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Fantasy Killing a Queen


Mention: @Early

Mood: Curious

It was a good thing Sybil had placed down the knife, because visible shock took over her features as he began to button the jacket up. A slight hiss sounded, but it was hardly intimidating. After all, she couldn't even properly make the noise anymore. Instead, she just wrinkled her nose up at his large fingers moved up the jacket to seal it shut. "I did not need that closed, I do not want to even wear it," she huffed out, a bit of annoyance slipping into her tone. Getting any emotion of out of Sybil when she spoke should be considered an achievement-- Least it wasn't anger. Her screeching fits were already painfully familiar, and one could only wonder what she screamed at the fellow siren.

Another annoyed noise arose when he touched her once again, but she allowed him this time due to the throbbing pain of her foot. It was becoming a bit too much to handle at this point, though she'd never admit she was grateful to the Captain for letting her lean against him. He should consider himself blessed to just have her near him, that's for sure. A small and satisfied 'hmpf' sounded as she thought to herself, a tiny smirk appearing on her lips. Whatever she was thinking, it was probably safe to just assume the worse. She hadn't exactly given a good first impression, anyway. Or second. Or third. She just wasn't very good at presenting herself.

The second her bottom touched the bed, however, a certain look overtook her features. Her stormy eyes widened at the feeling of the satin, her lips even parting to make a bit of an 'O.' Of course she had never felt such rich material before. It just didn't survive in water, and sirens didn't exactly require sleep. Her head turned to the side while her hair dragged across the sheets, her fingers splaying flat against the spread. Murderer or not, she surely looked innocent in the moment. She had already proven herself to be an odd case for several reasons, but this was just another cherry on top. Still, the real questions about her past had yet to come.

Her attention was snapped back to the guitar once he offered it out to her, and she was soon cradling the time in her lap. Her fingers tapped innocently against the wood to listen to it, before she even raised the neck up to sniff at. All the while, Marquis was fetching medical supplies. No sounds were heard yet, the siren thoroughly inspecting the instrument. A soft mutter arose right as he turned around, her gaze on the strings. "Guitar...Gui-tar...Guiiiiitar."

A yelp sounded when he touched her bare legs to close them, before a warning growl sounded. Her peaceful moment was broken by his hands and comment, but her visage slowly become neutral as he washed the blood away from her wound. Under the blood, it looked not as bad. There were several puncture wounds on the top and bottom of her foot, but the burns had mostly sealed closed at this point. His explanation of the guitar soon followed, and soft notes were heard as she plucked the strings.

"If I sang, you would try to murder me, even if I do not have my song anymore."
code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Entertained

His rich laughter rang out in response to her comment, quick to learn how smart she truly was. A cunning sea bitch, or so he thought. "Aye, I would." His agreement came shortly after his laughter, a wide smile spread over his face now. "Just as I'm sure if you did have your song you'd carve my heart from my chest if I were to let you have such an opportunity." The hunter offered the hunter a the courtesy of being respected, knowing well that just because she is weakened he's able to get away with such comments. He was bold and cocky, but not a fool. Given she ever got the chance, he'd surely perish if she managed to sing in the way she used to.

"This'll hurt." He then muttered, patting the cleaned heel and foot dry before taking the glass bottle and popping the cork off. Immediately after, the grain alcohol would be splashed over the wounds and immediately start audibly sizzling as it burned away any infections that may have started to root in the wounds. Fully aware she may pull back and throw a fit, his other hand that wasn't pouring the clear liquid over her foot would hold her ankle firmly. His strong grasp human, but that of a very brutish man none the less. As opposed to her, a frail human girl dreaming of her sirens prowess.

Soon the pain would cease, and he'd be quick to rinse it all again with the cool water - The stinging sensation soon fading but some of the puncture wounds now oozing a dark red as the infected mess crumbled and now seeped out. Using this time, he'd pull out a little jar and start scooping out a viscous cream only to start dabbing all the puncture wounds with it. Making sure to coat them thoroughly, he'd use a ginger touch by spreading a thin coating of the very same paste over all the burnt skin. "You're doing very well, Sybil. I'm almost done." Marquis tried to compliment her, even if she was screaming bloody murder and throwing a hissy fit. A little reassurance in hopes of keeping her complacent and calm, as opposed to how she acted before when they first brought her above deck.

Once he'd thoroughly rubbed the cream into her wounds and over the burns, he'd pull out a fluffy gauze pad and wrap it around her foot, soon after taking some bandaging and wrapping that firmly around the entirety of her wounded appendage. Starting at the ball of her foot, the bandaging would be snug as it wrapped its way up - Soon skipping the heel to start moving up the ankle, he'd eventually run out of bandaging and use a few metal clasps to hook the cloth in place. Her foot, however, would start to tingle and feel a bit numb. The sensation of the limb being asleep taking effect, though this would be from the cream he'd used. "We'll have to reapply every day for a few days, I'd guess. Once those burns blister and the puncture wounds scab up, you should be fine." Closing the box and putting everything away, he'd give a sigh before taking the bottle of alcohol and having a good swig from it before corking its top shut.

Sighing out in relief, the liquid burning on its way down, he'd move everything to the side before standing up before the now 'mended' Sybil, looking to her with a sly grin. It seemed as though he was wanting to say something, but as to what who knows.
code by Ri.a

Mention: @Early

Mood: Contemplative

Her full lips pursed at the laughter, her eyes trailing over his lips as he grinned at her. It wasn't the statement that confused her, but his reaction and laughter. The only time Sybil had even smiled was a devious smirk she shot to the crew members and him after injuring someone. It raised the question if sirens were even capable of laughing or expressing such joy, given their 'unfortunate' circumstances. Though, their lives were secretive. Would Marquis even know that they hardly had social interaction? It would explain her awkward behavior. At the comment about his heart, Sybil plucked a lonely string and let out a soft hum. It wasn't a deadly melody just yet, but the harmonious tone was already heard. "Your heart would be the best of them all to have," she began softly, her fingers gently feeling at the strings of the guitar now. "So big and sturdy, it would keep me warm for many nights..." The statement was vague, but it hardly mattered. Humans could never possibly understand why they took hearts. Why they needed them. As she spoke, her eyes would wander over to his chest. Right where his heart beat soundly. A certain longing was in her gaze, but it surely wasn't malicious. Would Sybil ever be willing to humor him on why sirens collect hearts?

