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Into the Ruins - Exalted 3e IC

Grey Stone manages to keep his balance despite the heaving earth beneath his feet, along with Silent Glade. Korran even manages to keep upright. Everybody else are thrown to the ground, not taking any damage other than a slight bruise here or there. As the ground slowly returns to normal, a massive Essence wave comes over you all, coming from west of your location, most likely from a great distance away, but it is still a shock to you.

Korran looks shocked, as he is looking off in the distance towards the source of the Essence pulse. He says more to himself than to anyone around, "Did she - That - That was too powerful for anything other than the Sword."
Psychie Psychie
O Mighty Flat Cat tries to rise up and help anyone else back to their feet.

"Is dere someting we should know?" he asks Korran with wide eyes and great curiosity.

Flat Cat. =)
Tired Give Up GIF by Boomerang Official
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Korran is lost in thought, then, just as he seems to be about to speak, another wave of Essence washes over you. Off in the distance, an image of a woman appears, a very familiar looking woman. Standing miles tall in the sky, this image can be seen across all of Creation. It is the Scarlet Empress, ruler of the Blessed Isle, and as you all stare up at her, she begins to speak with words that can be felt in your very bones.

"My children! My subjects! People of Creation, fall silent! Hear me, your Scarlet Empress, champion of creation and eternal ruler of the Blessed Isle! For years, I have turned my face away from this world to commune with the Dragon of my Aspect and his four equal peers! Now that I have returned from meditative isolation, this time of lawless tumult ends! Today, I set right the crumbling hierarchy of my government, my legions and the Great Houses! And woe be unto anyone that tries to stop me in this righteous cause!"

"Moments ago, I started my work of cleansing the evil of the Underworld from the lands of Creation by eradicating the city of Thorns and all the twisted dead that inhabited it. Let this be a lesson to all that would oppose me. My reach is world-wide, and nothing will stop me in my efforts to unite all of Creation under my benevolent rule!"

With that, the image of the Empress vanishes in a flash of light. Korran is looking stunned, seeming to be unable to speak.
Mercy stops and gazes up in horror. She checks her magical sight and her knowledge to confirm that this image, this projection of someone who was gone...is real. "N-n-nooo that cannot be true! S-she c-cannot be r-r-real"
Amara looks at the space where the image used to be and says, "Is it possible to destroy a city like Thorns like that? Even with the ancient weapons of the old Solars, is this really possible?" She turns to face Korran. "You said something about a Sword. What sword could do this?"
Korran looks grim as he speaks. "It is not an actual sword, but the Sword of Creation is the most powerful weapon ever made, powered by manses all across the Blessed Isle. The Empress has used it before, to end the Fae Invasion at the end of the Contagion nearly eight hundred years ago. The Sword was only meant to be used by the Solar Exalted, but somehow the woman that would become the Empress found a way to make it work."

Filial looks upset when he says, "From what I remember of the city, it housed many thousands of people. What has happened to them?"

Korran says, "I would hazard a guess that they were all killed in the blast that destroyed the city. Tens of thousands of lives, all snuffed out in an instant. The only good thing about this is that it might have also destroyed one of the Deathlords, assuming that the Mask of Winters was in the city when it was razed and not in the Underworld."
Grey Stone shook his head. "An end to the Mask of Winters is a welcome thing, but not if this is the price we pay for it," he rumbled, referring to both the lost innocent people of Thorns and the supposed return of the Scarlet Empress. He was a man from Lookshy, after all.

