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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP


The God-Emperor of Mankind

It was a peaceful day at Sanfield, everyone thought nothing out of order would happen today. Little kids running on the playground. Wind moving through the leaves of high trees in the parks. People walking around the streets for their own reasons. Nothing... out of ordinary.
Time to start this...

It was a normal day at Sanfield city. Nothing out of order.

Were the villains planning something? Was something about to happen? The answer is yes, something happened.

Suddenly the news channel went loud. Dr. Birdman has escaped custody and is on the run in the city subway, he has taken several people hostage.

Dr. Birdman

"Nobody moves and nobody has to die." he said, with a cold voice. He had a detonator in his hand, explosives around the train. His plan was to get to the last station, then blow up the train and run away. Is anyone going to stop him?
James sat waiting for the train, reading over his notes. He had a debate today that he had to win to get to nationals. His normally unruly dark red hair was combed and gelled neatly. He wore a navy blazer and navy pants, with a white button down shirt and red tie. He looked like a young business man. That is, until the news broke about Dr. Birdman. James stood up, placed his notes in his pocket, and casually jumped onto the tracks, walking towards the train easily. A few people called him nuts. He wasn't nuts. He used the cover of the tunnel to change into a black sweatshirt and tie his bandana around his mouth and nose. Then he sprinted towards the train.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]James sat waiting for the train, reading over his notes. He had a debate today that he had to win to get to nationals. His normally unruly dark red hair was combed and gelled neatly. He wore a navy blazer and navy pants, with a white button down shirt and red tie. He looked like a young business man. That is, until the news broke about Dr. Birdman. James stood up, placed his notes in his pocket, and casually jumped onto the tracks, walking towards the train easily. A few people called him nuts. He wasn't nuts. He used the cover of the tunnel to change into a black sweatshirt and tie his bandana around his mouth and nose. Then he sprinted towards the train.

Dr. Birdman

Dr. Birdman was on the front of the train, behind a protected door. The best way in would probably be through the glass. The train's conductor was dead, probably killed by Birdman. He held the detonator in his hand, looking at the door. In his other hand he had a small firearm. Birdman looked through the windshield... "Just a bit more." he said, then looked and stared at the door again.
James found the train, and he smiled. It's still racing forwards, but he's catching up. James feels one of this cuts reopen and a blade forms, which he grabs with ease. A dagger. James smiles and leaps onto the back of the train. He kicks in a window and jumps into the train. He looks around him quickly. Birdman is at the front of the train. James sprints to the front, careful not to hurt any civilians. Is he too late? The worry hits James suddenly and he runs even faster.
Owen was watching the train. "Nice quiet day, Yeah right" he muttered. The police had reports of a mad lunatic who was planning on blowing up this train. Yeah all these people were getting on. They could risk just going in. They had to be sure. Owen had drawn the 'lucky straw' go check the train driver was alright. He should be though I mean Owen always had luck. Bad luck. "Maybe this I will be" he stops as he sees someone running towards the front of the train with the face like they have just seen a ghost. He can't risk is. Yelling 'Everyone off the train now!' he dash towards the train with handgun drawn.

@Quiet Is Violent @Birdsie
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@Quiet Is Violent[/URL] @Birdsie
Dr. Birdman

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Birdman yelled. Holding the Detonator, he clenched it in his fist. "NO ONE GOES OFF AND NO ONE MOVES ANYWHERE OR THE TRAIN GOES BOOM! I DON'T KNOW HOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I CAN REBUILD MY BODY EASILY!" he added, aggresively. He looked through a small glass panel in the metal door at the front of the train. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It." he said, very slowly and seriously, holding the detonator to the bombs.
James heard the threat and he froze. He needs to think. "Alright, don't move. I can... I can think of something." James let himself bleed enough to reach the floor and he guides it to the other side of the door. "Come on..." He whispers, watching the blood disappear under the door. He can't do much more than. He hopes it distracts dr. Birdman enough that he can move forward.

