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Fantasy Iron & Fire: 2338 AD

I will be unable to for a period of a week starting tomorrow evening. I will not have internet from the 2nd through the 8th.
Nuuu! Techie! DONT DUE ET! WHO ELSE WILL BE THE COMIC RELIEF? xD Nah, it was a crew effort, though Gallen might not have done much xP

When you make another RP... especially when it is a Fandom one :P
OK, turning the squadron over to you for a week commander. The move is started, and this will be my last for week. There are now two long range sensor missiles on each raven. Sensor reach is 20% greater than normal when they link together and use their grav sensors.
I'll be posting tomorrow. Sorry, Real life came up today and yesterday. I dunno where everyone else went.

Also, been GMing my own stuff. I don't want this RP to die though! I WONT LET IT
I am back. Access is still limited, but I will be able to resume posting.
I'm still around, just waiting on some sort of approval before I go ahead and start posting.
So sorry. I know I said I would post but I just couldn't really think of anything, also been sick that last few days with a nasty bug! Once more sorry. I havent lost interest though
Thanks. Fair warning by the way, Tatyana is going to speak in Russian once in a while, though the gist ought to come through whether I translate or not. It'll happen a little bit more in the post I'm working on right now, and any time she's aggravated, though it'll mostly just be a word here or there.

(Has been looking forward to running a Russian(ish?) character for a little bit now)
I made a NPC for the Doctor of the Ship. i hope that is okay. I just thought now would be a good time to at least introduce the Ships Doctor. Also, posted. Noice Post Tarmagon.
you can have male or female characters and we have room for new pilots, marines, NCO's. I believe most of the upper level positions have been filled though.

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