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Love in the sand

Ayame sat up, keeping the sheet covering herself as she looked over the edge of the bed, down at Kankuro. She had a slight smirk on her face as she raised an eyebrow.

"I will be fine," She stated as ran her fingers through her long hair. She braided it best she could to help keep it out of the way, she had had enough hair pulling the night before. She let her eyes wander over his form, taking in his fit body.

"Get back in bed," She said simply as she laid back down and waited as if she had no doubt of what he would do.

Gaara nuzzled Kiri gently before he gently leaned in, placing a kiss on her nose, snatching back his hat as he did so a genuine smile on his face. He placed the hat back on his head and looked back at Naruto.

"How have you and Kurama been?" He asked as his smile quickly faded.
kiri flinched a bit at the name and looked at Naruto in some fear..but it was not her who was afraid,it was Susami. 'its okay Susami.. i think Shukaku and Gaara have a plan.. when their done getting an apology then we can ask about the pet show.' Susami nods and kiris eyes became a bit calmer But Naruto noticed the fear. "Hes fine. Were partners now. We dont see eye to eye at times but we came to the agreement during the war and now hes like a guardfox in my body. hes even protective of the kids." He said laughing a bit. "Hinata called it the 'nine tailed daddy senses' thinking kurama thinks hes their dad too in a way and is helping take responsibility." Naruto was very distracted by kiris affections to Gaara..and then saw something that he couldn't believe at first. chakra like 'cat ears' were on her and she was majorly purring Kurama paled 's-shit i know who t-that is..Naruto for your safety..let alone m-mine back away slowly..'Naruto was confused and did as told but kiri lightly glared and Naruto froze and his mind was sent to a room where a nervous kurama was and a cuddling lynx was with Shukaku and kiri was still snuggling Gaara. "Kurama are you hiding something!" Naruto aked but slightly yelled it. Kurama sighed "W-well Remember that leech? The no tails..."he gently and nervously pointed his paw at the lynx who was now growling at kurama at the insult. "YOU WERE THE ONE THAT PUT ME LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF ONE FIGHT!"kurama to narutos surprise was scared but stood his ground. "Susami.. you knew i had no choice.. you disobeyed the sages order...i knew you two were in love however, you didn't have to prove it by fighting two tails.. you misunderstood why Shukaku was talking to her so much.."

Kankuro smiled and layed back down cuddling her and kissed her "Come on baby you trained my energy all night with our fun and i dont think i can survive another hickey attack.."He said kissing her neck. He had to admit she was aggressive with her feelings of love..and didn't even care about his personal experiments of BDSM the whole night.
Ayame laughed lightly.

"Did you think maybe I just want to cuddle and be close with the person I love?" She asked as she lightly bit his chest. She too was exhausted, though she wasn't complaining, it had been amazing. Kankuro was just freak enough to make it interesting. He seemed to be able to read her without her having to be obvious, and who would complain about getting things they wanted without having to ask?

Gaara looked towards Shukaku, as if urging him to step in before someones temper got the best of them.

"Susami, love. It is true Kurama had no choice, you had broke the rules, why did you fight Matatabi? Did you think I had affections for her?" He asked his eyes searching those of Susami, "I can tell you honestly, that I did not, not more than as a friend at least. What did you think we were talking about when we talked, tell me that?" Shukaku asked, his voice unusually calm as he sought answers.
Susami's head lowered a bit "i-im sorry. i thought it was because she was more mature and unique and.." Kiri hugged her and kurama sighed "no he was only talking to Mata about his anger..he feared the worst if he snapped and harmed you or any one of us..You may have proven loyalty however you were also a fool..I am willing to give you a second chance to redeem your title.." Kiri smiled and looked at Kurama "Mr Kurama is it okay that i tweak that title a bit? Sure Susami has no tail at all but to me she has a unique talent In my opinion as my gypsy family called her Please let her be called the Moon Goddess for she is the only one that can tame the tailed beast that made the moon." Kurama looked at her.. "Miss may i see your band..not the one you own now of the sand.. the one you were born with.." Kiri nodded and pulled out a headband that had two markings ジプシー and a crescent moon. "Gypsy ambassador of the land of the moon.."Kurama chuckled. "Alright she can have that title.."

