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Realistic or Modern Insert yourself into the apocalypse

She puffed her cheeks out "no I have not! Don't laugh. Everyone has to learn!" she tried again following elijah's instructions and blowing out smoke at moose
“I wanna find some real chocolate”, Mark says, “Ive been craving it for months...”
“Your loss” Elijah said shrugging, he then pulled some paper and pencils out of his bag and begins to draw in the fire light
“I miss drawing on my iPad”, Mark sighs, “it was such a good tablet...”
Natalie moves towards the campfire stretching and then notices Elijah drawing, her eyes widen “You have paper?! I haven’t seen paper in.... what are you drawing?”
Elijah had slept in a nearby building and was amazingly the first one up. He stretched and smacked his lips as he sat up, grimising at the taste in his mouth.
Moose yawns and stretches. "Mornin." He reaches into his pack and grabs a small bag of leaves. He pops one into his mouth and starts sucking on it.
Moose whips around and throws a knife, barely missing Natalie's head and hitting the tree behind her. "Don't fuckin do that. Goddamn"
"Tryna not kill nobody yet." Moose gets up, walks over, and pulls his knife out of the tree. He walks back to Natalie. "You good?"
Elijah quietly rummages through his bag and grabs two gummy bears, he gets ready to throw one at moose when he looks away
Bernartio walked around a dead parking lot. Cars ruated and burnt. Charred blacker than a night sky. He searched for wires and not so unusable metal pieces. There was a rucuss as he tried to open a hood of a car. A loud crash came as he almost flung the rusted out hood off the car.
He brushed it off and went to looking through the engine and the battery. No wires yet but he stood their trying to think. (@ Anyone who wants to interact)
Mark sits up in bed groggy and takes out his temporary retainer from the top of his mouth, “ugh...”, he walks over to large jug with a toothbrush and many fun sized containers of toothpaste (half of them used). He takes a sip from the jug, swishes it around, and spits it into a nearly bucket. He then slightly wets his toothbrush with the jug, and puts a dot of paste, brushing his teeth thoroughly. He spits in the bucket occasionally, then finally rinses with a mouthful of jug water. He spits into the bucket, lifts it up, and dumbs it out a nearby window, where there is another bucket sitting outside. He looks into it for a second before placing the spit bucket back where he picked it up from. He takes note of the temperature outside.

He then picks up a small hand mirror and examines behind his lower set of teeth, looked at a metal, pemanent retainer, “clean enough”, he grumbles.

Afterwards, he turns to a small, hand crank generator, next to a bunch of small machines. He plugs the machines into the generator, cranks the thing for five minutes each machine; except for the last which is bigger in size. He cranks the last one for 15 minutes.

He grabs an individually packaged protein bar as he walks through the building towards outside. He unwraps it and eats it, with a look of disgust constantly showing on his face. He notices Elijah in the doorway and waves at him as he walks up, but the man seems to be shouting at someone, so he doesn’t make any large efforts to grab his attention before sitting down and plugging a small device into an extension chord that goes back where he came from, “what are they doing?”
Moose looks in the direction of the ruckus. "Hold that thought." He picks up his bow and a couple arrows and starts jogging lightly towards the noise

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