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Fantasy Legendary Graduates Reboot (OOC)

Kai Takeshi

A very calm person who generally takes many things lightly. He rather not get involved with other peoples problems, he can be very selfish at times when he doesn't want to be bothered. Sometimes can be very self centered and self absorbed as Kai only thinks for himself most of the time. If you where to come to him and say hi he'd look at you to see if you're worth talking to. He genuinely hates drama and can not stand it at the upmost, but enjoys to fight. Showing stronger people his power enlightens him which makes him a very competitive person, and hardly ever ask for help. The more you get to know Kai the more comfortable he gets with you, he shows this goofy and completely different side of himself instead of being shallow.

Besides the fact he's a goof ball in disguised when it comes to battling he's a whole nother person. If the fight is interesting and worth his while Kai would act like a little kid who was promised a ice cream. If the fight was serious and someone's life was on the line or even himself Kai turns serious most people who fought him at school spread rumors saying he's a demon or Satan's child. If you mess with people he cares for he aims for your head meaning if killing is what he has to do then you might as well give up. Limit breaker usually gives a giant boost when the user is mad or is controlled with overflowing emotions.

He also has his moments when he says something smart. Kai isn't the brightest person but when it comes to fighting he's the one. Kai hates to read books as he says they are all twisted from the real truth (referring to history books). He enjoys watching the sky seeing the birds fly freely he says that one day he will join them (which makes some spirits or people to believe he uses wind magic).
Kai's magic is different as it is just a transformation, he is able to go through this state that increases all his physical attributes Kai enjoys to fight up close as he can punish his opponents. In this form Kai is gifted with traits that allow him to flash step and shoot energy blast, he can increase his power by his physical passive but over time it gets to much for his body. He calls his transformation blaze blue as it gives him blue flames as his aura and his hair stands up turning blue. This form takes a huge amount of Mana, stamina, and concentration so he only uses this form as a trump card.
+Limit Breaker/ Overheat (Passive): Growing stronger of the course of battle his body begins to Limit break, while limit breaking it has a chance of overheating. When the body overheats his power is doubled beyond the Limit breakers original boost. The power gain fades after he has exited combat.
-Limit Breaker/Overheat: Because of his body beginning to beyond its limits further then need he starts taking physical strain, his body tries to let off steam by using mana stored in his body and drawing it out of him forcefully. It gives a second coat of aura besides his base. Limit breaker works at its max when the user is mad and is overwhelmed with emotions.
-Combat Skills 9/10
-Energy blast 7/10
-Flash Stepping 10/10
-Truly enjoys to fight
-Dislikes spiders
-Loves relaxing by rivers
-Leaves himself wide open on accident
-Tends to hold back to have the upmost fun in a fight
-loves watching the sky
-has a dream to fly one day​
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+Limit Breaker/ Overheat (Passive): Growing stronger of the course of battle his body begins to Limit break, while limit breaking it has a chance of overheating. When the body overheats his power is doubled beyond the Limit breakers original boost. The power gain fades after he has exited combat.
-Limit Breaker/Overheat: Because of his body beginning to beyond its limits further then need he starts taking physical strain, his body tries to let off steam by using mana stored in his body and drawing it out of him forcefully.​
Next, you'll be telling me he has a sword he can channel his energy into..
Seriously tho, he'd probably have a weapon.


"Fox spirit"


"It's kinda spooky huh?"

Taiyō is neither kind nor unkind; rather hovering somewhere between indifference to total oblivion to others, preferring to keep her distance and often taking no notice of her peers.

"The less there is in your life, the less you have to worry about"
being a personal motto.

Even without this particular trait, Taiyō had often been told she had an almost "delinquent like" quality to her face, which she took to mean she had what humans call "a resting bitch face"

She's the kind you'd expect to find lurking in the shadowiest corner of the library with her nose pressed firmly in a book.
This isn't to say that she's anti-social per se; she speaks when spoken to, would greet you if you'd spoken before or loan you a pen should yoh ever need one, but being socially inept means she tends to run out of conversation quite quickly turning most social encounters into an awkward silence.

Studious by nature, Tai isnt the type to openly go against the rules and excels at most things she puts her mind to. Though she'd describe herself as having very few "friends", Tai is a loyal companion, and would fight tooth and nail for someone she cared for.

Tai is most at peace in her fox form. She finds the concept of being tied to a human quiet an annoyance and is quite nonchalant about her human form.