"We should return to Antonia's manse and fulfil our obligations there, now that we have Spellbreaker," he continued. "Like a rising tide, the Empress's return will start to envelop us, but for the moment it should not affect us."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 25/40
Anima: Glowing
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Harmonious Presence Meditation (For five motes, this Charm grants three bonus dice to all forms of social influence from all Abilities except Stealth. In addition, the cost of all social influence Charms are reduced by one mote, to a minimum of one.)
Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
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Silent Glade speaks with a quiet fury. "This cannot stand. This... this... usurper has overseen the deaths of so many already. She calls us 'Anathema', and make no mistake that if she has the power to do so she will hunt us down. But beyond that - her so-called Empire, and the Guild operated by her Dragon-Blooded kin, have slaughtered many of my people before now. This "benevolent rule" will prove to be no more nor less than subjugation. I will stop her, if I am able, although I hope I will not have to do so alone."
Silent Glade speaks with a quiet fury. "This cannot stand. This... this... usurper has overseen the deaths of so many already. She calls us 'Anathema', and make no mistake that if she has the power to do so she will hunt us down. But beyond that - her so-called Empire, and the Guild operated by her Dragon-Blooded kin, have slaughtered many of my people before now. This "benevolent rule" will prove to be no more nor less than subjugation. I will stop her, if I am able, although I hope I will not have to do so alone."

"A noble goal, to be sure," Grey Stone replied. "But to have any chance of accomplishing it, one would have to force their way onto the Blessed Isle, the very center of the Empress's Realm. And I fear that would be like trying to scale a treacherous mountain volcano in the midst of both a violent eruption and the mightiest of storms."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 25/40
Anima: Glowing
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Harmonious Presence Meditation (For five motes, this Charm grants three bonus dice to all forms of social influence from all Abilities except Stealth. In addition, the cost of all social influence Charms are reduced by one mote, to a minimum of one.)
Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
"Mebbe I should'a stayed in me big cat body!" O Mighty Fat Cat tries to keep his footing by lowering his center of gravity.
"Yes indeed," O Mighty Fat Cat frowns as he looks and listens to this dire new threat, most of this going clear over his head.

"I should'a have stayed in me big cat body!"
Mercy listened to her circle mates.

“I do not think the Great Houses will just stand aside for her to take control again…and I do not think she will use her weapon against those in the Blessed Isle itself. I am curious how she came back, and what if anything she brought with her. Nonetheless, I think she is going to have to settle out open war with the Dragon Blooded before focusing on the rest of Creation.”

Mercy gazed out at the ruins of the ancient city around them.

“Also if she indeed killed a Deathlord, the sheer amount of souls she sent to the Underworld in that single blow will only make the other Deathlords more interested in coming here. I think her ‘decisive action’ will only escalate conflict with the realm of the dead.”

She looked away in thought. "I am willing to fight her but I feel we are not ready yet…my knowledge of Sorcery is barely close to the Terrestrial Sorcerers of the Houses."
Mercy listened to her circle mates.

“I do not think the Great Houses will just stand aside for her to take control again…and I do not think she will use her weapon against those in the Blessed Isle itself. I am curious how she came back, and what if anything she brought with her. Nonetheless, I think she is going to have to settle out open war with the Dragon Blooded before focusing on the rest of Creation.”

Mercy gazed out at the ruins of the ancient city around them.

“Also if she indeed killed a Deathlord, the sheer amount of souls she sent to the Underworld in that single blow will only make the other Deathlords more interested in coming here. I think her ‘decisive action’ will only escalate conflict with the realm of the dead.”

She looked away in thought. "I am willing to fight her but I feel we are not ready yet…my knowledge of Sorcery is barely close to the Terrestrial Sorcerers of the Houses."

Grey Stone nodded. "We can only hope that such conflicts draw her attention away from us, and give us time to ready ourselves unmolested."

He thought of his old home of Lookshy. Assuming the General Staff who ran it confirmed the Scarlet Empress's return to be true, they would almost certainly oppose any renewed attempts by the Realm to expand its influence into the Eastern Threshold.

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 25/40
Anima: Glowing
Committed Essence: 5

