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Realistic or Modern Leslie B. Burke and the bad girl persona.

Francis and Flora look at each other and smile,”We always wanted a granddaughter but we got stuck with Liam.”Francis says when Liam glared at the older man.
Francis and Flora look at each other and smile,”We always wanted a granddaughter but we got stuck with Liam.”Francis says when Liam glared at the older man.

"Oh come on... Liam is like blood to you. He deserves the love most. Besides... at the end of the day... I am just someone who's married into the family. Not him. He's part of the family. So... Don't diss him. I love him and love all there is about him. That also includes you guys." Leslie said to Flora and Francis. She didn't want to be the reason for them to be playing favorites. It was never her intent and she wasn't gonna be one that pushes for that to just happen. Leslie didn't sign on to be part of a family just so they could treat her well and yet at the same time... treat the one that should be getting the better treatment... like they were forgotten. She never went for that and she was not ever gonna start on that now. Never.
“Don’t worry dear we still love Liam with all our hearts and we are just happy that you are going to be our family even if it’s not by blood.”Flora says.
“Don’t worry dear we still love Liam with all our hearts and we are just happy that you are going to be our family even if it’s not by blood.”Flora says.

"I already am part of the family. i want to keep it that way. I left my previous family and i won't be going back to them. Ever. I am in this family and i don't have a single solitary regret. I want to marry Liam. I am sure of it as i give my whole heart to him." She said with a strong form. She was so sure of it that she went and got to where there was a Wedding shop and knew that Liam's grandparents would follow. She went there and picked out a nice wedding gown and asked for it to be customized with adding red and Purple streams of sash. Her favorite colors. Making it special.

It was when it was all done that Leslie asked Liam's grandparents what they thought about it. She was just looking for any and all things that would best be perfect for her and that wedding day... Leslie's only other concern was... her siblings. The ones that she knew that were all for her and not about... Leslie Sr.
“It’s missing something ah I know but it’s not here it’s back at the house we can get it later.”Flora says smiling as Liam had to look away from Leslie because his face was so red.
“It’s missing something ah I know but it’s not here it’s back at the house we can get it later.”Flora says smiling as Liam had to look away from Leslie because his face was so red.

"Liam, What's wrong? You okay? What? Are you blushing?" Leslie asked suddenly sounding all so coy and a bit like teasing him. She was noticing Liam turning red. She kinda thought that he was blushing. At least... that's what it seemed like to her.
Liam turned to her and smiled sweetly at her but he had his eyes closed,”I think you looked gorgeous but it’s also bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her gown.”
Liam turned to her and smiled sweetly at her but he had his eyes closed,”I think you looked gorgeous but it’s also bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her gown.”

"Liam, I'm not in the wedding dress yet. It's not our wedding day yet. Unless we are heading to the wedding hall now..." Leslie said as she was looking very certain about the idea that she'd be getting married soon. The next thing was the decor... and the wedding cake. She wanted it specially made. Wanted a 9 ft in diameter 5 ft tall cake. Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookie dough and fudge.

There was also the guest list and also the legalities. Not to mention the official moving and new identities.
“Don’t worry dear we will get that all done and Liam is just shy around you love.I want this dress ready to leave with us.”Flora says smiling as the seamstress nods and rushes around.
“Don’t worry dear we will get that all done and Liam is just shy around you love.I want this dress ready to leave with us.”Flora says smiling as the seamstress nods and rushes around.

"I do have only this to ask though. When's the wedding gonna be held?" She asked with curiousness. She was excited as it was already and knew that for each moment that passed... was a minute closer to the very likely wedding.
“Well it cant happen till you are 18 because you are still technically a minor right now.That is why we are sending you two to France for two years all paid without a worry in the world and you don’t have to go to school.”Francis says
“Well it cant happen till you are 18 because you are still technically a minor right now.That is why we are sending you two to France for two years all paid without a worry in the world and you don’t have to go to school.”Francis says

"Not that i am pitching means for there to be argument. Nothing like that. But i have to ask... Why 18? I mean... There are teens who got married when they were only 16. They however struggled... yeah. Who wouldn't? But they did it. They made it. Besides that... My two moms married back when they themselves were only 16. However... that was in a different time. Not like now of course." Leslie said as she was just stating what she felt. She was just being curious and expected nothing less back in return.
“We want to wait till your eighteen so your mother can’t stop the wedding and get Liam arrested.She probably has it out for him now that he helped you realize what you want.”Flora says smiling.
“We want to wait till your eighteen so your mother can’t stop the wedding and get Liam arrested.She probably has it out for him now that he helped you realize what you want.”Flora says smiling.

"How is my mother gonna know that i'm getting married? She's several states away. In Kansas. I'm here in california. There's no way that she'd know. I haven't any means to tell her. And Whatever she might try to do to Liam... won't work. Won't work at all. I left them. I'm not going back to them. Never!" She suddenly expressed. She was deadset in being wed. Nothing was making her anymore clearer than that. She was strongly aware of what she wanted and was not gonna back down.
“How about August 18th and at the church.”Liam suggests smiling.

"That'd be... when exactly? Like in a couple weeks... A Month? When is August? Wasn't that last month? Or would that be next Month?" Leslie let out as she was undergoing a rather sort of confusion. She was trying to get the date straight in her head. But her mind was already so focused on all things Wedding and also trying to find ways to get her siblings safe that some things were starting to be sorta mixed up and a little out of order.
“It’s in three weeks.Calm down we will get everything settled with your family and the wedding.”Liam says kissing her forehead smiling.
“It’s in three weeks.Calm down we will get everything settled with your family and the wedding.”Liam says kissing her forehead smiling.

"I know. It's just that everything is going oh so so so fast. I feel like my head is doing the surf and swim." Leslie said as she was kissed again. She was having such a rush with the excess that she began to feel as if she wouldn't be capable of handle much more because it was overwhelming her. But the heart of her... It didn't care. It was enjoying each and every moment of it all.
Liam’s phone rang as he answered it,”Hello oh charles sweet so you can do it thanks.”Liam says hanging up.
“So Charles says that he can get your siblings out by next week.”Liam says smiling.
Liam’s phone rang as he answered it,”Hello oh charles sweet so you can do it thanks.”Liam says hanging up.
“So Charles says that he can get your siblings out by next week.”Liam says smiling.

"Really? He can?! Oh god... that's a huge relief. Really. You have no idea as to how much a relief that is. Knowing that they'll be safe from my mother. I can't trust them with her. Who knows what she'd do to them." She said in a remark. She was being very anticipated over seeing things turn well. Seeing her siblings... Being wed. Different names. It was all coming together... a piece at a time.
Liam smiled as he held her close to him.”I love you so much.”

"I Love you too, Liam. I never will stop loving you. Not ever." Leslie said while moving in to Kiss Liam on the lips. She loved him. And for all the life in her... She'd never stop showing it. She'd show it every single day. For each living moment.
“I hope you know if we have kids I’m going to make sure they know how to fight to protect themselves.”Liam says smiling.

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