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Realistic or Modern Love Mansion: Helpful Sins



Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
  • Season 4, Episode 1: Truth or Dare?
    Date: Friday, 13 March 2020
    Time: 20:05 or 8.05PM
    Temperature: 23°C or 73°F
    Sea-temperature: 27°C or 81°F
    Weather: Night time. Sun has gone down 45 minutes ago. Very slight seabreeze, clear sky with a good view on the stars.

    "Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode of this season Love Mansion!" Some beautiful earial shots were shown from the Cayman islands, while slowy zooming in on one very luxurious mansion. "This season, the Love Mansion is situated in George Town on the Cayman Island. So our participants can be ensured, it will be nice warm weather all their stay. Or at least most of the time!" The mansion was shown off from different angles as the drone seemed to fly around it. The voice over being a rather cheerful female as she enthusiastically introduced the setting. "Six of our participants have already arrived and made themselves at home in the past two hours. The other six are about to arrive right now! The cameras are set up and rolling. Have fun during the first episode of Love Mansion: Helpful Sins!"

    The voice over fell silent as the inside of the mansion was shown off. Empty rooms as these shots had been taken before the arrival of the first six participants. Their arrival had not been aired, which was probably for the best, since they had not been picked up at the airport and droven there with a personal driver in a luxurious black Mercedes. No, they had arrived from the very depths of Hells, each from their own Kingdom, by the means of magic and portals. Though now with the cameras rolling and filming their every move, even the demons had to be careful not to expose themselves. After all, just like the six humans, they were here to find love, or well, perhaps not love, but at least their Bound. No matter what, it will be an interest watch...
Mikhail Karahalios
Human with Eating Disorder​

Middle of the Patio

No one specific

Eleven strangers

So fashionable
Mikhail still could hardly believe that he had been really selected for this tv show. Love Mansion. He remembered having seen some episode from the past seaons. Everything was still so surreal, but still here he was in Georgetown on the Cayman Islands. It had taken him two plane flights, one from Moscow to New York and then from New York to here, all paid by the show. Including his accomondation during his more than 6 hour wait between the two flights. From snow and freezing temperatures he had gone to sunny and tropical temperatures. Luckily he had thought to change his clothes accordingly in New York and left his thick winter coat behind there or else he would have been melting by now. He was already sweating regardles. Even though he only wore a simple white shirt and some dark red shorts. Perhaps he should have hit the tanning beds before coming here since his milky white skin was almost reflecting the sun. So much for making a good first impression. The small tribal text on his shirt not a word a lie, this truly was Summer Horror. Enough negative self reflection, there should be some driver?

The young male pulled his trolley behind him. He had not packed much for the simple reason that most of his summer clothes were at home, in Greece, and not with him in his Russian appartement where such clothes hardly were ever needed. Yeah, he would really need some time to adjust to these kind of temperatures and the lack of snow and cold ice winds. He ran a hand through his hair, pushing the light brown locks back as he noticed a male with a sign saying M. Karahalios. A gentle smile came up to his face as he quickly walked up to the male and shook his hand. He had expected cameras to meet them here, but so far it was just the two of them. Or perhaps they would use hidden cameras? So it would be easier for them, participants, to forget they were constantly recorded? He didn't know as the male gave a quick formal greeting and then lead him towards the car.

Misha followed him with quick steps seeming rather relaxed with the whole ordeal. He could not say he was truly new to this kind of treatment. As a solo dancer, and a rather well known one, he was used to be flown into dance one or two pieces and thus not unfamiliar with being picked up at an airport and driven to a hotel. The only difference was that this was not for a quick show and not towards an hotel. He was gonna be staying here for fourteen weeks, with eleven other people that he was fully unfamiliar with. At a luxurious mansion that was completely there. He watched out of the window as they drove to the little town. Even though it was night time the temperatures were still high, he didn't even want to know what it would be like during the day when the sun was at its peak. He was gonna die. He was so gonna die. If his habit of embarrassing himself was not gonna kill him first.

His caramel eyes took in the mansions that they passed. One of these sort of accomondations was gonna be his. And he would share it with eleven people he knew nothing about. Not even their names. All he knew was that they would be single, like him. He didn't even know if they would be serious about this, or signed up on the whim and during a drunken dare or by friends, just like him. Would he be able to really find a lover here? What was he really searching for even? Someone confident. Yes, he always admired that, someone who was confident. Someone caring and someone that would not hold him back and wouldn't mind either to travel with him and his dance company or be able to stay alone. Someone who didn't take life too serious, but would still be serious enough to have decent conversations with and to provide stability in his life. Someone he could build on, trust blindly and lean on with out question. "Here we are, sir Karahalios." The driver had interrupted his thoughts.

Misha looked up at the building, immediately noticing the pool below what seemed to be the entrance of the building. Where that caves? It looked very interesting. Next thing he noticed two cars like his one being parked out as well, some others followed behind them. So they were all arriving at the same point it seemed? Still there were no cameras in sight. So everything was indeed recorded with hidden cameras. He didn't know if that made him more nervous or less. All that he did know for sure there was no way to back down now as the driver had already taken out his trolley and now opened his cardoor. "Thank you, mister...." he fell silent when he realized he didn't know the drivers name. The older male simply smiled and got into the car, leaving him behind at the front of the mansion with the rest of the people in a likewise confused state. Or perhaps Mikhail was the only one confused. But he knew standing here was not gonna make a difference so he took a deep breath and started walking up those little stairs to what seemed to be a patio and a wall of glass, with behind it the living room of their future home. Well, you've come this far. You cannot keep standing here.

One last look over his shoulder at the cars that were driving off, before he pushed himself forward and through the door on his left and into that huge living room. "Uhm... ah... Hello everyone?" His voice a bit unsure as he stepped forward from underneath what seemed to be a huge mahony staircase. Now standing a bit lost on the carpet of what seemed to be a sitting area. He wasn't sure at all on what to do next. "I, uh..." There was a soft blush creeping up his cheeks. So many years on stage and so many interviews and still you get nervous about this? Get over yourself, Misha! He scolded himself mentally, but it had little use. "I guess, this is the way to the bedrooms?" he asked as he pointed at the staircase. Though he wasn't really sure whom he was asking, since all of them were new here. He pulled out the little roomkey he had gotten. Swiss room, the little label said. As if he had forgotten that...
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Nicholas Galloway
Prince of Envy​

Twin Peak Room > Great Room

Greeting in general

Greed / Fu Shou DapperCat DapperCat
Pride GreedyBoy GreedyBoy
Alan iShyShy iShyShy
Calag Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Today was the day, they would all travel to Earth. The day he would have to leave his comfortable shadows behind. He looked at his parents that were standing with him in the throne room. For a moment, his eyes moved to that dark ebony throne. Right now, still very much a focal point of his desires, though he knew that end of the trip that desire would be taken away. For then the throne would be his and whatever was his, he quickly lost interest in. The curse of being the prince of Envy. Yet this was not the moment to be miserable about his life, his sin as it was time to say goodbye. "Your father and I are sure you will find someone worthy," his dad spoke with a gentle tone. His father stood next to his dad. Arm around the smaller males waist. "Chose someone for yourself, Nicholas," the demon spoke, "now go and obtain what is ment to be yours and no one elses."

The shadows swirled and gently purred as the portal came to life. Black smoke licking around the frames, like a dark mist threatening to spill out. "Thanks dad," he said as he hugged the Rhaelrdson-male back. He gave a nod towards his father. "I shall, father," he spoke, more formally. He wouldn't though. His mind was made up. He was just gonna steal Prides interest and do the deed. Once that was done, he could return home and make himself comfortable with the shadows. "Well then, here goes nothing," he hummed to himself as he stepped through the portal. Despite how it looked the shadows were warm. It was like a very nice blanket was surrounding him, though only for a few moments as he stepped into a rather bright room. He moved his hand up rather protective of his eyes. Why did it have to be so bright? It was suppose to be night! He slowly opened his eyes again as he moved over towards the wall. He pushed the little switch and the brightness dimmed drastically. That was a lot better.

The demon turned and walked over to the two left over sources of light standing on the red wooden dresser. He pulled on the black cord that was attached to one of them and with a soft tug the source of light died. Nice. He did the same to the other one and then let out a satisfied sigh as his shadows could roam free through the room. Yes, sure, he could technically command every shadow there was. So he did not really have his own shadows, though at the same time he owned them all. If that made any sense? He didn't care much for it. He stepped a bit through the room. The Twin Peak room, that he would share with someone else, judging on the fact there were two beds. His eyes narrowed a bit as he tested them both. They were exactly the same. Which was probably for the best, though Nicholas knew that he would find something to be picky over and envy about the bed he would not end up sleeping in anyway. Good thing he had no trouble with sharing, unlike some others such as Greed and Pride... Speaking of them, the others should have arrived too. Knowing Alan, he'd probably be the last to join them.

