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Fantasy Luthais University for Magical Creatures

D8DOIbaUIAAo13t.jpgTrixie Talemonstreux
Common Area
Interaction/Mention: Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Trixie approached the common room's exit, halting when she heard someone call out her name. She paused, feet struggling a bit to hold her up as she raised an eyebrow in the direction of the voice. At first all she saw were the crowd of folks running their mouths about the break or something. She raised a hand and coughed into it, releasing another puff of the spicy orange mist from her throat. Only then did she glance to the side and notice some dude who seemed strangely familiar. It was almost as if she recognized him from somewhere... somewhere recent... like it had happened only several moments ago...

He seemed to know her of course, why would anybody for the unfortunate newbies not know her? She raised a finger while trying to recall for a moment, spared further effort by him introducing himself to Tannerbro and Altalune.

"Jerry, of course~" she gave a small coo before folding her arms behind her head and thinking "The-uh, the gas dude! You were hanging with demon babe and the cat earlier."

She glanced to the side at his companions before shrugging and stumble-walking next to Tenebrae and Altalune, "I was just about to head out and help Tannerbo teach this new guy all about kickin' back and enjoying stuff, or something like that."

Glancing back to Jerimiah, she tilted her head as she looked over his shoulder, "Pretty sure you could join up, and bring any fresh meat you found with ya. Trixie's got a hankerin' for some fine first impressions, bro, and that hankerin' requires an audience to satisfy-!"

She paused, coughing up another puff of orange smoke and gripping her knees before releasing another laugh. She stood there, hunched over and laughing for a bit before leaning up with another stumble and planting a foot on a nearby table before continuing "An Audience to drink in the vibes, damn it!"
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
"Right..." He said with a nod, only understanding part of what the elf said; all and all his expression was like a confused puppy... Or a confused tiger/monkey/snake/thing in his case. Maybe he'd look into them. If there were strategy games there had to be ones focused on the things he liked; such as fighting and exploration. Anything that required too much complex thought would be too much for a simple boy like him. "They do sound a bit like toys though. I really am outta touch! When I was a kid, my favorite toys were sticks I found in the woods that I pretended were a sword or magic staff." He said with a grin. He'd be lying if the whole playing pretend thing with sticks or rocks wasn't still super fun.
And to answer Efain's question. "My old man wanted me to come here. The old geezer didn't want me to stay at the temple all my life and told me this would be a learning experience for me. Another one of his lessons. Heh... Maybe he just wanted to get me out of his white hair.


current appearance and attire
interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith Sir Aizen Sir Aizen GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Well I might tell you eventually but I won’t make any promises it sounds... like... well even for this place,” Anna said before noticing ki’pecks little trick giving the demon ghost a slightly annoyed look he just shrugged “hey he’s a cute cat what can I say? Not like I was going to throw him across the room although that would be really funny” he said chuckling to himself "yeah... socializing doesn't sound too bad i suppose.. but err when you put it that way it sounds incredibly creepy" anna said kinda awkwardly Jeremiah offered to introduce them all to Trixie before flying off in the girls direction anna shrugging "well can't see why not you coming cat boy?" ki'peck smiled floating off in the same direction "oh boy this should be fun hey?, that Trixie girls got a good taste in humor" he said jokingly anna only rolling her eyes as she walked toward where Jeremiah had gone off to her wings folding back so they didn't drag through the air walking towards the other group of people "well err hello everyone... "she said to the new group somewhat awkwardly not sure what else to his ki'peck laughing heartedly at her social ineptitude kinda just finding how trixie was acting a little bit too crazy although now that she tought about it... there was defiently a reason she did somewhat try to forget about her?
Tenebrae watched Trixie trip and stumble over herself on they way to the exit before turning back. How on Earth did she manage to function like that. It was one thing to hear about it or see it from a distance, but experiencing her behavior up close was almost unsettling.

Others from within the common room had started to interact with Trixie, it seemed like her friend group spread far and wide. The shade gave him some pause though. They were similar in their Illusion skill and Tenebrae knew of him. For a brief moment the shade had given him some excitement, but it passed in a flash.

"Tenebrae." He returned his name with a small bow. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how much he wanted to spend time with a group of Trixie's friends, but he was already intending to move outdoors and it might not be the worst thing to meet new people.