It was probably a wise idea to grip her delicate ankle once the alcohol was poured over the wound. A squawk of pain was heard, and her instant reaction was to jerk her leg backwards. Unfortunately, she was now unable to do such a thing. If she had learned anything at all from her first day as being a human, it was that she absolutely loathed pain. How the hell could humans possibly live such a life? Every bump caused a shockwave of pain through her nerves, though it faded quick enough. It wouldn't be long before bruises began to pop up all over her skin, her legs being the worst victims of them all. Twisting her ankle a bit more in his grasp, she just let out a slight groan of pain and flopped backwards on the bed. The guitar was still resting against her chest, Sybil now refusing to give up the newfound instrument just yet.

"I know I am doing well. If I was doing bad, I would of ripped your pretty little eyes out by now," she snarled out, but the threat was empty. It was arguably better to have Sybil constantly threaten Marquis during bouts of pain instead of actually attacking him. Even if he could overpower her in the end, she already showed off her clever ways of murdering people. Another huff sounded once she felt the gauze wrap around the wound. No wonder humans often died of their injuries. It's too tedious to get all these supplies, and it hurts like hell to apply them all. It must truly be a pitiful experience...Though was being a siren any better? The thought was quickly kicked out from her head as she sat up, keeping the guitar clasped against her bosom. Her foot was starting to go numb, but that was a sensation she'd have to question later. Marquis was giving her a rather sly grin, resulting in the siren narrowing her eyes at him.

Plucking another string on the guitar as she watched him, she hummed softly once again. Surely it would be an amazing experience to hear a siren sing without being under her control. "Why did you call me in here? You haven't killed me yet, so I assume you want to hear more about my offer," she suggested, jumping right to what she assumed. He wanted to kill the Queen, no?

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Agog

Hearing her speak of his heart in such a manner wasn't actually as eerie as he'd expected. The way she spoke of it wasn't as if it were to be her dinner, but instead an item of comfort, and this brought on a rather confused expression to the sailors face. Many stories and rumors still existed about Sirens and their cultures, but the truth of it was that no one actually knew the full story. It's not like anyone got the chance to research them peacefully; Some folks tried venturing out while swearing a peaceful approach with them would allow them to willingly learn. As if flying a white flag, and promising non-violence mattered. Needless to say, these men never published any books on Sirens, as they never returned.

Her guess as to why he called her here was correct, but there was more to it. "Yes, miss Sybil, that is correct." As he spoke, he'd reach out to take the guitar back. "I've been on these seas some years now. Looking for this Queen of yours, and killin' every Siren along the way. From your little display last night it's safe to assume you and I just may have similar interests, and that is why I haven't turned you to foam yet. Not that I think you would if I did kill you, I actually think I may end up with a body and that just don't sit right with me." As much of a deviant and killer Marquis was, he wasn't the type to get blood on his hands. The reason Sirens were so easy to kill is because they turned to foam, a fact that helped him maintain his humanity. If corpses stayed, it would be different, they'd be more human to him. That just wasn't in his nature, the killing of people and all.

"But - Before we get to that Queen of yours I see this as a rare opportunity. You see, we know fuck all about your kind. We don't know what you eat, nor do we know how you reproduce. Judging by what I've seen all too much of, I do assume you're able to reproduce." His eyes would stay on hers, which likely meant she had no idea as to what he was referring to. "We don't know if there are men in your culture, or why you kill us. Furthermore, I wan't to know exactly what is the purpose of takin' our hearts, because up until that lil' comment of yours I was under the suspicion you ate them." The curiosity was clear in his tone, as well as his expression. Still showing a hearty smile, he'd hoped maybe soon she'd be able to speak without threatening, but if that was in her nature he'd be fine with it. As long as she didn't act on it.
code by Ri.a

Mention: @Early

Mood: Tense

A hissing whine sounded as he attempted to take the guitar back from her, her hands still firmly wrapped around the instrument. She wasn't done using it, he doesn't get it back! If he gave up his pursuit of pulling the guitar back, she continued to hold it rather tightly. It was almost like a security blanket - She wasn't allowed to sing, and even if she didn't have her song, they'd still spear her for it. Music kept the woman from going insane, and the little notes of a melody were enough to satisfy her for now. When he began his questions, Sybil darted her tongue out slowly to draw it across her lips. No, she couldn't all his questions truthfully at the moment. He'd kill her, and that's that. Even if he preached his dislike of killing a human, something told her he'd fine a reason to overcome that.

"I am sick of the Queen, and I am sick of her orders," she said softly, her gaze finding his as she spoke. That part was true enough, at least. "She did not like that, and she thought I would die if my tail was taken away. It was certainly going to be the most painful death a siren could have in the end. Then you came along and found my body before I did die." Partially true. Was it lying if you just forgot certain parts of your story? Her finger reached up to lightly run through her hair, surprised at the softness.

