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Dice Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e OOC

Thank you for the Well Written, Purr!
Yeah, Psychie Psychie ! I can't help but leave it; it's a solid, thoughtful post that puts my imagination somewhere good.

It even came with a surprise:

Filial looks from Fat Cat to Del, saying, "Be glad that this is a friendly visit, little girl, or I might hold a grudge for this." He is clearly not happy, especially since it took Fat Cat to point out that Del used a weapon against him and he had missed it.
I mean... as someone who keeps martial arts as a daily part of my life, Filial Wisdom's reaction is very telling!

The way I read it, he came into the spar honestly and was not there to lose. That's good spirit on his part. He was also not a sore loser.

But lose he did, he thought he lost honestly, and he conceded honorably. All three of those are like small hills forming a mountain. Despite all the guy has been through up until now, he was perfectly cool about losing until he found out that was not the case.

After being possessed by someone like Han Tha, getting fooled again so soon afterward? I can only imagine what that's doing to his pride. I just hope he takes Delilah's apology and the admitting of her mistake into account too, for both of their sakes.

Wisdom has every reason to be riled right now. I just wish he were before Han Tha so he could take it all out on that jerk face-to-face! Now there's a guy who has it coming! =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
So, without alerts, I didn't know anything was going on here until just now. Sigh. =)

Oh well. These are clearly First-world problems and I should be glad to have them. =)

I apologize for any delays on Fat Cat's part.
So, without alerts, I didn't know anything was going on here until just now. Sigh. =)

Oh well. These are clearly First-world problems and I should be glad to have them. =)

I apologize for any delays on Fat Cat's part.
Yeah, kinda the same issue here. I haven't been following what's been going on with alerts but it's been a bit weird lately.
Psychie Psychie My brain's not on quite right tonight, but I think I can ask this properly:

Fix my history here? Dunbar Kirk was slain by a Sidereal, wasn't he? Is Cadence here the same being? If that's true... what's up with Delilah and Cadence? I mean, isn't there a chance one or both might recognize what - or maybe who - the other is?
Psychie Psychie My brain's not on quite right tonight, but I think I can ask this properly:

Fix my history here? Dunbar Kirk was slain by a Sidereal, wasn't he? Is Cadence here the same being? If that's true... what's up with Delilah and Cadence? I mean, isn't there a chance one or both might recognize what - or maybe who - the other is?
Yes, Dunbar was killed by the very same Cadence that is in front of you. It was in his dying throes that Dunbar leveled the curse that trapped Cadence here for the past thousand or so years. It is quite possible that Cadence will recognize Delilah as a fellow Sidereal, and it is also easily reasoned out by Del that the ghost was one of the same Sidereal order that she is a part of.
Yes, Dunbar was killed by the very same Cadence that is in front of you. It was in his dying throes that Dunbar leveled the curse that trapped Cadence here for the past thousand or so years. It is quite possible that Cadence will recognize Delilah as a fellow Sidereal, and it is also easily reasoned out by Del that the ghost was one of the same Sidereal order that she is a part of.
Bingo! Go-go Purr-memory! I was right! YEAH!! 8D

EDIT: Even with my head feeling wonky tonight, I had my facts straight! Woo!
I have a strong suspicion that Cadence was a member of the Bronze Faction that was behind the fall of the Solar Deliberative, and she is a member of the Gold Faction that wants to put the Solar Exalts back in charge.
I have a strong suspicion that Cadence was a member of the Bronze Faction that was behind the fall of the Solar Deliberative, and she is a member of the Gold Faction that wants to put the Solar Exalts back in charge.
I haven't the slightest idea what any of that means - I'm just glad that I could somehow in a small way contribute to it! *still riding high here* ALL RIGHT! 8D
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Rykon Rykon
"We have indeed found an artifact that can bring the lingering curse holding you here. Took awhile for us to bring it back given how far away it was after all. Anyhow... Once the curse is broken, our priest here should be free to give you last rights and see you onto your next life." Aredin replies with a satisfied grin. "I'm not quite privy to the exact workings at play here, but if you're willing to let us proceed, we can get this done here and now."

Aredin turns to Da Chonk, Mercy, and Grey Stone. "Everyone ready?"
Ack! My head's in a funny spot tonight and I forgot to reply to this here in O.O.C.. I meant to share Fat Cat's intentions which are these:

O Mighty Fat Cat intends to use Spellbreaker to find the lines Dunbar Kirk told him about. Once he has seen them with his own eyes, then he will wait until everyone (Cadence included) is prepared before taking any other action.
I'm off to bed now. Hope you are enjoying your weekend, everybody!

tired kitten GIF
Sorry, yeah, was reading not responding

Trusting Aredin's assurance about the sanctity of his diplomatic immunity, Glade feels reasonably safe...

...but not safe enough that he doesn't draw Root and Branch, and adopt a position on the balls of his feet, ready to spring in any direction.
Chowlett Chowlett I just dig Glade! He is nobody's fool. =)
Psychie Psychie
Purr Purr I believe that everyone has posted that you were waiting on. Do you wish to use Spellbreaker to free Cadence?
The short answer is, "yes!"

The long answer is, "My emotions are wonky and I don't have the ability to write a decent post at the moment, but I'll post as soon as I can. If you are in a spot where you would like to post to that effect, be my guest!"
The short version of this is that the chain will sever the binding on Cadence with a flash, freeing him. If you are ok with this, I’ll post the effect of your successful quest in the IC thread.

And everyone gets an additional 10 Solar/Lunar/Sidereal XP and 5 regular points. I’ll update the XP tracker.

Purr Purr jaydude jaydude Sherwood Sherwood Chowlett Chowlett Rykon Rykon Eonivar Eonivar
Yes, please! I can type as me but... O Mighty Fat Cat is "asleep" at the moment. =)
So would Cadence be okay with not being interred in Sijan? I don't mind taking him, but I don't want to disrupt anyone else's story plans for this game.

Edit: Another thought I had is whether or not we have the time to do such a thing right now.
I am of the opinion that his ghost will be pleased with any service that we can try to do. I don’t mind taking a bit of down time to take his remains to Sijan, given that we have the ability to travel by Fat Cat Express. Our feline friend is already planning on going back to Rathess to return the chain, so the two trips could be done at the same time.

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