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Fantasy ♔. King of Kings - Out of Character Chat

*attempts to actually read through CSs*
*gets to Bohemia before brain gets tired*
BUT YAY DETAIL it's so much better than mine hahahaha
PixieDust PixieDust Alice is formally announcing attraction to Noa, but nothing more
It's totally not because of the whole gender roles thing and respecting wanting to prove himself HA NOPE
*attempts to actually read through CSs*
*gets to Bohemia before brain gets tired*
BUT YAY DETAIL it's so much better than mine hahahaha
PixieDust PixieDust Alice is formally announcing attraction to Noa, but nothing more
It's totally not because of the whole gender roles thing and respecting wanting to prove himself HA NOPE
lol she's attracted to him because the matriarchy xD
Jitara is like: it's seriously not as great as it sounds

Alice is like: Probably better than being put to shame just because I fell in love with a boy. :T
Alice: Not to mention I'm just some goddamn pawn in the eyes of my parents, only to be used to their advantage.
Alice is like: Probably better than being put to shame just because I fell in love with a boy. :T
Alice: Not to mention I'm just some goddamn pawn in the eyes of my parents, only to be used to their advantage.
Jitara: so am I. I'm not a person. I'm an idea to them. Not to mention my brother isn't seen as important at all except to help make babies for a woman. How is that fair? Sand is not always brighter one the other side.
Jitara: so am I. I'm not a person. I'm an idea to them. Not to mention my brother isn't seen as important at all except to help make babies for a woman. How is that fair? Sand is not always brighter one the other side.

Alice: That is true.
Damn, she was going to say something profound and then I couldn't figure out how to word it XD
Bless my teacher!
She moved the due date for the research paper to next Friday
When you lose a lab paper for Chem
That you kept in the front pocket of your binder
Which you used to do an assignment for Chem
And that paper wasn't hole-punched
So now you're freaking out
Because it wasn't in the class you thought it was in
And now you hate your life
Okay so I am going to be a bit indisposed this weekend for a bit. I have my Biology major papers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!

Okie dokie loves.

My finals are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday as well.

How is everyone doing here?

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