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Dice Legends of Aestlyn (D&D 5e) - OOC

It has been an insane week and was capped off yesterday (Sunday, writing this early Monday morning) with some shenanigans. I'm just dropping a line to say I'm here and will have a post soon. I'll probably be copying this or something similar to all my games as I've neglected all of them for a few days. Happy Monday!
It's all good, man, we all have those weeks. I'll be here when the game picks up again.
Wlf, is ordering torture consistent with how the King has behaved in the past?

Also, given my station as Heir to a noble house and position in the Royal Guard, what would be the upper limits of things I could ask for? (shittons of cash, magic times, free levels via access to normally forbidden books, etc)
i'm also the heir to a noble house (Albeit a different noble house) and an apprentice to the Royal Detectives. which are a branch of the Royal Guard focused on investigation, spying and scouting. commonly called the Spellcloaks as a public name. so in a sense i am a member of the royal guard, but i'm trying to go for the investigation branch rather than the combat branch, i'm not a direct front line knight, but one of those knights who investigates rather than fights.

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