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Looking for something/one fun to talk to (internet love story )

Misty got up the next morning and looked at her phone. 'What does he want...' She thought as she showered and got dressed. She went out for lunch and then decided to stop by and listen to what he had to say. She walked up to his front door and knocked. 'Please don't be home.' She thought.

Alex opens the door, his hair smoking. " Hey, I didn't expect you to be this early.... but everything is still set up anyway. " He says waving for her to come in.
Misty didn't want to come in, but she felt drawn to do so. She stepped in and walked behind him. "What are you trying to do to me. Rape me?" She said getting defensive.
Misty didn't want to come in, but she felt drawn to do so. She stepped in and walked behind him. "What are you trying to do to me. Rape me?" She said getting defensive.

"What?! No. No. Raping is not something you joke about." He says thinking. " I told you to come here to show you...." He says turning a knob then flings the door open to reveal a tiny hell hound. " a summoned creature!" 
Misty looked at him confused. "Okay." She said turning around and walking away. 'I am not dealing with his fake crap again.' She thought as she walked to the front door.
Misty looked at him confused. "Okay." She said turning around and walking away. 'I am not dealing with his fake crap again.' She thought as she walked to the front door.

Alex turns around. " I wouldn't recommend moving too fast. This one is a fire breather, a bit young too. Shouldn't have started till 8 months. only 5 though." He says as the dog breathes fire on him, setting his hair on fire. " So cute." He says rolling his eyes and putting the fire out. " Besides, I was told to take you to the N.P.C."
Misty looked at him confused. "Who?" She asked as she walked back towards him. "Are you trying to screw with me?" She asked.

" You of course." alex says picking up the hound. " I don't recommend you petting this, without fire proof gloves on. I have fire resistant charms on me, so I am safe." He thinks. " Did you know that there are different species of hell hound. cerburus's are just mutants. They are a variation of the bulldog like ones. This one is a pug." Alex says petting the pug like hell hound. 
Misty sighed. "Not who are you taking who asked for me?" She said clearly irritated by him. She didn't care what he had to say she wanted to leave. But something kept her there longer, something she didn't realize she was feeling.
Misty sighed. "Not who are you taking who asked for me?" She said clearly irritated by him. She didn't care what he had to say she wanted to leave. But something kept her there longer, something she didn't realize she was feeling.

"Oh, the people who keep all the big bads away from people like you. The Normal Protection Center. The N.P.C." Alex says fiddling with a stick. " I couldn't believe the jokes they tell the first years... 'wands are completely necessary.... ' wands don't do anything. That is just a joke."
Misty looked at him and scoffed. "Okay first you ask me over after telling me you love me then you pull this. Is everything a joke for you?" She said turning and walking away. "I'm going to work, and if I see you there I may have to call the police for stalking." She said threateningly as she got to the door. She felt a little bad for saying what she did, but she had to stand her ground.
Misty looked at him and scoffed. "Okay first you ask me over after telling me you love me then you pull this. Is everything a joke for you?" She said turning and walking away. "I'm going to work, and if I see you there I may have to call the police for stalking." She said threateningly as she got to the door. She felt a little bad for saying what she did, but she had to stand her ground.

" No no, I just rant alot. " Alex said as the door magically unlocks as misty gets close to it. " And if I was stalking you, I would have not been seen. I can turn invisible you know. But since my blood is a natural truth inducer I can't lie."
Misty sighed as she walked out. "Good bye." She said leaving the door open and walking into work. She greeted her boss as she went and clocked in. She started to do some normal cleaning stuff but her mind kept going back to Alex. 
Misty sighed as she walked out. "Good bye." She said leaving the door open and walking into work. She greeted her boss as she went and clocked in. She started to do some normal cleaning stuff but her mind kept going back to Alex. 

Alex would be outside, playing with trinity the hell pug. " Too bad they can't tell you aren't normal. Only those who have seen magic can see you truly..." Alex says talking to himself and trinity. " So, do you want to play fetch?" He says petting trinity, then throws a fake bone, it soaring far away. " Well.... that was... a good throw?" He said silently unnerved he accidently used a spell.
Misty was out in the back ally way throwing away trash when a bone his her on the leg. "What the?" She picked it up only to have the hell dog pounce her trying to get the bone. She screamed as she was being licked on by the dog.
Misty was out in the back ally way throwing away trash when a bone his her on the leg. "What the?" She picked it up only to have the hell dog pounce her trying to get the bone. She screamed as she was being licked on by the dog.

" Trinity.... Get off of her please." Alex said, trying to get trinity off of misty. " sorry, I threw it too far." Alex said wondering how it even hit her. maybe it was a boomerang throw? 
Misty couldn't stop laughing as the dog licked her till she heard Alex. She stopped laughing and tried to act anger. "Well do a better job at controlling your job." She said getting up and fixing herself. Her shirt and rode up a bit and so did the skirt she was wearing.
Misty couldn't stop laughing as the dog licked her till she heard Alex. She stopped laughing and tried to act anger. "Well do a better job at controlling your job." She said getting up and fixing herself. Her shirt and rode up a bit and so did the skirt she was wearing.

" I guess you like pugs then? or just like dogs." Alex said taking a mental note. " And I can't always control random outbursts. "
Misty looked away. "Just leave me alone." She lied as she walked back inside blushing. She hated to admit it, but he was starting to make her days fun to deal with.
Misty looked away. "Just leave me alone." She lied as she walked back inside blushing. She hated to admit it, but he was starting to make her days fun to deal with.

" That is sorta hard, since you are working all the time, across the street." Alex said smiling. " Oh and if you're just saying that cause you are mad, it sorta has the opposite effect of what you really want." he said  petting the hell pug.
Misty turned around confused. "Fine..." She said walking up to him as she pushed herself against him. "Come to the store after it closes and maybe I will give you the time of your life." She said as she kissed his cheek. By his logic she should never see him again.
Misty turned around confused. "Fine..." She said walking up to him as she pushed herself against him. "Come to the store after it closes and maybe I will give you the time of your life." She said as she kissed his cheek. By his logic she should never see him again.

" um... okay.." Alex said feeling slightly awkward. " I might, if i find time.." he says  rubbing the back of his head.
Misty smiled as she patted his butt before walking back in. She then stuck her head out with a smirk. "Don't be late." She said seductively as she walked in and closed the door. She leaned against the wall huffing as she slide down the wall. 'I hope he doesn't come.' She thought scared to death.
Misty smiled as she patted his butt before walking back in. She then stuck her head out with a smirk. "Don't be late." She said seductively as she walked in and closed the door. She leaned against the wall huffing as she slide down the wall. 'I hope he doesn't come.' She thought scared to death.

Alex would be confused, as to whether to go, or not. He decided right before, that she would probably be angry if he did or didn't go. So he went, writing in a book by the door, before closing time.
Misty finished up her shift and walked out of the comic book shop locking up. She turned to head home when she noticed someone there. 'You have got yo be kidding me.' She thought as she walked past him hoping he wouldn't notice.
Misty finished up her shift and walked out of the comic book shop locking up. She turned to head home when she noticed someone there. 'You have got yo be kidding me.' She thought as she walked past him hoping he wouldn't notice.

"knew it" Alex said quietly, still writing in his notebook. " You would be mad either way. Not that I wouldn't mind having fun once in a while."

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