Instead of rough and salty as it should be from living in the ocean her whole life, the locks were soft and luscious. Perhaps earning a pair of legs gave her more than just that part of a human. A head of human hair was also gifted to her, which she should consider lucky. "Sirens are not made from whatever disgusting habits you humans have taken up. I have already discovered several things I dislike about the human body, and many lie between my legs," she said rather casually, and why wouldn't she? There was no social stigma to abide by. "We do not need to eat, but some sirens enjoy taking apart a shark with their own teeth. I never did it, I never needed to show my dominance," she offered, before a sly grin barely tugged at her lips. Many notorious sirens had earned nicknames, and that just begged the question if Sybil had one. At the moment, she was aware he was a hunter, and that she was the Hunter's Queen. He'd be an idiot to not know about her, but he likely wouldn't recognize her. He may hold her captive, but she had small victories under her belt.

It was at the question about the hearts did she visibly frown. Explaining it was far too difficult, she was under the firm belief he just wouldn't understand. Instead, she motioned for him to sit down next to her as the guitar placed to the side. "Do not worry, I can not rip your heart out here. I can only explain why we need hearts in this way," she attempted to assure him, but she still wasn't great at tones in her voice. At least they were improving a bit.

In the back of her mind, Sybil had to constantly remind herself that she wasn't betraying the secrets of her kind. This was all to earn his trust, and to survive. Any smart siren would do it.

code by Ri.a
Last edited:
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Inquisitive

A single laugh rang out as she commented on her distaste with everything that came with having legs, and all that which is between them. She would be in for a rude surprise eventually, no doubt. A thought that actually was humorous to the captain, though maybe best he didn't let her sit on his nice bed for too long.

Hearing her out with pursed lips, Marquis finally let out a sigh as she continued on. It's only then that he realized getting straight answers out of her was going to be one hell of a chore. Though, her talking was better than her screaming her savage threats. While her motivation for the death of the queen was shallow, he decided to believe her for now and trust the motivation she felt was enough to carry through. "Very well." He'd mutter quietly after hearing out her reasoning, soon after moving to have a seat beside her as she'd so gestured.

The bed sank down a bit more, and he'd reach behind her without pause to take the neck of the guitar and bring it around and to himself. While she may greedily want it for herself, he was doing something with it. "This is a rare chance for me, or for Humans in general. Your kind possess an ability that makes us vulnerable to being killed, which is maybe why we'll never trust one another." With a few melodic plucks of the strings, his other hand sliding along the frets as he did so, he'd do a sound test to make sure all notes sounded the way he'd wanted them to. While it was simply a scaling test, to her it may sound like music. "A shame, I know many humans find your kind beautiful. Maybe I would too, if Sirens would stop trying to kill me every chance they get." Giving a chuckle, he'd look away from her and down to his own hand as he positioned his fingers and readied himself.

"Alas, my quest isn't for peace." His hand now began to move, actual music starting to flow forth from the polished wooden instrument. A slow somber melody, one that was played with crisp fluidity. "I suppose if you don't want to share about your culture, then you will share with me about your queen." His words came out as less of a question and more of a demand. She was indeed at his mercy, after all. "Be she a Siren like your kin, or something worse?" Questioning her further on the subject, his head would start to sway slightly as he continued to play; half lidded as his long hair draped down over his chest and caressed the edges of the instrument he wielded.

"And again, I must know, why hearts?" Incessant as he was, he'd never let her get away without explaining that to him.
code by Ri.a

Mention: @Early

Mood: Serious

Watching his fingers move with expertise across the strings, she resisted a desire to reach out and touch them. She was smart enough to put two and two together, and that the pleasant melody would stop the second her fingers disrupted his playing. Her thoughts instead trailed back to the Queen, and a slight shudder ran over her body. She was utterly honest when she said her goal was to murder the Queen, but there was just more to it. More than she just couldn't tell this stranger. Besides, she needed him to get what she truly wanted in the end. She'd never make it to land without his ship.

"The Queen was once a siren, but not anymore. She's far worse, and far more powerful than any of us," she began, her eyes locked on the guitar as he played. "I'm sure you humans have your Gods, but we have our own Goddess. We did, at least. She was long ago killed by humans, out of spite of her abilities. The humans took part of her heart, leaving half to the sirens. Our song was gifted to us as revenge. That's what the Queen has. It sits in her staff, and the power of it...It warps her form. She no longer has a tail, but giant tentacles. Ones that can easily crush ribs," she added, a hand reaching up to press against her side as she spoke. Seems like Sybil had been under the wrath of the Queen before. "Whoever possess the staff is the Queen, and we listen to her. She wants the other half of the heart, but she can't reach. It's up on land, and she trusts none of her subjects to retrieve it. I'm one of the only sirens to know where it is," she added rather smugly, moving to cross her legs under her.

Based on what she said, it seems most of the sirens listen to the Queen out of pure fear. It was a possibility that sirens were born without a lick of malice, but grew up under the orders of countless wicked Queens. It surely couldn't justify the lives taken, but at least it was an explanation. Sybil was giving a sentence worse than death, but had survived by sheer luck. Now she had the ability to fully disobey. As for the hearts...

Her hand finally reached forward to stop his own from playing, before she pulled it away to slowly unbutton the top of the jacket. Once again revealing her chest to him, it was clear that wasn't the point. Insted, his hand was taken up again to be pressed right above her left breast, where a heart was steadily beating. Her skin was warm and soft, new to the world. "Our Goddess took away our hearts when hers was stolen. Until we connect the parts back together, our own hearts will never beat. Human hearts are a temporary relief. Warm and comforting, it's the only way we don't claw our own chests open in desperation."

It was a lonely life under the sea.