When snapped into reality and Naruto smiled still shocked Kiri began being again the adorable girlfriend. "Honey before this gets anymore boring can i borrow Ayame for a personal assignment? ya see i wanna get a pet that's super cute and i think Ayame would want one too and theirs a pet show in a nearby village and I REALLY WANNA GOOO!" Kiri began using one of her charm-jutsus well its not actually a justsu she made that up but she knew it had an effect on him 'the eyes of cuteness' Temari wondered if it really did since shes used to Gaara being calm under pressure.

Kankuro smiled and pets anyme's hair gently.. he knew exactly what she waned without her even asking. That moment she just wanted pettings and cuddles. He felt more of a man then his father ever would be. Then he took the big leap. "Ayame.. um i-if it did break and your with child.. would you let me take responsibility and be your husband?"
Ayame's eyes went wide as if a moment of panic shot through her. It wasn't that she never wanted kids, or that she didn't want kids with Kankuro. It was just really early to be considering anything like that.

"D-did it break!?!?!" Ayame asked her voice going up an octave as she sat up straight. She looked back over her shoulder, her cheeks turning a dark red.

"T-t-tell me Kankuro, did it break or slip? Are you trying to let me know something!" She continued to question, not really even giving him time to answer. She sighed deeply, as she got a grip on herself and the panic subsided for the moment, giving Kankuro time to answer her.

Gaara looked into Kiri's eyes. He really didn't want to let her go, he had a bad feeling about it if he were completely honest. Those eyes though, how could he say no to those eyes? "You will go no matter what I say, I suppose it would be best if Ayame was with you than if you were to try to sneak away on your own to bring back half of the animals there," Gaara said kissing Kiri's forehead.
Kankuro nodded a bits scared.. "It slipped a little but i did put it back on but i saw some of 'it' on the outer layer.. i first thought it was sweat but i sensed your chakra changing preparing the gates of motherhood..as m-mine did for f-fatherhood...but im not sure if im right or not.."

kiri smiled and kisses Gaara and runs happily to Ayames house "AYAME!! I HAVE AN EPIC MISSION FOR YOU!!!"

Kankuro hears kiri and paled wondering where to hide.
Ayame froze for a moment, not because she heard Kiri, but because Kankuro had just told her that she could end up pregnant. It took her a moment to snap out of it but she managed to jump up and grab Kankuro, dragging him behind the changing wall so Kiri wouldn't see him. She gave him a look, as if telling him to be silent.

"Just a minute Kiri!" Ayame called out. She moved to the bathroom with clothes in hand before disappearing to the bathroom to wash off and change as quickly as she could manage. She quickly came out of the bathroom to meet Kiri before she went looking for her to try to minimize the risk of Kiri finding Kankuro hiding.
Kiri hugged her "Great news theirs a pet show in the next village and were going on a rescue mission to save these cuties" She showed a picture of a sabre tooth tiger cubs. "And if you ask i did ask Gaara and he said i could go if your with me. And he might pay double but i did promise not to bring half the pet show home.. only one.." She mumbled about him maybe being jealous about a cute fluffy thing 'declaring war' on his cuddle time.

Kankuro silently escaped with his clothes and saw Naruto leave with documents and walked over to his brother. "Gaara..Heard you let your sandkitten go to a petshow to get a sabre tooth tiger cub litter.. She even got Ayame in on the action to make it a covert operation. What i wonder is how they plan to bring them here?"
Ayame laughed, but not a full true laugh, he mind was still stuck on the fact that she could be pregnant. She rubbed the back of her neck lightly, her muscles and joints still sore from the night before.

"I am sure you would make sure Gaara had cuddle time as well," She finally responded.

"Lets be on our way."

Gaara looked his brother up and down, taking into account the smudged face paint on his face.

