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Fantasy Indescribable ~Reboot~ (Closed)

Graham sighed, "that's what I wanted to hear. I'll buy three then. One to share, and one entirely for me and if you want the other one, it can be entirely for you. . . and me."

Reaver couldn't help but laugh, nodding as he patted his head. "All with cocaine or should we do one with sauce?"
"The third one should be sauce or should we get a fourth one with sauce so we can share that too?"

(the man knows no limit)

((For the sake of vicariously living, neither shall Reaver.
Or Adrian. . . but that's normal since he can naturally go head to head with Graham in terms of food consumption -- THESE GUYS BETTER BE HAPPY THEY AREN'T HUMAN, DAMMIT.))

Reaver nodded to that. "Let's go with four. That way it's two of each."
((For the sake of vicariously living, neither shall Reaver.
Or Adrian. . . but that's normal since he can naturally go head to head with Graham in terms of food consumption -- THESE GUYS BETTER BE HAPPY THEY AREN'T HUMAN, DAMMIT.))

Reaver nodded to that. "Let's go with four. That way it's two of each."
(MEGA HAPPY -patpat-)
Graham smiled, "this is why we're soulmates."
(( XD ;W; ))

Reaver snickered, nodding quickly. "One of the reasons, my buff beah. One of the many reasons."
Graham went and bough the four with Reaver on his shoulders before setting it all down with the family at the table, "there ye go, Rea."
Graham went and bough the four with Reaver on his shoulders before setting it all down with the family at the table, "there ye go, Rea."

Reaver smiled, eventually climbing off of Graham so they could both sit and eat. "Why thank ya, Sugah Beah."

Adrian looked up from his own, quirking a brow as he smirked. "Bout time you guys came back."
Reaver smiled, eventually climbing off of Graham so they could both sit and eat. "Why thank ya, Sugah Beah."

Adrian looked up from his own, quirking a brow as he smirked. "Bout time you guys came back."
Graham smiled, "you're welcome. We were trying to determine what we wanted."
Graham smiled, "you're welcome. We were trying to determine what we wanted."

"What y'wanted? There's two choices!" Adrian snorted while Reaver playfully squinted.

"Says the one with six mixed plates."

Adrian paused, and then looked down to all the plates before looking up. "Doesn't mean anythin'."
"What y'wanted? There's two choices!" Adrian snorted while Reaver playfully squinted.

"Says the one with six mixed plates."

Adrian paused, and then looked down to all the plates before looking up. "Doesn't mean anythin'."
"Did you have one custom made?"
Graham snickered, "that's what i thought."

"Why must you expose my secreeeets?" Adrian looked to Zuzana, who'd pop a piece of the sauce covered fried dough into Adrian's mouth.

"Because the small secrets are fun."

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