Nicholas left the room and stalked around the Galery, looking down on the huge living room down below. It wouldn't be long until their humans would arrive as well. An hour or so? Enough time to get familiar with the surroundings. He went down the spiraling stairs and sneak through the livingroom. He stayed along the outer edge, mostly in the shadows as he already disliked how light everything was in this house. And it is not even daytime. That was gonna be even worse. The bright sun. He hated most places on Earth for that reason. Though he had to admit he wouldn't mind the warm temperatures. They would be perfect for napping with his buddy... if he could find a nice place in the shadows. He knew he would not be able to avoid the sun completely, due to the stupid mandatory dates. Really, how had his father thought that this was a good idea? That his was a good place to send him?! The Prince of Shadows?! He titled his head at the sound of water and smiled a bit when he noticed the nice room with the water fountain. Definitely an Alan place...

The Prince of Envy carried on though, finding the bar as he tried to determine who would claim this. Calag most likely... Or perhaps Fu. His eyes narrowed at the simple thought of that demon. Everyone always assumed Pride would be the big nemesis of Envy, but not at all. It was Greed... Greed that got under his skin so easily, that made cold shiver run down his spine. Yet, they would have to be civil with each other now. And he would be. As long as she would be too. He turned around and made his way to the great room again. He walked passed the arched couch and the indoor palm trees, before noticing the perfect dark little spot they created on the couch. A smirk played over his face as he made himself comfortable in the big white chair. It gave him the perfect view on the whole first floor and the patio outside as he could see the first cars arriving. His heartbeat kicking up a slight bit in excitement, he was curious to meet their humans. "Good evening," he almost purred in delight as the first humans came in.
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Calag Isagani Buenaventura

"Father." He spoke from the other side of the door. He could hear the bed creaking even when there is a thick door in between them. Do you plan on sending me off or are you....?" The creaking stopped, he could hear a momentary shuffling until it opened to reveal his parents. He smiled mischievously, "father, mother. Having a good time?" His father's face was dark and his mother could only give a flustered look. "Until you ruined it!" Asmodeus voiced boomed throughout the hallway before giving out a hearty laugh. "As much as I would have wanted to ignore you this is a big day."

Asmodeus gave his son a pat in the back, his wife came closer and gave her son a tight hug. "Now get going and find yourself a suitable servant." Suddenly Isagani was sucked into a portal, the sight of his parents going back in while he got transported to the mansion. More specifically, the beach. As random as that is his father must be distracted by his mother as usual, but Calag did not mind. It was a beautiful sight. The light of the moon reflecting on the surface of the ocean, and it was undeniably tranquil too.

Calag removed his shoes and let his feet bury itself into the sand as the waves splashes by the shore. "Ah, this feels nice." The demon Prince of Lust did love the Earth, the beauty of its so-called Mother Nature, the humans who never fails to seem so interesting to him, and the animals, such pure adorable creatures.

It dawned to him that he has been standing for quite a while and decided to go back, sand still clung to his feet and his shoes were hooked with his two fingers. Upon going up to the patio, he was greeted with a pretty face. "Oh, hello, cutie." Calag said sweetly, despite not knowing who he is. It was hard to tell if the person in front of him is a teenager or just looks like a teenager, nevertheless, he looks cute and the contestants range from young adults to adults. "Is it that time already? I came here quite early you see."

His smile was as charming as ever, with his brown eyes that helps draw people in that match his friendly (and very flirty) demeanor, Calag was never one to shy away from an interaction. "My name is Calag Isagani Buenaventura." Reaching out his hand for a handshake, "And you are? I'd like to put a name to a beautiful face like yours." He ended with a wink. Truly a Calag thing to do.

outfit || location: Beach > Patio|| interactions: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein

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• Colt Bonham •

Location | Great Room
Interaction | Calag & Misha (Briefly), Nic
Mentions | Calag, Misha & Nic
Tags | DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Outfit |

27 degrees. How was it still this hot with no sun out? Thank goodness the car he was in had AC otherwise Colt would have fried by now. He was used to the cooler, rainy weather that London had to offer. He slid down a little in the seat he was in at the back of the vehicle. Ah well, he'd have to just suck it up and deal with it. After all he'd be here for a few months.

Thinking on that was letting the reality of the situation set in. Living with 11 strangers in a huge mansion on a tropical island. He rubbed his face with his hand. This was a stupid idea. Why was he here? It was a bit late to ask that now when he was minutes away from his final destination but this was not the first mini crisis his brain had on the way here. In fact it was probably his fourth by now.

This was going to be a disaster and he knew it. He had little issue with making friends, that part should be okay but...he had not been lucky with relationships at all over the years and expected to date from a group of people while on camera for television was a recipe for another disaster relationship for sure. Come to think of it...there were no cameras with him since he arrived. To his knowledge anyway...what if he just hadn't seen them? He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat at the thought as his hand pressed to his face, feeling a little paranoid. If there was cameras then there was plenty of footage of him quietly freaking out multiple times, getting lost in the airport trying to find the bathrooms and at least an hour of him ungraceful napping in the back seat of the from not sleeping much at all leading up to this. Fun. Great first impression.

With that the house came into view and Colt was now distracted with the sheer size of the building, staring out the window almost in awe. Definitely nothing close to his own tiny apartment back home. "Mr. Bonham. It's time to get out of the car" the driver called realising Colt hadn't moved yet because he was too busy looking at everything. "Oh. Shit. Right. Sorry." he blurted before putting his hand to his mouth realising his words. Was he allowed to say that on camera? Was there a camera even here? He wasn't even sure there was a camera here or not and he was already uncomfortable. Maybe he'd feel a bit better about the cameras on him once he was with everyone else, he could feel like attention was redirected in that way, for now though he'd need to keep his language in check.

He thanked the driver with a smile and got out of the car which had lined up with the other cars that everyone else arrived in. Once out he was immediately greeted with the tropical heat again. He had looked at the pools and patios but honestly he was just hoping the house had AC on so he didn't waste too much time standing outside.

He took himself inside the house through the front entrance. He spotted the first two people, about to greet and introduce himself but instead just flashed a smile at the two and a quick wave before moving on. Good thing too, they were wasting no time with flirting or at least one of them was. Was everyone going to have no chill like that with this dating thing? Yeah no. He couldn't be smooth if his life depended on it, he would not follow suit.

Instead of feeling awkward in the atmosphere he'd leave them be, continuing further into the great room to look around at the impressive decor and thanking his stars that the house had AC. He continued looking around until his eyes caught something that caused his unsure expression to light up significantly. The grand piano at the back corner if the room. He would definitely jump at the chance to have one at home if his place wasnt so small. He wondered if they were allowed to play it? Not now of course but at some stage while living here. Surely they could if it was placed there? He had made a a direct detour to the instrument as he admired it. So when someone had called Good evening from the opposite side he immediately snapped his pale blue gaze to the source as his hand quickly retreated from touching the piano. He hadn't noticed the man on the white chair until this point so it admittedly give him a bit of a start. That dark corner did well as a hiding spot. "Ah! Sorry!" He responded with an apology, he didn't know why, just a reflex reaction for being caught red handed touching the expensive instrument perhaps. "Evening!" he answered taking a step away from it with a somewhat sheepish smile, his hands retreating to his pockets.

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Alma Cole

Princess of Wrath

Location: Ira Throne Room - > Mansion Patio -> Great Room

With: Nicholas, Colt

Thank Lucifer! It was finally the day to go to Earth and get started weeding out the weakling human options from the strong, worthy ones. Alma had been speaking to her mother and her human partner, who is in essence her father, while roaming the throne room in their human forms. Alma was listening to their story with such vivid detail that it seems to have happened only a week or so ago, rather than almost centuries. It was enticing to see the love her mother had for the human she was forced to find so long ago and it gave Alma some hope. What stood out more, though, were the words of her father Carson. Alma was surprised to hear how her mother, the most powerful demon of the realm was not only petrifying on sight but able to let herself be vulnerable for the stranger she came to know.

