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Fandom LF Fandom Roleplays (FFXV, MHA, KH, ect...)


Alley Cat
Updated, would like to try out fandom RPing again. This post has been changed since it first appeared to more align with what I am looking for now.

Fandom's I'm interested in (bolded for current interest):
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • DanganRonpa
  • BNHA
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Mob Psycho
  • YuGiOh DM
  • Soul Eater
  • DevilMan

I can do/Preferences:
  • Established Relationship
  • Non Relationship/Bromance
  • Double Up RP
  • Build up towards Relationship
  • Established Relationship
  • Paragraphed 3rd Person POV
  • Mostly into m/m
  • I am 18+ and would prefer if you were as well
(This was a kinda start up, I normally do maybe 1 or rarely two paragraphs usually)
There was no disturbance inside the make shift house, seemingly empty. After a moment a dog did however come out and make itself known at the window, barking and growling at the new person that had come close to the property. From the look of it, the dog seemed to resemble a black and white husky, with yellow eyes that seemed to glare daggers at the blonde. The shack itself was made of wood, well crafted and could house a sole person comfortably. It definitely needed more than one person to construct, and because of that it was solid and could shield anyone from incoming turbulence from weather.

There was a bit of noise behind Prompto, a gasp and a sound of equipment dropping onto the grass and a scuffle quickly away, and if he had turned to look for the source he would only find a stray fishing pole and a bucket full of fish that had tipped over leaving the fish to wriggle out of the bucket onto the grass. Strange, that wasn't there before. The dog seemed to calm down at the strange sight, barking happily at this before turning back to the blonde and growling again. It didn't make any moves to jump the window or chase the blonde but it was making sure the blonde stayed clear from the house.

When the dust had settled for a second, someone had come up behind Prompto with a dagger at this throat. Making sure to pin the blonde in place against him and prevent him from moving to attack himself. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here!?" A voice seethed, sounding like a young man, not too much older than Prompto. If Prompto stuggled, the dagger would stiffen up and move closer to the boys throat, trying not to necessarily harm him but show he wasn't afraid to hold his ground.

Looking back at the back from the corner of his eye, Prompto would be able to see someone who looked a bit worse for wear. Black hair had stuck to the man's face from sweat, flattened underneath a battered chocobo cap and over grown somewhat. He was also wearing a scuffed up black shirt and khaki's, with some well worn boots on his feet. The man's deep blue eyes tinged with a bit of a purple with his expression, brows furrowed and sneering at the stranger. Must be the owner of this home, as the dog seemed to settle back down and wag its tail at the sight of it's masters return.

More Indepth Fandom Stuff:
I've got some AU's or we can go from Canon. Here's some prompts:
  • Prompto as a secret Astral, having looked after the Lucis Line and always growing up alongside the future king in some way
  • Prompto as an MT and having more mechanical parts to him like ports in his neck or being able to hack computers or having enhanced senses and being a BAMF. Using it to protect (insert character here)
  • Noctis in pre adventure of the game, having difficulties and suffering from an illness which causes him extreme pain, tiredness and lethargy. Needing the help of (insert partner) for day to day life.
  • Noctis abandoning his life, his father sending him away on his own to be safe at a young age to grow up with Cid at first and allowing him to become a normal citizen which ends up with him in his alt fishing/casual outfit living his life as a dude in the wild with his own built house fishing everyday and the bois™️ having an important mission by the king to return the prince before the war n shit happens. But Noct doesn't know he's the prince. Prompto somehow associating with Ignis and Gladio in some alternative way or somehow getting in contact with him via internet talking or something and Glad/Ig see that and go (yo let us take you with him maybe he'll return) or some shit
  • Trans/Autistic/ADHD/neurodivergent Headcanons (Not to be used in a fetishizing way, if you also are interested in this I would prefer you were also trans and/or autistic or have a very good understanding of it and not using it to babify or anything thats gross. Yaknow what I mean?)
  • Prompto is a secret MT unit sworn to protect Noctis, not even Ignis and Gladio know about this. He is fiercely trained in combat and can act pretty well. Maybe was given to Noctis at a young age and Regis kept him secret? Like he was a gift to the country or whatever it is nations and stuff do
  • I'm happy for suggestions or normal canon RP! These are just some suggestions to get the brain rollin.
Happy with pairings:
  • Prompto x Noctis
  • Prompto x Gladio
  • Prompto x Ignis
  • Noctis x Gladio
  • Noctis x Gladio x Prompto x Ignis
Preference to play: Bakugou, Kaminari, Hitoshi, Aizawa, Aoyama, Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Amajiki, Dabi
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Bakugou x Kirishima
  • Bakugou x Izuku
  • Kaminari x Sero
  • Kaminari x Hitoshi
  • Aizawa x Present Mic
  • Aizawa x All Might
  • Amajiki x Mirio

Preference to play: Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Zexion, Axel, Anti-Sora
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Sora x Riku
  • Sora x Riku x Kairi
  • Roxas x Axel
  • Ventus x Terra
  • Ventus x Terra x Aqua
  • Zexion x Lexaelus
  • Zexion x Demyx

Preference to play: Kokichi, Rantaro, Komaeda, Mikan,
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Kokichi x Shuichi
  • Kokichi x Rantaro
  • Kokichi x Rantaro x Shuichi
  • Kokichi x Momota
  • Kokichi x Gonta
  • Rantaro x Shuichi
  • Komaeda x Hinata

Preference to play: Reigen, Mob, Teru
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Reigen x Seru
  • Mob x Teru
  • Kitsune AU: Where Reigen is a secret Kitsune w/ 9 tails or something, and does have magical powers and stuff. But he can't tell anyone and when he's in human form he loses his abilities for seeing spirits and magic n shit. And one day someone happens to character B making him unleash his true form. So he's not REALLY fakin bein a psychic, but kinda is.

Notes: Haven't finished the entirety of it, only up to the middle of Battle City Arch
Preference to play: Bakura Ryou, Yami, Yugi, Atem, Seto
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Ryou x Yugi
  • Ryou x Joey
  • Yami x Yugi
  • Yugi x Seto
  • Yami x Yugi x Seto
  • Yugi x Joey

Notes: Although there is debate on Crona's genitals (they're confirmed agender/nonbinary) I will play them as such however being born as AMAB.
Preference to play: Crona, Kid, Soul
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Crona x Maka
  • Crona x Kid
  • Soul x Maka

Preference to play: Akira, Ryo
(If you would also prefer this character, depending on the pairing i'd 100% be on board trying out the other person! gotta learn how to do them somehow)
Fav Pairings:
  • Akira x Ryo

Thanks for reading~!


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When you say "preference to play, " does that mean you want to play that character or do you want someone else to?
Bump. I'm kinda busy these days so you would have to be patient for a few replies a week. <3
Hello! If you are still active on here, I was wondering if you would be up for a Kokichi x Kaito roleplay. If you’re interested, feel free to DM me and we can discuss plots.

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