EldridSmith EldridSmith GrieveWriter GrieveWriter PJ-Flash PJ-Flash Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Efain Atoka Tyla Birken
just_patches just_patches BackSet BackSet

Efain glanced at Sep, studying the way his face turned up. He almost looked constipated? She'd offended him, but hadn't realized until he'd muttered something about video games not being toys. Though she wasn't sure how they didn't fall into that category. Oh well, he knew a lot more about that than she did. She considered apologizing, it wasn't her intent to offend him. While she contemplated that, she heard Tenzen's uncertainty related to that unexpected touchy topic.

Efain chuckled at Tenzen's statement. "Now they call it sword practice, but it's essentially the same thing." Sword fighting was one of her favourite activities. Anything that required weapons or being outdoors were activities she loved. Efain nodded and smiled. "And how are you liking it so far? I imagine it must be quite different than what you're used to." There were so many things Efain learned while attending this university and she knew there were many things left to learn.​
Altalune smiled softly at his human companion, but his cheeks were tinted pink, "I wouldn't be surprised. I'm realising I'm not as knowledgeable as I thought I was." It was embarrassing to admit, certainly, however - they were all thinking it anyway, weren't they? Altalune fixed his posture, briefly flustered. He looked back to Trixie as Tenebrae spoke of her, unable to muffle a surprised 'hm.' Altalune mumbled, "oh, she's a succubus? I ... wouldn't have known," inspecting Trixie with renewed skepticism. Is that why he'd been so eager to talk to her? 'Hm' indeed. But she seemed nice enough, even objectively as he viewed her now. Nice, albeit unusual.

"Well, Tenebrae," Altalune started, chuckling, "for now I'd like to ask you to continue looking out for me." As he finished, Trixie turned and began to wobble in the direction of a long hallway, gesturing for them to follow.

"There are many, many more tunes to be heard past these walls," Altalune, although he remained seated, agreed with a nod of his head, ashy-blond curls bouncing in its rhythm. In the past, his pride would have prevented him from following Trixie out of the common room (or prevented him from enrolling in the first place). It would be a smudge on his entire family's reputation if it was discovered that its youngest was shadowed in experience by a lopsided succubus and a college-aged human. But quite recently, the catalyst being his noticing the entire sub-society of magic beings, his already shoddy sense of self-importance had been weakened. He'd come to the conclusion that no one being can know everything, and that the real pride came from learning and improving in order to get as close as one can get.

It'd be wrong to say he wasn't feeling rather proud at the moment.

But before he could stand with a deliberate flourish, a dark-haired fellow quite literally materialised a short distance away, calling out to Trixie. He claimed to know her, which couldn't possibly be untrue given her extravagant personality. He chatted with her more formally than he'd expect of one of Trixie's friends. Unfortunately, he took notice of Altalune as he fidgeted in place, trying to make himself smaller. If three's a crowd, what's four? Introducing himself twice was tiring. And as far as he knew, the shadowy boy couldn't make use of any succubus spells to ease his nerves.

Altalune forced himself to speak: "Er - hello. I'm called Altalune." He waved a hand in his direction. He bore no ill will toward Jeremiah - a person who could solidify themselves out of fumes seemed interesting enough, but he was beginning to feel rather crowded.

To make matters worse, another figure approached. This time, Altalune was faced with a pale-skinned woman, rather scantily-clad by his standards. She'd folded her batlike wings back, yet they still seemed large and imposing. Overall, she was intimidating -- that is, until she spoke, and her voice came out as small and uncertain as Altalune felt. His eyes widened; I'm not the only one. That was reassuring, but the room, though expansive, had begun to feel like it was closing in. "Hello," he greeted her on impulse, trying to reassure her in turn. It would be lovely if they made their way to the courtyard soon, seeing as Trixie intended to exchange pleasantries with (slash) recruit anyone she could find. It's much easier to breathe outdoors. For the moment, Altalune bit his tongue and beared it. It had been a long day, and it'd barely even started.

interactions | Tenebrae Haru Rivers Haru Rivers Trixie GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Jeremiah EldridSmith EldridSmith Anna / Ki'peck Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Kyrell Konigsburg

