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Dice Lunar Fury - Exalted 3e OOC

I am starting to wonder if having the Crane style martial arts is worth it. I wanted a more defensive style character, but I'm wondering if I can get by with the Lunar Charms I have and use the four I spent on the Crane style on something else. Besides, it would free up four dots of Merits. Thoughts?

Looking over the defensive stuff, I think you probably can. The defensive suite in Dexterity alone is pretty boss, and that's not even looking at the other stuff. Excellencies covereth a multitude of sins, after all.
That's what I'm thinking, too. The bonuses for Crane style are not that spectacular, so I might go ahead and drop the style. Thanks for the feedback.
I've been struggling with the same thing Psychie Psychie .

The martial art is a bit of a relic from the 2E game's sheet. The merit dots could easily be allocated elsewhere. Lunar Native charms may not have the same punch that later MA charms do, but they can be used with any weapon in any form. Bow, sword, fang or claw, most Strength and Dexterity offensive charms will still be valid.

On another note, going to try and add more detail to intimacies, background, and training. If anyone has ideas for individual intimacy context please let me know. I'm still trying to flesh out the personality for this character.
Lunars seem to have a lot of charms that do stuff like that. Like I can even get a charm to throw hair darts, then upgrade them to do some mean stuff once they hit. If they didnt cost so many motes I might have gone for those rather than an artifact weapon.

But! Depending on how useful sorcery is, I may not need to rely on throwing stuff yet.

I wonder if it would be wise to hold off on a weapon to see how sorcery works out. Or if 3e sorcery is really potent, just go full ham in its investment, and maybe get a focus instead of a weapon.
3e sorcery is amazing, but much of that is tied up in workings, from what I've heard. In terms of combat, having to shape the spell usually takes more than one turn apparently.
3e sorcery is amazing, but much of that is tied up in workings, from what I've heard. In terms of combat, having to shape the spell usually takes more than one turn apparently.
I can get some charms to enhance that.

Depending on how effective poisons would be against exalted, I may go full sorcery.

Or maybe gun and sorcery.

Like a dragon sigh wand, and when done shaping a spell, can fire the spell out. Like instead of a jet of flame, it spits out a mass of obsidian butterflies.
Well, I changed my sheet. Added another defense Charm, a couple Charisma Charms, and a Appearance Charm. If it ever gets to the point that the battle hinges on me, we are in trouble. I'm a more social build this time around. With a little combat tossed in.
I think I'll follow in Psychies example. We should have plenty of brutes, and I wouldnt be doing a lot of damage anyway. I'll go full sorcery and hang back with her so she wont be the only squishy. As I also have a feeling that poison will only be really handy in the early game, before we start facing fies with high resistance and stamina.
I'll do my best to protect you two then. Legendary Size and reflexive defend other should help me cover for you guys even in large chaotic battles.
Sounds good to me. Besides, it sounds like we have Aranfan making a Full Moon, too, so you won't be alone as the meat shield.
Looking back, I see that we have:

So we have:
Rykon with a Full Moon
Psychie with a Changing Moon
D. Rex with a No Moon
Red Shadow Claws with a No Moon
Jaydude with a scorpion/assassin Full Moon
and Aranfan with a Full Moon.

Is this looking right to everyone?
Assuming that no one changes their minds in character creation, I believe so.
Alrighty! Did some working around on my CS.

Changed my charms a little, with 3 left to choose, and see if I can find some more sorcery or occult ones to nab at ess 2.

Also freed up 5 BP.

3dots worth of ability to spread to anything or a combat ability should I choose. As well as 1 specialty.

Open to suggestions for any of the spending or focus artifacts.

Sherwood Sherwood

4 more questions!

1. Can dexterity charms, or any supplemental charm for that matter, be used to supplement a spell when casting? Like Finding the needles eye to supplement Death of Obsidian Butterflies.

2. Whata the roll I would need to do try and hide, disguise or diminish Hazels appearance? Larceny and something else I think.

3. Would the nature of the Lunars abilities to hide themselves affect her obvious appearance, or only the tell?

4. Would this tell be appropriate? Her shadow is always as pitch black as if looking into the night sky, even in shadows. If looking carefully one might even imagine seeing stars.
Disclaimer: Haven't had a chance to look at the changes yet. This is just a checklist item.

D. Rex D. Rex make sure you have a viable withering attack to build initiative. Offensive spells are almost exclusively decisive attacks.
Disclaimer: Haven't had a chance to look at the changes yet. This is just a checklist item.

D. Rex D. Rex make sure you have a viable withering attack to build initiative. Offensive spells are almost exclusively decisive attacks.
What's considered a viable withering attack?
Alrighty! Did some working around on my CS.

Changed my charms a little, with 3 left to choose, and see if I can find some more sorcery or occult ones to nab at ess 2.

Also freed up 5 BP.

3dots worth of ability to spread to anything or a combat ability should I choose. As well as 1 specialty.

Open to suggestions for any of the spending or focus artifacts.

Sherwood Sherwood

4 more questions!

1. Can dexterity charms, or any supplemental charm for that matter, be used to supplement a spell when casting? Like Finding the needles eye to supplement Death of Obsidian Butterflies.

2. Whata the roll I would need to do try and hide, disguise or diminish Hazels appearance? Larceny and something else I think.

3. Would the nature of the Lunars abilities to hide themselves affect her obvious appearance, or only the tell?

4. Would this tell be appropriate? Her shadow is always as pitch black as if looking into the night sky, even in shadows. If looking carefully one might even imagine seeing stars.
Alright! <rubs hands together> Lets get to this.

1. As far as I know, the only way a Charm can aid in the casing of a spell is if you are using an Excellency to boost your pool to gain your Sorcerous Motes faster. Other than that, they do not change the effect of the spell.

2. There is a Appearance Charm called Subtle Silver Declaration that can hide your Tell, and another General Charm called Many Faced Moon Transformation that can alter your appearance. But depending on where you go, some Wyld mutations will not be an issue, but you can usually expect to find some prejudice for your appearance for being basically a beastman in the eyes of most people.

3. Covered some in 2.

4. The Tell is usually some physical appearance trait unique to your character. I don't see you having an odd shadow as a Tell, but others might be able to sell me on that one.
Here's what I have so far: Two Mornings | Lot-Casting Atemi

I plan on getting White Reaper up to the form charm, and then going back to Lunar charms, mostly for a social suite.
I might be wrong, but I don't believe that you have to put point into the Martial Arts Ability multiple times for multiple martial art styles. Rykon Rykon ? Do you know the rules on this? I think that it is just a single purchase, even with multiple MA styles, but any Specialties will only apply to one.
Sherwood Sherwood

Regarding 4

Every Lunar has a Tell, a distinctive mark that appears in any form she takes. It might be an
animal feature, like a leopard’s tail or a ram’s horns; a distinctive physical trait, like a blind eye
or a prominent scar; a non-visual trait, like a pungent scent or a songbird-like voice; or a subtle
supernatural display, like a shadow that moves independently. If a Tell is inappropriate to a
specific animal form, it might shift into a more suitable appearance while remaining distinctively
identifiable, e.g., if a Lunar whose Tell is goat-like eyes becomes an eyeless animal, she might
manifest distinctive eye-like markings.

Was basing mine on the supernatural display stuff. Given that her hole body is basically a tell at this point. But if youd like something more physical, I can go with something like a split tail or cats eyes.

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