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0

Harmonious Presence Meditation (For five motes, this Charm grants three bonus dice to all forms of social influence from all Abilities except Stealth. In addition, the cost of all social influence Charms are reduced by one mote, to a minimum of one.)
Spirit-Detecting Glance (The Solar can look through the pall of reality to glimpse the realm of spirits beneath. With this Charm, the Solar can see (but not touch) immaterial spirits.)
Korran suddenly jerks himself out of the daze that he was in, turns to look at the group, and says, "If you are truly wanting to do something about the Scarlet Empress, I might be able to help. You will need a lot of support and resources that I might be able to provide for you. Here and now are not the time to discuss this. Where is this manse that you are talking about? I will meet you there, if you are willing to go into more detail on this idea of taking the Empress down."
Amara looks over at Korran and asks, "Why are you so interested in helping us? Who are you, and what is in it for you to do that?"
Korran looks at Amara and says, "I am someone that believes with all my being that the fall of the Deliberative was a huge mistake, and that the Solars are Creation's best chance to survive any upcoming threat. The Empress . . . She scares me, and having her in power is something that I actively struggle against. As I said, here and now is not the place to go in to depth on this. I can share much more with you later on."
Korran was obviously not wanting to go into details about what he is planning to do, especially with so many ears around to hear what is being said. "Very well. We can meet later on and see what you have to say then." She gives general directions on where the manse is that they are on their way to. "Once you get there, I expect some answers."
At this point, the formerly possessed Solar Filial Wisdom is badly wounded but is recovering rapidly, showing that he is in no danger of dying anything soon. At this rate, he will be fully healed in a matter of a few days of rest. He is open to the possibility of joining your Circle if you want him to do so.

Perhaps this would be a good time to take on the Dawn caste Exalt, especially with Amara making the hard decision to break off on her own. With tears in her eyes she makes her farewells and she sets off for new horizons.

While this part of your journey is over, you still have many miles to go before your quest to cleanse the manse of the angry ghost is done.

Setting off on the Cat Bus Express, it will be a few days before you arrive once more at the manse. Even with the stamina of Fat Cat, he still needs to rest sometime and catch a bit of food to eat.

Then your finally reach the peaceful glen that houses the manse. Everything is just as you have left it, peaceful and beautiful if somewhat unkempt from the overgrown plants and untended gardens. But while you are expecting to see Antonia, the spirit of the glen, you are not expecting to see her sitting outside with a second woman. This pair is seated on a comfortable blanket and enjoying a meal together. They are clearly not hostile to each other, and as they eat you can see that they are having a friendly conversation with the occasional laugh from one or the other as they chat and eat.

As Fat Cat comes to a stop to let everyone off, Antonia smiles and waves at the Circle. She rises from the blanket and smooths out her dress and heads over to greet you, followed by the second woman. She calls out, “Welcome back! I was hopeful you would survive your journey and return. I had a good feeling that I would see you again, but I wasn’t sure. Please, relax and come join us at the picnic blanket so I can introduce you to my friend, Delilah. She has traveled a long distance to meet you."

Antonia offers up friendly hugs to those that are willing to receive one, then motions to the blanket and plops back down and grabs a snack-sized piece if some nameless fruit and pops it in her mouth and chews happily.

Sherwood Sherwood go ahead and describe details of how Delilah appears to the others.
Delilah (or just Del to her friends) stands as the group of Exalts arrive at the peaceful glen. She offers up a smile as she glides across the grass, idly brushing a stray lock of white hair from her face to reveal that she is a beauty in her twenties. She is not wearing any armor, and is wearing a pretty dress that accentuates her figure while still being modest. She does carry a pair of large star metal rings on her back, and crawling along beside her is a spider made of metal and crystal that is the size of a small dog.

She looks over at Antonia and asks, “My friend, is this the group of Exalted you told me about? Please, introduce me to them so I can start to get to know these remarkable people.”
Merciful Fire of Emancipation was not pleased with her Circle Sister Amara's departure.

Not at all.

Mercy felt somewhat betrayed and abandoned by who she felt was a dear close sister who had saved and protected her so many times. Mercy had felt a kinship with Amara, and Amara decided to throw their sisterhood all away and go away when the Empress revealed herself. Mercy wondered deep inside if she had driven her sister away but it all came out in anger and spite. It was ugly, and the word "coward" was uttered, the fire erupted around her, and the whole situation left a bad feeling deep inside of Mercy.

Mercy due to her hard upbringing did not trust or befriend easily. Beyond Amara, she had begun feeling that trust with the remainder of her circle (including Fat Cat whom she considered a part of her circle) but they were all men, and perhaps they would become close to her in time. But Mercy wondered now if Amara was just the first to leave and the others would be leaving after a time and she would be alone again. Just like in her past lives...where she was abandoned by her Solar Peers, abandoned by her Circle, and then killed by the Dragon Blooded and the Wyld Hunt. Amara's leaving reverberated within Merciful Fire of Emancipation's Soul, casting dark echoes.

