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Fantasy Luthais University for Magical Creatures

D8DOIbaUIAAo13t.jpgTrixie Talemonstreux
Common Area
Interaction/Mention: Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash

Drumming her fingers against the wall in tune with her humming, Trixie sifted through numerous conversations around her. It wasn't hard for her, nor was it simple... it was just right. Her tail wagged a bit at the sound of some guy chatting up what sounded like his girlfriend. Trixie was all for interrupting a pair of lovers, she was pretty sure it was in her peoples' DNA on some level, but she'd already done that shtick a couple times last year and even a few times during the break. She was trying to find some new fun, damn it! Her attention turned to a pair of girls discussing what they did over the break, but their conversation was interrupted when a third came over announcing that one of her friends had hooked up. Trixie was all for gossip, it was basically a game of half-lies, but she was pretty sure the same girl they were talking about went through boys like napkins so any rumors on that would break apart as quickly as they did.

And then a choice phrase reached her ears that made her lift her head up and turn to a pair of boys across the room. The more she listened to them talk, the wider her grin grew as she pushed away from the wall and begun stumbling towards them. There were visible trails of pinkish smoke still wafting from the edges of her smile, and a giggle sent a big puff of it in a nearby girl's face as she passed. Trixie barely kept her balance, paying little mind to the coughing behind her as she moved forward. These particular boys happened to be discussing a topic she was exceptionally gifted in, and she noticed as she approached that she couldn't recognize one of them.

"Choices? Freedom? Neither and both at the same time, my dude." Trixie snickered while approaching the two boys, leaning forward towards them before whispering "Trixie's about to lay down some wild biz that's key to anyone straight up mastering decision-making."

Leaning back, she placed her hands on her hips while standing tall "Any boys and girls want to figure out the whole freedom shtick just gotta.... not worry about stuff." she declared before holding out her hand and nodding down to it "There, saved ya an hour. My fee's thirty Francs large, non-negotiable."

She looked to the side and thought for a moment before waving her other hand casually, "Or, like, your immortal soul or whatever; but people prefer Option A I swear."
Date: Let's go with June 12th for now. Maybe.
Time: Before Lunch
Location: Luthais University, The Edge of the Forest
Music Box: A Bizarre-ish Encounter

In his two years at Luthais University, Sep has seen a lot of weird things. But a student with a snake for a tail, that was new. If he had to compare the guy to something it would be a Chimera but with a human body instead of a lion's and no ram head.

Unnervingly, the snake tail seemed to notice him. It looked like ot had a mind of it's own. Though how complex or simple it was, Sep didn't know. A moment after the snake taik noticed him, the elf girl also noticed him. She said something about the chimera guy pumping himself up and also referred to him as Tenzen.

That... doesn't exactly calm my nerves. Sep thought.

Outwardly he said, "O...kay? Am I, uh, interrupting something? Because I can leave. That's totally not a problem."

Sep's discomfort with this whole situation plainly showed on his face. Usually, he was good at keeping a poker face. But right now he was in a forest, standing in front lf two (maybe three if the snake tail counted) people. Not exactly his usual situation.

Alvaris Alvaris just_patches just_patches
1571787293536.png"Oh you're a demon? Do you know Trixie? She's a succubus fourth year... oh it's fine, I'm not offended. Though I didn't even know what I was until 3 years ago. It's just strange being recognized since I'm one of the few shades on campus. I mean shoot there are more dragon's, phoenix's, and really rare species than shades here." He says before scratching his head. "Oh yeah hi Anna, and floating thing." He says before turning to the now cat sized Kyrell who was speaking into his mind like some of the strange tentacled creatures did. "Eh? It's just more advanced classes and stuff like that. I passed Illusion as top of my class... I had a high A in evocation, and a B in conjuration. I guess it comes with being a shade, why do you ask?"
Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Mentions: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
"Exactly." I guess you can say I'm a boy who lives for catharsis. "See? A good shout feels good." He said, giving the elf a small golf clap. "There is power in the voice even if it holds no words. That's one of the lessons I learned as a kid and I never understood it til now."
It was then that Tenzen finally noticed the other man entering the scene. His snake rested its head in Tenzen's hand now that it was done staring at Sep. The two of them seemed to be very in sync. Guess when you live your whole life connected to someone else, you always know what the other is going to do or how to accommodate them.
With the same, confident smile as before, Tenzen shook his head. "Not interrupting anything at all."
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce someone." As he petted the top of the snake's head, he added, "This is Orz."
Efain Atoka Tyla Birken
just_patches just_patches BackSet BackSet

