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Fantasy Looking for writing partners! (Currently craving historical RP)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

thanks for reading my Interest Check!

About me
* I'm female and 21+.
* From Europe (timezone: GMT+1)
* English is not my first language, but I'm fluent in English. Sometimes mistakes happen though, and maybe my grammar isn't always perfect.
* I have a few years of RP experience.
* I like getting caught up in a story, immerese myself in it. I like when the RP makes me feel things, makes me laugh, makes me cry. It's part of the fun.

My RP style
* Third person
* Past tense
* My preference are long-term RPs.
* I like some character development, the storyline and characters getting more depths over time.
* I'm a para to multiple para poster, depending on the RP, my RP partner and what you give me to work with. I can adapt, but one decent paragraph per post from your side would be awesome.
* I prefer 1x1 in PMs (Discord works too). Small group RPs work for me as well, but I'm not good in larger groups.
* I usually can make at least one post a day (some days more, depending on my RL schedule).

* Your RL gender doesn't matter to me, but I prefer F x M (with me usually playing a female character) because that's what I'm comfortable with. I'd also love to do a M x M romance. If you are a RL female playing a male character that's fine with me.
* You must be 18+, too.
* Since I'm often up late I usually get along with many US people in regards to timezones, not only European people.
* It would be great if you could a post every other day, or at least twice a week.

A few general things
* I don't mind including NPCs or playing a second or even third character from time to time to make things more real/interesting and push the plot forward. (In that case I don't mind playing a male character.)
* OOC chat is great. I like chatting OOC and it would be nice if we got along well on that level, not just our characters IC. I'm always up for discussing plots or even talking about the weather.
* I like unexpected things, but if you aren't sure feel free to ask.
* Please don't ghost me! I understand that RL happens or that the RP doesn't go the way you thought or whatever (I'm always open to talk about things though if you aren't happy with the story). If you can't/don't want to continue the RP anymore just shoot me a brief message. I won't be upset, I promise.

What I crave most at the moment
I'd love to do a historical RP in Victorian era, Tudor England, Renaissance Italy or similar places/eras. Maybe mixed with some time traveling (like in the books/TV series 'Outlander'). Adding some fantasy might be fun too.

General Cravings
* Fantasy and supernatural
* I like romance RP a lot, but it's not a must. If romance develops naturally between our characters then it's perfect. I don't like to force it. Sometimes it's simply doesn't feel right.
* IC drama is enjoyed
* Action is enjoyed
* Horror and mystery are fun
* Dark themes (trauma, crime, kidnapping, drugs and so on) are always welcome
* Soulmate RP is awesome, especially together with romance

Genres I like
Slice of Life

Where relevant I underlined the roles I would like to play in those pairings.

Demon x Demon
Demon x Angel
Demon/Angel x Human Summoner
Vampire x Vampire
Vampire x Demon
Vampire x Angel
Vampire x Human
Werewolf x Human

Kidnapper x Kidnappee

Queen or Princess
x Knight

Queen or Princess x King or Prince

Dancer x Dance coach

Beauty x Beast (Like the movie Beauty and the Beast)

Dragon x Dragon rider

Arranged marriage
Forbidden romance

Game of Thrones
The Witcher
The Tudors
Lord of the Rings

I don't play canon characters though.

What I'm craving a lot at the moment is a time traveler RP based off the TV series/books 'Outlander'. Since I love the Scottish culture I'd be totally up for an RP taking place in the 15th century in Scotland, but I also thought it might be nice to rp in the times when the Tudors ruled England.

If you don't know what Outlander is, here is some basic info: A woman living in the 1940s after WW2 ended accidentally travels back in time through stones while being on a second honeymoon in Scotland together with her husband. Through those stones she gets to Scotland where she has to face a completely new world and has to learn to get along somehow. She meets Jamie, a young scot, marries him to avoid getting arrested and put into jail. It's an arranged marriage, but the two eventually fall in love with each other and become inseparable. They have a strong bond, love each other deeply, but still have to deal with a lot of issues.

If you are interested please shoot me a PM!
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