After listening to their story, Alma took a minute to think of what to say to her parents. “I do find joy and comfort in listening to your story. But you know my intentions. I want to find the strongest and best partner like you did, mother.” She looked at her parents lovingly with a slight smile. “I can only hope my experience goes half as smoothly as yours did. I do intend on being successful though. I have no doubt about that.” “Keep in mind, dear daughter, that there is more than one type of power.” Queen Manea wrapped her arm around Carson. It was a reminder for Alma to, as the humans say, Not judge a book by its cover. Only those lacking in aspects would make a final judgment without learning about a person or thing first. Knowledge is another very important form of power, after all.

The three of them stopped in front of the throne that had two smaller chairs at either side, hidden behind lavafalls and brought forward when they would be utilized. This time, however, the lavafall in front of her usual seat would be her portal to the castle in the human world. She's taken the liberty to inspect the where the portal was leading her to and is happy with her destination. With a slight turn to her parents, Alma could see the tight grip her mother held on her father. She offered them a comforting smile and nod when Carson pulled the three into a hug. “The two of you are too proud. I wont let you miss the moment.” There was a light chuckle from both women as they all hugged for a moment. Manea pulled back and patted Alma on the back. “We'll be ready to welcome you both. Go get them.” With the words of encouragement and support of her parents, Alma walked through the lavafall portal.

Arriving on the other end of the portal, Alma walked up the last few steps onto the patio at the back of the mansion. It was just early enough as the sun was out providing direct light and warmth. Alma slowly took in her surroundings as she made her way to the railing between the lounge chairs. With her top unbuttoned to expose her skin and bust to the sun more, she looked up and took in the sunlight closing her eyes and allowing a small smile to rest on her face. Basking in the sunlight is something she had grown accustomed to over her visitation to earth over her lifetime, thanks to her animal form, and she knew this would become a regular occurrence for her. The time she had to take in the mansion from being early had disappeared since she didn't realize how long she had stayed outside. There were plenty of reasons for her to soak up the sun but she had a responsibility to attend to, knowing she would be back soon enough. Opening her eyes, she looked out past the pool beneath her to the beach. There was a hammock and a hut on the way. It looked like one of the wonderful places the heirs and humans would be able to spend time. Her gaze fell upon Calag for a few minutes as she watched the prince of Lust just...enjoy the space. It was weird not seeing him be his loud energetic self but nice to see him appreciate the environment. She looked down slightly grinning to herself before turning around to head inside as the sun had disappeared and the lights flicked on.

The giant glass wall that provided sight into the great room from the patio was truly a wonderful sight. Alma could clearly make out the bright atmosphere of the room, its decorations, and the inhabitants. One of which being her best friend, Nic. He was already speaking to a human who seemed to have just walked in. The time is finally upon them to get started. Walking with her usual purpose and look of determination, Alma made a conscious effort to soften her eyes to be inviting and playful in their fierceness as she opened the glass door into the great room. “Sorry? There is no need to be sorry.” She giggled as she maintained course toward the white haired male by the piano, only stopping on the other side of the piano. She turned to look at Nic and nodded her head with a smile before looking between them both. “Good evening to you both. Our new temporary home is beautiful, is it not?” Her tone was strong and sharp as she made a gesture to the great room they were in before hooking a thumb into her pocket and leaning her weight to one side. Still smiling, she watched the other humans trickle in through the corner of her eye as she carried on her conversation with the two men. “Want to take a look around? I haven't really done so myself yet and I've been here for some time.” There really was no time like the present to get started with learning about her prospective partners and having Nic around really could only make anything and everything better. He would probably know what she was up to and she could only hope he would agree and tag along.

Alma Cole
Princess of Wrath

Location: Ira Throne Room - > Mansion Patio -> Great Room
With: Nicholas, Colt
Tags: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Nona Nona
Outfit: Boots Ruby Necklace Open Buttons Dark Jorts

Thank Lucifer! It was finally the day to go to Earth and get started weeding out the weakling human options from the strong, worthy ones. Alma had been speaking to her mother and her human partner, who is in essence her father, while roaming the throne room in their human forms. Alma was listening to their story with such vivid detail that it seems to have happened only a week or so ago, rather than almost centuries. It was enticing to see the love her mother had for the human she was forced to find so long ago and it gave Alma some hope. What stood out more, though, were the words of her father Carson. Alma was surprised to hear how her mother, the most powerful demon of the realm was not only petrifying on sight but able to let herself be vulnerable for the stranger she came to know.

After listening to their story, Alma took a minute to think of what to say to her parents. “I do find joy and comfort in listening to your story. But you know my intentions. I want to find the strongest and best partner like you did, mother.” She looked at her parents lovingly with a slight smile. “I can only hope my experience goes half as smoothly as yours did. I do intend on being successful though. I have no doubt about that.” “Keep in mind, dear daughter, that there is more than one type of power.” Queen Manea wrapped her arm around Carson. It was a reminder for Alma to, as the humans say, Not judge a book by its cover. Only those lacking in aspects would make a final judgment without learning about a person or thing first. Knowledge is another very important form of power, after all.

The three of them stopped in front of the throne that had two smaller chairs at either side, hidden behind lavafalls and brought forward when they would be utilized. This time, however, the lavafall in front of her usual seat would be her portal to the castle in the human world. She's taken the liberty to inspect the where the portal was leading her to and is happy with her destination. With a slight turn to her parents, Alma could see the tight grip her mother held on her father. She offered them a comforting smile and nod when Carson pulled the three into a hug. “The two of you are too proud. I wont let you miss the moment.” There was a light chuckle from both women as they all hugged for a moment. Manea pulled back and patted Alma on the back. “We'll be ready to welcome you both. Go get them.” With the words of encouragement and support of her parents, Alma walked through the lavafall portal.

Arriving on the other end of the portal, Alma walked up the last few steps onto the patio at the back of the mansion. It was just early enough as the sun was out providing direct light and warmth. Alma slowly took in her surroundings as she made her way to the railing between the lounge chairs. With her top unbuttoned to expose her skin and bust to the sun more, she looked up and took in the sunlight closing her eyes and allowing a small smile to rest on her face. Basking in the sunlight is something she had grown accustomed to over her visitation to earth over her lifetime, thanks to her animal form, and she knew this would become a regular occurrence for her. The time she had to take in the mansion from being early had disappeared since she didn't realize how long she had stayed outside. There were plenty of reasons for her to soak up the sun but she had a responsibility to attend to, knowing she would be back soon enough. Opening her eyes, she looked out past the pool beneath her to the beach. There was a hammock and a hut on the way. It looked like one of the wonderful places the heirs and humans would be able to spend time. Her gaze fell upon Calag for a few minutes as she watched the prince of Lust just...enjoy the space. It was weird not seeing him be his loud energetic self but nice to see him appreciate the environment. She looked down slightly grinning to herself before turning around to head inside as the sun had disappeared and the lights flicked on.

The giant glass wall that provided sight into the great room from the patio was truly a wonderful sight. Alma could clearly make out the bright atmosphere of the room, its decorations, and the inhabitants. One of which being her best friend, Nic. He was already speaking to a human who seemed to have just walked in. The time is finally upon them to get started. Walking with her usual purpose and look of determination, Alma made a conscious effort to soften her eyes to be inviting and playful in their fierceness as she opened the glass door into the great room. “Sorry? There is no need to be sorry.” She giggled as she maintained course toward the white haired male by the piano, only stopping on the other side of the piano. She turned to look at Nic and nodded her head with a smile before looking between them both. “Good evening to you both. Our new temporary home is beautiful, is it not?” Her tone was strong and sharp as she made a gesture to the great room they were in before hooking a thumb into her pocket and leaning her weight to one side. Still smiling, she watched the other humans trickle in through the corner of her eye as she carried on her conversation with the two men. “Want to take a look around? I haven't really done so myself yet and I've been here for some time.” There really was no time like the present to get started with learning about her prospective partners and having Nic around really could only make anything and everything better. He would probably know what she was up to and she could only hope he would agree and tag along.
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June Zai, the human with depression
Interaction: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein iShyShy iShyShy Nona Nona , her bestfriend
Mentions: Calag & Mikhail
Location: Great room > Kitchen

"Are you almost there?"


"Is it like, ULTRA beautiful?"

"I mean I guess."

"Have you met any of the hotties yet?!!"

"Not y-"

“-O. M. G. Junie I'm SoOOoooo excited for you!!!!!!!!”

