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Dice Lunar Fury - Exalted 3e OOC

I mean in hindsight, I can see them in the alert history. However, it wasn't popping up with push notifications or on the tabs. I think that was cause I left most of the pages open in other tabs.
I'm still missing them. D': I'm just hoping that the Mods can give us a fix, and I'll share it with everyone.
I got a reply. Here is what was suggested:

Could you check your preferences, specifically this area?
View attachment 631663

I know at some point Wizard had tinkered with the alerts trying to improve them and some users reported issues months ago about this specific area giving them trouble.
I had the top two options marked on my alerts. It was suggested that I try to uncheck the top, save the changes, then reselect it and save it again.
If you click the attachment in the post I quoted, it shows in your Alert Preferences a screenshot of three options for your alerts. Unclick any that are on, save it, then go back and reselect the ones you want.
Odd. Ok, try this. When you click on the bell, down at the bottom right is the Alert Preferences for you. About a third of the way down from there is the option for 'Alerts Page and Summary Settings'. There are three options available of 'Alerts pop-up skips mark read', 'Alerts page skips mark read', and 'Alerts page skips summarizing'. I personally have the top two picked. Deselect any that are lit up, save your changes, then go back in and reselect the ones that you clicked before and save it again.

That seems to have done something for my alerts, so I'm hoping it works for yours, too.
I think that's everyone rolled initiative?

If I run in towards the fae creatures and the downed realm people, can I actually hit the flyers?

Edit: Also, do the flyers count as a battle group? That will effect what charms I use.
I think that's everyone rolled initiative?

If I run in towards the fae creatures and the downed realm people, can I actually hit the flyers?

Edit: Also, do the flyers count as a battle group? That will effect what charms I use.
Post is up. Yes, the flyers are a battle group, but you have five Fae Nobles on the ground in front of you that might be of more interest to you.
Post is up. Yes, the flyers are a battle group, but you have five Fae Nobles on the ground in front of you that might be of more interest to you.

Indeed they are. Is it possible to get into close range with more than one of them at once?
You can get within Close range of two of them, getting in between a pair.
Yupperooni! I can cast it so it probably hit nobles and a battle group

It goes to medium range. And is one range band wide.
Be careful with targeting the nobles. You'll have others in melee of them soon.
Good. I like the color. I'll give it the 2 dice + 1 success. Go ahead and roll it in the IC thread.

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