"So I heard you were no where to be found all yesterday," He stated, seeming to completely ignore his brothers question.
Kiri smiled and led the way to the adventure!She even agreed to let Ayame have one of the kittens when they get there. Then kiri stopped seeing a group of men infront of them at first she was curious but that turned to fear seeing one of their faces..She tapped Ayames shoulder."Run..J-just run..." And Kiri was off like a bullet in defense mode and the men chased after her and threw a sleeping gas bomb. "Hhehe dont worry love.. when im done with them sand siblings you will meet them again.. when your all corpses.." Hito said as kiri passed out. Silencing the link between Susami and Shukaku. "Put them both on the wagon.." He barked to his men as they dragged them on the wagon.

Kankuro saw a look on his brothers face he was scared and kankuro wanted to know why.. "G-Gaara? you okay?"
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Ayame put herself between Kiri and the men, or course with the gas bomb it did little good. She clung to consciousness as her body collapsed to the ground then put on the wagon.

"I'll protect you Kiri,"She managed to whisper before she too had passed out. When she woke up she was bound to a chair, gagged and blindfolded. It seemed they knew about her abilities with Genjutsu, and the the dangers that her eyes and voice. She could hear their voices though, and how cruel they were. The ninja had places chakra seals all over Kiri to suppress Susami as well as drugging Kiri to keep her from being able to resist much. It was clear they had thought this thing out.

Ayame tried to scream in frustration, letting the men know she was awake. She could almost feel a smile form on Hito's face.

"That won't do you much good, not with that gag in our mouth honey," He spoke. She could hear footsteps around her, then she was hit with pain. She felt electric surge through her body as one of the men pressed two electric leads to her body.

"We might as well have fun with you while we can, correct? Before people come to rescue and we kill those people."

Gaara felt his connection with Kiri through Shukaku and Sasumi disappear and his face hardened.

"Something is wrong with Kiri and Ayame, and can not feel Kiri," Anger began to show over his face, and one could feel the sand around his shift slightly. He had an idea of who had arranged this, and if he was correct that person would die that day.

"Ayame's life is most likely in grave danger Kankuro."
Kankuro growl "Lead the way brother..." ANd like they they were like bulletstemari and shikamaru following andthey watched silently from a windowShikamaru noticed a pattern..They only come in to see if the poison was having any effect on kiri and shes resisting the best she could with Susami trying her hardest to protect her. He gave the instructions Temari and Kankuro go from the gfront as a diversion while shikamaru possessed a doctor to remove the bars and put the antidote in Kiri whick would also break the seal. Then gaaras rage does the rest with whoever is left standing..Kankuro nodded and went with temari and he showed NO FREAKING MERCY! He was out for blood for anyone who touch his girl! temari held him back when the wing was clear for garra "Down boy easy easy.." Hito walked up "What the fuck is going on?!"
One of the ninja walked close to Ayame after entering whatever room she was in, "Kankuro just got here, and we have already killed him, he died crying your name," the ninja whispered. She felt tears in her eyes, she could feel her body trimble. What if she really was pregnant? Could she stand if she had his child but the child never knowing his or her father? Something in Ayame snapped, broke, and the floodgates that had once been sealed broke open. Black swirling patterns formed across her skin and the ninja in the room would be able to feel her chakra pulsing, pulsing to the point it formed a light, and once they saw the light, it was over, she was in control of them. She controlled one into untying her so she could remove the gag and blindfold quickly before making them start to kill each other. It looked like a hellish blood dance as the men were forced to attack each other, each of them seeing the other as the enemy. A twisted smile formed on Ayame's face. Her eye had turned completely black as she watched the men that had tortured her bleed out and die. She began to laugh, it was clear she was enjoying their bloodshed.

Gaara looked at Kankuro, "Go find Ayame, Hito is mine, all mine," Gaara growled. He looked at the ninja, his chakra mixing with Shukaku's and growing immense. He could feel Shukaku, he was fighting to get out, but that would be too dangerous for such a small area and not knowing where Ayame was.