As soon as the prolonged squealing begun, the lackluster brunette had been quick to pull her lustrous device at an arm's length away from her vulnerable eardrums, certain that she would’ve gone deaf otherwise. Although, despite her unamused eye roll, the slightest smile seemed to prick at the corners of her pouty lips. For, her best friend, who was positive in nearly every aspect (and thus, very unlike her) was always able to distract from even her most somber of moods. June swallowed thickly. That's right, the oh so drab June Zai was actually on her way to the Cayman islands, though, only god knows why. The brunette sighed sluggishly, form slouching forward ever so slightly as her eyes scanned the scenery which whirred past. Well, she'd always heard of travels being sort of life-changing, and if anything, her life definitely needed a change at this point. For, those long, hollow nights were becoming harder and harder to ignore, and there was only so much medication she could take. Besides, her job and of course, the little fluffsters would be waiting for her, as her endearing boss had said. So truly, June had nothing left to lose.

"-I mean think about it, there are like what? Fourteen other hotties on this smexy vaycay, FOURTEEN?!.... Your babies are going to be adorable." June nearly sprung out of the passenger seat at the sudden sound before simmering back down. Right, they hadn't officially said goodbye yet. "Well, I dunno if things are gonna get that far," the vet chuckled, "But it's been awhile since I've been in a relationship. Who knows, maybe I can bring you back one as well, y'know, as a souvenir." The comment had elicited a hearty laugh from the other end of the line, broadening her own smile at the sound. "No, I'm engaged remember? There's going to no hoeing for at least a few more days... Honestly, I dunno how he tolerates me," the blonde snickered, "I can't even tolerate myself."

"And I can barely tolerate you" June chimed in animatedly.

"Oh shut it! You love me."


"ANYWAY, I'm going to miss you bubs, especially your energetic spirit and vibrant personality." The pair giggled in unison. "But seriously, Cali will never be the same without my humble little June bug."

"I'll miss you too blondie, please try not to torture Max too much. He's a good guy, it'd be a shame to witness him running back down the isle."

"You KNOW that I can't make any promises."

Just as June was about to retort to their routine banter, her eyes widened, jaw nearly dropping onto the velvety floor. "I-I'm going to have to call you back" And with that, she abruptly ended the call, instead, focusing her attention on the enormous mansion that laid just a few short meters ahead. Face childishly pressed up against the glass, it was almost as if she were unable to tear her doey gaze away from the extravagant masterpiece. She was going to be living in that?! .... She didn't even want to know how her own embarrassing apartment compared to its enormous size. Maybe being filmed every moment of the day wouldn't be so bad, hell, she'd almost forgotten about that with the enormity of the residence. Driving up to a halt, June had been kindly escorted outside of the car and told that her copious amount of luggage would be taken care of. The woman gulped as she stood facing the large entrance, the place itself seemed rather daunting, she could only imagine what the people would be like. Supermodels, most likely. She gulped once more, steeling herself to be the one loser out of them all.

Reluctantly approaching the entrance, June noticed a few people loitering about, looking very contestant-y. And despite her ambitious goals of becoming more courageous, and less awkward, the brunette stupidly rushed past them, her heart rate rising as she felt curious glances linger for a mere moment before entering the great room. The young woman sighed as she entered the beautifully decorated room, relief about to occur when she realized that she was indeed, not alone. Shit. She was NOT ready to socialize, especially when everyone resembled effortless royalty and she, well, she looked like the person that was selected by accident, which she pretty sure she had been. "Uh," The brunette stared dumbfoundedly, feeling as if she'd just interrupted something. There was a tall male with platinum blond hair who looked friendly enough, another one with dirty blond hair who looked to be rather intimidating and a woman who seemed like she knew them
both. "I was just on my way to the kitchen, sorry." She muttered quietly, gaze low as she crossed to another room which thankfully, opened to reveal a glorious stainless-steel kitchen.

Nearly lunging toward the fridge, June practically ripped the cap off of the chilled bottle of water, chugging it only seconds later. If only it were alcohol, she thought, though sputtered when she realized that she'd been filling her bladder for absolutely no reason whatsoever- she wasn't even thirsty, just, anxious. After a few coughs. the brunette swiped her long sleeves over her moistened mouth and leaned her body weight against the counter. She closed her eyes as she relished within the comforting silence, knowing that it would be interrupted shortly.

Willow Ellaviel Hall

Willow often asks herself why she does the things she does for her family despite knowing herself that she does not want to do it. She didn't want to attend this reality tv show, how would she even compare to the others in it? She's not sure. But she's here because she wants to please her father, her family. She's been a good for nothing for so long, maybe it would change if she did do as she was told. That is if she does it well. Who knows. What did her father say? Find a prospective husband? It was ridiculous. Besides who would even want someone like her with nothing to her name? Not even a degree.

She shook her head, it wasn't the time to wallow with her useless self. She's already here, there is no way to back down anymore. She brought her head up, only to see a mansion on par with the Willows Estate. "It's beautiful." She whispered to herself, gazing at the grand architecture before her. Upon entering the mansion, she found herself with even more amazement. The way the woodworks were crafted with intricateness, how it shined with the light, the colors blended pleasingly to the eyes.

At the corner of her eye, she could see a figure go to a different room. On the other hand, there were three people gathered around. All three, undeniably attractive. As expected of a game show for romance. "Hello." Willow greeted meekly to the three with a small wave. She didn't stay in her spot and proceeded to the stairs, the keys in her pocket jingling with the label "French Room", her suitcase in hand. She tried lifting it up, but it was heavier than she imagined. She looked back at the group and wondered if she should ask for help. No, I don't think it's likely that they would want to help me, unless... Clearing her throat and looking directly at the direction of the three. "Can someone help me bring my suitcase upstairs, to the French Room?"

outfit || location: The Great Room (at the bottom of the stairs)|| interactions: iShyShy iShyShy DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Nona Nona

Mikhail Karahalios
Human with Eating Disorder​

Middle of the Patio --> Mahony stairs

Pretty Eyes (Calag) Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

'Cutie' (Colt) Nona Nona
The group (Nic, Alma, Colt) iShyShy iShyShy Nona Nona DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein
The girl on the stairs (Willow) Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

So fashionable
Mikhail looked over his shoulder when there was a voice calling out to someone. It took at least ten second for him to realize the other one had ment him with 'cutie'. His expression a bit surprised, before he blinked his eyes and blushed. Cutie? What the hell, why would he call you cutie? No way in hell he was really talking about you. No, this male had probably just been talking to the male that walked passed them, whom he gave a quick smile, before refocussing his attention to the hot male that had come up to him now. It was really hard to deny that he was talking to him now. Why would a super model like this be talking to him?

Sure, Mikhail had expected the contestants to be good looking, which was another reason why he had trouble to believe he was actually chosen, but he had not expected them to be super hot models or to look like those famous superstars. "I just... uh... I-is it?" he stammered over his words as those deep chocolate eyes looked at him. He would so easily get lost in those, if given a chance. Hell, he was already getting lost in them. Something pulling him in, pulling him forward as his foot moved a slight bit, before he came to a sudden stop as that hand was offered to him. What? He had been so focussed on the eyes and the sweet sound of that voice he had not been paying attention to the actually name that had been said. Shit...

"Mi-Misha..." He stuttered, not even able to get his full name over his lips when the other complimented him and then winked. His heart... Oh his poor heart. If all the others were like this he was gonna die of a heart attack he was very sure. Speaking of others, he should probably move on and find his room. Not only to dump his bags, but also to calm himself down. "My room... I am gonna go to my room," he said again. Even though he had not gotten any answer to his question. He turned towards the big mahony stairs as he suddenly felt something tug on his arm. You are still holding onto his hand, idiot.

That blush deepened again. Could a person really blush that much? Just a bit more and he was sure he would faint. Though if the blood rushed up to his head... it was pretty much impossible to faint, right? Since you fainted because of lack of blood to the brain, right? Not that it mattered at the moment. "Ah.. sorry.. I just... I had a really long flight. Jet lag... Stuff..." he explained. Right, that is the only reason you are this confused, hmmm? Has nothing to do with those deep chocolate eyes... He really wished he could turn that inner voice off as he finally let his fingers slip from those of the others. He grabbed his trolley a bit tighter and started to walk to the stairs for real. Not at all paying attention to the group in the back of the room, or the girl asking for help on the other stairs. He just wanted to flee this horrible horrible situations. First impression and you already blew it. You don't even know his name!
Nicholas Galloway

Prince of Envy​

Great Room

Pretty Boy (Colt) Nona Nona
Best friend, Alma iShyShy iShyShy
Struggling female (Willow) Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum

Passing female (June) .V1LLAINISM._ .V1LLAINISM._
Amazing Calag Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum
Stupid unimportant ugly human (Misha) DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein

Nicholas watched the lighthaired male with amused and curious eyes. The human hadn't seemed to see him and could he really blame him? Hiding in the dark was one of the many talents he possessed. His powers, of course, making him an unfair opponent in hide and seek. Not that he cared. He wasn't particularly tight on the rules... Anyway none of that mattered now as he watched how the human seemed to be intrigued by the piano, before his greeting seemed to shock the poor thing. He had not meant that to happen. Or perhaps he did... He could be a bit of a bastard and a brat. "No need to be sorry," he said when the immediate reaction of the other was to apologize. He let out a soft chuckle when his words fell perfectly in line with those of Alma, who just came in sounding rather cheerful for her being.

