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Fantasy Legendary Graduates Reboot (OOC)

i wouldn't mind making bios, but not making them at all is fine with me too uwu
Alright, so we're not making bios.
We're going to just add a few details to our character apps is all.
Then when you're done, just post it on the bio page.

You can add any details you'd like, but I want everyone to add a sort of a power measurement to your characters.
Guidelines to this will be on the bio page.
so are we actually doing bios then? or is it just the rank of our charry's magic?
Done. Don't be afraid to lemme know if it's too short or there's something off about the ranking.
Done. Don't be afraid to lemme know if it's too short or there's something off about the ranking.
I think you've misunderstood what I want you to do.. I'll get mine done so you'll understand what I mean.

EDIT: Alright, I've posted. I'd like you to make a skills section, then paste it to the bottom of your character app. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
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I think you've misunderstood what I want you to do.. I'll get mine done so you'll understand what I mean.

EDIT: Alright, I've posted. I'd like you to make a skills section, then paste it to the bottom of your character app. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.
It's cool. I suppose I should have listened to my gut feeling that it was way too short. :v

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