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Candid

The amount of self control required of the pirate was pretty damn high, having to constantly tell himself mentally she had no idea what romance even was and that this wasn't an invitation to get a handful. Maybe just a small one. A light squeeze, to remember what it felt like... Yet, he would not. With his hand withdrawing, he'd do something different instead. With doubt that she could harm him given her current form, he'd move the guitar to set it down to lean against the bed, his other hand taking one of hers for a turn. "Can you feel the difference?" He'd ask, moments after pressing her hand against his chest instead. The loose v-neck shirt he wore open down most of the front, making it easy for her to feel the hot skin and heavy heartbeat underneath. "I sure can't." Marquis finally added, letting go of her wrist and letting her chose to pull her hand back if she so wanted. If what she and her kind wanted a beating heart of their own, and the warmth that came with it, how exactly was her current situation any bad?

"As for this heart you search for on land, or part of a heart, I can tell we have a similar goal. You tell me where it is, and I'll bring you there. Then we can draw out the seabitch and kill her for a change." The notion of killing an octopus siren was rather horrifying, but if anyone was going to do it it'd be the Songbird. "So, I guess that leads us to an interesting place, Sybil." A thought came to mind, realizing he'd just offered her a sort of peace treaty. "You can chose to sit in a cell while we go place to place, we'll feed you and give you water, and maybe one day we'll succeed in killing this Queen of yours. Or, you can be a helping hand and join the Songbird as a crew member, and then the lot of us can voyage out to bring death together."

The lonely Siren was just given an incredibly unfamiliar offer. To be a part of a crew, a team, or in their eyes a nakama family. Her kind from what he heard so far would never unite in such a means, and often times when encountering sirens it was always as individuals. There wasn't even a term for a group of them, because how rare it was. She showed well with the death of who they caught that these people weren't very willing to work together. "What say yee?" He looked to her expectantly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
code by Ri.a

Mention: @Early

Mood: Contemplative

When he took her hand in his own, a confused look overtook her features. That type of contact was more than just foreign to her, but when her fingers splayed against his chest, she knew exactly that sort of feeling. It was the feeling she had moments before she let out a bloody screech to whatever hunter was under her claws, and ripped his heart clean. A sharp exhale sounded as her pupils dilated, feeling his heartbeat steady under her palm. It hadn't even dawned on her that she was currently achieving the dream of all sirens. Without her tail, she wasn't worthy of such a feeling. Even when his hand released her wrist, she just kept her palm flat there. "When I get my tail back, I will fail to feel this heartbeat again. It is only a matter of time." It was clear she was intending to become siren once again. After all, it was all she knew.

Finally pulling her hand away when he began his offer, her lips pushed together. Was she lonely by nature at this point, or by choice? Surely she couldn't just interact with other sirens in a positive manner. It would ruin her reputation, and she had a very important one to maintain. The cell wasn't all too bad, but it could be a little warmer. The thought caught her off-guard. Was she actually growing cold at times? A shudder graced her body, and she cocked her head to the side.

"Why are you offering such a thing to me? I may not look like a siren physically, but mentally I am all the same. Are you sure you want a murderer in your crew?" She asked, the question genuine. She may just look like a pretty face at the moment, but the woman clearly knew how to murder someone. Human and siren alike. There was also the suggestion that trusting her may just be a mistake. Could she overcome her own urges?

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Honest

"Hmmm." He pondered her question, a sly grin spread across his rough features. "I think we can trust you well enough while you still walk around like you are now, but once you get that pretty tail of yours back all bets may as well be off. Until then, I think it's in our mutual favor to get along, don't you agree?" A playful tone rang from the lips of the scalawag, clearly trying to find any reason he could for them to be in agreement. After all, they both wanted the same thing. Why not work together, and try and get along? At least until their quest was over, then they could go right back to killing one another as they have been.

Reaching out, again, he'd take the front of his coat and close it again. "Side note, we definitely need to get you some clothing. It'll both help you stay warm, and help myself and the rest of the crew keep our sanity. You're damn near doing what your siren song does just by walkin' around like this, lookin' like a snack and such." His words came with a light chuckle, but he was serious about it all. A lot of the men on the ship were dangerous, they were pirates after all. May not be a great idea to be walking about in the nude as the only female aboard. Not that Marquis would do anything, and he'd certainly reprimand any wondering hands, but he couldn't be everywhere at once.
code by Ri.a

Mention: @Early

Mood: Relaxed

Looking over him carefully, she regarded him with some curiosity. There surely wasn't an respect on her feature - Not yet, at least. It'd take a long time for Marquis to earn such a thing, but perhaps it'd be wise. If he managed to win over a siren to his side, he'd have an ally in the water. More importantly, someone who was immune to the siren song. Her brows furrowed together, before she gave a passive shrug. Maybe while she stuck around, he could probe her for more information on sirens. Her next actions however, were likely a bit shocking.

Leaning forward, her lips soon pressed against the left corner of his mouth. It wasn't directly on his lips, but she was close enough for him to smell the ocean on her. Crisp waves and salty breezes, her head soon shifted to the other side of his mouth. Once the act was complete, she moved her head back. A neutral expression was still on her features. "I do not know how humans create promises. So we will do it my way. Do the same to me, so I know you are honest," she said rather firmly, apparently taking the quick ritual quite seriously. It was clear there was nothing implicated in her actions, and it's likely she hardly knew humans expressed passion through kisses. With that, she waited for him to complete the action, her steely gaze never leaving his features.

Deep down, she thought Marquis was a bit of a fool. He was easily trusting of her, despite just how many men she has killed. She only trusted him due to her circumstances, but perhaps humans were just more happy-go-lucky than sirens. It must be easy, living that sort of life. Though, a conflicted look overtook her features for a moment. She was technically living that life for the time being. But she wasn't truly human, was she? Majority of their actions she didn't understand, and everything was foreign to her. Sybil simply didn't fit in with the crowd.

"I would also like to sleep in this place, since I am no longer staying in the cell." As for the list of things being foreign to her, personal bedrooms were somewhere in there.

