checking to make sure he had everything, patting his naginata, stealing the toiletries, the towels, and whatever he could from the tiny room, standing through the lengthy checkout, and waiting at a bus station for a bus. It was frustratingly long, and the only entertainment Kristofer had was when he started eating an apple that he had stolen from the inn room right in front of the receptionist. Somehow, she didn't notice.

So now there he was, sitting on the priority seating area of the crowded morning bus while a symphony of car horns buzzed relentlessly outside, the rays warming up the cold morning. Ahead of him, Kristofer could barely see the outline of Luxor Academy, glinting brightly, and probably with several hundred students gathered in. It wasn't too far, in fact, it was the next stop, and Kristofer had already pulled the cord to signal a stop. But the snail pace the bus moved, at around two miles per hour, was slow enough that if Kristofer had just ditched the bus and walked the rest of the way, he would've gotten there sooner than the bus had arrived at the next stop. But, Kristofer wasn't going to.

No. He was just going to sit tight in the bus seat, waiting the fifteen minutes for the bus to arrive at the bus stop.

  • (Location: Luxor Academy, The Arena )(Mood: Romancing)
    (Interactions: Kagami Enoshima, Aiko, Crow, Cody, and Peski )
    (Mentions: Kisaki Kisaki , Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto , kenchin kenchin )

    After that astonishing display of heroism from Miss Spotlight, Yakai's motivation skyrocketed! An outstanding beauty combined with overwhelming strength! Never in a thousand years did he believe that he'd actually get to see a real-life heroine in the flesh, sure he's seen a whole bunch of videos of her online and even a couple of risque fan art pictures of her but never has someone such as himself been even remotely close to Miss Spotlight! There was a part of him hoping he saw him hanging the opened window of the bus flailing his arms around like a maniac to get her attention which he was pretty sure he managed to catch a glimpse of her looking at Yakai for a second before making a revolting face and turning away almost immediately yet that could've been just a fluke or something. "I hope she's single." About fifteen minutes had past after all of the students on-board had crossed Neptune's Bridge and passed the pearly decorative gates leading into Luxor Academy's courtyard where they were introduced with one of the guides that lackadaisically advanced up the vinyl-covered steps before halting his stride and turning to face all of those on-board with an exhausted expression. "Hello, I am your guide. I'm sure you're all very very... very excited to be here as am I.." Phrasing everything in a monotone fashion, the guide let out the most depressing "Woohoo." before continuing on with his unenthusiastic speech and reaching the conclusion.

    "So now that you're all familiar with the rules, I welcome you all too Luxor Academy, please.. Try not to have too much fun." With that being said, the fatigued looking adult ruffled through his pockets before pulling out a ridiculous looking party horn that he managed to awkwardly blow for a couple of seconds in front of everyone before letting out a pity laugh as he stepped off from the bus along with the other students that had followed him including Yakai who was wondering why they gave them the Debbie Downer of guides. "Its.. It's amazing!" Unique students, creatures, and all sorts of fantastical things drifted around the mythical campus grounds, this looked almost like something from a dream! It was honestly hard to believe that this actually existed in the real-world but what surprised him most was the actual surroundings, everything looked so clean and perfect! He was definitely going to get use to this sort of treatment. Holograms of a cutesy looking girl with pink hair soon popped up all over the place, informing new H.E.R.O program students to arrive to their next destination before fading away into obscurity. "Oh Jeeze, I have to run again?!" It wasn't fair! Yakai even saw some of the bird-like students spreading out their wings and flying there while everyone else either had to walk or run! Feeling his lungs on fire as he walked, there was a part of him regretting the decision of coming here because of all the physical exercise but then again the idea of being a hero motivated him to keep continuing even if it got rough. "I can't believe I made it, how am I still alive?" Panting like he had just ran a marathon, Yakai stood confidently in front of the Arena's entrance, proud of himself for surviving the strenuous run as he waltz on in with a goofy smile beaming across his cheeks which turned to sudden surprise as he noticed another female except this one was a red-eyed long haired beauty! She looked like one of those bodacious babes from his animes! Certainly believing that he was a stud, he thought he could have a shot with a girl like that, it couldn't hurt to try right? With a last minute check to see if his breathe was okay, he took a bunch of casual 'cool' looking strides towards Kagami, Aiko, Crow, Cody, and even Peski while adjusting the hefty dufflebag around his broad shoulder. "Alright, i'm doing good so far! Now I just gotta introduce myself with a neat pick-up line." With one nervous breathe, he blew it out and closed his distance between Kagami and the rest of them. "Hey good lookin' what's coo-" Smack! Just as he was about to finish his cheesy line he collided face-first into one of the metal poles that was in-between him and Kagami causing him to tumble backwards onto his back in pain, spilling out his pillow waifus, manga comics, and just about every embarrassing thing he had stored away in his luggage.

