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Multiple Settings Left behind, a superpower roleplay based on the GONE series. (18+)


Hey there!

Foster here, pitching roleplays as usual when I'm granted any free time what so ever.
For those of you who don't know me I'm a 21 year old male from good ole England and I've been roleplaying (Here and elsewhere) for the best part of oh, 6 or 7 years now and I like to think I've learned a thing or two since I started.

But that's enough about me, you came here for a superpower roleplay after all. I'm not sure exactly how niche GONE is honestly so just to be on the safe side I'll explain the basic premise. In short an incident of unknown origin occurs in a small coastal American town that leaves it encapsulated by a huge invulnerable bubble. Everybody over the age of 16 (Might have been 17, honestly been a while since I read the books) vanishes into thin air when the bubble appears and as the population of remaining kids and teens fight for their survival it comes to light that some of them are developing extraordinary powers.

I want to steal a lot of the base concept, the bubble, people over a certain age vanishing, the powers, etc. That being said I do also want to make some tweaks here and there. I was planning on bumping the cut off age to 20, so everybody 19 and under is fair game to remain. I feel this gives us more breathing room for characters and lets us explore more mature tones over all, which there is going to be a lot of. GONE is a brutal series and that's going to carry over to this roleplay, hence the 18+ warning I stuck in the title. As days turn to weeks things are going to get increasingly tough in the bubble, food and clean water starts to dwindle, tensions build, conflicts arise. Eventually people are going to start doing things they would never have even considered before. Personally I'm not particularly attached to the small town idea either, if people think we should go for a city instead I'd be happy to accommodate the idea. Which brings me nicely on to my next point...

For this roleplay I'm looking for between 3-4 partners who want to develop and plot this concept together, allowing us to all work our characters into it so nobody just gets dragged along for the ride. Although I'm happy to be the primary GM I'm not looking to basically carry the roleplay, hence why I'm looking for partners rather than players. Provided you can write a few paragraphs per post and have passable grammar I'm sure we'll get along just fine. I've purposefully left the concept pretty open ended at the moment to accommodate for what people want from it so be sure to voice your opinions!

I'll start working on my OC now so people have a template to use but in the meantime feel free to let me know if you're interested, as well as any ideas of your own you may have.

Thanks for reading!

it's been years since I read some of the GONE books, but I am curious as to where this might go.

May I inquire as to what kind of powers are likely to be found in this setting? Would shapeshifting be alright?
it's been years since I read some of the GONE books, but I am curious as to where this might go.

May I inquire as to what kind of powers are likely to be found in this setting? Would shapeshifting be alright?

Ah we're in the same boat, it's been years since I read it.

But yeah shapeshifting would be ideal! We'll probably be using the power bar system from the books with 1 being something weak like sparks or something and 4 being telekinesis. Most people will be around a three but I'm more than willing to have a few 4's or even a 5!

I'll be limiting people to a single power per character though, don't need anybody going full Avatar state.
Ah we're in the same boat, it's been years since I read it.

But yeah shapeshifting would be ideal! We'll probably be using the power bar system from the books with 1 being something weak like sparks or something and 4 being telekinesis. Most people will be around a three but I'm more than willing to have a few 4's or even a 5!

I'll be limiting people to a single power per character though, don't need anybody going full Avatar state.

Sweet....I am officially getting excited about this idea!

Can I PM you a couple concepst?
Ah we're in the same boat, it's been years since I read it.

But yeah shapeshifting would be ideal! We'll probably be using the power bar system from the books with 1 being something weak like sparks or something and 4 being telekinesis. Most people will be around a three but I'm more than willing to have a few 4's or even a 5!
I’m interested! Would a power inspired by Attack on Titan work?

And what sort of power scaling is the setting, so to speak?
I’m interested! Would a power inspired by Attack on Titan work?

And what sort of power scaling is the setting, so to speak?

I haven't seen AOT so I'd need to know the power I'm afraid!

As for power scaling something like emitting sparks or changing the colour of your skin would be a 1, telekinesis would be a 4. The scale maxes out at 5 which is something really powerful like time travel or another power of that scale.
I haven't seen AOT so I'd need to know the power I'm afraid!

As for power scaling something like emitting sparks or changing the colour of your skin would be a 1, telekinesis would be a 4. The scale maxes out at 5 which is something really powerful like time travel or another power of that scale.

Something like transforming into a 30-foot tall giant, but it’s severely draining to use. A few hours of use and a week’s worth of rest.

If it’s too powerful, I’ll pick something else.
Provided it has those draw backs I can't see why that would be an issue. I take it they'd still be vulnerable to small arms fire? Guns?
Provided it has those draw backs I can't see why that would be an issue. I take it they'd still be vulnerable to small arms fire? Guns?
Yeah, you could shoot out the eyes and wait out the transformation.

Would regeneration be too much?
So the skin would be invulnerable?

And on top of the giant thing regeneration would be too overpowered.

Not invulnerable, I was just thinking that his size would make it difficult to do direct damage with small arms. Better to go for the eyes instead.

Understandable. Also, regarding the giant form, I was thinking that it would be more like a organic mech suit, if that makes sense. Damage wouldn’t carry over to the other form. So if you shot out the giant form’s eyes, his human form would be unharmed.
I didn't read the books but the idea got my interest =) if you don't mind me not knowing a lot about the books I would like to join.
p.s.: would gravity manipulation be ok as a power?
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Foster Foster

I like the city idea as well. Would probably be more flexible than a small town.

I too enjoy the idea of the city. The idea of traversing through a pristine, abandoned city is quite surreal. It would be quite interesting to see how well it withstands the super powers and general chaos.
I didn't read the books but the idea got my interest =) if you don't mind me not knowing a lot about the books I would like to join.
p.s.: would gravity manipulation be ok as a power?

Gravity manipulation with some restrictions would work fine, in fact it's one of the powers in the book!

As for not having read the books it's no problem, I've outlined all you need to know in here :)

uh hello this looks awesome

Dani! Glad to have you aboard mate.

I'll get a discord group up soon for everybody but I'll be heading off for the night now. Cheers for all the interest you've all shown!
It's been a while since I read the books (never finished the series though) but I loved the concept then and love it now. I'd love to join this roleplay. I already have a degenerate character cooked up in my mind.
Okay this got a lot more attention than I was expecting so here's the plan, you're all more than welcome to join the discord (linked below) and say hello but when you do I'd like you to add if you're looking to get involved as one of the partner's who will essentially be co-gm with me or simply as a player. If we have a nice balance I'm sure we can support a decent playerbase!

That being said places will be reserved on a quality of character basis rather than first come, first serve because I don't really see how it's fair for somebody who really but their back into a CS to loose out to somebody who just happens to live in a timezone that matches mine.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing a of you in here for the OOC :)


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