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Fantasy Killing a Queen [CS]




Characters for Killing a Queen
Early Early
[div class=Container][div class=profilepic][/div][div class=contentContainer]
siren human
[div class=tabBox][div class="Tabs tabone"]
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[div class="Tabs tabthree"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfour"][/div][div class="Tabs tabfive"][/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=miniBox][div class="miniText mini1"] [div class=bar][div class=title]full name[/div][div class=barText]Sybil Andromeda[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]alias[/div][div class=barText]The Hunter's Queen[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]age[/div][div class=barText]22[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]gender[/div][div class=barText]female[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]sexuality[/div][div class=barText]x[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]birthday[/div][div class=barText]unknown[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini2"] [div class=bar][div class=title]height[/div][div class=barText]5'5[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weight[/div][div class=barText]123 lbs.[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]hair color[/div][div class=barText]auburn[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]eye color[/div][div class=barText]dark blue[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]build[/div][div class=barText]athletic[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]artist[/div][div class=barText]soli[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini3"] [div class=bar][div class=title]alignment[/div][div class=barText]neutral[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]hunting[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]like[/div][div class=barText]cold air[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]humans[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]dislike[/div][div class=barText]birds[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]fear[/div][div class=barText]remaining human[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini4"] [div class=bar][div class=title]ability[/div][div class=barText]Siren's Song[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]role[/div][div class=barText]Huntress[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Water Combat[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]strength[/div][div class=barText]Singing[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Walking[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]weakness[/div][div class=barText]Unfamiliar Territory[/div][/div] [/div] [div class="miniText mini5"] [div class=bar][div class=title]hobbies[/div][div class=barText]trinket hunting[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]habit[/div][div class=barText]hissing[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]food[/div][div class=barText]fish[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]color[/div][div class=barText]blood red[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]season[/div][div class=barText]winter[/div][/div] [div class=bar][div class=title]theme[/div][div class=barText]'Fair Game[/div][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=bigBox][div class=bigScroll] [div class="textbox big1"][div class=title]personality[/div] Dangerous. Messing with a Siren means two things. Either you have a death-wish, or you're just insane enough to believe you can cleanse the sea. With hunters becoming more and more prevalent to take back the waters, sirens have become even more deadly. Certain sirens have taken it upon themselves to only hunt human hunters, and Sybil is the queen of it all. Known as 'The Hunter's Queen,' she spends her days stalking the sea in pursuit of those who fight back. It's either her or them, and she enjoys her life far too much to become seafoam. Even among fellow sirens, Sybil is known to be one rude bitch. Born ruthless, there really isn't one nice bone in her body. At least, that's what everyone thinks. Sirens survive by being alone, so it's no surprise Sybil adapted perfectly to the lifestyle. Though she's known to have a few siren friends, a rare occurrence among their kind. Even then, they know who's boss. Getting in the way of her kills is a death sentence for them too. [/div] [div class="textbox big2"][div class=title]description[/div] Like most sirens, Sybil is highly attractive. With a fair complexation and little to no visible scars, she stalks the water like an angel. Yet her fair lips hide sharp fangs, and her long auburn hair covers fins instead of ears. Even her hands are tuned finely for murder, able to rip out the heart of a man in one fell swoop. Even as the men lay in a dream-like state due to her song, they find themselves staring at their reflection in her deep blue eyes. An unnatural cobalt hue, it's the last thing they see before perishing in the salty waves. Her lips may part, and the men will shiver with fear at her razor sharp fangs. She is a predator, after all.

Her most noticeable feature, however, is her long tail. Despite solely living in the ocean, it mocks that of a koi fish from one of the distant kingdoms. Splashes of red illuminate the golden scales, and glimmers on sunlight may reveal her swimming in the sea. Even though it should be a good indication to run away, most become frozen in fear upon seeing the flashes of color in the water. They know their time is limited, and that they'll soon be embraced by her cold grasp. [/div] [div class="textbox big3"][div class=title]backstory[/div] Born in the freezing waters of the Hidden Sea, Sybil was a special case among sirens. Her mother gave her the hearts of sailors early on to boost her powers, allowing the young girl to hunt men and women alike by the age of ten. Her first kill was messy, and the man she killed managed to nick her on the ear with his blade. With the fin torn, she became the subject of mockery from other sirens at the thought of failure. Hisses were sent her way, and one siren even attempted to attack her for being 'weak.' Determined to prove her worth to the other sirens and even her mother, Sybil snuck out during the night to hunt the forbidden prey.