Common Fox Form




Much like the fox spirits described in legend, Taiyō is capable of summoning "fox fire", a series of small fireballs that hover about her body that can be summoned, controlled and dissapated at will and is a skill that comes as effortlessly as breathing. Though this isnt to say her technique is perfect, at most she could inflict second degree burns though she'd seen other kitsune with far more effective technique, she aspires to one day reduce someone to cinders.


Fox Fire

Though unlike other kitsune, Taiyō manipulates cold flame, an irregularity that makes her unique and is due to her affiliation for ice and wind manipulation. This also feeds into another attribute mentioned in most common kitsune legend; Kitsune are praised as messengers of the god Inari and as such, Taiyō is capable of attaining great speed; her speed being almosy second to none.

Taiyō specialises in long range and stealth attacks in which she utilizes her speed to her fullest ability. She lacks close combat abilities and has attempted to balance this out by learning some swordsmanship, though her skills are 3/10 at her current best.

- Fox Fire 4/10
- Ice Magic; 5/10
- Wind Magic; 5/10
- Speed 8/10


- Loves Nacho chips & re-runs of human soap operas

- "Curiousity Killed the Fox"

- Hates uncleanliness

-"Knowledge is life itself"

-Prefers cats to dogs

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"Fox spirit"


Taiyō is neither kind nor unkind rather she seems to be indifferent to others, preferring to keep her distance. "The less there is in your life, the less you have to worry about" being a personal motto.
She's the kind you'd expect to find lurking in the shadowiest corner of the library with her nose pressed firmly in a book.
This isnt to say that she's anti-social per se, she speaks when spoken to and would greet you if you'd spoken before but, being socially inept means she tends to run out of conversation quite quickly, turning most social encounters into an awkward silence.

Studious by nature, Tai isnt the type to openly go against the rules and excels at most things she puts her mind to. Though she'd describe herself as having very few "friends", Tai is a loyal companion, and would fight tooth and nail for someone she cared for.

Tai is most at peace in her fox form.

Common Fox Form



Much like the fox spirits described in legend, Taiyō is capable of summoning "fox fire", a series of small fireballs that hover about her body that can be summoned, controlled and dissapated at will and is a skill that comes as effortlessly as breathing. Though this isnt to say her technique is perfect, at most she could inflict second degree burns though she'd seen other kitsune with far more effective technique, she aspires to one day reduce someone to cinders.


Fox Fire

Though unlike other kitsune, Taiyō manipulates cold flame, an irregularity that makes her unique and is due to her affiliation for ice and wind manipulation. This also feeds into another attribute mentioned in most common kitsune legend; Kitsune are praised as messengers of the god Inari and as such, Taiyō is capable of attaining great speed, at times seeming to disappear.

Taiyō specialises in long range and stealth attacks in which she utilizes her speed to her fullest ability. She lacks close combat abilities and has attempted to balance this out by learning some swordsmanship, though her skills are 3/10 at her current best.

- Fox Fire 4/10
- Ice Magic; 5/10
- Wind Magic; 5/10
- Speed 8/10


- Loves Nacho chips & re-runs of human soap operas

- "Curiousity Killed the Fox"

- Hates uncleanliness

-"Knowledge is life itself"

-Prefers cats to dogs

GIVE ME THIS SPIRIT!!!!!! lol Illiterate Illiterate
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That moment when you have everything planned out but you can't decide between your male and female faceclaims.
Almost completely redid my character app, so uhh...feel free to look again? ovo;;
Lisanna "Lisa" Reinhart

Lisa appears to be a very serious and coldhearted person which branches away from her stalker-like tendencies, however, it's later learned by others that she's simply socially awkward and wishes to make close friends. She cares about her comrades very much and she is always worried that one of them will get hurt or worse, although she hardly shows this. When something does happen, she'll immediately turn into a frantic animal and try to comfort whomever.

The girl also tends to hide her emotions when she believes she's being a nuisance, making people mistakenly and incorrectly assume that she's the coldhearted person everyone sees her as. Her inability to speak her mind when not in combat can be very distressing for others, and Lisa is aware of this but there's not much she can do with her lack of confidence when it comes to dealing with people.

Upon facing her enemies however, she shows absolutely no mercy towards them and can almost be described as having a split personality. Her entire aura will turn into something that's filled with purpose and she's not afraid to speak her mind, nor order around if it came down to it. This goes with witnessing someone she trusts and cares for being injured before her eyes as well.