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Caught off guard

Flinching as her face drew near his own, the warm touch of her lips on the corner of his mouth were soon felt. Shocked by the gesture, he'd remember that some countries actually say farewell or greet one another in a similar fashion. It's only when she leaned back and away that he'd give a defeated sigh only to do as she requested. "I'll have to teach you how to shake hands, sometime." He'd mutter before pecking at both corners of her mouth, pulling back and away only to give her a perplexed look.

"Er, I can have a bed brought up here in this room for you, but you aren't staying in my bed." Marquis said with a bit of sass in his tone. It wasn't a good idea to have her sleep in one of the shared cabins, and there weren't any private spaces short of a cell for her to stay. He didn't exactly trust his men enough to behave themselves just yet, so it was a good idea at the least to have her stay here, just not here exactly. "There are a dozen reasons I ain't letting that happen." Pushing himself to his feet, knowing well she'll stick around, he'd get up and walk back towards the table only to pick up one of the glasses of wine so he may start drinking. With how long an evening it's been already, he could use the nightcap.

"I'll ask Alejandro to bring an extra bed up, anything else you think you'll need?" Marquis asked curiously while eyeing her from across the room. It was clear he planned on sticking true to his words, and that he'd no intention on sharing his precious sleeping space with her. Was bad enough to share a ship with her, considering how big a time bomb she truly was. He wondered if he'd even be able to sleep with her in the same room, knowing well he'd fear his own throat being sliced open while he dreamed.
code by Ri.a

Mention: Early Early

Mood: Pleased

"What is the point of even shaking hands? I hardly like the feeling of men touching me in the first place," she muttered out, gently running her fingers along the soft satin of the bed. A moment later, her head tilted back and she flopped against the sheets. Her hair curtained out around her, the bulk of it far too much. She'd have to learn to brush and braid the majority of it, least she wanted it all chopped off. Getting near Sybil with a pair of scissors was likely a death wish, especially if someone had the intention of cutting her hair.

"These are called beds? I like them, they are very soft. But I wish to stay in this bed, it is much nicer than anything that will be brought up," she said rather firmly, rolling onto her stomach to peer at him. Her legs kicked up behind her, much like a tail would. Old habits die hard, even if certain limbs are missing. Peering at the wine in his hand, she'd decide to question the liquid later.

"We may also share the bed. I have not slept before, so it will be what you call a bonding activity, no?" She asked, actually forcing a bit of innocence into her tone. Based on the grin tugging at her lips, she was definitely messing with him now. "I am sure many humans would be impressed if you said you slept near a siren. It is a privilege, and you should consider yourself lucky. I also spend my nights holding my hearts, but I have none. I wish to feel yours to fall asleep."

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Caught off guard

Chuckling at Sybils first comment, he'd mutter under his breath "Ain't never had one touch you the right way, yet." Likely a comment she'd know nothing about, which definitely helped him more or less say whatever he wanted considering she'd never really catch onto the real meaning behind his words. It's shortly after that she'd continue on about keeping her place in his bed, and judging by her new positioning he couldn't help but notice how comfortable she was getting. With a twitch of the brow, he'd start walking back with glass in hand. Though, he'd find himself stopping in his tracks halfway to the bed.

"We may also share the bed."

He's a man with a tested will, and history hunting the very creatures she once belonged to. Creatures whos abilities relied on weaker wills so that people could be coerced to their own graves. They tempted men, and drew them to their very ends. Marquis was aware of this ability of Sirens, yet here he was wondering just how dangerous this particular scenario was. Could it perhaps be a test? Clearing his throat, he'd continue forward towards the bed and look down to Sybil with a slight frown on his face. "Trust me. I'd love to take you to bed, Sybil, but you and I clearly have different interpretations of sleeping with one another." His glass would raise, and he'd take another heavy swig of the red liquid that now stained his lips. The pungent fruit alcohol was in abundance in his glass, enough so that a single cup was more than enough to intoxicate even a man as large as he.

"So, get out of my bed." Seemed his mind was made up for now, clearly her arrogance did nothing to persuade him.
code by Ri.a

Mention: Early Early

Mood: Determined

Both of them seemed to be very head-strong, and that wasn't exactly a good thing.

Turning to roll onto her back, she just crossed her arms and gave a shrug. Wisps of hair stuck to her lips as she spoke, hinting at the slight smirk forming. The pungent smell of the alcohol was starting to tickle her nose, but she had no idea that drink led to intoxication. Nor did she know what intoxication even was. So instead, she just let out a loud hum and rolled on her back to him. At some point one must consider if she knew exactly what she was doing, considering how the jacket was starting to hitch up a bit to show more of her legs. He knew very well it was a bad idea to try and grab her, so she was having a ball. If she couldn't sing to a human, why not mess with him instead?

"I have decided I can only sleep in this bed. If it is any other bed, I simply will not fall asleep. I will just stare at you all night, and I am sure you will not like that." She continued on, her back still facing him. Locks of hair nearly spilled over the side of the bed. "Besides, I must feel a heart to fall asleep. I have never slept before, and I assume I must have something comforting with me. You do not want me wandering the ship at night, do you? Or perhaps I could go through your possessions, I am sure I can find a lovely little weapon for myself," she chimed out, a hum soon following.

He could tie Sybil up, but she had already proved to be able to escape once already. If she was really determined to break whatever bonds he put on her, it was likely she could. Were all sirens as stubborn as she was, or was she finally taking delight in the same sort of teasing he doled out? If she couldn't understand his sly humor, she may as well use her own.

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Mischievous

A scoff left his throat as he peered down to her, noticing just how high his coat was riding up the back of her thighs as she decided to not face him while speaking. It's now that she was actually getting on his nerves, her prissy attitude and how she thought she could just do whatever she wanted finally irritating the normally calm natured captain. "So you want to sleep and cuddle with me?" He questioned aloud, a tsk soon to follow.

