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Realistic or Modern Just Breathe

Clay smiled softly and gave her the best he could through the car "I love too mija." He murmured softly giving a small sigh "I'm gonna really need your help these next few days even if your grandma is able to come." He murmured to her before taking the drinks once they were ready.

Max gave a small smile and nodded "Oh yeah I guess I should head out.." she said softly before getting up and walking towards the door smiling at his proposal "I think we can make something work." She said sweetly
She nodded and frowned. “I know. I got finals in a couple weeks though dad I need to study as well.” She told him. She was driven without being pushed. Desperate to get into a good university and do pre-med. she drove them back around to go pick up the stuff for her mom then swapped seats with him so he could drive them home.

He smiled and nodded, standing in the porch way with her, leaning down and kissing her softly then stood and let her go to her car. “Text me when you get home so I know you got there safe.” He told her.
Clay smiled happily when she mentioned studying and nodded some "Don't worry, I'll make sure to give you time." He said happily before switching spots with her "You let me know if you need anything okay?"

Max kissed him back and smiled softly as he pulled away. She walked to her car and got inside giving him a nod "I will I promise." She murmured
Carmen was curled up in bed while the kids were downstairs with the dogs, a pillow over her head and trying to sleep but she was still in a lot of pain and still processing what had happened.

Jon smiled and watched her drive off, going back inside once she was gone and went to clean up before heading for bed.
Clay got in with Giulia and went straight up to Carmen with her perscriptions "Hey babe, I got your medicine." He murmured softly to her "The kids were okay?"

Max got home and texted him that she made it home safely sighing happily as she got ready for bed.
She looked over at him and just nodded slowly. “They were fine.... Bea wanted to know what her name is... I couldn’t work out how to explain... she said we should call her Serafina.” She mumbled, leaning back into him when he lay with her, holding his hand tight. “How was Giulias driving?”

he smiled when his phone pinged as he got out of the shower and sent her one back to say he was heading to bed as well with a couple kisses at the end. “I had a good time today. Thank you.” He sent her
Clay took a shaky breath feeling his heart break more "Thats a beautiful name..." he whispered wiping his eyes some "She did great, learning really good." He murmured softly giving her hand a squeeze

Max smiled softly and layed down deciding to take a shower in the morning. She smiled happily when she saw his text and let him know she had a great time with him as well.
Carmen frowned some, turning her head as much as she could and just kissed his jaw. “Talk to me.... you’re bottling and I know you’re trying to be there for me right now but I don’t expect you to be alright either.” She murmured.

Jon frowned a little when he woke up to his phone ringing and answered, rubbing at his face and speaking to his manager for a little while before hanging up and checking the time. “And this couldn’t wait til at least 8?” He muttered shaking his head, getting up to feed the dogs and take them out for a walk, calling max once he got back frowning some. “Hey... I’m uh... I’m not gonna be able to make it for the sonogram. I got a press tour to do for a movie I’ve been working on.... I just got my dates for it. I leave tomorrow and I don’t get back for a month.” He sighed a little.
Max was walkimg out of her bathroom from her shower and smiled softly seeing Jon calling. She answered sweetly but frowned once he said he wouldn't be able to make the sonogram "Oh um okay thats fine, maybe we could do like a face time? I'm sure they'll allow me if you're able to." She said softly

Clay took a deep breath before shaking his head softly and cried into his pillow "How could whatever is up there do this to us? We were nearly ready! Our last one, she was going to be perfect." He said shaking his head more
She frowned and carefully rolled over to face humC kissing his cheek and just held him close still. “I love you. And it’s nothing we could have done.” She promised. “We can have her cremated.... and I think we should call her Serafina.” She told him quietly, wiping his tears.

Jon frowned. “I’d like that a lot.” He mumbled. “Max I’m so sorry. I thought I’d get another couple weeks before knowing the schedule. But I’ll be back soon enough.” He promised. “You want me to come to you tonight? Before I leave tomorrow?”
Clay nodded and held her close to him "Yeah I like that idea, and that name." He whispered taking a deep breath "Its not fair, its not fair on you...I'm so sorry."

Max bit her lip hard thinking about her sister but she knew she wanted to see him "Yeah I would like that a lot." She murmured giving a small sigh "Don't apologize, you can't help how your schedule is sometimes. I've had to deal with it too with my job." She said softly as she sat on her bed.
Carmen frowned and kissed his cheek tiredly. “I love you.” She mumbled. “And you’re right. It’s not fair but there’s not much more either of us can do.... are you calling your mom? Cause I don’t want mine here for this. I don’t want her near the kids for this I don’t... I don’t want to get back in touch if we don’t have to.” She sighed quietly. She loved clays mom to pieces but her own mother had been a problem since the day they found out she was pregnant. They’d cut contact a couple years ago and she didn’t want to have to change that.