The Demon watched as the male stuffed his hands away, as if to make sure he wouldn't try to give in to that urge to touch the instrument again. "If you can play, go ahead. I'd love to hear it," he encouraged the other, "especially if it will be as lovely as your accent." Sure, he was no demon of Lust and not a flirt like Calag, but he could very much be a smoothtalker if he wanted to. Besides he did enjoy things that sounded well, may it be someone voice or some classical music. Furthermore he could see from that fading sparkle in the others eyes that the human was rather intrigued by the piano. So who was he to hold him back? "Ugh, you know I don't like it. Too much windows," he complained towards the demon of Wrath. She knew he liked his shadows!

"Though it has some very interesting rooms," the Demon of Envy added when the female brought up looking through the house. He had already done his little tour. Or part of the house. So he would not mind explorering the rest or having a bit better look around. He got up from the chair, right the moment another human came in. Though she seemed to rush by with the message she was on the way to the kitchen and just kept marching past them. The house now really seemed to come alive as a second woman came up and started struggling with the suitcase up the spiral stairs in the corner. "Oh, I am sure Alma won't mind? Since it is her room as well, isn't it?" he said with a devilish grin towards his best friend.

His gaze moved back to the male. "So, you wanna play or come along to explorer?" he asked, while trying his hardest to ignore that stupid stammering voice on the other side of the room. Calag was not holding anything back it seemed, and the fact that unimportant ugly human was so easily falling for it just rubbed him wrong. He was the Prince of Envy after all. And Calag... would never be his. There was always something that came in between, or someone more likely. Now it was this stupid human. His quickly glanced over towards them. Nope, nothing special. At all. "How was your travel by the way?" he asked the blonde male, just to force his attention away from that now building envious feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Alan Allen: Prince of Sloth

location: River in Aergia -> Theater -> Kitchen

with: June

Is this really necessary? Alan sighed as he stared into the sky of Aergia. ‘Soon to be his kingdom. Blah Blah Bl-’ He mentally mocked his mother’s words as he couldn’t find a real reason to care about it. It didn’t mean much to him. To be fair nothing did. But right now he was more concerned with spending the time he could to do nothing. The river water flowing beneath him carried him easily at just the right speed as he floated on the bundle of giant leaves. It kept the scenery new as he was lost in thought. Going through all of the effort of swaying some mortal to grant them immortality and spend eternity with them? It...sounds like a lot of work. Alan rolled onto his side as he let out a huff. They should be the ones trying to sway me for the gift of immortality. He flicked the water beneath him.

He should really be getting his head into this so it could be over with. Should he help the other heirs? No. Should he look into the future to see what people would like? It probably wouldn’t help. The one exciting thing is that humans are supposed to be full of surprises, from what he had heard, seen, and learned. Apparently their decision making needs had too many influences so there was rarely a chance to follow a pattern. So taking a small cheating sneak peak into their souls wouldn’t help him much. Unless it was a decision based on some immense value. Even with that shred of light the bond hunting experience was not something Alan was looking forward to. Having to try to 'win the favor' of some human. That meant effort and even if he would be entertained or even surprised for a moment he didn't think it would be worth it.

As he was floating down the river bend he saw Jessica, his mortal mother, standing at the water's edge and calling for him. I guess it’s time to get going. He groaned as he moved himself off the floating leaves and splashed into the water to make his way over. She was worth moving for, even though he wouldn’t openly say it. Be it because she actually had emotions or because she would give him a rough tongue lashing if he didn't comply. Still, at least she, to him, gave a shit. About many things. Sometimes more than she should but he just writes it off as her being invasively caring. Finally arriving at her side, he pulled himself out of the water and turned into his human form to be on level ground with her. She gave him a stern look as she fixed his clothes. “You know, Al. Just because your mother was too lazy to make an effort doesn't mean you have to be. The two of us were the last to bond..” She closed her eyes with a small sigh before opening them again. Probably because of the cliché. What else would be expected of Sloth incarnate? ”All because she fit her stereotype too perfectly. You don't have to do that. We're just lucky we've managed to make our lives work out. You don't have to settle for what's left over...” Her voice trailed. That must be a hard thing to think about. Being picked last when your whole life you felt like you were worth nothing. That’s a cruel affirmation. Al stretched and wrapped his arms around the woman who raised him more than his own mother had ever thought about him. “Yeah. I get it but I also can't completely fight my nature. Don't worry about me. Worry about you. I'll see you soon enough.” Letting go, he turned to the tree providing them shade and walked up to the trunk. The center mass glistened with droplets of water and the trunk before him shifted into the portal he would take to the castle. “I'll check up on you!” Jessica shouted out. Alan slowly shook his head with a lingering smile as he stepped through the portal.

Alan's bare feet stepped onto the soft bouncy carpet of a dimly lit room with lighting around the walls and a screen playing something on it. Whatever it was wasn't important. What was important, however, was incredibly comfortable couches and chairs in this dark room with a perfect source of white noise. Alan smiled to himself as he nodded, walking over to the couch and taking his hat off before laying himself down to take a quick nap. He knew he had time as he called since he would be two hours earlier than the mortals arriving. Sinking in quickly, he was close to drifting off to sleep until his stomach growled. With an instant scrunch of his face and a deep huff, Alan slowly pushed himself to a sitting position and looked at his own stomach. “But I was just about to drift off...” His stomach grumbled back almost like it responded to him. Alan shrugged to himself and got to his feet. A bit of food could be nice too. Alan put his hat back on and left the theater and walked through the great room, looking around ever so slightly as he tried to determine where the kitchen would be. There was so much space that he at least could appreciate that he would be able to hide to take naps easily enough.

With some luck, Alan found the kitchen through the set of doors diagonally across from where he came. The kitchen set up was very nice and there were some cozy looking stools at one of the islands. Alan made his way to the refrigerator and opened it to see what was inside. With so much stocked up he was practically overwhelmed and settled for a delectable looking apple he took gently into his grasp. With a shine against his shirt he bit into the apple and took at seat at the counter. Leaning on his opposite elbow he very slowly took bites of the apple as his eyelids began to get heavy and he eventually slumped and fell asleep on the counter top, letting the apple roll out of his hand and his hat bend awkwardly between his head and the counter top. Only until what felt like moments later when a flurry of crashes and chugging sounds penetrated his ear drums.

Alan stirred ever so slightly as he lifted himself to face the source of the noise. A fair skinned freckled Asian woman was apparently dead on the other counter after annihilating a bottle of water. Turning to her, he stayed in his chair as he spoke slightly groggily. Evidently she had missed his presence in her burst into the room. “Uh.. Hello.... Are you okay?... Dehydrated?” He reached his arms above his head as he stretched. “There are more pleasant resting places than being slumped over a granite counter, you know.” He then used one hand to fix his hat so it was no longer bent and misshapen as he waited for her to respond. Or not. Either way he didn't mind.



Alan Allen: Prince of Sloth

location: River in Aergia -> Theater -> Kitchen
with: June

Is this really necessary? Alan sighed as he stared into the sky of Aergia. ‘Soon to be his kingdom. Blah Blah Bl-’ He mentally mocked his mother’s words as he couldn’t find a real reason to care about it. It didn’t mean much to him. To be fair nothing did. But right now he was more concerned with spending the time he could to do nothing. The river water flowing beneath him carried him easily at just the right speed as he floated on the bundle of giant leaves. It kept the scenery new as he was lost in thought. Going through all of the effort of swaying some mortal to grant them immortality and spend eternity with them? It...sounds like a lot of work. Alan rolled onto his side as he let out a huff. They should be the ones trying to sway me for the gift of immortality. He flicked the water beneath him.