"And here you are, thinkin' ya lost your song." Sarcasm now clear in his voice, he'd bring his glass up and just start chugging the remaining contents. The sweet fermentation lingering in the air even moments after he'd finished with a sigh of relief, quickly followed by a berry scented belch. Letting the silver chalice just fall to the ground, he'd take the last few steps needed to reach the end of the bed only to let his eyes fully wash over the siren that was acting so haughty.

Before she could turn to face him again, his hands would be felt. Placing them flat against the backs of her upper thighs, he'd begin moving his touch up and under the coat that now barely covered her backside. "And what exactly is stopping me from having a bed delivered to that cell and leaving you there during the long nights, hmm?" He asked with his sly tone returning, the fog of intoxication just beginning to take its hold of Marquis, though now his actions were still those of a sober man. "I'm sure another man on the ship would even be willing to accommodate your needs should they join you there." If she knew any better, he was actually beginning to threaten her ever so subtly.
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Mention: Early Early

Mood: Frustrated

Sybil really needed to work on her jokes, because this one had surely gone too far.

When the belch was heard, her nose wrinkled up in disgust. What sort of vile noise was that? Did humans just randomly make disgusting noises from their body? Her lips parted to rebuke his point, but the words were frozen on her lips as she felt his rough palms press against the back of her legs. His sly comments were well heard, and a loud growl of disapproval sounded. No longer was the siren joking around with him - He had just managed to anger her. It was simply never a good idea to anger a woman who knew who to kill a man over a dozen different ways.

Even with her fresh legs, Sybil was smart enough to move swiftly. One leg shot back, her uninjured foot easily hooking around the bent knee he had placed on the bed. With one good jerk of her knee, he was sent crashing forward onto the bed next to her. Her next movements were pure instinct, that of a siren ready to pounce and kill their prey. Her weight was soon felt on him, her hands moving to pin his wrists down against the bed while pressure was applied to keep him pinned. Perhaps because he was a bit intoxicated already, her hold would be a bit tough to wiggle free from. Staring down at him, her eyes were anything but pleasant.

"You are not a wise man, Marquis. You dropped your guard far too quickly around me. I could very easily still have a knife on me to stab you in the eye, and you are far too interested in physical pleasure to notice," she spoke slowly, her hair cascading around her head like a halo. It tickled at his chin and jaw, her lips pulling back into a slight snarl. If anything, this little demonstration was a perfect example of siren culture. One could make deals with a siren, but they never let their guard down. They never trusted anyone, and any snide joking comments resulted in violence.

"What if I wanted you to put me down under with your other men, only to slit their throats? I am sure your little friend Alejandro would be easy to win over, and he would have no idea it was too late until blood bubbled from his throat like a fountain," she cooed, a friendly reminder just how violent the woman really was. Cute appearances and moments of calmness aside, she was raised to be a killer. Men had perished under her nails time and time again, sirens too. Violent tendencies didn't vanish overnight, nor did years of abuse. Mood swings were evident in Sybil, though it may be to show the conflict she currently struggled with. Physically, she was just a human girl with an odd look in her eyes. Mentally, she was still ready to rip and tear through anyone in her way.

How the hell was Marquis supposed to get her mentally stable when she pulled stunts like these? Had she taunted him in the first place just to pin him down? Just to feel a man weak under her grasp again? She had already proved herself to be cunning.

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Jovial

Needless to say, he didn't expect exactly this. Unaware of what was happening the moment he started to tip, his hands raised in defense only to soon be pinned against the bed above his own head. Looking up with surprise as Sybil mounted him to hold him down, he stared up into her angry eyes as she continued to monologue down at him. Expressionless as she carried on, it's only once she was done and there was a long pause that a his chest would rumble once, then twice, before laughter began to spill from his now smiling face.

Giving a test of her strength by actually pushing back against her, he'd decide it wasn't worth the effort and just chose to lay there instead. "You want the queen dead, right?" He asked, a reminder to their agreed quest. "Your chances are slim to none if I die, and that's assuming you don't perish along with my once the rest of the crew finds out~" He purred back up at her, clearly feeling a little frisky after consuming so much wine. Shifting about a little under her, she'd soon after feel his hips raise up and against her, surely a new and unexpected sensation considering how she was lacking in any kind of protective clothing.

Knowing well what he was doing, the motion would continue as it was now his turn to talk. "Fine, I'll give you this victory, Sybil. You can share my bed, but don't think just because you were a feared monster that I or anyone else on this ship has any reason to see you different than one another. You're now just a person, though you have a chance to be an extraordinary one by joining the Songbirds and helping bring an end to this Sirens Queen." She had everyone else on board afraid of her, that was true, but he'd willingly invited her to share a meal with him before. Now a bed. It'd take a lot more than climbing on top of him and hissing her morbid threats to ward him off, especially since she didn't look as threatening as she thought herself to be.
code by Ri.a

Mention: Early Early

Mood: Embarrassed

Her grip was tight as hell as she pushed down against him, and it was obvious she was trying to prove she was just as strong as she was before. If she were a siren, her strength would easily out-do his own. But her arms were weak now, and another growl sounded from the woman. He had yet to seen her smile, but something else was appearing on her visage the moment he began to rudely move his hips.

A light blush began to appear over her nose and cheeks, her eyes widening at the moment. Now that was surely a sight to behold. Sirens simply didn't blush, some even claimed their blood was just too acidic to do such a thing. But here she was, staring down at him with an evident blush as he drunkenly teased her. She wasn't exactly well-versed in the language of love, or anything that falls under that for the record, but something about the motions and the purr in her voice. She had to stop him, and she only knew one way to do such a thing.