Mercy was fine with Filial Wisdom joining them, with Amara gone, they would need as many as possible to fight the Empress. Mercy did not feel one way or another towards the "reborn" Solar. Another man. Another one who will probably leave in time.

Mercy had fallen into complete silence on the journey back to the Manse, she read her books, ate and drank sparingly. Stayed in her little corner of the Howdah. She was terrified and retreated into the world of her books and knowledge, her only real sanctuary in her life.

She did not trust Korran, she did not know what he was...something inside her did not trust him..a feeling. And it had been Amara who shared the manse's location with this strange one.

Mercy had been looking forward to coming back to the Manse...to go back to the library and lose herself there for some time. She almost smiled when she saw Antonia, but her eyes narrowed at the other, this Delilah. Mercy's face went dark and neutral. And she did not say a word.

Eonivar Eonivar
Though O Mighty Fat Cat is greater in size, he does not use that to any advantage as he tries to speak to Mercy - Mercy whose past will not let her go. If anything, he tries to seem a little smaller. His deep rich voice sounds troubled, but hopeful.

"Mercy! You seem angry, but you must forgive her! Amara did not leave us because she wanted to!" The Lunar sighs. "Sometimes... Exalted are called to destinies... not of dere choosing. Fates... dey neva imagined. Amara's body may be permanently damaged wit' de loss of her arm, but how does dat compare if her very soul is not whole?"

O Mighty Fat Cat smiles a little - not in an attempt to get the same out of Mercy, but instead in the hope he has for Amara's own destiny. He looks off in the direction Amara went. "Mercy? Amara will always be part of my Circle of friends! Distance? Destiny? Dey cannot change dis. Only I can. And I...?"

"...I choose to believe in Amara and her decision." He reverently cups his hands and raises them high in the direction of the moon. "Please! Most holiest of powers in de universe, My Luna! Walk wit' Amara... guide her... remind her... she is neva alone..."

'... for my heart walks wit' her in her every step." O Mighty Fat Cat closes his eyes and folds his hands in prayer. Here he stays, continuing to earnestly pray to the mightiest force he has ever known for the loneliest friend has perhaps ever had.
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Grey Stone had been a little saddened by Amara's departure himself, but he had accepted it. That was the nature of life. People weren't going to stick around forever, and when they left, you had to let go of them.

He had let Fat Cat try to handle things with Mercy. Now, as he approached the familiar form of Antonia, he found himself intrigued by the white-haired woman alongside her.

"Greetings," he said to her in Riverspeak, bowing his head politely. "I am Grey Stone of Lookshy. Me and my Circle are acquaintances of Antonia here."

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Mercy looked up at Fat Cat. her green eyes registering the Lunar's words.

"Sometimes... Exalted are called to destinies... not of dere choosing. Fates... dey neva imagined. Amara's body may be permanently damaged wit' de loss of her arm, but how does dat compare if her very soul is not whole?"

Mercy thought herself so very selfish at that moment. She knew it was the fear that drove her to such. The fear of abandonment. The fear of being left alone to die over and over and over again. The repeating prophecy of her solar soul which seemed to suffer the same fate over and over and over again. That same fear that had been driven into her mind in this life by Cynis Alena..the Dynast she loved and hated. Alena's voice echoed in her mind. "Jin, if I leave you, you will die a slave, you will die alone, without me, you will die a nobody."

To break the chains before it had been her anger and fire that set her free. Her secret binding with the Ifrit Lord. Burning Alena's house to the ground, setting her slaves free but sparing the Dynast. The day the Unconquerable Sun Shone upon Jin, to bring forth the Merciful Fire of Emancipation.

But this time...the fire did not help. The fire had been a response that worked before but had been ineffective to the sister who left.

Fat Cat was right. Amara needed to be free to pursue their own destiny, beyond Mercy's selfish needs.