Location: Common Room | Interaction(s): Trixie, Jerimiah, Anna/Ki'peck, Altalune, Tenebrae
'Oh, dear.' Kyrell's transmitted thoughts were tinged with worry - and anticipation - when two other students approached, one looking like another demon, the other a blonde male with curly hair. That cat couldn't place his species. All he knew was that he wasn't human: He had this smell about him, one that most humans didn't have. No matter, though - he could interact with him all the same. Kyrell hopped off the arm of the chair he'd been laying on, and approached the newcomers with the same attitude as before - curiosity. 'Ah - another demon. You were the one Jerimiah was going on about. . . Greetings. I am Kyrell Konigsburg -' The werecat paused as he noticed Trixie's unstable state. 'Are you drunk? I don't thin that students are supposed to get drunk.' He wrinkled his nose slightly at the dust she was coughing up. 'You might want to get that checked out as well - it's unhygenic.' Not a very good first impression. . . . Kyrell turned to Altalune, a somewhat-blank look on his face. 'I'm afraid I can't place your species, Altalune. Would you mind enlightening me?'

The cat cleaned his paw while he waited for a response. He was glad that Jerimiah had agreed to "hang out" with him at some point in time. If he hadn't, Kyrell would have had no choice but to continue to request the company until his resolve collapsed. That would have been inefficent, in any event. Kyrell was just happy that an agreement had been made. He frowned slightly at Ki'peck's joke. 'I think not. Throwing another being across the room is likely to cause lasting damage, though not to a were -' Kyrell cut himself off. He'd nearly forgotten about how physically frail he was. 'Nevermind,' he said, looking embarrassed. There was one more fellow Kyrell ha d forgotten to account for, a man named Tenebrae. The feline gave a little cat-bow in return. 'Greetings, Tenebrae. Say, would you happen to be a second-Year, such as myself?"

EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 PJ-Flash PJ-Flash GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Haru Rivers Haru Rivers
1572564090404.png Jeremiah waved hello to everyone after saying hi to Trixie before standing off to the side wondering what to do or say next. "So how's everyone's day been so far?" He asked while nervously scratching his head. He shouldn't have jumped into a group of so many people but he wanted to make friends... oh what a dilemma.
Sir Aizen Sir Aizen Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 PJ-Flash PJ-Flash GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Haru Rivers Haru Rivers (Sorry it's short I've got a lot going on RN)
patches comm tenzan transparent.png
Alvaris Alvaris
“How am I liking it? The sword fighting or the school?” He said, although he knew she meant the school. “I’m not into sword fighting anymore, I’m a guy who fights with my hands and tail.” He said, patting Orz on the head, who was continuing to observe the conversation. In a fight, it must be handy to have a snake who obeys your commands… Maybe it was poisonous as well.

“But uh… I’m easing into it. I might need to follow someone around and watch what they do, so I don’t make any mistakes.” Chuckling, he crossed his arms. For someone who was clearly out of his element in the modern age, he at least acted 100 percent confident in every action. His excitable smile not leaving his face. “Just yesterday I had an incident with one of those vending machines. So much food but I can only pay for a tiny bit of what’s in there? I nearly got my hand stuck trying to get stuff out of it.” Not to mention, his choice of clothing, a loincloth, didn’t exactly have pockets to keep change. Hopefully someone will also teach him how to wear normal clothing.
(I also got a new pic of Tenzen)
Efain Atoka Tyla Birken
just_patches just_patches BackSet BackSet

Efain chuckled as she gazed at the redhead. His yellow eyes shone in the morning light, rather feline like and intense. She was unfamiliar with his species, but that only piqued her curiosity more. Efain, though wildly adventurous, was rather studious. Being skilled in the various methods of fighting were a goal for her and she spent many nights perfecting her craft; being a half-breed gave her much alone time.

"Ah-yes, those machines can be rather tricky," she said, more for his benefit than actual negative experiences. "The one by the cafeteria gets stuck." She smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you have." Tenzen seemed like a nice guy and she wouldn't mind making another friend, the list was nonexistent. Despite the school being full of students from various backgrounds, it still made befriending them difficult. Not many of the students seemed willing to get out of their comfort zone.

