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im married.. to a vampire king!! by kiri and count

"I can't go home... my best friend just got shot in the head..." Dracula said. "He needs me..." The assassin's arm was severely wounded by a shot from one of Dracula's soldiers before he could even finish loading.
"Okay.." she said a bit surrendering and questioning her instincts. she remembered her magic lessons. Rule 1: Be calm in a situation that causes trauma. Rule two: Listen to your higher ups orders even if your gut is telling you something is wrong. She nodded "i-ill be right back i need to use the ladies room." she slowly walked there and when out of sight of anyone turned into a bat. 'Forgive me sensei but you would do this too if something was very wrong.' She was small enough to be unnoticeable and since it was night it made it easier. she began her search and noticed something. A small motion detector that looked out of place. She tried to wiggle it out without making a scene.
Mihnea appeared behind her. "You can tell us when you feel that something's wrong..." Then, he turned to an astronomer and asked whether the motion detector was meant to be there. As the astronomer shook his head, Mihnea tore it out and destroyed it.
'i just feel like this was an attack' she said in his head 'i can sense more i can find them and you can destroy them but i think if we keep one we can study it to see who made it and who bought them and if that person was hired to hurt us.' she continued acting like a cute bat stuck in the lab looking about.
Mihnea doubted what she said. "How shall we find this out just be keeping one of them? To find out who bought them, we'd need a receipt, and the one who built them was probably a company specialized on such stuff..." "I'd really like to go now" Dracula said.
She nodded and smiled "Trust your wife to be she knows a genius that owns a company."She bit a cable in one to disable it and puts it in his pants pocket while she cnuddled in her bat form on mihneas shoulder.. she did know a genius from her school and thought he would be a worthy ally.
im here) Enzer sighs thinking it was her fault that he got hurt. if she wasn't so tired from planning the wedding and studying this wouldn't had happened. She decided to punish herself somehow when she gets the chance. (Just curious um do vampires swim or no?)
(Cool :) )

"I hope that he'll be fine" Dracula said. All the worries made him sick. Literally. His stomach clenched when he only thought of that he might never see his best friend again...
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im here sorry you know murica hangover and omg senpai mernoticed us!!) "I hope so to.. Sensei never gave up on me so im not giving up on him." she said having faith in him.
(Huh? Why didn't I see this? :D )

Dracula sighed. He parked his car in front of his father's hospital and went in. "You'll have to wait" a doctor told him. "My colleagues are removing the bullet at the moment..."
" Call my hospital.." She growled.. "It maybe human blood but O blood can adapt to anything right?" The doctors looked at her shocked that she knew this. "Yes.. um j-just give us your hospital information and we will begin the blood donations..but we dont know its enough."Enzer nodded and went to a room to sign the donor papers. She would do anything to save her teacher.

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