He sighed a little but nodded. “Alright. Text me your address and I’ll come over for like 5? Does that work?” He asked her as he stretched out. “I’m going down to the gym this morning but I’ll see you later.” He smiled some.
Max gave a small sigh and nodded "Yeah sounds great." She said softly before she said goodbye and finished getting ready. She frowned softly as she got downstairs giving a small sigh "I guess I gotta get used to an actors life." She murmured to her sister as she sat down

Clay gave a heavy sigh and kissed her forehead gently "Yeah I'm going to call her soon, you need anything?" He said quietly kissing her again "I love you so much Carmen."
Lily frowned some. “Everything okay?” She asked her. “You got back late last night. The date go okay?”

Carmen smiled a little and held onto him. “I love you too.... and I’m so proud of you and the way you’ve turned your life around and stepped up for our family the past 9 years.” She smiled tiredly. “You wanna get pizza tonight instead of cooking? I don’t wanna cook. You don’t wanna cook.... the kids are sad about not getting another sister.” She sighed a little.
Max nodded and smiled softly at the memory "It was great, I've never felt so comfortable with someone. He won't be able to make it to the sonogram though. We'll have to try face time. He is gonna come by later today to see me before he leaves." She said softly

Clay gave a small nod and sighed softly "Yeah I'm thinking a family movie night is what we all need right now." He said softly giving a soft smile "Now, what kind of pizza do you want?"
She shrugged a little. “I don’t really care right now. Long as it’s vegan cheese.” She mumbled, curling up and pulling their blankets over her a little more, holding onto him tiredly until she’d fallen asleep again.

she smiled. “He’s coming by today? When he saw you last night? That man is head over heels.” She laughed.
Max blushed lightly and gave a small laugh "Yeah I hope so, I'm head over heels for him." She admits giving a small laugh and pulling her hair up into a messy bun "He's got such a nice home too and adorable dogs as well."

Clay held her until she fell asleep then made his way down to check on the kids smiling when he found Alana and Bea watching TV, Giulia studying, and Javi playing with his action figures "How would you guys like to have a family pizza movie night?" He asked
Bea nodded happily and got off the couch, going over and reaching to be picked up by her dad. “Daddy up. I want cuddle.” She told him bouncing on the spot until he lifted her up, clinging to him like a koala.

Lily smiled some. “Those are all good signs.” She smiled.

Jon showed up at five as promised and rang the doorbell, waiting outside happily while he looked around.
Clay smiled happily at his youngest and picked her up kissing her cheek softly "Daddy loves you princess." He said softly to her before picking up his phone and calling in the pizza.

Max heard the door bell and got to the door as quickly as she could squealing softly when she looked out the peep hole and saw him there. She quickly opened the door and hugged him instantly "You made it!"
She giggled and buried her face into his shoulder. “Daddy stinky.” She squealed happily. They were still waiting on two more appointments for her they could get an official diagnosis for her.

Jon smiled and pulled her in closer. “Hey. Course I did. I said I was coming didnt I?” He smiled, pulling away so he could peck her lips.
Clay gasped as he hung up the phone and looked over at her a bit "I'm stinky?! I took a shower!" He said but laughed happily when she squealed happily. He hoped their next appointments would help them understand how to help her better developmentally compared to the other children.

Max pecked his lips back and gave a small laugh "Yeah you did." She said softly before letting him in "My sister went out with some friends so we could have the house."
Bea giggled and just held onto him. If Javi was the biggest mommas boy Bea was the biggest daddy’s girl. Giulia would always be his little girl but Bea had had him wrapped around her finger from the moment she was born. “Daddy thirsty.” She told him reaching for her juice cup but frowned when it was empty. “No juice!” She frowned pouting up at him.

Jon smiled and walked in. “Oh yeah? You tryna get it on or something? I mean I can’t get you more pregnant but it’s a little quick don’t you think?” He grinned cheekily at her
Clay gasped softly when she said she was out of juice and quickly took her to the fridge "No juice?! We'll have to fix this!" He said while pulling out the juice carton and pouring her some "Here you go." He said softly as he finished putting the lid on her cup right as the doorbell rang "Ooo looks like pizza is here!"

Max blushed bright red and laughed some "No she just wanted us to have some alone time! No sexual stuff!" She said completely embarrassed that it might have came off that way.
Carmen made her way down a little while later and sat down with Giulia, taking a few slices of pizza and smiled tiredly as her eldest cuddled in close, kissing her head. The meds they’d given her really weren’t helping the pain but she didn’t want to end up back at the ER until they had to be so she was keeping quiet on it all night.

Jon smiled and shook his head. “I’m messing with you.... promise I won’t try anything... you sure they’re gonna let you FaceTime for the appointment?” He asked her, hopeful. “I really don’t wanna be gone again but it’s only a month.” He sighed a little.
Clay gave a small smile seeing Carmen come down "Hey beautiful." He said softly smiling as Javi ran over to cuddle her while he kept Bea and Alana close to him.

Max gave a small laugh and took him towards the kitchen "I've seen other women do it, I don't see why I can't." She explained before opening the fridge "Would you like something to drink?" She asked

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