Hunters were just starting to emerge among humans in an attempt to combat the deadly sea creatures, the trade greatly affected by their inability to sail from kingdom to kingdom. They were as ruthless as sirens themselves, and sometimes even used the creatures as bait against their fellow kind. Sybil was head-strong, however, and wanted the heart of one to bring back. She'd be the first to kill one. When the ship broke through the waves during the calm night, she was trailing behind it. Her golden tail caught the attention of the sailors, but they were surprised to find such a young one following them. A shipmate argued that they could help the young creature, and show her the right way in the world. That she didn't have to be a killer.

He was the first to die that night. In total, Sybil brought home ten hearts to the others. News reached the humans of the massacre, only one man surviving the ordeal. He told the people of a golden and red siren who wiped them all out, and how she specifically went for hunters. As the years went by, her collection grew. Her bounty grew higher, kingdoms begging hunters to try and take her out. To bring them back the necklace of a sailor she wore around her neck. Sybil was a household name, but it wasn't her true name. She became the Hunter's Queen, and she became the most infamous siren around. So how the hell did she become what she despises most? [/div] [div class="textbox big4"][div class=title]ability description[/div] As every siren does, Sybil possesses what mortals call the 'Siren's song.' A dangerous melody that instantly enraptures any person who listens to it. A whole ship can be frozen by a powerful siren, and she's no exception. She's most noticeable for her ability to project her voice a far distance to avoid being harpooned by the hunters early on, and by the time the melody reaches their ears, it's too late.

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[div class=title]playlist[/div]
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code by Ri.a
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[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]Header photo.jpg[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Nickname: Mark, Manny
Title: Sea Sword Scalawag
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 212lbs
Eye Color: Brown
[div class=fyuriheader] Stats[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]
Play Music
History Lore
Religion Lore
Monster Lore

[div class=fyuriheader] Theme[/div]

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[div class=fyuriheader2] Marquis Emanuel
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler

[div class=fyuriheader] Inventory[/div]
Wealth: Upper Class
• Saber
• Flintlock Pistol
• Spyglass
• Manacles
• Cartographers Tools
• Compass

[div class=fyuriheader] Background[/div]
Since a young lad, Marquis has dreamed of the sea. A dream his privileged lifestyle did not condone, as the waters around his nation were deemed far too dangerous to sail. Expected to lead a proper life that his family encouraged of their schooled boy, he instead set out and joined the royal navy the day he turned of age at fifteen. Leading a military life from here on, a promise of adventure and travel now laid before him, he'd soon learned the perils that came with the darkened sea.

Only an a week aboard a dreadnought cruiser of the Kings royal battalion and Marquis learned the terror that dwelled beneath the waves. Many of the crewmen threw themselves overboard willingly long before the rest of the ship was even aware they were under attack, soon after the sirens song was recognized not as a gift but a weapon. A battle ensued, and the ship hastily returned with a quarter the crew it set out on only two weeks after venturing out. Many discouraged from the concept of setting sail ever again, Marquis had a different idea. No longer would he patrol the waters for smugglers, and he would not be part of a trade route awaiting ambush from the creatures that lurk below.

He was going to become a hunter.

Bequeathed by the King himself, Marquis was pardoned of any future crimes involving piracy as long as he'd upkeep his promise of diminishing the Siren forced that stalk the sea. Though he and his crew of the "Songbird" never acted evil in their roguish ways, Marquis quickly earned the nickname of the Sea Sword Scalawag. Often brawling with pirates and navy alike when at port, he'd even been known to coerce other vessels at sea for food and ale to keep his own crew entertained and appeased. Never malicious or vile, his crimes were no more than mundane antics. This is why he's been able to coast by as one of the few royal decreed pirates of the seven seas. After all, he kept good on his promise of creating more sea foam, something he'd become quite good at doing.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code by @Fyuri[/div]
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