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Fantasy ♔. King of Kings - Out of Character Chat


hello lovelies! i'm just tagging all of you guys to let you know that i am alive. i haven't written a post out for my characters yet and i am terribly sorry for the delay! but, keep up the posting! and i hope everyone makes it out okay these past few weeks due to exams, stress, competitions, or whatever life has thrown at you!

if anyone has any issues or anything you'd want to discuss, let me know! sending good vibes and hugs!

i am planning on having a GM post once everyone at least has a chance to post their characters! be prepared for some thievery coming your way so we can amp up the RP a little bit! but, again, there's no rushes, since i'm hoping for at least 2 pages of the festival!

i'll make an announcement of when i'm making a GM post and "time skipping" to at least the third day of the festival so that way everyone can wrap up their previous encounters / conversations! after that first time skip to the third day, there will be some more round of posting for a little more fun [this is where the thievary comes in hehehe] and then i'll make another GM post "time skipping" to the banquet [woohoo! lets see who murders the king of kings!]

summer is quickly approaching, so i hope we can liven up this roleplay as best as we can!
thank you for being so patient with me and i hope this roleplay last for a long while!

p.s. if you guys can not participate in this rp anymore, or would not like to be tagged in this, please please, let me know! i don't bite loves!

tags: @Starfish, @lorde, Ronan Ronan , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , Athens Athens , mxlly mxlly , diwa diwa , The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof , SirDerpingtonIV SirDerpingtonIV , Aukanai Aukanai , revalia revalia , SirDerpingtonIV SirDerpingtonIV , Kent Kent , @Faulkner Williams , Dominaiscna Dominaiscna , PixieDust PixieDust
I need to finish my CS's gaaaah
Also, deer deer so I can still try and make my Candidate CS since the spot is still open?

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