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Fantasy lab rats - ooc

alright, so- this is who i was thinking for the siblings' dad, altho as far as their face claims looking similar i did just have the thought that they could all look different bc they all have different mother/egg donors.
Alr, but a generic white guy as the day yeah? Also how far apart are they in age, like the same year, triplet, within the month? If so what exact age are they.
yeah, like their dad is very rich white privilege.

and i think a and b are 16, c is 15. a and b are a few months apart, c is closer to a year younger.
anyone have any role preferences? i really like all of the roles but i think i'm personally leaning a bit more towards a?
i think feral wants to try for b, and i'm not sure who averis is interested in. but seriously, you guys can try for the same spot if you want. or you can try for multiple spots, although you'll most likely only be getting one main.
that's awesome! i can't wait to see everyone's interpretations, and i was going between a and the human, so i guess i'll work on the human for now! but a is my favorite lol not gonna lie also- thank you all again for your interest!
I can go for the human role c:
ugh it's honestly a really hard choice and i'd be happy with either, and i'd hate to take a if that's who inspires you the most! apply for who you want c:
nahhh no worries!! i ended up finding a lot of inspiration for the human role & i'm pretty excited! i put up a fancier placeholder for them (beau) and i'm gonna try to get their cs up tomorrow after work
as far as bios for the bionic kids goes, how descriptive can we be with things such as missions? is there a general guideline or dos and don'ts you want us to follow?
i'm gonna say get as creative as you want, and then if we need to change stuff later we can c: but no, i don't have a set in stone backstory i was imagining for them. just a general idea.
hey everyone! i wanted to know your opinions on whether the siblings should look the same or come from different donors.
Personally, i dont have too much of a preference! But I think it'd be pretty fun to have them have the same face shape or smthin like that, like def not totally different from each other :]
c is up! lemme know if theres anything i gotta edit _em_ _em_ c:

had a moment where i had to delete half the bio because i realized they've never actually left the lab but yknow we don't talk about that-
hey everyone! i wanted to know your opinions on whether the siblings should look the same or come from different donors.
also, just saw this, but i don't really have any preference, same as feral! maybe a bit similar, but leave room for interpretation ^^
c is up! lemme know if theres anything i gotta edit
your cs aesthetics are really good!

ive got most of my character planned out in my brain and a chosen cs sheet im just planning to watch the actual show for some background tbh ๐Ÿ˜…
your cs aesthetics are really good!
ah thanks, lol! i just remembered seeing the code a while ago and just thought that it would be perfect-
ive got most of my character planned out in my brain and a chosen cs sheet im just planning to watch the actual show for some background tbh ๐Ÿ˜…
i've been rewatching some of my favorite episodes from when i was a kid, and its honestly better than i remembered, peak 'early 2010s low budget sitcom'. the first episode is really all you need as far as context i think, tho there's this one youtuber who made a review and noted all the episodes that were actually plot-driven and not just episodic filler, if you want me to throw it over to ya. ^^
omg you guys i love all the ideas!! keep them coming! sorry for dropping off for a bit- i'll get back into the swing of things soon.
Ugh im finally done with my cs >^< it took so long to makeeeeee (ยบ๏นƒยบ)

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