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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP


Kirsty dragged in the hunk of metal and her eyes began to glow. "I've been meaning to try this for a while. You know what, I have a really good idea." Kirsty put her shorts back on, looked at her self in the gold block, and decided against it. "Ok, so what if wear this, just draping colorful beads over or something?" Kirsty wasn't sure what to really do at a circus but she thought she had the idea. "I guess I'll wear the goldenrod colored things. It's gonna go well with the red and blue." Kirsty turned and began melting the chunk of gold.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ben was passing,singing and jumping around until he notice a women that he never saw before,he decide to saw her since she arrest two guys

"That actually pretty interesting,may i ask you if you kick their ass?"

YoungX said:
(So yeah if anyone wants to interact with her now is your chance. Hue.)
"Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking." I asked and looked him in the eyes as I sat next to him.
AugustineVampire said:
"Where do you live? If you don't mind me asking." I asked and looked him in the eyes as I sat next to him.
He would look at her eyes as she sat next to him admiring them. "Well I live in a pretty nice apartment somewhere nearby around here I think. It's a nice place, but not as nice as yours." Then he would at least get a little bit cheeky and commented on her eyes. "Heh you know your eyes are pretty damn cool."

@AugustineVampire (Whoa they sitting next to each other now. xD We getting there.)
Peace looked around "Maybe I could ask the ring master for some clothes that are scarlet. So you are going to wear gold?" She asked looking through the cage bars.

Threat appeared and vanished around the cage "I am kind of excited to be in the circus! I could be fun," he said appearing behind Kirsty "Boo!" He yelled before vanishing to the other side and laughing.

YoungX said:
He would look at her eyes as she sat next to him admiring them. "Well I live in a pretty nice apartment somewhere nearby around here I think. It's a nice place, but not as nice as yours." Then he would at least get a little bit cheeky and commented on her eyes. "Heh you know your eyes are pretty damn cool."
@AugustineVampire (Whoa they sitting next to each other now. xD We getting there.)
"Thanks." I thanked him and waited a few moments before I smiled, "I'm just uh... I was kinda looking for.." I started saying, it was pretty hard for me to complete the sentence "A roommate." I said looking at him.

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NickTonCutter said:
Ben was passing,singing and jumping around until he notice a women that he never saw before,he decide to saw her since she arrest two guys
"That actually pretty interesting,may i ask you if you kick their ass?"

Valentina pressed her black power boot against the body of one, keeping both pinned to the ground.

"Why would you want to see that? I got them captured, no need to hurt them really. It'd be like, unfair and junk."

What a nice, merciful goth girl.


Yukari had left the 4 disciples waiting at the shrine as she travelled to pick up her new recruit, she had also brought the large amount of money from the bank with her. Those 4 are all good and well when it comes to stealth and assassination, but I am going to need someone who can fight someone face to face Yukari thought. Once she stepped outside of her own world and back to Earth she found herself on a mountain that overlooked a small village, it was a rural place most likely inhabited by farmers and their families, this only made it strange when stood in front of her was a giant of a cyborg, he stood around 7foot tall.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/concept-art-geoffroy-thoorens-berserker-of-destruction.jpg.1835c005700082a3e7f615ad261ff215.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/concept-art-geoffroy-thoorens-berserker-of-destruction.jpg.1835c005700082a3e7f615ad261ff215.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He was fully armoured and sparks of lightning shot out from his hands,
"I assume you are ready to go then?" the cyborg merely nodded, Yukari smiled in response "Good then, now lets go pick up some men for your squad."

The cyborg had no verbal reaction to that, he merely stood forward and placed his free hand on Yukaris shoulder and Yukari brought the both of them back into her world, they resurfaced on what seemed to be some short of air-plane, their arrival shocked the passengers and they turned around quickly with their guns pointed towards them "You may as well put the guns down, they would be as much use to you on the floor as they are on your hands..."

Yukari said with a calm voice although inside she felt insulted, but at that moment the money was dropped right in front of the men holding the guns, "The money is yours, all you need to do is promise you will work for me from now on, along with any other men that you may have under your command." She said to them, the men seemed to be too shocked to speak but they nodded their heads.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/132903_orig.jpg.7d2d3a9ba3ccbd21d072dfc604d244d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/132903_orig.jpg.7d2d3a9ba3ccbd21d072dfc604d244d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yukari was pleased with the result but now she needed to find a way to transport everyone back to the shrine, there was at least 30 new recruits not including the cyborg and it would be boring to travel back and forth, Oh I know just what to do Yukari thought as the world outside of the windows transformed into a dark abyss with nothing but the dark red eyes staring back at them the whole plane should do just fine!