The Fire in her eyes faded away and Mercy was hollow inside. Empty. Lost.

Mercy mutely nodded at Fat Cat...tears streaming down her face...

She spoke...hesitantly...but with resolution. "You are right...Amara has to find their own destiny, I was wrong to be angry...when I study the spell, I will send Amara a message with an apology. And then I will prepare myself for my own destiny...because...we must embrace our destiny..." She did not say what her perceived destiny was but she thought it...

To watch every one of her circle leave and then leave her to die at the hands of the Empress' forces..alone...just like it has happened before.

Her eyes narrowed as the anger came back...but this time different.

I will become the most powerful sorceress in the world, and I will take as many of the enemy with me when I do go on.

The fire seemed to return to her then. She stood up and removed her Hijab. The thing that she used to shield her from the world. To hide herself. She would hide no more. Now that she accepted her destiny, she would now face the world eyes open and revealed to all.

Fire moved up Mercy's arm, and proceeded to burn the Hijab, turning it to ash to fall at her feet.

"I was selfish...and Amara must be allowed to fulfill their own destiny, as do I. I became too comfortable with Amara, with the Circle and denied my own destiny in doing so. That will no longer be the case. We have a lot of work to do to fight the Empress. I can no longer hide who and what I am from the world, I need to step forward and use the fire of the Unconquered Sun forth to free the world."
Del offers up a deep bow to Grey Stone. “Greetings, Noble Exalt. I am Delilah Kanto, and I am pleased to meet you. I have known Antonia for many years, and any friends of hers are good people.”

Delilah looks at Mercy and says, “If you are serious about taking on the Empress, you will need weapons, an army, and a symbol to be able to draw in the needed Exalts to lead this army. Korran gave me some information before he was summoned back to Yu-Shan for some big meeting that he told me to sit out to meet you instead. This information can give you all those things if you are interested.”

Del looks at the assembled Exalts one at a time. “But I must say that you will need help in getting this prize up and running, help that I am willing to provide if you so let me. I know you don’t know me or owe me any favors, but I have spent decades fighting behind the scenes to bring the old Solar Deliberative back, a fight that I’m wanting to be a more active participant in. Korran is my teacher and mentor, and he has shown me what Creation was like when the old regime was in power. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a far sight better than what the Empress has brought.”

She pauses to let her words sink in. “Let me help and I promise you that you won’t regret it.”
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Grey Stone listened patiently as Delilah spoke, before slowly nodding his head.

"You appear surprisingly young for someone claiming to have spent decades working to orchestrate the return of the Solars," he said. "And you seek to participate in a venture that would be of great risk even to a Chosen of the Incarnae. Should I assume you are an Exalt of some kind?"

Essence: 2
Personal Essence: 11/16
Peripheral Essence: 40/40
Anima: Dim
Committed Essence: 5 (Faith's Pillar)

Willpower: 7/7
Join Battle: 5
Health Levels: -0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated
Resolve 3, Guile 1

Faith's Pillar (10 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 18, Overwhelming 5, Bashing, Melee, Reaching, Smashing, Two-Handed)
Unarmed (13 dice Withering, 8 dice Decisive, Withering Damage 15, Overwhelming 1, Bashing, Brawl, Grappling, Natural)

Rush: 6
Disengage: 6

Evasion 4, Parry 4
Soak/Hardness: 4/0
Del smiles. "Oh, how sweet of you to say! I like you. Yes, I am far older than I appear, maybe even older than you." She looks down to the dog-sized spider next to her, and she asks, "Cid, how old is he?"

The spider waves its front legs in the air, and in Old Realm, replies, "Grey Stone is sixty-four years old."

Del looks back at Stone, saying, "Well, it would seem that you have a few years on me. Yes, I am an Exalt, but not a Solar or Lunar the way the members of you Circle are. I am a Sidereal, just like my master, Korran, specifically, I am a Maiden of Venus, a Joybringer in the service of the Bureau of Destiny in Yu-Shan. I am a member of a Faction that strongly believes that the Usurpation all those years ago was a drastic mistake, and we work to restore the rule of the Solars over Creation as is their Celestial Mandate from the Unconquered Sun."

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