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Realistic or Modern Insert yourself into the apocalypse

She waved and walks up to moose and eren "heya I'm red! But my real name is amy" she giggled slightly looking around "you think we might have to fight the church goer?*
"Nice to meet you, friend!" Eren exclaimed happily. "I hope we don't have to fight anyone... Getting bear traps off feet is a real pain in the ass, and I'm already down to three. It isn't easy finding heavy duty clamps and springs, you know." Eren says, matter-of-factly. "So yeah, I agree with Natalie, let's move it before the other guy comes back..."
She nods and slips her knife away smiling "that's fine by me. I may look super duper scary and evil but really I'm not!" she smiles and giggles walking to Natalie "you ok kitty?"
Natalie laughs nervously and smiles shyly at Red “Yes and no. I’m still freaking out at that priests random self summoning... I’m kinda thinking he’ll do that again only with more people.”
Natalie’s anxiety goes down a little and she feels a little less worried “So.... you’re gonna be my knight in shining armor?” She asks with a smirk and an eye brow raise
She shrugs rubbing the back of her neck "uh yeah I guess. It's whatever tho." she looks up at her "but if you cross the line I will fuck you up" she points a finger and makes a grumpy face
“I don’t doubt it” Natalie says with a serious face “Especially considering you’ve seen my temperament by now” she laughs as she says the last part
Eren watched the two girls interact with each other, slowly beginning to build exactly what the small group of survivors were to each other. "You know, I think I'm gonna like you all. Even you, big guy!" Eren said looking at Moose, who had yet to introduce himself.
"Nice to meet you, Moose!" Eren replies, shaking the man's hand. "And yeah, I guess so; better to move with a caravan than alone, right?"
"Question: what in the fuck are you on right now?" Moose lets go of Eren's hand and folds his arms again
"drugs probably" she giggled and fiddled with her hair "letsa get a move on anywho." she grabs mooses shirt and starts pulling him away
"im from the north side" she smiles looking around the destroyed city remembering when it before the end. After her gang died she decided to move on. So its only now that she is leaving the city.
“Not a clue.” Replies Natalie as she rubs a scar on the crown of her head thoughtfully
Mark sits next to some leaves hitting some rocks together, “HOW DO I EVEN-“
She smiles and kicks rocks as she walks trying to not fall over as she clumsily makes her way about. They walk for a while until the sun starts setting
Moose walks through a group of trees and hears rocks smacking together. "What in the...hello!" He starts walking toward the small grove on the other side
Mark is still sitting there with the rocks and notices the others, “I’ve been trying to make a fire because I got sick of the cold...”
She smiles at the new person "hello! Oh um. I don't think you are doing that right. Moose?" she looks over to moose hoping that he knows how to do it
"You know a flint and steel are gonna work a lot better than two rocks, right?" Moose sets down his backpack and starts rifling through it

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