Efain smiled at him, she was intrigued by Tenzen. "Well said," Efain spoke, trying not to get sucked into her own thoughts. She'd poke at that phrase another time. Efain turned back to the recent addition, still smiling. "No need to duck out. The more the merrier." Now that she was in the mood for mingling. The boy looked ready to dash in any direction that led him away from Tenzen and her. Not that she could blame him, it must have been odd to hear that scream and then see two rather normal looking people having a conversation.

The tail had a name, which seemed appropriate. She wanted to ask questions regarding the tail, but at the level of their current relationship, she knew best not to ask yet. "Pleasure to meet you Orz," Efain said before waving Sep over. "You're more than welcome to join us, as long as you tell us your name." This was a better turn of the morning and she was grateful for the company of others, it took her mind off her family.​
Last edited:


current appearance and attire
interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith Sir Aizen Sir Aizen mention: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
"well yeah, nice to meet you too, and well... i would have a last name if i could remember the darn thing" she said to the kinda odd boy to be honest the way he spoke was a little strange, anna watched kryell become a... well cat it was kinda interesting, anna couldn't remember the last time she had actually seen were-creature that wasn't of a canine origin so it was a little bit out of the ordinary for the old being. she swung her head around to face Jerimiah the boy had finally managed to get a response out "well like i said... demon is close enough, but yeah I think iv meet her once or twice... although iv met a lot of demons... soo" she said kinda awkwardly staring off into the distance "oh well i wouldn't be so worried about being recognized shades aren't exactly the easiest creatures to find" she waved her head in a dismissive manner "and don't get me wrong dragons and phoenixes are waaaay more common then you think... but err that actually might be because iv seen alot of them" anna scratched the back of her head very lightly after saying that, but she was a little taken aback when Jerimiah greeted her and ki'peck, ki'peck giving a completely audible laugh soon after "man that was priceless, annoying thing shades are seeing me hey, anyway" ki'peck voice seemed to just come from nearby anna a floating see-through creature that was a great deal more demon-like then anna but both of them shared many features came into veiw for kryell as well "ello" he said giving a bow anna sighing her shoulders slumping forward "and well... that ki'peck... my personal demon... so to speak... its annoying but" anna was cut of by ki'peck "shes just reaaly negitive sometimes anyway im ki'peck like she said and all be your demon for the day" he spoke in a mock bulter like accent before laughting again

Date: Let's go with June 12th for now. Maybe.
Time: Before Lunch
Location: Luthais University, The Edge of the Forest
Music Box: A Bizarre-ish Encounter

Sep decided that he might as well. Running back the way he came would look weird. Of course, things were weird either way so... yeah, things were just weird.

Approaching the odd pair Sep forced a smile. Sep did not need a mirror to know that it was terrible but it was all he had. "My name's Sep." He said. "I'd say it's nice to meet you but it's really not. I'm not a fan of people." Sep rubbed the back of his head. He glanced basically everywhere but the two individuals he was talking too. The animals were starting to come back now after the primal scream that one of the two, presumably Tenzen since the Elf Girl didn't look the sort, had released. There were birds in the trees and squirrels on the ground and all that jazz. Generally a whole menagerie of things to look at that weren't the people in front of him.

just_patches just_patches Alvaris Alvaris
Kyrell Konigsburg

Location: Common Room | Interaction(s): Jerimiah, Anna/Ki'peck

'Ah - nothing,' Kyrell replied hurriedly to Jerimiah. It wasn't that he really minded if others knew that he was setting a high personal goal - it was just that Kyrell didn't feel that he was required to explain himself further to a third-year. The werecat bore no ill feelings towards the shade, but he assumed that Jerimiah had more important things to think about than the personal plan of a second-year. 'I was merely curious. A Succubus, you say?' Kyrell had heard of those creatures from Father as well - technically, he was supposed to stay away from demons and other creatures of the dark, but how could he when they were all so. . . Fascinating? 'You'll have to introduce me sometime. An analysis would prove highly beneficial, if I do say so myself.'