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AugustineVampire said:
"Thanks." I thanked him and waited a few moments before I smiled, "I'm just uh... I was kinda looking for.." I started saying, it was pretty hard for me to complete the sentence "A roommate." I said looking at him.
At the mention of her looking for a roommate, Django decided to seize the opportunity of a god damn lifetime. "Oh really?" His eyes had a curious look, but deep down he couldn't have felt any luckier. "You know I'll be glad to be move out and live in with you," he said smiling. For a bit he would move a little closer to her. It wasn't too close, but it wasn't noticeable either.

'Well... I suppose I can leave the apartment to Stanley,' Hibiki (AI) says in his mind.


(Open for interaction)


I walk back into the room sweating from the show wiping my face. One of the performers failed, I snap my magical whip making him shake back

Rhosvyn said:

Yukari had left the 4 disciples waiting at the shrine as she travelled to pick up her new recruit, she had also brought the large amount of money from the bank with her. Those 4 are all good and well when it comes to stealth and assassination, but I am going to need someone who can fight someone face to face Yukari thought. Once she stepped outside of her own world and back to Earth she found herself on a mountain that overlooked a small village, it was a rural place most likely inhabited by farmers and their families, this only made it strange when stood in front of her was a giant of a cyborg, he stood around 7foot tall.

View attachment 308806

He was fully armoured and sparks of lightning shot out from his hands,
"I assume you are ready to go then?" the cyborg merely nodded, Yukari smiled in response "Good then, now lets go pick up some men for your squad."

The cyborg had no verbal reaction to that, he merely stood forward and placed his free hand on Yukaris shoulder and Yukari brought the both of them back into her world, they resurfaced on what seemed to be some short of air-plane, their arrival shocked the passengers and they turned around quickly with their guns pointed towards them "You may as well put the guns down, they would be as much use to you on the floor as they are on your hands..."

Yukari said with a calm voice although inside she felt insulted, but at that moment the money was dropped right in front of the men holding the guns, "The money is yours, all you need to do is promise you will work for me from now on, along with any other men that you may have under your command." She said to them, the men seemed to be too shocked to speak but they nodded their heads.

View attachment 308808

Yukari was pleased with the result but now she needed to find a way to transport everyone back to the shrine, there was at least 30 new recruits not including the cyborg and it would be boring to travel back and forth, Oh I know just what to do Yukari thought as the world outside of the windows transformed into a dark abyss with nothing but the dark red eyes staring back at them the whole plane should do just fine!

(Could Harmony be apart of this plot)
YoungX said:
At the mention of her looking for a roommate, Django decided to seize the opportunity of a god damn lifetime. "Oh really?" His eyes had a curious look, but deep down he couldn't have felt any luckier. "You know I'll be glad to be move out and live in with you," he said smiling. For a bit he would move a little closer to her. It wasn't too close, but it wasn't noticeable either.
'Well... I suppose I can leave the apartment to Stanley,' Hibiki (AI) says in his mind.

"Huh? I didn't say I wanted YOU to be my roommate." I mumbled and looked at him getting awkward.

"Just kidding." I said laughing, "I can get your stuff right here in a sec, if you want to." I suggested.
Ben look at her smiling "I guess you are a merciful heroes,that kind of good.Do you want some help to bring those guys at the police station?I'm kind of bored tonight,i just finished my whole series..."

Rhosvyn said:

Yukari had left the 4 disciples waiting at the shrine as she travelled to pick up her new recruit, she had also brought the large amount of money from the bank with her. Those 4 are all good and well when it comes to stealth and assassination, but I am going to need someone who can fight someone face to face Yukari thought. Once she stepped outside of her own world and back to Earth she found herself on a mountain that overlooked a small village, it was a rural place most likely inhabited by farmers and their families, this only made it strange when stood in front of her was a giant of a cyborg, he stood around 7foot tall.

View attachment 308806

He was fully armoured and sparks of lightning shot out from his hands,
"I assume you are ready to go then?" the cyborg merely nodded, Yukari smiled in response "Good then, now lets go pick up some men for your squad."

The cyborg had no verbal reaction to that, he merely stood forward and placed his free hand on Yukaris shoulder and Yukari brought the both of them back into her world, they resurfaced on what seemed to be some short of air-plane, their arrival shocked the passengers and they turned around quickly with their guns pointed towards them "You may as well put the guns down, they would be as much use to you on the floor as they are on your hands..."

Yukari said with a calm voice although inside she felt insulted, but at that moment the money was dropped right in front of the men holding the guns, "The money is yours, all you need to do is promise you will work for me from now on, along with any other men that you may have under your command." She said to them, the men seemed to be too shocked to speak but they nodded their heads.

