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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. Lore



Just a Rando

The program was created by Luxor after he started to become addicted to superhero movies. Crime rate in the city and violent supernatural creature attacks rose. This lead to Luxor deciding to give an opportunity to students attending his school to become heroes of Edenia. Most citizens perceive the new heroes as good and need within the city to keep them safe. They are somewhat skeptical if the heroes will last as the H.E.R.O program is new. However, there is a large group of people (including political leaders and business owners) who believe these heroes create too much collateral damage and do more harm than good.
The Origin serves as the mascot and founder of the H.E.R.O program. He has many powers and is labeled as an SS+ class superhero. Unknown to students and to the rest of the world, The Origin does not exist. He is but many people. Teachers within Luxor Academy take turns to wear The Origin suit which has a voice modifier to make the iconic proud voice of the SS+ class hero. The Origin has his own TV program called “ Serving Justice with The Origin”. It comes on every morning and night, usually displayed on Luxor Academy's digital screens that are throughout the school.
"Grapes. Potatoes. Dairy?”- No, they aren't the police department. They are the super duper evil trio who's out for trouble. The villain trio was founded by the same time when the H.E.R.O program was. They have been in hiding, never revealing their identity. They are the puppeteers of the criminal world. Unknown to the academy, they are the ones behind the recent monster attacks within the city. The trio ultimately wants to get rid of the so called heroes of earth and dominate the world to make it a more interesting (chaotic) place to live.

(Will be updated as time goes on.)
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S++: The Origin ,

S+: Luxor Aurum (The Angel) , Hundun (Captain Chaos) , Samson Hearth (The Phoenix) ,

S: Jessica Starry (Miss Spotlight) ,

A+: Kagami Enoshima (Crimision) , Kirishima Aiko (Violet Witch) ,







D: Zack Aurum (Golden Fist) , Oswald Mignonette (Shatter) , Yakai Damanji (Captain Manga)

Note: This list will be updated every three days or so to make sure things are accurate.
(Entry Heroes are given D rank until progression.)











D: Kristopher Steinkuhler (Dude With The Hotdogs?)

Note: This list will be updated every three days or so to make sure things are accurate.
(Entry Villains are given D rank until progression.)

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Leon Nathan
Cerberus & Athena

As you're well aware I've been developing AI in my free time in order to not only improve on my own skills but to also provide tech companies like yours a safe and dependable technological resource. You have shown me great support and enthusiasm throughout this process and have even been so kind as to allow me access to your own companies database for research. And so it is with great pride and many thanks that I present to you both Cerberus & Athena.

These state of the art AI have been in the making for well over a year now and each specialise in separate areas of expertise. Athena is what I like to call an 'Iron Maiden'. She is the great wall to your china. This AI is perfect for keeping your data safe, secure and out of the competitions hands. Athena can defend against a maximum of four red alert level cyber attacks at once and on top of that she can masterfully scan through your files and assist you in the management of them. Athena is. And I'm serious when I say this. The most advanced anti-virus/cyber attack software on the planet at this current moment in time. Officially anyway, who knows what the military has hidden away.

Athena also specialises in the day to day assistance of executives like yourself. For example, Athena can take care of your emails, calendar, voicemail, invoicing, statement drafting, route planning, phone dialling, message taking, social media posting, time allocation and a whole lot more.

Athena is fantastic and I love her to bits already!

Cerberus on the other hand. Well, he's a bit more aggressive. As you know I'm contracted to the military and while I can't disclose much about the terms of my agreement with you. I can assure you Cerberus wouldn't even be a thing without my obligation. As in I didn't want to make him.

Cerberus is the pinnacle of modern-day AI cyber offensive technology. in other words, If Athena was the unbreakable shield, Cerberus would be an unstoppable spear. Cerberus specialises in hacking. Plain and simple. That is his only directive, hacking on a massive scale. I can't say much more about him for the time being but just know as much as I am proud of my creations, I can't help but wonder If I've made a mistake with Cerberus.

Anywho, I have a favour to ask. would you mind being the pilot company for my Athena AI? I can come over next week and instal it then provided that's all okay with you. Please see the attached for a more detailed breakdown.
~ Clair (^.^)

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Leon Nathan
Re: Cerberus & Athena
Good to hear from you. The program you wrote up for me last month was spectacular as always and I actually have a job coming up soon that I may need your help with but I'll leave that to rest for now. Both I and My daughter took a look at the specs you attached and I must say your new AI is groundbreaking tech. I would love to have Nathan Industries be the pilot company your new AI and in fact, I'd like to set up a meeting with you in regards to buying the AI from yourself. I believe this AI could really give my company a leg up on the competition and I'm willing to pay quite a substantial amount for this asset to remain private between the two of us.

I'll ask you as both a long time contrator and as a friend to please consider this option.


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