He should really be getting his head into this so it could be over with. Should he help the other heirs? No. Should he look into the future to see what people would like? It probably wouldn’t help. The one exciting thing is that humans are supposed to be full of surprises, from what he had heard, seen, and learned. Apparently their decision making needs had too many influences so there was rarely a chance to follow a pattern. So taking a small cheating sneak peak into their souls wouldn’t help him much. Unless it was a decision based on some immense value. Even with that shred of light the bond hunting experience was not something Alan was looking forward to. Having to try to 'win the favor' of some human. That meant effort and even if he would be entertained or even surprised for a moment he didn't think it would be worth it.

As he was floating down the river bend he saw Jessica, his mortal mother, standing at the water's edge and calling for him. I guess it’s time to get going. He groaned as he moved himself off the floating leaves and splashed into the water to make his way over. She was worth moving for, even though he wouldn’t openly say it. Be it because she actually had emotions or because she would give him a rough tongue lashing if he didn't comply. Still, at least she, to him, gave a shit. About many things. Sometimes more than she should but he just writes it off as her being invasively caring. Finally arriving at her side, he pulled himself out of the water and turned into his human form to be on level ground with her. She gave him a stern look as she fixed his clothes. “You know, Al. Just because your mother was too lazy to make an effort doesn't mean you have to be. The two of us were the last to bond..” She closed her eyes with a small sigh before opening them again. Probably because of the cliché. What else would be expected of Sloth incarnate? ”All because she fit her stereotype too perfectly. You don't have to do that. We're just lucky we've managed to make our lives work out. You don't have to settle for what's left over...” Her voice trailed. That must be a hard thing to think about. Being picked last when your whole life you felt like you were worth nothing. That’s a cruel affirmation. Al stretched and wrapped his arms around the woman who raised him more than his own mother had ever thought about him. “Yeah. I get it but I also can't completely fight my nature. Don't worry about me. Worry about you. I'll see you soon enough.” Letting go, he turned to the tree providing them shade and walked up to the trunk. The center mass glistened with droplets of water and the trunk before him shifted into the portal he would take to the castle. “I'll check up on you!” Jessica shouted out. Alan slowly shook his head with a lingering smile as he stepped through the portal.

Alan's bare feet stepped onto the soft bouncy carpet of a dimly lit room with lighting around the walls and a screen playing something on it. Whatever it was wasn't important. What was important, however, was incredibly comfortable couches and chairs in this dark room with a perfect source of white noise. Alan smiled to himself as he nodded, walking over to the couch and taking his hat off before laying himself down to take a quick nap. He knew he had time as he called since he would be two hours earlier than the mortals arriving. Sinking in quickly, he was close to drifting off to sleep until his stomach growled. With an instant scrunch of his face and a deep huff, Alan slowly pushed himself to a sitting position and looked at his own stomach. “But I was just about to drift off...” His stomach grumbled back almost like it responded to him. Alan shrugged to himself and got to his feet. A bit of food could be nice too. Alan put his hat back on and left the theater and walked through the great room, looking around ever so slightly as he tried to determine where the kitchen would be. There was so much space that he at least could appreciate that he would be able to hide to take naps easily enough.

With some luck, Alan found the kitchen through the set of doors diagonally across from where he came. The kitchen set up was very nice and there were some cozy looking stools at one of the islands. Alan made his way to the refrigerator and opened it to see what was inside. With so much stocked up he was practically overwhelmed and settled for a delectable looking apple he took gently into his grasp. With a shine against his shirt he bit into the apple and took at seat at the counter. Leaning on his opposite elbow he very slowly took bites of the apple as his eyelids began to get heavy and he eventually slumped and fell asleep on the counter top, letting the apple roll out of his hand and his hat bend awkwardly between his head and the counter top. Only until what felt like moments later when a flurry of crashes and chugging sounds penetrated his ear drums.

Alan stirred ever so slightly as he lifted himself to face the source of the noise. A fair skinned freckled Asian woman was apparently dead on the other counter after annihilating a bottle of water. Turning to her, he stayed in his chair as he spoke slightly groggily. Evidently she had missed his presence in her burst into the room. “Uh.. Hello.... Are you okay?... Dehydrated?” He reached his arms above his head as he stretched. “There are more pleasant resting places than being slumped over a granite counter, you know.” He then used one hand to fix his hat so it was no longer bent and misshapen as he waited for her to respond. Or not. Either way he didn't mind.

_J U N E_Z A I_

Interaction~ iShyShy iShyShy
Mentions~ The general population, her bestfriend
Location~ Kitchen

‘Alright June, you can do this. Just take a deep breath, or a “chill pill” as the cool kids say these days. You’ll be fine, I mean sure, you’re surrounded by models in a nearly remote location while looking like you just evolved from a dumpster dwelling creature... But hey, you were chosen for a reason, god knows how or why. But for some reason, YOU were chosen to be here. You may not be as pretty as well, all of them, but you’re not an ogre either... Shrek would be so proud.’ June inhaled shakily as her internal monologue seemed to carry on and on and on and on, somehow making her feel even worse in the process. Although, she was far from surprised, for, the brunette wasn’t exactly known to be the most encouraging. She often just assumed the worst and went from there. Y’know, in the healthy way. She sighed quietly, attempting to encourage herself out of the spiralling state that she was currently in.... Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad for her here, the scenery was beautiful and she needed a good detox from the bustling streets of California. Besides, it’s what you make it right? ...Wrong. For, just as things seemed to be looking up, an unfamiliar voice approached.

“Uh.. Hello.... Are you okay?... Dehydrated?”

Brown eyes snapped open at the sound of a rather groggy tone. Thus, the irreparably awkward woman physically stiffened for a beat longer, attempting to hide the furious flush that began creeping up her neck. For, it wasn’t just the fact that the stranger was an undeniably attractive male, nor that he was oddly talking to her, but also the detrimental fact in which he’d just witnessed her practically inhale three fourths of a water bottle and nearly choke to her own clumsy demise... Death didn’t sound so bad right now. “Uh” the young woman began, mentally scorning herself all the while. I mean, how the hell did she not see him?! He was RIGHT THERE. And maybe if she hadn’t been so STUPID, she wouldn’t have looked like such an ungraceful fool right now, though, that was debatable. What a great start. “I’m just kind of nervous,” The woman clarified sheepishly, eyes trailing to beyond his comfortable frame. What? She was absolutely awful at making eye contact. “... And when that happens, my throat seems to mimic the Sahara, which would explain that.” June motioned to the slightly disfigured water bottle, with its shape having been gruesomely twisted & twined due to her tightened grip. ‘My god June, you’re actually an idiot.’ Y’know, sometimes she wonders how she’s survived this long, honestly.

Though, despite her previous self loathing, June seemed to relax a bit under the rather tranquil ambiance that seemed to emit from the groggy man. It was strange, he seemed to be so distant and yet present at the same time. As if he were in his own world and yet, simultaneously attentive. How odd. And so, curious in nature, June began to subconsciously study him out of the corner of his eyes. He seemed to be a regular go-with-the-flow kind of man, very much reminding her of the laid back males in California. Though, he seemed to be far less obnoxious than a surfer dude and/or blogging hipster. It was not until he spoke again, did June truly summon the guts to actually face him. His words brought the slightest curve to her lips, for, he reminded her very much of the blonde vixen that had gotten her here in the first place. “Who would’ve thought?” June retorted cheekishly “I mean a stone as soft as granite? You’re just not sleeping on it properly.” She dismissed through a shrug, a small smile playing on her lips as she began to feel like herself once more, and perhaps even bolder.

All of her once tensed muscles seemed to soften their hold as she rested her entire weight on the counter, quite liking the optional conversation that was occurring. Although, both participants seemed to drift into a small silence, one that June couldn’t seem to handle without driving herself mad. “My name’s June by the way,” she piped up suddenly, “If you were dying to know.”

Calag Isagani Buenaventura

Calag couldn't help but smile at the first reaction he got from the young-looking male on the patio. It was clear as day, his effect on the mortal. Sure mortals reacted how he expected and he never tires of it but the way this contestant does it more adorable. Maybe he'll play with just one prospective servant, the one in front of him, for now. But of course, if others were to seem more interesting, well... He likes this one a lot though. The Prince of Lust could see how he struggles with his thoughts as he tries to distance himself from him to no avail.

The demon especially likes how the mortal stutters, he finds it oddly charming. "Oh of course, you must be tired from carrying your bag and the travel on the way here." He watched as Misha walked towards the stairs without a glance at anybody else and laughed quite a bit to himself quietly. "I like him already." Spotting a group just a few steps away he decided to go near, waving with a simple but loud enough, "Hello." To the group.