The cat stretched the length of his body out on the arm of the chair, tail waving. The current demon was interesting. Kyrell didn't fully understand, but he knew a person with multiple personalities when he saw one. He inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Salutations, Ki'peck. You'll have to tell me the story of how you came to inhabit the body of another sometime. It could prove educational - and entertaining." The feline cocked his head to one side, expression curious. "Was it painful for the host?" Kyrell caught himself. "Or - should I say, was it painful for YOU, Anna?" If Kyrell seemed the least bit embarrassed at attempting to delve right into the personal information of another, it didn't show. His curiosity had completely wiped all other cares away for the moment. "How long did it take the two of you to reach the system you have today? Were you always so relatively agreeable?"

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 EldridSmith EldridSmith
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
Sep? An interesting but odd name... This from a guy who's name hasn't been used since the Edo period. In response to the pointy eared girl, Tenzen nodded, "Orz says hello. That's good, usually he's so fickle about meeting new people."
As the animals started to return, the nue would be tempted to let out another scream, but that would be a bit rude in the middle of a conversation. With his legs getting a bit tired, he sat down on a nearby log resting on its side. He was a very easygoing person, rarely trying to get on people's bad side. While he was a total scrapper in a fight and not afraid to get his throw punches to solve problems, taking it easy was often the best course of action in his mind. He didn't want to let combat and fighting control his whole life as it did his old man.
Even if he wanted to, fighting was against the rules anyways.
"Not a fan of people, eh? That's okay, neither am I most of the time. But a nue's gotta socialize sometimes and socialize I shall." Less antisocial do to social awkwardness and more because he enjoyed the quiet... and frequent siestas.
"Well, I've decided then," declared Altalune, satisfied. He crossed his arms and leaned back, seeming proud of himself. "I'll go about my business as a free-thinking individual. I will accept the consequences as they come." It was very easy to say it, with gentle authority, but on the inside Altalune agonised. Yes, let me just go ahead and abandon my lineage to frolic with humans and their tiny lifespans. I'm such a birdbrain. His confidence shattered. "Or, for now, I'll just discover what I'm willing to live with." He offered Tenebrae a grateful, albeit sheepish, smile. "Thank you for your insights. They mean more than you might think." His gaze trailed towards Tenebrae's empty hands, calmly held in his lap, and without thinking he blurted, "can you perform that light magic again? It was very pretty. I can do something similar," Altalune breathed deeply, and with a little wave of his hand, cast a sphere of white light no bigger than a marble through the air in front of him. The orb exploded like a firework, sending out freckles of moondust which hung in the air like tiny stars. Constellations formed as it settled. It looked like a diorama, almost; an tiny artist's interpretation of the tiny stars coming to visit.

Before he could do anything more, a sickly-sweet scent reached his nose. He reeled back, startled, and the sky scene he'd been playing snapped out of existence, like an old television turning off. He looked up in a rush to find himself face to face with a peculiar-looking girl. A demon girl. She smiled wryly at him. Suspicious, he furrowed his brow and pulled his hands closer to his chest. Altalune had learned next to nothing about demons, but he knew of the rumors - in fiction, they were harbingers of danger and deceit. But in most other fiction, they're sly, sensual, very attractive, and ultimately harmless.

As much as his body language protested her arrival, she was laying down some wild biz; and Altalune, endlessly fascinated with biz of any kind, was inclined to listen. He nodded soberly along with her words, analysing them. Okay, just like, not worry about stuff. It was easier said than done, but simple enough Altalune surmised he could figure it out. Step one: don't worry about stuff - step two: freedom! A grin lit his features.

"How clever of you! You must be esteemed in the world of 'wild biz.' Wow, to be surrounded by such smart folk... I go by Altalune, lovely to meet you --" Altalune's voice trailed off. He stared at her hand as she extended it, arching an eyebrow. For a moment he visibly contemplated. Then, cluelessly, he politely set his hand in hers. "I'm afraid I can offer neither," he said plainly in response, "but I can give you the 'high five.' That was it, yes?" He turned to face Tenebrae. "Do you know Trixie? She seems like your type!" His social awareness was as always abysmal, but he shone with enough good intention to rival his incidental implications. This whole mingling thing was beginning to look like such fun!

ooc | please excuse my dumb idiot son
interactions | Trixie GrieveWriter GrieveWriter & Tenebrae Haru Rivers Haru Rivers
Tenebrae marveled at the display before him, though he had to guess that this was more illusion magic than evocation. Given enough time to set the scene Tenebrae thought he could recreate it. Illusion magic was something of a specialty of his, or perhaps something more of a passion. Illusion magic didn't come any easier to him than most magics, but he did find a certain joy in the practicing of it. Just as suddenly as the panorama had come into existence, it disappeared with a small flash.

