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Realistic or Modern Insert yourself into the apocalypse

“They helped me start the fire”, Marcus smiles, “you are much better at it than I am, heh... I can only power the heater for so long before my arm starts to cramp up..l”
Natalie smiles finally thinking of a good come back “I hope those are the only bears around.”
And then turns to Moose and Red and asks “So.... are we sticking here for the night? Or do you think we need to keep going to avoid preacher dude?”
“Their not” Elijah said looking through his bag, he eventually pulled a cigar box out of it “preacher?”
“Darn it... well, we ran into each other back there and preacher dude found us and determined we were spawn of... well... yeah... he threw salt at Moose” Natalie laughs at the end of her sentence
"yeah there was some religious dude. He was really fucking weird. Like he threw salt on my dude moose and tried to exorcise him" she thinks back before looking behind her "I don't think him and his" buddies" followed us so we should be ok to spend the night here... If thats ok with you guys..?" she looked up at them with big round eyes
“Unfortunately for him we didn’t want to stick around for the steak and booked it” Natalie keeps chucking at her bad jokes smiling and covering her mouth
“I didn’t think religion was still a thing after what happened. It crushed the hopes of most people...”, mark coughs, “luckily for me, I had no hopes”, he smiles
Elijah pulled a chocolate flavored cigar out of the box and put the box away, “better not let him find me then,” he said lighting his cigar with the fire. “You want a puff” he said looking at Mark.
“I’m cool with staying if Moose is and if they strangers don’t mind us planting here” Natalie shrugs and then looks at Mark and replies “That’s sad, religion is usually what people cling to for hope. I know I still do. But that preacher dude was just-“ Natalie shudders
Natalie laughs at Elijah’s comment “So.... you’ll burn if I throw salt?” She wipes the smile off her face and says “sorry, that was a bad joke”
“No thanks”, mark turns down the cigar, “nah, they would probably wanna burn him at the steak”.
Elijah takes a puff “nah if you throw salt at me ima just get pissed, but it wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to burn me at the stake.” He said chuckling to himself
“Nah, we killed the last people that tried”, Markus smiles, “you’re safe so long as you don’t try yourself. We only harm those who threaten us.”
Elijah smiled and waved Mark off “Noooo... I was thinking about before everything went to shit”
Natalie makes an uncomfortable face but is to worn from travel to think to much about either of those sentences “I’m *yawns* gonna nap... if we’re doing watch wake me up when it’s my turn.” She says as she’s looking for a strategic place to sleep
Seeing a big low pine tree with branches that cover just enough she crawls underneath and pulls her hood up and cradles a closed pocket knife in her pocket as she starts to doze watching the others around the campfire
Moose happily takes the cigar and puffs slowly off it. "Ohohoooooo. I haven't had one of these in years." Grinning, he hands it back to Elijah
She looks around before sighing "it is the end of the world. Why not?" she laughs and extends her hand to grab the cigar before taking a puff and coughing
“I decided not to do that because I don’t wanna be like those addicted people that panicked when they couldn’t find anymore”, mark states

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