Letting go of his hand, her elbow was quick to move over his face and drop right down into his gut. It was a hard delivery, one to likely stop his motions and knock the air out of him. Immediately after the blow, she was pushing off him in a rough manner to practically fling herself off the bed. Breathing hard as she stumbled back against the table, her hand flung out behind her. Instantly finding one of the many knifes, she swung it around to aim at it. Her next movements were stumbling as she rushed forward.

Best way to deal with flustered feelings? Why, just stab the bastard who gave you them!

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Caught off guard

Looking up to her as she silently stared back, he wondered if maybe she'd actually for once absorbed her words. It's only then that he noticed her blush begin to creep over her face, the embarrassment and confusion clear on her face. Though she'd just moments before been snarling at and threatening him and his crew, she now looked---

Oof! A sound of pain, followed by a groan and propping himself up with one arm while his other held his stomach would soon follow. She had left, which gave him time to cough and try and get some air back. Nausea set in from the blow, his stomach full of ale and head foggy from now being breathless and drunken. It's only after wincing that his eyes opened and noticed the rushing siren. "Woah!" He called out, sitting upright and finally reacting accordingly.

Raising his left hand, the back of his wrist would catch the inside of her own that held the knife, pushing it outward to narrowly force her impalement to miss him. That very hand then turning to grab at her forearm, his free hand soon reached out and take her other shoulder. Turning his body to the side, and moving with her momentum, he'd try and drag her down back onto the bed. Instead of sitting on her, as he'd learned she had a thing to kneeing people in the groin, he instead moved between her own legs as to avoid being kicked.

"Hey-" He'd speak out in a bark, not finding it very funny that she'd just tried to stab him. All the while he'd bring his hands to her wrists and instead use his weight to pin her down, a notable difference but very similar to how she had him moments before. "Hey, calm the hell down. You were actually kinda cute up until you hit me and then tried to kill me." He growled, a little flustered over the fact that the mood so dramatically changed and actually caught him off guard. So for now, as he held her down, he'd simply glare down into her own eyes. "Let - Go - Of the knife." He'd demand sternly, his grip on her forearm tightening suddenly, likely to the point where it actually began to sting.
code by Ri.a

Mention: Early Early

Mood: Angry

Why had her body become so damn slow?

Feeling the strike delivered to her wrist, her reaction time was all too slow. She knew exactly what she needed to do, but her body simply wasn't responding to her anymore. Everything was sluggish, as if tar was moving through her veins instead of blood. Her stormy eyes looked to him as he moved, but the air was soon knocked from her lungs as her back hit the bed. That position of power she had moments ago was suddenly gone, and now she was pinned under a human. Staring up at him, there was a certain look in her gaze.

It wasn't anger. It wasn't smugness. The siren he currently pinned to the bed looked scared. Even though she had been silently convincing herself that she could just as easily kill them all now as she could before, the truth was still wiggling through. Sybil had no idea how to play his game. No matter how much she observed and assumed, she just didn't understand the nature of humans. How the hell could he ever say she was starting to look cute when they had so clear differences? How could he even bother to try and establish a tentative truce with her, much less a friendship? That sort of thing was completely unheard of among sirens, and Sybil wasn't a unique exception. She had never had friends before, much less someone to simply spend time with. Social interactions were a loss to her, especially in situations like these.

Feeling his grip tighten on her forearm, her fingers slowly uncurled from the knife. Her knuckles had been turning white from how tightly she clung to the small weapon. Something - Anything to give her a feeling of power of him. In that moment, she had reacted like a siren. The thoughts conflicted with her actual body, and confusions soon filtered over her features. Did she even want to sleep in his bed? No, not really. She had fallen into the habit of a siren the best she could. Lure him in close to her, and murder him in the night to take his heart.

Then what? He was right, she was in the middle of the sea and she couldn't swim away. She'd kill him for nothing, she'd be murdered minutes later. He had already emphasized that they needed to work together, and he was right. They had a common goal. Why the hell was she the weak one, and why the hell couldn't she understand?

With the knife now laying limp in her palm, she just stared up at him. "I-- I do not understand. I do not understand humans. Or how you work."

code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Aggitated

Once the knife was loose, his hand would begin sliding along her wrist before he took the blade from her. With the threat of certain death now gone, he'd release her entirely only to sit up on his knees before her while gazing down with a frustrated stare. "You don't ever get to understand humans. Not even humans understand one another." He began, looking down to the kitchen knife and giving a slight scoff. "Especially human women, though you're starting to be about as difficult to read as any of 'em." Marquis now compared her to a human, which she was playing the role of currently. "Just like we don't understand sirens, I can assure you not a single human knows humans completely. We're all different, and unique. It's what helps us adapt, even to monsters in the sea." With that, he'd simply toss the knife across the room and shift from his positioning.

Soon after he'd just lean to the right and eventually plop down on his back. Letting out a heavy sigh, now laying to her side and looking up, a few grumbling noises and a groan would be heard. "This whole 'peaceful compromise' is going to be a real headache, I can already tell." Marquis muttered, the words mainly said to himself as he knew damn well Sybil didn't, and was maybe just incapable, of caring about bringing hardship his way. For now he'd just try and think of a way that she could coexist with him and the crew without putting herself or anyone else in danger.
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Mention: Early Early

Mood: Conflicted

"You don't ever get to understand humans. Not even humans understand one another."

The statement just further confused Sybil, her eyebrows knotting together as she laid there. There was no effort to kick him off her, though he did end up rolling to the side after a minute or so. Her gaze would remain locked on the ceiling, her chest still heaving with labored breaths. He seemed so intent on talking whenever there was an issue, while Sybil simply acted. She didn't think of the consequences when she lunged at him with a knife. There were never any before in her life.