"Ah, Trixie." Tenebrae had not had the pleasure of meeting Trixie before, but she, like a few eccentric others, had a reputation that preceded her. "I wondered when I might get this pleasure. No Altalune, we have not met before now. If I'm not mistaken she's been here a few years before me and somehow we've managed to avoid this fateful moment." His wording was a tad blunt, but not meant to insult by any means. Trixie was not necessarily the best student, but she was quite well known as something of a savant when it came to herbalism and potions. Tenebrae also had the advantage of not being generally stand out. His most notable features were his lack of anything that would cause him to stand out. Most people left him be and he didn't generally seek people out. It wasn't really any mystery why he hadn't met Trixie despite her room being somewhere around here

Tenebrae chuckled softly at her "And to a point she's not wrong, by the way. Though her point plays excellently into mine. If you don't care, then you can live with it. If you don't care about anything then you can live with anything, though I have to imagine it's a rather sad existence at that point." Her logic may be a bit flawed, but it was one way to look at the problem for sure. A drastic over simplification of things, but not necessarily wrong.

PJ-Flash PJ-Flash GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
D8DOIbaUIAAo13t.jpgTrixie Talemonstreux
Common Area
Interaction/Mention: Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash

Snickering, she gripped his hand then shook vigorously while using him to keep herself from falling over. Her tail planted itself on the ground behind her to help her balance, but that didn't seem to do much. Once she got bored, she pulled her hand out of his grasp to massage her eyelids before turning them to Tenebrae with another puff of pink fumes, "Ah... I'm sure we met at some point."

Putting a finger to her lips, she halted her giggling long enough to wonder out loud. "Let's see... It might've been that party Maxen threw over the break. So many peeps were hopped up on my good stuff so maybe I slid ya a bag then?" she started guessing, pouting once she found it dissatisfying " Or maybe it was that hiking trip me and those seven other dudes took into the woods that one time, I kinda figured none of them got through the fire but what do I know, right?"

Shrugging, she pulled away from Altalune while gesturing around her. Once more, her tail had to work to keep her from tripping over herself, but her grin only grew wider. Hands shaking a moment before spreading to her sides, Trixie raised them above her head and took hold of her horns before lazily twisting her head side to side. She began going faster, dizzy chuckles punctuating her next words "Point is... The less that's capable of stopping you from doing you, the more free you are! Tannerbro says it could get sad, I say giving petty biz any control over yo life is the most depressing thing ever."

Taking a breath which released another cloud of colorful fumes, Trixie placed one hand over her heart and closed her eyes. After a second, she opened one eye and winked "Happy heralds like yo girl here are all about sharing the Fun kinda freedom, bro. I could whip up some good jazz for ya that's all about that wild Liberty Biz, though it don't seem like any pay would come my way."

She shook her head before giving another shrug and looking around with a smirk, "But seriously, I'd probably bust some out just because o how boring this whole meet and greet stuff is. "
He wobbled somewhat, thrown off by her rough handshake. As she pulled on him, looking just a second away from tipping over, Altalune held on a little tighter, trying to aid her balance. When she pulled away, he hesitantly reached after her, afraid she'd trip. As soon as it seemed like she'd righted herself, he clasped his hands contentedly in his lap. "Excellent! The true key is 'balance' between sad biz and wild biz! Though we seem to struggle in the 'physical' sense of balance..." He mused, holding back a laugh. Altalune knew relatively well what it felt like to be disoriented like that: the human body is a complicated thing. There are so many joints and extremities, it's hard to keep them all working in tandem. Some thirty years ago, in the days before Altalune had begun to assimilate into human society, he'd spend days in the forest practicing his human footwork, stumbling over fallen tree branches and into thorn bushes all the while. To this day he has the occasional fumble.