Efain glanced over at Sep before her stomach rumbled. Right. She's skipped breakfast after receiving the letter. At that time, being around others seemed insufferable, but times changed, like her mood. Now the hunger stuck, with quite a vengeance. Efain pressed her hand against her stomach as another quiet moan sounded. "I don't suppose we could move this conversation toward the cafeteria? I don't make it a habit to skip breakfast, but something came up," she said, images of the ripped pieces of the letter floated in her mind.​
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
As Efain noticed, Tenzen’s eyes were one of the many distinct features of him; other than his snake tail, his tiger legs, his stripes, the fact he rarely wore a shirt… As a matter of fact, he was a mishmash of distinct features coming together on one being. Typical for chimera species.

The thing with Tenzen and his comfort zone was that for the most part, everything was his comfort zone. Unless it involved technology of course. Socialization on the other hand was no issue. “Right then!” He said, nodding, “Questions… Questions…” He said, pondering it over. His tail rested its head in Tenzen’s hand. The two made eye contact, as if communicating with each other, Tenzen even nodded slightly. The two communicated as Efain talked to Sep. Once the two of them were finished, he shot a question her way, “Right! I’m told that there are phones? Devices that allow you to communicate long distance without sending letters or having them to be delivered? It’s like instant? Should I be getting myself one of those?

He looked over to Sep, “You look like someone that would know about them too! Forgive me for making assumptions, but I get a good modern day about ya!”
"Ah, no, this is actually my third year at the school. I do believe I've seen you around though. Perhaps even in a class last year?" At Luthias there were no real set schedules as well as no requirements for graduation. There were minimums that needed to be met for certain 'qualifications' to be awarded upon leaving the school, but if someone wanted to take only basic courses and leave with that knowledge they were certainly capable. If someone chose to master all subjects, as some students were prone to doing, they would spend a rather significant amount of time at the school, but it was certainly possible. As such it wasn't uncommon for more experienced students to be mixed in with newer folk in classes.

Tenebrae regarded the shade at his question. "Rather well, though it is getting a bit crowded and stuffy in here." His desire to step outside for a time had not lessened any and in fact with so many people around it may have even increased. "I think I'll be stepping out for a bit to see the town. Anyone is welcome to join me should they choose." With that, Tenebrae turned to continue out the door without much pause to see if anyone would join him. He expected they wouldn't most people chose not to stick around him too long. He was in most regards, a very boring individual. Tenebrae knew this, but didn't mind others opinion of him. Besides, if anyone did want to join him around town they were more than capable of catching up to him fairly quickly.

Tenebrae had aspirations to see a bit more of the town and perhaps peruse a shop or two now that he was unladen of the items he had dropped off in his room. There was also the desire to see the forest as well, it was most certainly one of Tenebrae's favorite locations on campus. It was a joy to practice magic out in nature, and so full of magical creatures that it almost felt a different world of its own sometimes.
D8DOIbaUIAAo13t.jpgTrixie Talemonstreux
Common Area ==> School Grounds
Interaction/Mention: Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Trixie had paused in her pose, foot still planted on the table as the others greeted each other. It was perhaps the most stable her stance had been since she arrived. Upon closer inspection, one could easily see that she was shaking. Despite the lopsided grin she still sported, her body was twitching occasionally as she held the pose. She stayed liked that for a while as the fumes seeping from her mouth grew a bit in intensity. It was only when Tenebrae began making for the exit that Trixie suddenly stretched her arms back as a fine layer of glittering particles peeled from her body. She released a sigh of delight as the particles flew from her and faded into the air, bending over and massaging her temple once the process was complete.

"Oh yeah," she growled to herself "that's that good stuff."

The fumes died down a bit as she gestured to Tenebrae while grinning to the others, "See? Tannerbro's got the right idea. We was all up and about to go party and stuff, give this new guy a tour of the tasty stuff."

At that last part she sauntered over her in her barely stable fashion and gave Altalune a nudge in the side, "Trixie's all about showin' the ropes to them new hopefuls, give em' a wittle bitty perspective, ya feel?"

She didn't wait for any response, instead clapping him on the shoulder and leaning towards the others with her usual lazy smirk, "But know it, dudes and dudette, Trixie is downright killin' for a crowd. So if ya wanna nik some of our vibes and chill with us, feel free."

With that she ushered him along after Tenebrae, calling back with a giggle "Oh, and ya'll can bring yo cat with ya, s'all good! Trixie loves pets and stuff!"

