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Act 1. Unexpected Reunion
  • --Tavern Lift-->
    MrMeekins MrMeekins

    "Sir?!" The winged barkeep flinched in surprise as a stranger appeared out of nowhere to fight. Clearly he didn't want to throw hands with the man with a 15 feet sword.

    The girl who appeared to be studying tensed up, and began to pack her work, knowing that things will go wrong if she continued to stay in this empty tavern.

    The only other person who was in this tavern...

    "Hmph. I see you haven't changed one bit, 'Edgelord'." A woman's voice. Drake would see a hooded figure, clad in blood red ruse from her seat in the corner near the entrance, glancing at Drake with a smile. "How about a spar for old times sake?" She suggested, taking out what appears to be a short sword with a crystal bladed hand guard with a dragon motif engraved on it. The crossguard had a hand on it, and the blade a tad bit short yet shaped like a spear at its very tip with a crystal on it. She held the sword in back hand, holding it as if it was a mere cane from it's grip.