"You die today, that is all you need to know," He spoke to Hito as me made his way towards the man, not seeming worried in the least.
Kankuro nodded and ran Temari followed and they found not only Ayame but Kiri and Shika. Shikammaru was putting in the antidote and temari ran over to her for a pulse check. Kankuro hugged Ayame "Ayame! Its me! Kankuro..What ever they said is bull shit...im right here...talking to you right now..What i need you to do right now for me is to calm down for the babys sake.. your putting the baby in danger.." Temari and shika gave a 'WHAT!' look and he gave a 'Ill explain later look' "Just listen to my voice okay..everything will be fine breathe in...and breathe out."

Hitoshura chuckled "Ah the famous Kazekage after my special pet? Do you even know what she is capable of? She can see the future! Past, present, and future.. and mine i hated.. she told me i would die by her no tails's soulmate.. that i wasn't her soulmate..."Then he shows his poison kunais. "Juding by you..Your the carrier of the one tail..Tell me How long have you known her?.."His voice got colder and colder.."Do you even know her favorite foods? or where she is ticklish?"He throws some of the Kunais "My thoughts exactly..YOU KNOW NOTHING!"
Ayame's body went weak in Kankuro's arms, her weight collapsing into him. Slowly the markings on her body disappeared. She could barely move and it too all she had to suppress the beast that the demon ninja had awakened inside of her.

"Kankuro, kill me, kill me before I hurt all of you, I don't know how long I will be able to keep myself under control," She whispered to the man she loved. Tears welled in her eyes, she didn't want to die, but she couldn't stand the possibility of killing Kankuro or his family. If that were to happen, she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

Sand shot up, protecting Gaara from the Kunai. His face was emotionless, he was eerily calm, like that moment before a tsunami hits.

"Her favorite food is Ráchal Cigányosan," He responded simply. He paused for a moments, taking in Hitoshura.

"Are you prepared to die demon ninja?" He spoke simply, not really caring if the man answered or not, He was going to kill him slowly, and he was going to enjoy it.
"Over my dead body i kill you"he said using his puppet bandages to tie her up like they do to insane people. Kiri slowly got up from the poison.. "I-i have an idea.. and i think she will understand.. Susami are you ready to make a truce.. " "Ready." Then Susami called to her old friend. "Mata..I know we were not friends in the past however, my friend is in danger. please go inside her and protect her and her future kin." Mata nodded and approachedin a spirit like form inside Ayame then kiri began doing the gypsy seal and matabi began fighting the creature till the voices in her head stopped and for the moment it was only matabi's ready to teach all she knows to her new jinjuriki. Shikamaru led them through the back and they waited for Gaara.

"G-garra.. w-were outside now..and i-im fine..." kiri said in Gaara's head.."Finish that whole damn place..I know that would mean 12 demon ninjas left but hes the one that hurt me the most.."

Hito growled and charged at Gaara not caring if he died because he was going to kill Gaara hirst but he was getting tired from the sand blocking him. "D-damn it fight like a man or did Kiri pick a wuss for a soulmate.."
Ayame was weak, and the seal only weakened her more. She was awake, but barely. Kankuro's bindings made it impossible for her to move, but she didn't mind, she wouldn't be able to move much even if she wished to and was free. She could feel the new presence in her mind, and it would take time to get use to it. She opened her eyes, looking at the people around her, the people that had risked their lives to save herself and Kiri. Her face soon flushed as she remembered what Kankuro had said earlier about her being pregnant. Had any of the others heard?

A hint of a smirk played at the corners of Gaara's lips.

"I think you are simply frustrated because you can not touch me," He spoke. He would use a move he had used on many before, be would just make it much slower. Sand began to gather around, swirlings around their feet. Gaara reached out his hand.

"Sand coffin!" He spoke, his eyes widening with excitement as he felt his own blood lust. The sand wrapped around Hito, his face was left exposed though. He would want to see every expression and hear every scream.

As Gaara's hand tightened so with the sand but first only around Hito's hands and feet. He made it slow, one could hear the crunching and cracking as Hito's hands and feet were being crushed.

"That is for Ayame. Even if I were to let you live at this point, you could never be a shinobi," Gaara spoke before tightening his grip some more. This time the rest of his arms and legs were slowly crushed.

