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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

Enzer smiled and noticed something that caught her attention. it was a family crest that was one of the royal knights back then. It was Irish but Kiri knew it well it was her mothers coat of arms. and a painting of a royal court and she couldn't take her eyes away from a knight that had her crest and she read where it was and she smiled "Munster..Lord Conlin with the king and his royal court"
Mihnea kissed Enzer. "What's making you so happy?" he asked. Dracula looked at the painting and pointed at a knight who was looking a bit similar to him. "That must be a Draculesti," he said. "He's wearing our coat of arms."
"That's my Ancestor on my moms side.. Knight Leonardo Conlin. they say he was the best jouster and had a friendly rivalry with Draculesti and they would pull funny pranks on one another but none would challenge him to the death because our family motto. 'the family that walks the light and dark decides the fate of their opponents heart."
"I don't know..." Dracula said. "This might be a legend... especially in the late Middle Ages, most participants in tournaments were knights who needed prestige or money, and high noblemen like us usually had both."
she pouted looking at Mihnea and hears the low chimes of her phone she blushed embarrassed because out of all chimes it was her one of the Japanese band Starish. she gently looked and sighs. "Hehe D-dont worry about that it was just a reminder about the suits and dresses were ready and sent to Romania."Quickly puts her phone on silent. and looks at another picture but when a man walked in she instantly got chills and looked away out of fear.to make an excuse she pulled out her compact mirror to look at the man and he was the man that murdered her mother. She tried to calm her triggers of the memory and took a few breaths acting like she was having an issue with the heat in the room and smiled at Mihnea "Dear can we see another exibit for a moment? " She asked while saying to him telepathically 'that man murdered my mother with 3 bullets to the head because she refused to sell me to him and if he knows im here might take me away if not kill me so can we go somewhere else in the museum?'
"Of course, we can," the Crown Prince said, taking Enzer's hand and going to another room with her. The others followed. "You don't have to be afraid..." Mihnea tried to calm her. "We're all here to protect you." "Time for a crash course in self-defense. - Do you remember the killing spell that I've told you about? The one that only you and me can use?" Ioan asked her. "The spell for it is 'Sacrum iugulis demitte vitae magna exivit ab eo'. While saying this, focus your opponent and concentrate on him. I mean, really concentrate. What he looks like... what his smell is if you can smell him... what he sounds like if you can hear him... what he feels like if you know this." Ioan spotted a wasp flying through the room and decided to demonstrate what he just said on it. "Sacrum iugulis demitte vitae magna exivit ab eo!" As soon as he had said this, Ioan began to levitate in the middle of the air. His normally red eyes started to glow white, and after a few seconds, the wasp fell to the ground.
She flinched seeing the wasp fall and it 'almost touching her. she liked bugs and all but she was allergic to wasps. he was kinda happy he killed it. 'but ioan you only told me to use it in an emergency like you guys aren't around emergency.' She realized it was kinda an emergency and she took a breath. 'I-ill try.' She closed her eyes and began to really concentrate. ignoring all sounds around her if not tuning them out and thought about the man in the other room.This guy she knew of the name Carlos Dante makes her think of a killer shark.. He has large jade-colored eyes. He is bald. He is 6'7" and has a masculine build. His skin is pale. He has an upturned nose and small hands. His wardrobe is risqué, and is completely brown and gray. And he smelled of a really crappy cologne.Something that would make her gag.She assumed AXE because if she smelled that she would get sick. She even thought of his voice. It was New Orleans accent French quarter. She began to levitate and she slowly opened her eyes and they were glowing red. " 'Sacrum iugulis demitte vitae magna exivit ab eo'." And like that Carlos was 'strangely' having a heartattack and dead on the floor and she snaps out of it.
Ioan watched her. "You're doing it well," he said. "Just be careful not to mess this one up. - Do you feel any different?" he asked and explained to her that she should feel more awake since the other guy's life energy had passed over to her.
she nodded still shaking over the fact in a way she did the spell right even when she was scared. She smiled a bit when the cops said he was 'wanted' for murders and rapes and worried when the news crew was coming to report it.
Ioan watched the whole thing going on. 'Don't worry,' he said via telepathy and explained to Enzer that nobody would ever be able to trace it back to her. 'First, it's not possible to trace that spell back and secondly, nobody believes in magic anyway.'
She nodded and calmly walked to the Dinosaur room and whispered to Toma. "This was my favorite part because i made fun of my teacher calling him one of these." she began giggling like a mischievous child remembering comparing her grumpy teacher to a triceratops.
She laughed and saw a geode store and smild. "Oh i remember these. I would pick a geode that looked the most cool and gems would be inside. or a fossil!"

She smiled remembering hers and for the fun of it gently picked one up. "Hm im putting my luck on this one for a surprise."
Toma also wanted to have one. "How do you open them?" he asked, looking through the assortment of different geodes they had to offer. "I've heard that one can make lamps out of them..."
She pointed to a man sutting on open with a saw. "He will and he does it very carefully. and yes you can make a lamp out of them but lets see whats inside first hm?"She gives hers to the man and he carefully cuts it open and the guy said hers had emerald with some titanium

She peaked at it and smiled "Heh looks like an old science project when i tried to make a plant cell"
Toma decided to take two and also had his one opened. This was what was inside of them:


Kiri smiled looking at them "Wow a lamp and a night light. or one of them can be a really cool paper weight. " she smiled handing 1/2 of her geode to Mihnea knowing he will treasure it. "Consider it my bachelor present to you okay?"
Mihnea smiled. He looked at it and then carefully put it in his pocket. "I'll keep it in honour," he promised and kissed his fiancée. "I wanna make lamps out of mine," Toma said, looking at his geodes.
She smiled at Mihnea kissing him and looked at toma "alright how about we raid the gift shop for any cool things then we start hm?I heard they had a 3d puzzles and they are one of my favorites "(mobile BTW)
"A 3D puzzle?" Toma asked, heading to the gift shop. "I've always wanted to try one of these!" Mihnea smiled. "Maybe you can finish one or two together," he suggested as they looked through the puzzles. Toma instantly spotted one he liked:


"Looks like the right one for you, eh?" Dracula asked Toma and Ioan. "Yes," Toma answered. "Please, daddy!" "Okay," Dracula said. "Would you like another one?" "Maybe there's one for each of us," Toma answered. "I think I like that one," Ioan said, pulling a box out of the shelf...


"Can we do them together, please?" Toma asked. "Of course we can," Ioan said. "There are eight puzzle balls inside this box. How about splitting them equally?" Toma agreed. This was a good idea. "We need a sun. Then we could build a model of the solar system in the garden," Dracula suggested. "That's a great idea!" Toma said, and he found a sun puzzle. Dracula had already found one for himself:


(Just imagine this was a 3D puzzle like the others... and not made out of cardboard.)

Enzer smiled big who knew one childhood memory of hers would spark so much happiness right now? She picked hers and smiled at it remembering when she went there as a girl.

She smiled and when they were bought she carried her bags to the cars as usual they had to be in separate ones. she was used to it by now. She looked at Mihnea. "So wanna do the puzzle i bought together?"
She smiled looking at it. "I love wolves their so cute!" she drank her blood smoothie since she has to have sweet blood. On the way she kept thinking about the wedding and wanting kids. She wants Mihnea to have an Heir. She didn't want to push the question though.She may have hinted it when she stared at baby stuff but she will only ask if he wants one..

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