Lisa's magic isn't as vibrant and explosive as the rest of her peers. Because of this she focuses more on her role as a backup enforcer and provides strategic aide when necessary. Her strongest assets are two short swords that can fuze together into a Naginata spear (and vice versa) as she relies heavily on close combat; since they're infused with magic, they do a little more damage than the norm. Another form of magic is her incredible speed boost. She makes up for her lack of physical strength in close combat with endurance and skillful moves. Although one might say her speed is frightening, she still has a lot of work to do because it's close to nothing compared to some of the spirits around. Last but not least, and probably the weakest of the three but not necessary weak, Lisa's artificial left eye plays a critical role in combat among other things. She's able to analyze the moves of opponents at superhuman speed, etc.
- Lisa's artificial eye is white and she wears a typical black eyepatch over it due to embarrassment.
- She's kind of a tsundere and hates it when people point that out.
- The way to her heart is any type of sweet, baked good.
- Lisa's actually a clumsy person when she's not harnessing her magic.
- Her height is a complex for her since she's just below average but not enough to be considered short.
- She adores cute, small things but her expression often says otherwise.
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Alright! Now I think we've all posted our Character apps, so now's the time where we make pairings.
Remember when making pairings look for something about one character that compliments yours.
Make sure their personalities makes some slight personal conflict for some realism.

Side Note: From Birth, or from around the ages of two or three, characters have been paired up.
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shit i forgot sorry about that

actually no here it is

Misaki Shimada


The first thought that comes to mind when describing Misaki is the fact that he is a very dedicated and determined person, but may come off as nothing but a lazy bum or a good for nothing person. To many people, he appears as a really lazy person, and especially shows it when around strangers. That lazy side of him is the one he shows to pretty much everyone, and anyone that lives with him would know about that.

Misaki's ability to laze around is extremely impressive, and people do not like that about him. He can typically be seen just laying on a couch with either his phone or some book opened and laying on him. If not that, it'd be him taking a long nap. Usually, Misaki doesn't really care much about anything. Like clothing or looking good, so long as he's doing what he wants. He's also quite the procrastinator when it comes to certain things, like simple tasks that anyone can do.

Caring not for the feelings of other people unless it's in certain situations, and just easily going into a person's private space without even a second of thought. Misaki is also pretty impartial, not caring much about the rank of a person and whatever in the world they are. He would treat basically anyone like this, unless it was a person he had respect for. Then he'd treat them with the respect they deserve from him. A tendency of his is to swear a lot around people.

Misaki could also be a bit obsessive with things he's grown to love, but also quite easily bored by things if it gets way too repetitive. So obsessive in fact that he sometimes overly dedicates himself to that specific thing, with the best example being his strange love for curry that he wants to make the perfect curry. Other than that, Misaki can also be quite straight forward with his actions and words. A bit too much. He's the type to just say whatever came to his mind, and that's caused some problems before. And Misaki is also one to follow his own heart and emotions.

But there the good points in him, and the most noticeable of them all being his kindness or intelligence. The kindness in him usually shows itself when someone's in danger, or whenever someone's sad. He's a caring person, indeed. But doesn't show it much. Another good trait of his is intelligence, which is quite high. Due to the amount of time he's spent reading books and the such that he'd find in his home, he's come to a bit smarter than most people. He can also be a bit witty.

That caring side of him would only ever be seen by few, and those are the people he's close to. Like his spirit for example. Despite not really admitting it, he's the type to worry a lot about those he's grown fond of in spite of not caring about anything else. If they're injured, you could bet that he's gonna try comforting them someway or another if it's emotionally hurt or helping them in any way he can if it's physical. Sometimes he himself doesn't realize it much.


The magic that Misaki is capable of using involves the ability to generate some electricity. Usually only ever used as to enhance the weapons he's using to have a more shocking impact. Though he is actually quite capable of generating it on his skin, but only in tiny amounts and the lesser it's power is when used for extended periods of time. Quite simple, yes. Putting it as simply as I can, it's basically just conducting electricity.


-The weapon that Misaki uses are a pair of Kusarigama, which are sickles with chains on them.
-He has a tendency to fidget when nervous.
-Swears like a sailor.
-He knows how to cook curry real good, but anything else is horrible(except for eggs and ramen).
-He loves curry, and the easiest way to make him do something for you is offering him curry.
-Has very apparent golden eyes that people usually mistake for contacts.

in truth i just fuckin thought of all this the moment you mentioned me here nano

so thanks for that
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