    This definitely was not his day.

    (Location: City of Edenia, Random Bus )(Mood: Bubbly)
    (Interactions: Kristofer Steinkuhler )
    (Mentions: Coyote Hart Coyote Hart )

    At long last, Sierra Doyle had escaped containment in Edenia's ADX (Administrative Maximum) institution after four lingering years of psychological and physical abuse from its correctional officers. She should've just did that sooner but instead she wasted a long period of time figuring out a useless escape route when she could've just slaughtered them all like the suited-up guinea pigs they were! After all she wasn't trapped in there with them, they were trapped in there with her! Honestly, they were lucky she didn't care too much about butchering all of them meat bags... Just the ones that were foolish enough to get in the way of her unstoppable rampage, it was a shame... Forty-eight deaths and that was it? She could've done a lot better than that but then again that sweet-tasting fresh air was all the more worth it once she stepped out those double-doors in her lovely jumpsuit that was painted in a delicious crimson red! Surprisingly enough she was actually met with a mediocre superhero at the front of the facility that tried stopping her which made the screaming all the better, hearing confident lines of dialogue transition into gurgling screams of agony was a forbidden music that aroused Sierra's awaiting ears with pure ecstasy. "Mmm." Striding her tongue across her upper-lip, she delicately closed her eyes as she envisioned the last moments of his life flicker by like a dying bulb of light before remembering in lush detail of how she accomplished the task of blending into this bus full of adolescent students without forewarning any more unwanted visitors that she'd just have to take care of. Once she'd escaped the ADX installation, in due time she found herself in the depths of the mouth breathing society known as Edenia! As unforgiving as it was locking her up with those other lunatics, she couldn't help admire the sensational appetite that the community of this gorgeous city had.

    Chains of fast-food establishments, local restaurants, and diners flooded the atmosphere in a mouth watering aroma that made her knees quiver against each other imagining those around her consume it like the gluttonous pigs they were but none compared to the delectable stench of the one Inn closest to her! Diverse fragrances cluttered her nostrils, alluding to the preparation of apple-pie being made in an oven which sent her into a flurry of happiness. Out of all the food she had tried in her life-time it was that familiar taste of apple pie that made life so much more enjoyable but then again it wasn't exactly right seeing some random good for nothing tarnish a perfectly baked treat, she didn't even consult the master chef, how insulting. surely someone as incompetent as that would have to be disciplined and disciplined that lady was, didn't take too long to break into that five-star inn and shove that fat little chef inside one of those stone ovens, she never realized it until now but those oven covers are really effective in preventing those loud screeches from spilling out into the public! She'd have to write that method of execution down for later but as of now she had an apple-pie to create and serve to the wonderful people of Edenia but of course not before she changed into that one woman's attire which she had to admit was pretty cute, not on her though because she's well... Kind of dead but did it look absolutely ravishing on Sierra when she posed in the mirror, although she did make a few minor adjustments by tearing off that constricting bottom portion which made it all the more 'alluring'. That's when she met those lovely students, they were so excited to dig into that meal she spent so much time fixing up for them which managed to make her cheeks fill up with a rosey-hue as she watched those chipmunk cheeks swell up with delight! Good thing she prepared seconds for those that had an appetite or else she would've had to use those left over parts of that one lady to make a spare last minute one but it all ended pretty well except she was a bit disturbed when she saw one of the few of them biting into an apple that he got from the inn's room despite there being a toothsome treat up for the taking! Sierra was almost going to snap, seeing someone deny her of all people almost made that unquenchable blood lust return full-force.. How could someone be that picky? That.. Infuriating, she was seconds away from leaping over that counter just to make him choke on that pie and murdering everyone that tried to stop her but it came to a realization that this little shit just didn't know what good food was, he was naive.