Trixie spoke right-on again, and Altalune practically absorbed her words. He liked the way she chose to speak; casual and fun-loving and extraordinary. He wanted to hear more from her. "I can pay you in friendship; I'm rather disposable, frankly, but I do know a thing or two about the wildlife! I'm also well-versed in 'young adult novels.'" He smiled, trying to advertise his proposal, but his list of virtues was running embarrassingly short. "Uh, I can turn into an over-sized bird. I do hydrokinesis to some extent. And the illusion from earlier. It has some practical uses." His concept of 'friendship' is unfortunately skewed. And one-sided. It borders worship at some points (young adult novels don't provide the best examples of stable human friendship. If you think that's bad, imagine his perception of romance). Altalune couldn't hide his anticipation - it sparkled in his blue eyes. "Oh, do continue anyway, please?" He leaned over and patted Tenebrae's shoulder, eager to include him; he was a little anxious indulging Trixie on his own. While she was wise, she was eccentric. He fretted he would be too weak to her influence. There was a nagging suspicion that he wouldn't last very long without a voice of reason. That aside, he looked thrilled.

"Isn't this exciting? We're whipping up the good jazz!"

interactions | Trixie GrieveWriter GrieveWriter & Tenebrae Haru Rivers Haru Rivers
1571960393839.png "Can't you see Ki'peck? He's right there." He says to Kyrell before turning back to the demonic duo. "I still don't have much knowledge of the world around me other than how to use my magic so forgive me if I get stuff wrong..." He says before staying back to let the other two talk since he didn't really know what else to say. So he just paced around shyly until someone asked him a question or comment for him to respond to.
(Sorry if it's short, I'm kinda rushed today)
Sir Aizen Sir Aizen Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Tenebrae couldn't help but give a small exasperated laugh. He was, by no means, comfortable within the social circles of the magical world, but he seemed to be leaps and bounds ahead of Altalune. Tenebrae had never felt the rather intoxicating effects Succubi seemed to have on others. However, for someone as new to this world as Altalune, he may struggle to not fall under her influences. Trixie could prove to be the downfall of this far from home Phoenix. "I think she may have you beat on the wildlife portion of things. Or at least she most likely has you beat in the realm of magical herbs." Tenebrae was familiar with the stories of the effects of her 'Jazz' as she was referring to it. As far as mind altering potions went, she was quite the entrepreneur. "She does have a reputation for eating up the more vulnerable and sheltered of folk." He paused, tapping a finger to his lips thoughtfully before adding, "By that I mean they fall very deep under her succubus spell, both by nature and potion. So do be careful with who you let gain a foot in your life." He laughed softly, taking his finger away from his face. "No offense, of course, but well, we can't let you snap up all the fresh meat now can we."

Tenebrae stood and stretched, yawning softly. "Though I do have to agree with you that the first few days of this school can be quite tedious what with the meeting of everyone." He moved to one of the windows a few feet a way and looked out it. The day was still young and it looked to be a day of excellent weather. He would have to spend some time outside today, he often forgot to spend the nice days outside before the weather grew dull towards the winter months. Tenebrae's survey of outside the window took only a few moments before he turned back to the conversation. "To answer you, by the way, no, we have not interacted before now. From what I understand you tend to make very memorable impressions for most, so I don't believe I would have forgotten our first encounter."

PJ-Flash PJ-Flash GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
D5LTowXVUAAqKMH.jpgTrixie Talemonstreux
Common Area
Interaction/Mention: Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash EldridSmith EldridSmith Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Trixie stumbled away from them a bit as she continued looking over the common room. Though she was listening, her eyes kept going to other students who at least looked as if they could peak her interest at some point. Despite the myriad of people, only few of them seemed to set themselves apart from the crowd. Trixie blamed the whole human appearance thing, as it made so many blatant differences practically non-existent in the eyes of others. Still, there were a few who seemed to be able to highlight themselves; like that dude with the shady stuff floating off him or the bighorn chick he was talking too. It probably helped that there was a cat next to them, as anything distinctly non-human was welcomed variation.

"Bein' disposable ain't a problem." she snickered without looking back at Altalune "Hell, most problems ain't problems to the unaffected as long as their like, aware of 'em."

Turning her head a bit, she released her horns and whipped her tail around to point at him, "Ya can't just go copyin my grooves though, that ain't cash money of ya. Really free folk make their own tunes and ride 'em."

