Yeah,Thank you for the Well Written, Purr!

It even came with a surprise:
I mean... as someone who keeps martial arts as a daily part of my life, Filial Wisdom's reaction is very telling!Filial looks from Fat Cat to Del, saying, "Be glad that this is a friendly visit, little girl, or I might hold a grudge for this." He is clearly not happy, especially since it took Fat Cat to point out that Del used a weapon against him and he had missed it.
The way I read it, he came into the spar honestly and was not there to lose. That's good spirit on his part. He was also not a sore loser.
But lose he did, he thought he lost honestly, and he conceded honorably. All three of those are like small hills forming a mountain. Despite all the guy has been through up until now, he was perfectly cool about losing until he found out that was not the case.
After being possessed by someone like Han Tha, getting fooled again so soon afterward? I can only imagine what that's doing to his pride. I just hope he takes Delilah's apology and the admitting of her mistake into account too, for both of their sakes.
Wisdom has every reason to be riled right now. I just wish he were before Han Tha so he could take it all out on that jerk face-to-face! Now there's a guy who has it coming! =)
Honor and fun,
Purr =)