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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

at the cute event watching the eclipse she was happy it was something she was part of and soon she would be part of this family.
Ioan turned on the screen - a huge screen that filled almost the whole wall of the rather small control room -, and a big, yellowish ball appeared: The sun. "Actually, the sun is white," Ioan explained. "The yellowish colour comes from the filters that the telescope has, and when we sometimes see the sun as something yellowish in nature, it is because of the atmosphere." Suddenly, a part of the sun seemed to disappear... it was the moon pushing itself in front of the sun. The eclipse began, and Ioan watched it with awe.
Enzer smiled watching it and smiled big. she held mihneas hand and Saw toma and ioan having a geekfest over it and watched it silently and heared the computers gathering data.
Toma smiled, having heard her thoughts. "Well, at least I can think of something else than this awkward thing called love," he said via telepathy.
Enzer blushed and glared at him she smirked at decided to counter 'Oh really mr 'invade my thoughts' then you would know i wanted to sign you up for the science fair because i know you have a talent. And the winner goes to disneys tomorrowland. But if you dont wanna enter its fine.' Enzer smiled it was a great counter even if she was at a disadvantage of being an only child she made a great effort.
'ya and the theme was make a invention that protects the enviroment' she smiled seeing tomas mind go into scientist mode. it honestly made her brain hurt.
"Environment... what could one do for that?" Toma wondered. He had not dealt with this question a lot, and every idea that came to his mind turned out to be impossible, or already existed.
"Well how about making a compact fire like fuel to make people not waste gas in cars? We have the knowledge with how we see fire react in space. and with you and professor ioan you have the teacher and technology." she smiled when it was over and the data was complete. She smiled seeing ioan beam. 'nobody done that anyway and if toma makes that i swear drivers might be tolerable gassy smell wise and i would thank him forever.'
"There is no fire in space..." Toma explained. "Many people think that stars are burning, but fire needs oxygen to burn, and in space, there's a vakuum. Stars are made out of gases, and they produce light and heat through nuclear fusion... but it's really hard to reach nuclear fusion on Earth."
I'm here on mobile) "simple vege fuel" she said smiling. "All you need to do is make the fuel last longer for distance. Or you pull the epic card and make the 1st flying car."
"I wouldn't know how to do that..." Toma admitted. He thought for a while again and then suggested, "But what we might be able to do is improving electric cars... maybe we could combine the common chargers with solar cells..."
"I'd like to start on the project" Toma answered. "But probably not today and not tomorrow... tomorrow's the finals of the Battle of the Year."
Toma smiled. "Oh no... no science rival" he explained. "The Battle of the Year is the biggest breakdance competition in the world." Mihnea sighed. "This should have been a surprise, but... well. Feel like going to Germany, Enzer?"
sorry i was at ssi) She smiled thinking about how romantic it might be and she does want to see Mihnea and toma kick butt. Not to mention all the pictures"Oh but what to pack? I have the perfect travelers camera but the lenses..i cant decide.And i would have to ask Sabrina to babysit my familiar."
(Okay) "I'm sure Mariah can help out if Sabrina can't babysit. She's great at such things. She sometimes cares for Toma," Dracula said. Mihnea: "You could need one that works in a halfway dark room with only the stage lit..."

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