With the offer given, she turned her attention ahead of her towards Tenebrae as they made their way outside, stretching in the sunlight as gave another puff of her mystical goodness. She pulled on her shirt a bit to shake off some powders into the grass, which literally began waving underneath her. Either not noticing the movements or not caring, Trixie turned her attention to the few other students moving about the school around them. From just a glance, she could tell most of them were talking about similar stuff to the people inside the Common Area. A few them took note of her immediately, and soon Trixie was a receiving the occasional wave or lowered glare. She reacted to both with a quick wink-finger gun combo, but let the other students go on their merry way.

"Said we was gonna show ya the town." Trixie cooed while once more leaning against Altalune, she gestured in the town's general direction "Best ready yo'self Lu-Lu, the moment we're on those grounds Trixie's gon' bust open yo Mind's eye and reveal the secrets of reality, boy!"


current appearance and attire
interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith Sir Aizen Sir Aizen GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
anna sort of just shrugged at Jeremiah's comment "well I mean I could definitely be doing better... had my arm fall off this morning honestly it's annoying" even though annas response sounded gruesome she said it in such a casual if somewhat worried way it was as if her limbs fell off all the time and to anna that was true. hearing Altalune greeting she turned to the boy and gave him a little wave "oh hi... wait... haven't i seen you somewhere before?... nevermind nice to meet you" she said somewhat awkwardly trying to her finger one it, ki'peck tapped his transparent chin thoughtfully "hmm... no, honestly i can't remember he's such a small one wasn't he a fire chicken?" anna couldn't help but giggle a little at the comment fire chicken ok that was kinda funny. looking over at Trixie who was acting somewhat wierd... well normal she was definitely inhaling something she shouldn't. shaking her head as she followed everyone else out into the school grounds watching the succubus teter and torter around anna shaking her head as she walked her wings tucked behind her back so they didn't drag the way she walked was almost in a swaggering motion "wait wiat... what do you mean... open minds eyes?" anna almost yelled it slightly worried about what she meant
1573357091168.png Jeremiah felt it was getting a bit crowded and Trixie was... well being herself. She was hard to understand but friendly enough for him to hang our with her a few times. "I haven't been to town in a while, I'll go with you Tenebris." He says as he exits the building with the others. "So who's going with who...?"
Date: Let's go with June 12th for now. Maybe.
Time: Around Lunch
Location: Luthais University, The Edge of the Forest
Music Box: A Bizarre-ish Encounter

"Er... I guess." Sep said, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't really have any friends so I don't use mine too often."

Sep looked down again. What he had said was true. He didn't have any friends. And given the way a lot of people had treated him, he was fine with that. A few seconds later Sep realized he was probably bringing down the mood.

"But, uh, yeah, you should totally get a phone." Sep said with a forced smile and a thumbs up.

just_patches just_patches Alvaris Alvaris
Efain glanced at Sep, relating with him more than she anticipated she would. She didn't have many people to contact, but she had a phone. Hers was an antiquated flip phone, but she saw the value in having more high end devices. Sometimes she'd grow frustrated when she couldn't check her email, just in case it was from her professor. The only reasons she really kept the device was to contact any necessary people, though texting was time consuming. She'd considered updating the phone, but never made the time for it.

Efain pulled out her black flip phone. "I recommend getting a better one than mine," she said with a short chuckle. "I can't check my email, which sounds lame, but laptops don't fit in your pocket." She nodded, still smiling.

BackSet BackSet just_patches just_patches
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
This guy didn’t have any friends? Tenzen didn’t want to say that wasn’t surprising, considering how antisocial he was, but that would be rude.

“Right! A phone. No idea where to get one but I’ll look into it. Got to also figure out what this email thing is too.”

This guy really was a man lost out of time. How did someone go so long without the modern day? Was he even familiar with present day events going on or history? That was a whole can of worms to open. “You two will have to give me some pointers sometime. I got a lotta catchin’ up to do. Til then, I’m gonna stay in my element.” That element being nature with little technology. “…I suppose a little technology in my life couldn’t hurt. Like a music player or a locator for good hiking spots.” With a grin, he pounded his chest, “But I feel bad not giving you guys something in exchange for teaching me all about this technology stuff! If you need any lessons from me or Orz, I can give em!”

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