"That was for worrying my brother."

"What I am going to do next, is for both myself and for Kiri, though I feel I will enjoy it much more than she," With those words he closed his fist, and the sand crushed Hito completely.
That evening kankuro took Ayame home and never left her sight..he decided to explain when she had energy. Kankuro smiled at her. "You had me scared there.. you did good protecting Kiri.. now its my turn to protect you and our baby" Meanwhile a small child chakra spirit was slowly coming out to matabi in Ayame's mind it was a girl and looked like kankuro and had some features of Ayame.. "Miss kitty...do you know where my mommy is?" Matabi was a bit surprised but smiled a bit and purred. "Your mother is nearby child.. Let her rest..i promise to protect you and your mommy.." "Do you see everything mommy sees?" the child asks. Matabi nodded. "Yes..And i know she would want a perfect world for you and so would your father,uncle and aunt." Matabi couldn't help but clean the lil chakra child of any impurities that the old one did to it. the child laughed. "that tickles."

Kiri was in a small depression. She fell for a trap and made gaara worry about her.. she was only trying to prove she was a responsible ninja and she blew it out of the water. Susami smiled trying to nudge her out spirit wise. "kiri dear its alright.. so you fell for one trap.." "Me and Ayame almost died..now Gaara might have trust issues.." "Trust me dear gaara does trust you he was just afraid.He knew from your eyes you wanted a pet but he didn't want you going alone.Thats why he agreed if Ayame went with you.He trusts you...he was just scared to lose you.."Kiri smiled a bit understanding Susami then she heard a mew. "Susami your a grown up lynx not a cat.." "That w-was not me.."

A shinobi was holding three saber kittens he rescued from a illegal circus and was wondering if the Kage can find homes for them. One of them wandered off and was in kiris guest bedroom when gaara was working.
Ayame was curled up in a ball. What a weird feeling to be exhausted and sore, but feeling powerful and antsy at the same time.

"I-I guess we will have to get married now," Ayame spoke, her eyes falling to the floor. She felt bad for Kankuro. Everything was happening so quickly, now she was pregnant, and knowing what type of man Kankuro was, she knew that would be the next logical step for him. She knew he would want to protect both herself and their unborn child.

"When are we going to tell everyone?" She asked softly, still not letting her gaze meet his.

Once they returned Gaara headed straight for a shower. He needed the time to calm the hint of bloodlust that still lived inside himself. He thought about Kiri, and how bad he knew she wanted a pet. He would have to make sure that she got a pet she wanted.

'Kankuro and Ayame have something to tell you, you should go see your brother tomorrow,' Shukaku spoke to Gaara.

Gaara sighed, wondering what it could possible me. With that he made his way out of the shower and put clothes on. He went looking for Kiri. He didn't want her out of his sight, not for a while.
the shinobi nervously stood at attentionholding two saber kittens "S-sir i was wondering i-if you know where we can put these kittens i rescued however, one wandered in that room where miss kiri is and i was gonna-" "No its mine now!" Kiri barks snuggleing it..the shinobi sighs "That happened.." Kiri was in a bit of bliss the kitten was small but had small saber fangs and the color of the sand.She gently walked out holding it "Aw you are a cute little boy yes you are. And i bet your hungry.." the other kittens mews and follow her the shinobi was in some panic a bit. "Come lil ones you may join your brother for dinner.." the kittens mew following her.

Kankuro smiled "Tomorrow today was to much for both of us. and i think Gaara wants alone time with Kiri right now just as much as i with you.."kankuro said as he gets up and makes some dinner for them.. He knew her chakra and all of her senses would be sensitive so he tried to cook light but filling.
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Ayame could feel the beast inside of herself. Her senses were on edge and it was nearly overwhelming. She tried to eat, but wasn't very successful. She looked up at Kankuro and wondered what was going on in his head. She wondered if he really wanted their unborn child. She wondered if their child would be a girl of a boy, and what they would name it. With her senses on over drive, and all of the stress from her own thoughts made her feel ill.