Thinking over that thought again, a frown passed over her lips. No, that was wrong. She had messed up before, and the Queen had removed her tail and song. It was supposed to be a direct death in the most shameful way, but now she was laying on a bed next to a human male, discussing how they need to work together. They were supposed to hate each other - And they did, just a bit. But he was able to put his differences aside to work towards a common goal. Sirens could never, it just wasn't possible. Turning to face him now, she would lay on her side. Her hand hesitantly reached forward, before pressing firmly over his heart. Feeling the steady beat for a second, her voice came out softer than it ever had before.

"How do you humans survive then? Every siren, they are alike. We fight and kill for ourselves, and no one else. It is frowned upon to be friends with each other, much less talk to one another. But you are social creatures. You are willing to put aside differences for the sake of a similar goal. I-" She paused, her eyes remaining locked on his chest. It looked like she was struggling for words. This very much could be the first time ever Sybil attempted to explain her feelings.

"When the Queen is killed, maybe sirens will stop killing. But they will still be the same mentally. How do I become more human, then? I want a head start if we succeed," she finally explained, obviously trying to justify her urges to feel human by saying she rather be superior to the other sirens still. It was a first step, at least.
code by Ri.a
Marquis Emanuel

Mention: calypso calypso
Mood: Cynical

"Hmmm." Marquis let out a sound as he began to mull over her initial question. How did humans manage to survive? With an ocean of enemies added to the fact they just couldn't stop killing one another, it was truly a miracle they'd managed to evolve so far to begin with. If anything was titled the cruelest to human kind, it would still be humans themselves. The atrocities to their own species, and the lands they lived on, were countless. "That's a tough question, since humans are our own number one predators. Even with Sirens, nothing kills humans like humans." Marquis mused, the feeling of her hand on his chest pulling him back to the moment. "We've spread diseases to foreign lands. Went to war over resources and religion, and overthrown rulers we disagree with. We've killed our neighbors, raped their wives, and brought genocide to cultures and beliefs..." A brief pause, his hand soon raising only to hover over her own as it lay still over his beating heart.


With his touch lowering, his larger palm would blanket the top of her hand only to loosely hold it in place. Warming it between his bare chest and rough fingers. "We always manage to unite, for everything we do. For the travelers that visit these foreign lands, for the soldiers who fight in their kings armies in other lands, and for sailors who plunder the seas and kill seabitches." He'd add the last bit with a snarky tone, his curious expression starting to form a slight smirk. As of now, he was rather intoxicated and just rambling on to answer her question. He figured if he wasn't educational with her and answer her questions she may stop trying to learn. "Humans do so well because we draw towards one another. We're social creatures, and work well with each other when our common goals line up. Sure, none of us are the same, but some of our interests can be, and when we act together to meet these goals we're damn near unstoppable."

Finally finishing his little rant about what made humanity as strong as it was, he'd turn his head and settle his chestnut brown eyes on her instead of the top of the canopy bed they laid upon. "So, if you're serious about wanting to have an advantage over your kin, you're going to have to learn what it means to be a part of a team. A good start, of course, being the Songbird and it's crew. Who could dispute you and your protest that working together is the future of Sirens if you manage to do it, and kill the evil queen by doing so?" Quietly he'd chuckle, as if caught up in his own spiel. At least it seemed he'd convinced himself, lest he should considering he was the authority of this vessel. With a half lidded gaze, clearly exhausting himself from his clouded ramblings, he'd just lazily look to Sybil for her response.
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Mention: Early Early

Mood: Calmed

Listening to him speak, Sybil had to actively calm her breathing. Relaxation didn't come easy to her. His rough hand sent a tingle up her spine, the sensation overall new to her. Men didn't exist under the sea to sirens, and she only felt their grasp when they lovingly caressed her cheeks in the last moments of their lives. Her hand was small and dainty, the ideal look for a soft human woman. Unfortunately, blood was crusted under her sharp nails, and those hands had taken one too many hearts. Shutting her eyes, she could feel his heartbeat thump steady against her palm. It was powerful-- So sure of itself. Whenever she pressed her hand against her own chest, her heart felt pathetic. It was unsure, unused to the notion of actually having to work.

It felt weak.

Reminding herself to breathe steadily, Sybil squeezed her eyes shut for the last few sentences of his drunken speech. He had a point. Sirens believed themselves to be superior to humans in every way. (In some aspects, Sybil still believed that. It would take more than one little speech to destroy deeply rooted hate.) But if they were so great, why were the humans still alive? Why hadn't they figured out a way to lure them all from land? In a way, Sybil could see them as cowards. The Queen instructed them to destroy these vessels gracing the seas, but she knew damn well none of them would have the second half of the heart. Was she just intending to never reunite the pieces? That couldn't possibly be true. If she reunited them, she'd be strong enough to wipe out humans with huge tidal waves. The ocean would expand and expand, swallowing land whole.

But that also meant the sirens would no longer need to kill, and they'd no longer listen to her.

Opening her eyes up, she found herself staring into his gaze. His eyes were half-lidded, and an idiotic grin was spreading across his features. On the other hand, Marquis was not the ideal human. Rough around the edges and a bit too gruff, most women would find him too much for their tastes. In fact, his wandering hands had suggested he may just be too much for Sybil herself. Yet she was laying there, feeling his heartbeat and staring into his eyes. And she found herself confirming he was just the right amount of crazy needed in a human to please Sybil. Humans called each other friends.

Would he be willing to start a tentative friendship with her?

"I still believe you are somewhat insane, and I must remind you that nearly all sirens are included as evil, not just the Queen. However, many of are also cowards, and listen to those with power. We will have power when we kill the Queen," she said firmly. Though not directly confirming her willingness to become part of the crew, she was sticking around to work with them. It was practically the same thing.
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