    She had to teach him that there was more to life than just meager food, so it was only rational of her to go and stalk him for a couple of hours until she snuck onto the bus with him and the rest of the slug-brained children, it was kind of funny, he must've not known who exactly he was sitting next to. A wicked smile brimming from ear-to-ear dawned on her face as she slightly spun towards Kristofer giving him a soft greeting as the bus inched along the road which was congested with all sorts of traffic for miles long. "My, aren't you just a cute thing.." She spoke, ignoring all kinds of privacy by 'scooching' further next to him and taking a moment to rub the side of his ear before returning her hands back to her lap, still keeping an eye on Kristofer as she let out a soft whistle, overhearing a certain public announcement that quickly overtook the radio station playing on the bus. "Attention, this is not a drill.. Edenia is under a city-wide man hunt after a prison break at ADX! It is said that Sierra Doyle, was one of the few that have escaped from containment, she is considered a level A security threat by the HERO association! Do not approach, if seen make sure to call the emergency hotline immediately." Well, talk about bad timing! Unless this little fellow had any sort of a clue of who or what she looked like then it would definitely make for an awkward conversation but giving the benefit of the doubt and saying she isn't she went along with it, although being a bit unnerving as she did.

    "Goodness my, that doesn't sound good at all! Could you imagine sitting next to someone as crazy as that? I gotta ask.. What's someone as adorable as you doing going to Luxor Academy's HERO program, i'm sure you have you reasons!" Curling her hair with nothing but a pinky finger she looked at him with a slightly ditzy look, occasionally looking out the window with a side glance in case there was anyone actively searching for her.
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Oz frowned as someone who he assumed was a fellow student promptly made a fool of himself in front of the teachers. He thought he may as well help the poor guy as he just ended up dumping all of the things in his bag all over the ground. Oz approached him and crouched down, gathering up his things for him. He tried not to pay attention to the items, as it was none of his business, and just helped the other man by putting them in neat order and insert them back into his bags.
He chuckled. "I'm not having the best of days, either. Just watch where you're going, alright?" He said, patting the poor guy on the shoulder before standing back up and returning to where he was positioned before.

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Kagami Enoshima - The Arena
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid kenchin kenchin Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto Zenpai Zenpai

Kagami looked to Cody and shrugged. " I guess you can stay as company. I don't need much help with teaching." She replied. " We can talk like we used to do back in the school years."

Kagami waved at Oz and at the others that joined. " Welcome students! This means I should lead you to-" Kagami eyes widen as a strange man collided into a pole.

"Uh...Are you okay?" She asked the man on the floor. Her eyes glide over to the various items that would be owned by an obsessed otaku. A small disgusted frown appeared on Kagami's face before turning back into a warm smile. " You should probably place your luggage into the lockers for safe keeping." She stated, looking over to body pillows of familiar anime characters. "I wonder how much spent in those." The muttered to herself before looking away.

"Well, well, since most of us are here we should move to the main area of the arena. Follow me as I explain your task." She gestured the others to follow. Kagami walked to an iron door with a digital lock. She punched in the numbers, allowing the door to open. " You'll be going through a simulation to test your skills. This arena's landscape will change in a matter of seconds, as well as conjure up enemies. Once all enemies are defeated the will the simulation will give me your results. This will help me determine if you are qualified for the program." She explained. Kagami pointed to the screen which displayed a clock. " You have enough time to practice before the simulation begins. Maybe the students who are late will show up in time before it begins too" She said before taking a seat on the floor. " Should I tell them about the pain thingy or no?" She asked both Cody and Aiko in a whisper.
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Cody and Peski
Cody stood with Kagami, when he saw a strange fat man approach them he almost used one of the tonfas to gently smack his gut, he knows when a fat persons gut is poked or punched, it hurts, and lingers for a bit. He noticed the coldness kagami showed for a split second and knew he will have to keep that man away from her as best as he can, or Kagami will kill him... Peski saw what happened and huffed, he's cute but that personality would most defiantly kill any mood... Anyway, when the time came to follow, Cody stayed at the front with Kagami at a respectable distance, and Peski stayed in the middle of the group. Peski listens inventively.. When she asked cody shrugs, "I'm sure they will know, if not, then they failed partial commen sense" he said blankly.

Kisaki Kisaki
Seikomatsumoto Seikomatsumoto
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
kenchin kenchin
Zenpai Zenpai
Aiko Kirishima

Aiko was simply listening to Kagami, Crow and Cody when suddenly a plump kid walked over. She was rather surprised by his appearance but her feelings were to no surprise kept under a shroud of stoic casual indifference. She didn't seem to respond to Kagami's question which usually means she's fine either way. She sat down and read abook whilst observing the arena. Obviously she sat near Kagami.

H3LLJUMPER_177 H3LLJUMPER_177 Kisaki Kisaki kenchin kenchin SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

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