"Excuse me," She spoke standing, making her way to the bathroom.

"We will take care of them for now," Gaara spoke looking at the Shinobi.

"You are excused," He added a moment later as he followed after Kiri.

"Well it seems you got your pet after all," He spoke as he leaned against the doorway, watching Kiri. He was glad that she seemed happier than she had earlier.
matatabi decided to take the advantage and gently pull her into her conscious to show herself. "I am matatabi.. Your friend and her tailed companion put me in you to not only save you but apparently your small kitten.." the lil girl walked over and looked at Ayame "Are you my mama?" the little one asked. It was obvious Matatabi was caring for it because everytime one speckle of negative energy was in the small chakra soul matatabi was instantly cleaning it with her tounge. The two tailed cat gently put a paw on the child so she doesn't wander. "I well care for it till her body is stable for its soul to go to it on its own. For now she needs nutrition."

Kankuro was behind the bathroom door.. "Listen sweetie.. i really do want this child.. I want to spend every day with you and it..Oh all the things we can teach.. Me and my puppets. you with her fighting skills..just dont teach her to punch me please."He chuckled. "I know this is awkward right now..and your sick as hell however, I want to marry you..tomorrow..Ill even ask my brother to do it! He will understand that im taking responsibility and he would do the same for kiri." Kankuro waited for a response the silence was killing him little by little.

kiri smiled looking at him "Can we really keep em?!" she smiled and gives each of them some meat for the moment since she has to order meat kibbles and looked at each one naming them Nao,Nori, and Kyo. She then began making dinner for gaara and noticed him perk up. Susami smiled.

'You got their attention now..' Susami said smiling 'What do you mean?' Kiri asked. 'Havent you heard the old saying a mans favorite cooking is what his wife makes? your technically his wife till he makes it on paper for the people of the village to know.' Kiri blushed at the thought of being his wife 'C-come on Susami like hes gonna ask that..' 'Think about it..Its to dangerous for you to go outside his walls without him waning to follow you now. Sukaku might even convince him too since my live was also in danger..'
After getting sick Ayame sat back, leaning heavily against the wall, her head leaning back. That was when she saw them, the two tailed beast and the chakra soul of her unborn child. Ayame was shocked as she looked at the large beast tending to the soul of her unborn child.

'Do you think I am not trying? I am,' Ayame spoke to Matatabi in her head before she heard Kankuro's voice.

"You can come in," She spoke as she looked up towards the door from the floor.

"You are saying you want to get married tomorrow?" She repeated. It was overwhelming.

Gaara watched Kiri cooked, and if he was honest, it smelled amazing and he was starving. Then his mind went back to what Shukaku had told him, that Kankuro and Ayame had something to tell him. He sighed, he wondered if they had planned on getting married. He huffed lightly.

"Do you think your father has changed his mind?"
kiri looked up "Umm maybe.. it takes a lot to scare my father even if i rarely knew him however..you scared the crap out of him.."She puts the meat and liver stew infront of him.She honestly didn't like liver so she made his first and made hers with meat. "Ounce the announcement is made through my clan though..everyone will get excited.but that's only if you really want to go through with it.."

Kankuro nodded "I know i might be rushing it but i rather do it then be the crappy single father..Im nothing like my dad..Ill be better.. Ill work hard since im Gaaras bodyguard and Give you as much attention as you want.Just let me be your husband..please..." Kankuro said almost crying.
Ayame frowned. She could hear the emotion in Kankuro's voice. She reached up, so he could help her up. She looked up into his eyes as she leaned into his body.

"Yes, I will marry you," She spoke softly as she looked up into his eyes. She looked deep into his eyes. If she was honest, she was terrified. She wasn't ready to be a wife let alone a mother. It was clear she didn't have much of a choice though.

Gaara chuckled, "I tend to have that effect of people," He spoke as he started to eat. The stew was absolutely amazing.

"I could definitely get use to this cooking, this stew is outstanding," Gaara spoke between bites. He sat back, looking up at Kiri, " Do you want to go through with it?"

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