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Realistic or Modern Insert yourself into the apocalypse

“I thought that’s what these were...”, Mark sighs, “I always sucked at geology...”
Moose hands him a flint and steel. "Here ya go. But if you ain't careful with em you'll bust up your knuckles." He sits back and takes a few sips of water. "So what's your name?"
Mark accepts the flint and steel and starts trying again, “Um, Markus. Is your name moose, or do people just call you that?”, he makes sparks every now and then, but the leaves that he is trying to use are somewhat moist.
"Erbody just calls me that. Name's Jeremiah" Moose pulls out the bottle of liquor and pours a small amount on the leaves. "Try now"
Mark tries, but he can’t seem to make the sparks fly in the right direction, “I’m really starting to regret this method...”
Moose pulls out a metal bar and a knife "You aim like so" and drags them across each other. A small shower of sparks falls over the liquor soaked leaves, lighting them almost instantly. Moose starts grabbing at sticks around them to keep the small fire going
Markus sighs, “sounds like he came back with bad news.”, he looks to the fire, thanks for helping start that. I’ve been trying for hours.”
Markus look around at them, “So, are you guys new to these parts? Most of the people around here have a general idea of who’s still around, but I don’t really recognize most of you”, he looks towards the noise, “whatever happened must have been pretty inconvenient.”
Natalie, surprised, starts chucking and yells “Not a Chance stranger!!” In a very sarcastic tone
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"I'm sorry, stale gummy bears? Is this guy for real?" Moose looks in the direction of the shouting
Elijah comes out from behind a building, kicking a crow. “Fucking crows.” He had a bag of old gummy bears in his hand.
Natalie raises an eyebrow while eyeing the bag and shyly asks “If you’re so worried about them why did you leave them to the wolves-I mean, birds?”
“Scavenging is really important. And what you find has to last you. He must have been eating those for a while. I usually try to get something with an air tight seal.”, mark chuckles
Elijah looks over to her “because fuck you” he said sarcastically. he then proceeds to pop one into his mouth and put the gummy bears in his bag.
Natalie laughs silently smiling at the ground “Ok stranger.” She then turns her head towards Mark “Is it even possible to find food that’s in sealed packages anymore?”
“If you look in the right places, yeah”, Marcus thinks for a sec, “Most of them would probably be in dead people’s houses. There are usually cans left, though I’ve had the lucky treasure of finding jerky and a few twinkies.”, he sighs, “though most individually wrapped things aren't In the boxes...”
“I guess that makes sense” she replies to Mark. Natalie eyes the two strangers and determines they seem alright and relaxes her stance a little then goes back to examining Elijah “I’m Natalie.” She folds her arms and tilts her head in thought still watching Elijah
"in red!" she waves to the two new guys smiling widely. She plops down next to them sticking her feet out and wiggling them about
“Elijah” He said walking over and sitting by the small fire “where the hell did you find these people Garfield” he said looking at Mark

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