View attachment 308808

Yukari was pleased with the result but now she needed to find a way to transport everyone back to the shrine, there was at least 30 new recruits not including the cyborg and it would be boring to travel back and forth, Oh I know just what to do Yukari thought as the world outside of the windows transformed into a dark abyss with nothing but the dark red eyes staring back at them the whole plane should do just fine!

( Can Nina be a part from the plot ? :D )
AugustineVampire said:
"Huh? I didn't say I wanted YOU to be my roommate." I mumbled and looked at him getting awkward.
"Just kidding." I said laughing, "I can get your stuff right here in a sec, if you want to." I suggested.
In a heartbeat, Django would portal hop is way back to his apartment, pack up his stuff and would transfer ownership of the apartment to Stanley. Then he would portal hop back to where Nina was all prepped up. "Nah I've got them all right here," he says grinning.

@AugustineVampire (@Zedisback (Hibiki's apartment is now all yours. xD ))
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YoungX said:
In a heartbeat, Django would portal hop is way back to his apartment, pack up his stuff and would transfer ownership of the apartment to Stanley. Then he would portal hop back to where Nina was all prepped up. "Nah I've got them all right here," he says grinning.
@AugustineVampire @Zedisback (Hibiki's apartment is now all yours. xD )
I smiled. "The guest room is pretty big, so you can get your stuff there and I'll just umm.. change into my PJ's." I giggled playfully and went into my room.
Yappi said:
(Open for interaction)


I walk back into the room sweating from the show wiping my face. One of the performers failed, I snap my magical whip making him shake back

(Could Harmony be apart of this plot)
AugustineVampire said:
( Can Nina be a part from the plot ? :D )
(It looks like Yukari has quite a few supporters already :) , of course. I will try and think of a post but be warned I am a lot slower than everyone else here when it comes to post speed.)
Rhosvyn said:
(It looks like Yukari has quite a few supporters already :) , of course. I will try and think of a post but be warned I am a lot slower than everyone else here when it comes to post speed.)
(Meh as long as it's 3-6 post a hour during weekends im more than happy. So where could Harmomy come into play. But be warned she is The Lich Queen and Death herself. She is immortal)
"I have to be merciful! Karma es una PUTA and I don't want her coming for my ass! Haha, I jest." Valentina yanked her whip away and gathered both guys in her arms.

"You can accompany me to the station if you wish, but mostly I have it covered!" She started to skip to the station, humming pleasantly.

AugustineVampire said:
I smiled. "The guest room is pretty big, so you can get your stuff there and I'll just umm.. change into my PJ's." I giggled playfully and went into my room.
"Yeah sure I'll get on it," he said as he smiled and went into the guest room. It was pretty big, and it certainly was a change of pace from Hibiki's apartment. From there he would begin to unpack his things, as if he had that many items to begin with. He barely had anything packed anyhow. Once he was done he would lie on the bed in the guest room and thought about the future for a bit. Then he remembered about the third memory shard, and would bring it from the workshop dimension. As he held the shard in his hand, he would activate it and it was gone. From there he would receive another memory flash.

"Ah geez... I forgot how much those make me feel weird... In any case... I've certainly learned a few things. I'm the being of memory?"

'Oh really? Interesting,' Hibiki (AI) said in his mind.

"Yeah well in any case, I'll worry about it later." Then he would rest up and wait for Nina.

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Yappi said:
(Meh as long as it's 3-6 post a hour during weekends im more than happy. So where could Harmomy come into play. But be warned she is The Lich Queen and Death herself. She is immortal)
(I guess considering Harmony is very powerful she could hold off whoever would try and stop Yukari?)
Rhosvyn said:
(I guess considering Harmony is very powerful she could hold off whoever would try and stop Yukari?)
(Depends, what does she stand for? And where could I start to interact?)

Kirsty rolled her eyes when Threat vanished. "You know I can see you when you do that right?" Kirsty finished melting a hole into the gold with her eyes, sloshing the liquid metal around a little before retracting her hands from the heat. "Wow! Now, we just need..." Kirsty quickly saw a spangle of shiny metal beads across the room, as well as a bucket of glitter and a whole lot of fabric. "Now that's the stuff! Peace, if you will." Kirsty bowed as if making the entrance to an amazing show. "Oh, and get some scissors while you're at it. If there's drugs as well go for it." Kirsty laughed.

@Shammy the Shamrock (@Yappi Whenever you're ready to Ringmaster)
"What the!" Owen yelled grabbing his pistol aiming it at the it intruder. "What do you want?" Owen said the anger in his obvious as it is volatile. Normally he would angry but with Anella here.

@JPax42 @Yappi
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