He gave Alma a smile, "Looking intimidatingly beautiful as always." Barging into the conversation he walked towards Nic and gave his shoulder a squeeze, "Nicolas, always lovely to see that beautiful face of yours." He'd flirt more with the Prince of Envy like he usually does but sadly it wasn't the time. He looked at the blonde-haired mortal, finding him to be quite pleasing on the eyes. From the looks of it, Nic has set his eyes on this one, for now, and he would rather not cause drama on the first day and frighten the people they would bond with.

On the stairs was a struggling female, striking looks and has a certain innocence to the way she is dressed for the night. "And who are these two?" He asked with interest, genuinely wanting to meet the two. "Look at me asking for your names when I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Calag Isagani Buenaventura, how do you do?"

outfit || location: Patio > Near the Stairs|| interactions: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein iShyShy iShyShy Nona Nona

Last edited:


• Colt Bonham •

Location | Great Room
Interaction | Nic, Alma, Calag
Mentions | Nic, Alma Calag, Misha & Willow
Tags | DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum iShyShy iShyShy
Outfit |

Colt had blinked when two voices had assured him not to be sorry at the exact same time, his gaze shifted to settle on a dark haired woman walking towards them both and stopping across the piano from him. It quickly moved back to the man however before he could greet further than a polite smile as the man coaxed him to play a tune and commented on Colt's voice while he was at it. He let a sheepish laugh at the comment as his eyes dropped towards the piano. He had to admit that was pretty smooth and caught him off guard. Though most compliments did, he was bad at receiving them and probably worse at delivering them in a suave manner, sitting around these people would be a constant reminder of that.

The woman mentioning looking around had peaked his interest somewhat, he would have to get used to the place after all, a tour was a good idea. Before he could answer though the woman began to talk to the man next to them. Until this point he had assumed all here would be strangers, since for a dating reality show, that would make the most sense in his mind but he stood corrected as the two new people in front of him began to banter as if they knew each other well already, he couldn't help but watch the two with a curious gaze as they joked between each other.

Watching the two was interrupted by another new person entering, announcing that she was going to the kitchen. Damn, maybe he should have done that to get a chance to collect himself before stepping into this room that was quickly filling up but of course, he had to nerd out about the piano instead like the dork he was. He closed his eyes and exhaled for a split second.

"So, you wanna play or come along to explore?"

The question caused him to look between the piano and the man asking the question in the first place, his mouth opening slightly before he responded. "Oh... Uh." his hands finally retreated from the safety his pockets, one opting to ruffle his white hair, pushing it back from his face as he made his decision "I think knowing my way around the place would be best. If I'm going to be here a while then piano can wait." he answered as he flashed a smile towards the man, walking away from the piano and towards the male "...Honestly I'm the worst traveler so I was glad to get out of the plane." he shrugged his shoulders gently, he decided to not mention his getting lost in the airport story for now. He had to make somewhat of a decent impression around these people, right? "But! I got here in one piece so I suppose I can say my travel was good" he added. He had noticed the poor guy melting in the corner but deliberately had tried to turn his attention away, he knew if he himself was feeling that shy or embarrassed the last thing he'd want would be someone staring at him.

"What about your journey here?
" he asked back before the other flirty male had approached them, at least the guy across the room could get a break for a bit, Colt had peeked over but stopped when the man greeted them and address the two Colt was with. He knew them both too? What was going on here? Maybe there was something in the emails about the show he had missed? Colt had just offered a gentle nod and slight smile wen the man had looked at him before walking away towards the girl on the staircase.

At this point Colt's curiosity on the matter was very much bubbled to the surface so once the man had walked off he turned his gaze towards the two still with him "...Old friends?" he asked out straight before his mind could get a chance to scold him for asking something personal like that.


Alma Cole

Princess of Wrath

Location: Great Room -> Stair case -> door to French room

With: Nicholas, Colt, Willow, Calag, June

Of course she would overlap words with her best friend in the entire underworld. She really should have expected it to happen yet a quick giggle still escaped her lips. The cute white haired man seemed to want to play the piano and Nic was coaxing him to do so. As much as that would be a great conversation starter for the group, Alma was not sure her great mood would last with an abundance of people. Just as she was about to get angry at the start of imagining the rest of the heirs, Nic responded to her. She simply smiled and shook her head. “Of course there are. You knew there would be.” Her attention was piqued when he mentioned the nice rooms. At this point she really was kicking herself for not scoping out the house when she had the time.

In quick succession a woman burst through the front door and immediately excused herself to the kitchen. Alma side stepped to get out of the woman's way, this time. If she were to ever try to bulldoze through Alma again, she would be taught a lesson surely. But first impressions are important right now. Alma did her best to maintain the peppy and welcoming demeanor that was bound to be draining her. Thankfully the sun basking did help put her into a good mood. As quickly as the first woman left another woman, who was quite attractive once Alma got a good look at her, came in and greeted the small group with a small voice as she made her way to the steps. The girl was then struggling with her luggage and Alma actively had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. The girl needs some muscles. Then she mentioned the French room and Nic responded before she had a chance. Shooting him a quick heated glare in response to his grin for speaking for her, she turned, smiling, and made her way to the struggling woman as she reached her arms out to take the suitcase. “As he said, I don't mind in the least. It will be a great chance to get to know each other as roommates.” Alma did her best to not make taking the luggage from the girl awkward though she definitely felt like she could have done a better job. She turned to the girl after getting the suitcase firmly in her grasp. “We can divide the ro-”

She was cut off as Calag's voice pierced through the air in a far less extravagant manner than usual that was just as loud. Though this time he decided to charm Alma first and she had to admit she appreciated his priority of speaking to her first, as he should. “Thank you. It's natural, as you know.” Calag was already making moves on Nic and Alma cringed. The knowledge of the details of their relationship were not something she needed to be reminded of. The many bad and some good. Alma started making her way up the steps hoping her roommate would follow as she called down to Calag in an attempted playful manner. “This beauty is my roommate and she is off limits until we scope out our room.” Alma smirked with a raised eyebrow to herself victoriously as she made her way to the French Room.

Turning her head, she tried to look at the girl as they walked toward the door of their assigned room. “I'm sorry for taking so long to formally introduce myself. My name is Alma Cole, it's a pleasure.” Making it to the door of their room, Alma waited for the girl to unlock the door so she could bring the suitcase inside. Setting the suitcase down, she leaned on it casually as she waited.

Alma Cole
Princess of Wrath

Location: Great Room -> Stair case -> door to French room
With: Nicholas, Colt, Willow, Calag, June
Tags: DarkiusHeavenstein DarkiusHeavenstein Nona Nona Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum .V1LLAINISM._ .V1LLAINISM._
Outfit: Boots Ruby Necklace Open Buttons Dark Jorts

Of course she would overlap words with her best friend in the entire underworld. She really should have expected it to happen yet a quick giggle still escaped her lips. The cute white haired man seemed to want to play the piano and Nic was coaxing him to do so. As much as that would be a great conversation starter for the group, Alma was not sure her great mood would last with an abundance of people. Just as she was about to get angry at the start of imagining the rest of the heirs, Nic responded to her. She simply smiled and shook her head. “Of course there are. You knew there would be.” Her attention was piqued when he mentioned the nice rooms. At this point she really was kicking herself for not scoping out the house when she had the time.

In quick succession a woman burst through the front door and immediately excused herself to the kitchen. Alma side stepped to get out of the woman's way, this time. If she were to ever try to bulldoze through Alma again, she would be taught a lesson surely. But first impressions are important right now. Alma did her best to maintain the peppy and welcoming demeanor that was bound to be draining her. Thankfully the sun basking did help put her into a good mood. As quickly as the first woman left another woman, who was quite attractive once Alma got a good look at her, came in and greeted the small group with a small voice as she made her way to the steps. The girl was then struggling with her luggage and Alma actively had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. The girl needs some muscles. Then she mentioned the French room and Nic responded before she had a chance. Shooting him a quick heated glare in response to his grin for speaking for her, she turned, smiling, and made her way to the struggling woman as she reached her arms out to take the suitcase. “As he said, I don't mind in the least. It will be a great chance to get to know each other as roommates.” Alma did her best to not make taking the luggage from the girl awkward though she definitely felt like she could have done a better job. She turned to the girl after getting the suitcase firmly in her grasp. “We can divide the ro-”

She was cut off as Calag's voice pierced through the air in a far less extravagant manner than usual that was just as loud. Though this time he decided to charm Alma first and she had to admit she appreciated his priority of speaking to her first, as he should, so she wouldn't punish him for cutting her off this time. “Thank you. It's natural, as you know.” Calag was already making moves on Nic and Alma cringed. The knowledge of the details of their relationship were not something she needed to be reminded of. The many bad and some good. Alma started making her way up the steps hoping her roommate would follow as she called down to Calag in an attempted playful manner. “This beauty is my roommate and she is off limits until we scope out our room.” Alma smirked with a raised eyebrow to herself victoriously as she made her way up the steps and towards to the French Room.

