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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

"I can show you some of them when we're back in Romania if you want," Dracula offered. "The Carpathians are full of wolves," Mihnea said, and Dracula added, "Yes. They are the region with the most wolves in Europe. 'The children of the night', as Bela Lugosi made me call them in his 1931 'Dracula' film..." Mihnea laughed as he put on a fake Hungarian accent. "Liisten to dem... de chiildrrren of de night. Whot muusic dey make!" The whole car laughed at his performance. "You should have become an actor!" Dracula exclaimed.
she bit her lip at the word children. she knew they were talking about something else but the haunting thought of asking was killing her. She decided to spit it out slowly. "M-Mihnea..um remind me if im wrong but.. you said since were vampires...we can't have a child right?"
"That's true, and Vlad and Toma appeared out of nowhere..." Dracula said sarcastically. This was his standardized answer to this question. "It's a legend. We can have children..." Mihnea explained. "... and I'd like to have one."
She smiled big hearing that. and hugs him and said "Really i thought toma and Mihnea came from magical handsome storks that couldn't take their awesomeness anymore." to Dracula.
Mihnea had to laugh even harder. "Hello, world!" he shouted out of the car's window. "Listen to Enzer Draculesti's Alternative Theory of Evolution!" Dracula laughed as well. "What exactly did you have for breakfast?" he asked his son. "Oh, some roast beef, some chicken, a pizza,..." Mihnea answered in a Patrick Star-like way. Toma could not stop laughing either. "And by the way, when I was born, my father was still human," Mihnea explained.
(Thank you now i have laughing cramps) she understood but she gently punched Mihnea for teasing her. But she was happy she made them laugh. "Honey i was trying to be sarcastic.." she said in a cute like whine.
(Same here :D )

Mihnea was still laughing. "I know," he said. "So was I..." He gave Enzer a wink. "... you scientist." "No matter what you two smoked," Ioan said laughing. "I want that stuff!"
Enzer laughed again and almost had an asthma attack from laughing so hard. "Mininea please stop i cant breathe.." she said trying to calm down
Mihnea took her hand. "Hey... don't worry. It's fine." "We're vampires," the father said. "Clinically, we're dead. We don't have to breathe any more. I haven't been breathing for the past 570 years." Suddenly, Dracula had to hit the brake. "Dang!" he grumbled. They were stuck in a traffic jam, and the drivers behind him began to diligently hit their horns. Dracula sighed. "As if that made anything go faster..." Mihnea acted like he was hitting a horn three times. "Oh, already there!"
Enzer blinked and began laughing as Mihnea did this. "Honey if you 'road rage'this much I won't play Mario kart with you. Maybe toma."
Dracula looked out of the window. "Really, why are they doing this?!" he asked. His ears were much better than those of most other people. Indeed, he sometimes got the feeling that he could hear mice walk around at the other side of the castle. They perfectly compensated his eyes, which were extremely sensitive to light, during daytime. To him, the horns sounded twice as loud. "Some concerts are nice," he grumbled. "This one definitely isn't..."
Enzer covered her ears because it was loud and her Japanese temper began to rise. "Will they stop honking!" she said in Japanese as she tried to calm down.
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Dracula had an idea. He left the car and stood on the road, between the other cars. "This is the motorway conductor!" he shouted with his voice of thunder. "May the wind players be quiet!"
She heard it slowly stop and she slowly began uncovering her ears and realized they stopped honking. She smiled and sighs in relief. 'finally' she thought. She had to get used to her heightened senses. 'thanks Dracula' she said to him telepathically
"well it did now we can wait quietly like decent people for this damn traffic to move." she sighed. This was one of the reasons she liked the country more. Less noise from loud things.
The traffic did not move until an hour later. At the hotel, they suddenly heard a sound... a cracking whip. It came from far away, but it was there. Dracula looked terrified. He began to sweat and looked around nervously. Cold sweat was running over his face. And suddenly, he just fainted. Dracula's father caught him and carried him to his room, where he laid him on a bed and held his hand. "My poor little boy," the father sighed. "And it's all my fault... I was the one who sent them to Turkey. I wish I had known that they'd be tortured... I would have done anything to free them." He was crying. "Anything... and if I had died. I almost killed them... Now, Vladi's depression and his PTSD are so severe that he's psychologically disabled, and his disorders have been classified as 'not treatable'..."

Mihnea looked out of the window. "I see a coach driver over there..." he said, pointing outside. "It was probably him who cracked his whip." The father looked at Dracula. "He's been in therapy for so many years... he's seen 17 different therapists... tried tons of different therapy methods... medication... but nothing helped..."

@kirisuto12804 "He even told me that he used to be addicted to alcohol..." the father said.
she nodded and thought of a way to help somehow but she thought it might not work. She began walking to the sound calmly and by using her charm.

"Pardon me sir..I know this might be your job but the whipping sound is hurting my ears and what your doing is animal abuse and it hurts my feelings so, can you relocate please?"

and he stopped and relocated the horse and carriage to a different location she smiled calmly and noticed men staring at her and blushing 'whats with them?' she thought as she began walking back.
One of the guys - the only one who had not been staring - came to her. "Don't mind them," he said, looking at his friends. "They're checking out every girl they see." He had heard the conversation with the coach driver, and as an equestrian, he explained to her that the man had not been abusing his animals. He had made the whip crack in the air, just above the horses, but he had not hit them. "He did this to make his animals go faster," he said.
Enzer nodded understanding and ran over to Mihnea when she saw him and hugged him. "Mihnea!" she said smiling and almost breaking her ankle from rying to kiss him. 'curse you for being tall Mihnea!..ok i can do this' she thought as she kept hopping to give him kisses. she didn't care if they were in public. when she wasn't Mihnea time she will get it. After all she did earn it when she stopped the whipping sounds.
Mihnea smiled. "Hey, not so fast!" he said laughing as he hugged her. Then, he bent over and kissed her. After an hour, they went back to the hotel. Count Dracula was still unconscious.

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