Gesturing towards a hallway that she knew would eventually lead to the courtyard, Trixie began stumbling away "But ya ain't gonna find them tunes all cooped up in this graveyard, gotta build up some of that good ol experience and stuff. Gotta get yo'self learned in the ways of the flow, maybe Tannerbro can learn himself some master-like fun junk too? Who cares, let's go do stuff."

She briefly spun around to speak to them as she continued her lazy stumble-walk, "And relax about all them potions and magic biz!" she called out loudly whilst casually waving a finger at herself "Trixie don't use any good stuff she wouldn't use on herself 120%"

Trixie paused to cough up another cloud of sugary fumes, standing tall and whipping out a tuft of fur-like grass which she quickly jammed into her teeth. She doubled over for a moment before the pink gas leaking from the corners of her mouth turned a slightly more orange color, then proceeded to start snickering again. Standing up again, she gestured for them to follow as she made for the exit once more.


current appearance and attire
interaction: EldridSmith EldridSmith Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Hey nothing wrong the worlds a really big place, you just gotta explore it more heck even at my age there are tons I don’t know either, just gotta learn hey?” Anna said in response to Jeremiah’s comment she was trying to be reassuring although she didn’t mind throwing her age around either if anything the ex-deity was incredibly proud of although she never gave a exact one. “But yeah I could probably introduce you at some point kyrell” she said then ki’Peck laughed at kyrell’s other questions “woah there kitty you got a lot of spunk to be asking those questions” ki’ Kicking back in the air as if laying down on it, Anna gave a smile to the werecat “well its a very very long story, but I can answer your first question, it wasn’t painful for me ki’Peck well he probably had a really bad time...” she was interrupted by ki’peck “hey hey don’t give everything away I wanna keep em guessing Anna dear” ki’peck said this while kryell would feel some force on his head as if a hand was ruffling his hair. “Ok well I guess it is a little fun letting you guess” Anna said with a smile
Akira Togata

Location: outside of the school
Interactions/ mentions: open
It was Akira’s first day at Luthais university, and boy was he excited. The problem was that he didn’t know where to go to get his schedule. He was in human form, just to make sure no one would make fun of him. “Hmm, where do I go first....“ he said to himself, very confused.
Half Elf.png
Efain Atoka Tyla Birken
just_patches just_patches BackSet BackSet

Efain held back a chuckle as the boy approached. His cautious demeanor spoke of his discomfort and it was only confirmed by his, less than genuine, smile. Efain nodded, "Nice to meet you Sep." She chuckled before adding, "I appreciate your honesty and I get what you mean." Crowds weren't her thing, but she didn't mind a small group of people. Efain studied his face, waiting to make eye contact with him, but his attention was elsewhere. She balled her hands before releasing them again. His disinterest irritated her, but she knew better than to let that annoyance stir.

Efain glanced at Tenzen as he spoke. Most socialization was obligatory, especially in college. Efain brushed back her brown locks, enjoying the suns warmth . "If people aren't your thing, then what is it that you like to do Sep?" She asked smiling at the kid.​
Kyrell Konigsburg

Location: Common Room | Interaction(s): Jerimiah, Anna/Ki'peck

'Ah,' Kyrell seemed slightly disappointed, but the look quickly faded. This would've been easier if everyone was like him, willing to reveal somewhat sensitive info for the sake of knowledge. There was nothing he could do if one decided not to give that info to him. Having a greater understanding of his classmates wasn't the goal here - graduating was, If something came up that was necessary for graduation, though, the werecat wouldn't hesitate to push past his peers to get it. They would understand, surely. 'Well - notify my when you feel like divulging that story. I'll always be ready to hear it.' Yes, always. There was almost never a time where Kyrell wasn't active. Education took time, and life waited for no one. Father had taught him to study long and hard, sometimes until the sky started to brighten again.

The cat leaned into the head rub, purring loudly. Maybe it was improper, but Kyrell enjoyed a good rub, even if it was from a classmate. He almost never got them from anyone else, after all. Eventually, he caught himself, realizing that he was becoming distracted. He cleared his throat abruptly. 'Um. Anywho. Normally, at this point in time, I would spend my time sitting and studying, preparing myself for any oncoming classes. However, seeing as we apparently have some free time available, I suggest that we become more aquainted. Perhaps we aren't going to be in the same classes. Still, it is a decent idea regardless.' Kyrell referred to one of the many books he'd read on getting friends. 'A common practice of those aiming to become better aquainted with others is frequently socializing, and, um. . . "hanging out". Giving a brief summary of their pasts. How does that sound?" Kyrell tried not to sound too eager. Or desparate.

Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 EldridSmith EldridSmith
Date: Let's go with June 12th for now. Maybe.
Time: Before Lunch
Location: Luthais University, The Edge of the Forest
Music Box: A Bizarre-ish Encounter

Sep looked down, still avoiding eye contact. "Mostly, I just hide and read. Sometimes I play Video Games but it's hit or miss if my systems actually work around here."

Sep tended to go to great lengths to avoid people. He'd hide in the most out of the way corner of the library or in his room or somewhere where he wouldn't be bothered. To him, people were really just a nuisance and a bother. In his experience, they would only make fun of and torture him. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that Luthais University was full of people much weirder than him who probabky wouldn't tease him due to him being one of the more normal looking people around.

just_patches just_patches Alvaris Alvaris
1571622948466.png1571622732277.png"Eh sure we can hang out... oh hey I see Trixie! If you guys wanna meet her you can follow me." Jeremiah offers as he turns into his shade form. He sighs --well the closest thing he could do to sighing this form-- before floating above the crowds making sure the other two could see him before landing next to Trixie. "Hey Trixie! It's been a while." He says as he turns back to his human form with a bright smile before noticing the two next to her. "Oh hi! I don't think we've met before I'm Jerimiah." He says, he didn't feel as nervous as someone he knew was right beside him.
Haru Rivers Haru Rivers PJ-Flash PJ-Flash GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Sir Aizen Sir Aizen
Alvaris Alvaris BackSet BackSet
Tenzen nodded at what Sep had to say. But, one thing he mentioned confused him. Reading yes, that was something Tenzen was familiar with; even though he didn't do it often. So, curious, the Nue asked him. "Video games...?"
Tenzen looked to Orz as if to consult him on what they could be, then over to Efain, looking like a confused cat. "Sorry, but I've grown up in a sheltered life, cut off from most of the world. What are video games?" Especially considering he just recently arrived here. He had just recently discovered what television was. Back at the temple, radio was one of the few pieces of technology used there; they might've been a bunch of martial artists rejecting modern day, but that radio was viewed as a necessary evil to stay up to date with modern times... Plus the music it played was very nice from time to time.
In retrospect, it should be obvious what video games were. Videos that you played right? When it came to games, Tenzen's favorite game to play at the temple with his other fledgling martial artists was a good sparring session; yes, it was a bit of an odd game where it wasn't unusual for one person to get punched hard in the face, but that's how he liked it.
Half Elf.png
Efain Atoka Tyla Birken
just_patches just_patches BackSet BackSet

Efain nodded at Sep before meeting Tenzen's gaze. "Video games are human toys." She chuckled lightly before adding, "They connect with the TV, and you have a remote." She paused, biting her lip. "I've never play them, but I've heard they have strategy games and such." She shrugged, she wasn't familiar with them, but the humans in the community back home raved about them. Video games were a rather isolating hobby, though she did hear that certain games were able to connect with others. Video games were still a rather foreign concept to her and her knowledge was based on what she'd heard from others.

"I'm not as familiar with them either." She motioned toward Sep. "I don't use them, but I am a fan of reading." Her smile grew smaller as she spoke. "How did you come to find this place Tenzen?" Efain and Sep's lives seemed so different from Tenzen. Efain's life wasn't necessarily sheltered, but she didn't have the freedom like most 'regular' kids did, whether they were fully human or elf. Being half didn't have many perks and often shame followed her. People constantly reminded her that she was a half breed.​
Date: Let's go with June 12th for now. Maybe.
Time: Before Lunch
Location: Luthais University, The Edge of the Forest
Music Box: A Bizarre-ish Encounter

Sep made the most adorable angry face, despite the fact that usually he wasn't all that adorable. At least, not in his human form.

"They're not toys." He muttered under his breath. It wasn't the first time someone called video games toys but it always bothered him. They are highly complex and impressive pieces of technology used for entertainment purposes. It always really impressed Sep how much data one could fit onto a tiny cartridge or disc.

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