Turning her head, she tried to look at the girl as they walked toward the door of their assigned room. “I'm sorry for taking so long to formally introduce myself. My name is Alma Cole, it's a pleasure.” Making it to the door of their room, Alma waited for the girl to unlock the door so she could bring the suitcase inside. Setting the suitcase down, she leaned on it casually as she waited.

Alan Allen: Prince of Sloth

location: Kitchen

with: June

The woman in front of him seemed to be frazzled by his presence. Her immediate reaction of turning into a stiff plank of word at just his words was mildly unnerving but Alan remained unphased. Finally beginning to shake off his grogginess, he was able to take in the woman's attractive features. She seemed to be a self conscious or comfort seeking individual based on how she dressed. Alan could assimilate with the latter and hoped that would be the reasoning though he knew better. Her cheese were a rosy red currently though he wasn't sure why. The color grew deeper as she seemed to be frozen in thought. It really brought out her freckles, which was adorable. Alan slipped off his seat and onto his feet as he walked over to the island she was leaning on as she explained that she was nervous.

As he made his way over to the counter she seemed to be looking through him, instead of at him. He took his hat off and played with it idly to avoid some eye contact as she spoke to him. He made sure to look at her intermittently so she knew he was listening but she was clearly uncomfortable and Alan wasn't going to put in the effort to force anything if he could help it. If she wants to leave she is free to do so and he'll make his way back to the comfortable theater room he appeared in. The woman then made a small joke with a motion to the destroyed water bottle and when Alan glanced at it he smiled warmly with a shrug and slight chuckle. “I think we all are, to an extent. So if that's the case then I do hope the water bottle assisted your throat and nerves. If not, then I would offer my assistance if it is of use to you.” He expertly twirled his hat in his hands before bringing it to his chest as he nodded at her slowly. Helping is a lot of work, sure, but not if she seems to like the same things he likes. “I am an expert if being the most aloof, care free, relaxed person you will ever meet. Sleeping and relaxing are my passions.” He stood up straight, putting his hat on and stretching again. “So if that sounds helpful to you then I'd be glad to help provide relief. I have already found a fantastic place to nap. No one was in there and the white noise was just perfect.” He was already daydreaming of getting back to the theater. The draw was so strong for him but he knew he should at least attempt to stay a little longer. The color in the woman's face was returning to normal before his eyes and she seemed to be much more calm.

Ah, there was that hidden smile of hers. It finally made an appearance and he couldn't help but smile at the accomplishment. She even had the ability to joke with him and he shrugged lightly as if to apologize. “Oh now I thought I was the master at sleeping anywhere. See exhibit A.” He pointed to his previous sleeping position on the other counterpart. “But if you have a more proper way to sleep to make stone a sleep station I would practically pay to learn.” She finally let herself lean on the counter across from him. The silence between them was beginning to grow before she broke it with her introduction. He closed his eyes and raised his brows as he covered his mouth in a dramatically playful action before returning to his position of holding onto his hat on the counter top. “Oh dear. Can you read minds?” Really ironic, Alan. “Thank you for saving my existence. My name is Alan. Alan Allen.” He finally ran a hand through his hair before putting his hat back on.

“I want to be honest with you, June. I do not plan on going out there while the myriad of voices are still emanating from the huge room.” He turned and walked toward the door and leaned in closely to it to represent how he was checking to see if there was still a mob nearby. He shook his head as he turned back to her. “I will meet everyone in due time, after all.” He took a few steps back toward her while looking out the windows outside and he stopped for a moment to look. “Such a wonderful view..” He got lost in the sight for a moment. Mentally noting that he had spoken much more than he really had planned or preferred to do but he was enjoying the conversation and therefore it was worth it. After being lost for that moment, he slowly spun back to her while hooking his thumbs in his back pockets innocently. “I admit I haven't done much exploring with my early arrival since... well.... I found that great napping place first and that was much more enticing.” He shrugged lightheartedly. “But do you want to avoid the group of people and see if there is any other cool things with me or would you rather hang out near the water bottles? I can accompany or leave you be if you wish. But I think I'd like to scope out the good hiding spots sooner rather than later.”



Alan Allen: Prince of Sloth

location: Kitchen
with: June

The woman in front of him seemed to be frazzled by his presence. Her immediate reaction of turning into a stiff plank of word at just his words was mildly unnerving but Alan remained unphased. Finally beginning to shake off his grogginess, he was able to take in the woman's attractive features. She seemed to be a self conscious or comfort seeking individual based on how she dressed. Alan could assimilate with the latter and hoped that would be the reasoning though he knew better. Her cheese were a rosy red currently though he wasn't sure why. The color grew deeper as she seemed to be frozen in thought. It really brought out her freckles, which was adorable. Alan slipped off his seat and onto his feet as he walked over to the island she was leaning on as she explained that she was nervous.

As he made his way over to the counter she seemed to be looking through him, instead of at him. He took his hat off and played with it idly to avoid some eye contact as she spoke to him. He made sure to look at her intermittently so she knew he was listening but she was clearly uncomfortable and Alan wasn't going to put in the effort to force anything if he could help it. If she wants to leave she is free to do so and he'll make his way back to the comfortable theater room he appeared in. The woman then made a small joke with a motion to the destroyed water bottle and when Alan glanced at it he smiled warmly with a shrug and slight chuckle. “I think we all are, to an extent. So if that's the case then I do hope the water bottle assisted your throat and nerves. If not, then I would offer my assistance if it is of use to you.” He expertly twirled his hat in his hands before bringing it to his chest as he nodded at her slowly. Helping is a lot of work, sure, but not if she seems to like the same things he likes. “I am an expert if being the most aloof, care free, relaxed person you will ever meet. Sleeping and relaxing are my passions.” He stood up straight, putting his hat on and stretching again. “So if that sounds helpful to you then I'd be glad to help provide relief. I have already found a fantastic place to nap. No one was in there and the white noise was just perfect.” He was already daydreaming of getting back to the theater. The draw was so strong for him but he knew he should at least attempt to stay a little longer. The color in the woman's face was returning to normal before his eyes and she seemed to be much more calm.

Ah, there was that hidden smile of hers. It finally made an appearance and he couldn't help but smile at the accomplishment. She even had the ability to joke with him and he shrugged lightly as if to apologize. “Oh now I thought I was the master at sleeping anywhere. See exhibit A.” He pointed to his previous sleeping position on the other counterpart. “But if you have a more proper way to sleep to make stone a sleep station I would practically pay to learn.” She finally let herself lean on the counter across from him. The silence between them was beginning to grow before she broke it with her introduction. He closed his eyes and raised his brows as he covered his mouth in a dramatically playful action before returning to his position of holding onto his hat on the counter top. “Oh dear. Can you read minds?” Really ironic, Alan. “Thank you for saving my existence. My name is Alan. Alan Allen.” He finally ran a hand through his hair before putting his hat back on.

“I want to be honest with you, June. I do not plan on going out there while the myriad of voices are still emanating from the huge room.” He turned and walked toward the door and leaned in closely to it to represent how he was checking to see if there was still a mob nearby. He shook his head as he turned back to her. “I will meet everyone in due time, after all.” He took a few steps back toward her while looking out the windows outside and he stopped for a moment to look. “Such a wonderful view..” He got lost in the sight for a moment. Mentally noting that he had spoken much more than he really had planned or preferred to do but he was enjoying the conversation and therefore it was worth it. After being lost for that moment, he slowly spun back to her while hooking his thumbs in his back pockets innocently. “I admit I haven't done much exploring with my early arrival since... well.... I found that great napping place first and that was much more enticing.” He shrugged lightheartedly. “But do you want to avoid the group of people and see if there is any other cool things with me or would you rather hang out near the water bottles? I can accompany or leave you be if you wish. But I think I'd like to scope out the good hiding spots sooner rather than later.”


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