@Birdsie @SirGrey
"Oh no no no no crap" Owen mutters. He walks slowly toward the front. He kneels down with his hands in the air. The handgun is placed on the floor. "Sir we can get you whatever you need or want" he mutters "Just please put the detonator down". He was no police negotiator. He would rather just deck the guy in the face. All he could hope is that this nut job would calm down. Looking to the man he notions her to move away. Hopefully she has a plan. Cause all he has is to talk to the guy and...focus.
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@Birdsie[/URL] @SirGrey
SirGrey said:
"Oh no no no no crap" Owen mutters. He walks slowly toward the front. He kneels down with his hands in the air. The handgun is placed on the floor. "Sir we can get you whatever you need or want" he mutters "Just please put the detonator down". He was no police negotiator. He would rather just deck the guy in the face. All he could hope is that this nut job would calm down. Looking to the woman he notions her to move away. Hopefully she has a plan. Cause all he has is to talk to the guy and...focus.
Dr. Birdman

"Huh. What'z that? Blood? Weak." he said, looking down. He clearly seemed distracted, but still had the detonator in his hand, there was the risk he could hear anyone running up to him and use it. "Why though?" he knelt, unable to look through the glass. This was a perfect opportunity to move forward, but stealthily.
This was a perfect opportunity to move forward, but stealthily. He started to edge forward. He mouthed to the man "Move round try and get him" He had try as well though. He hadn't had the time and still needed to focus. He kept edging forward. He was now right in front of the door. He grabbed his gun. He had a chance. Had to take it. Fling the door open yelling "Hands in the air!" had somewhat gotten rid of the stealth. Put had defiantly gotten the guys attention.
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(James is a guy)

James nods, climbing out of a window and gripping the sides of the train tightly. He climbed around the Windows, being as careful as possible to not make noise. It was impossibly difficult, but he managed. When the other man entered the front, James kicked in the front window and jumped in as well. The blood on the floor rushed to James and re-entered his body. "Birdman, put the detonator down." James whispers.
SirGrey said:
This was a perfect opportunity to move forward, but stealthily. He started to edge forward. He mouthed to the woman "Move round try and get him" He had try as well though. He hadn't had the time and still needed to focus. He kept edging forward. He was now right in front of the door. He grabbed his gun. He had a chance. Had to take it. Fling the door open yelling "Hands in the air!" had somewhat gotten rid of the stealth. Put had defiantly gotten the guys attention.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent](James is a guy)
James nods, climbing out of a window and gripping the sides of the train tightly. He climbed around the Windows, being as careful as possible to not make noise. It was impossibly difficult, but he managed. When the other man entered the front, James kicked in the front window and jumped in as well. The blood on the floor rushed to James and re-entered his body. "Birdman, put the detonator down." James whispers.

Dr. Birdman

"Watzefuck?" he said, in surprise as the man slid the door open right before his face. Birdman lost all attention from the blood on the floor, moving it over to the man at the door. He took the detonator in his hand and clenched his fist. "You're so stupid. Meatbags!" he said, pressing the detonator... "Watzefuck? Is this working?" he asked, then pressed again. He looked at James, then back at the other person. "V-Wait. I will fix this. Just a second." he said, then started spamming the detonator. "Goddamit." he said, then looked at them both. He'd probably gulp if he hadn't had a robotic body.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack yelled "WOOHO! I DEFUSED THE BOMBS!!!" holding two C4 charges in his hands, raising them and cheering. Then he'd look at the people around "Yes!!!" but the other people were still too terrified to do anthing. "W-Well. My part is done..." he said, a little sadly, then looked at the 2 people in disguise. They were true heroes. He didn't do much, at least he thought so.
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James laughed lightly. He always thought he'd end like this, but he's not ending today. Someone diffused the bomb. James worked on stopping the train, now just a little panicked that they'd crash. "Um, can you guys handle keeping him down?" James asked distractedly.

@Birdsie @SirGrey
Owen would of sighed. However the robot had manged to capture his anger. He shoot through one of the robots legs. That was one of the better parts of the job. "Sir you are under arrest any thing you say may be used against in a court of law" he said with the correct amount of monotone and smugness . The special sector police would on the way. The ones who dealt with robots and mutants and the other crazies. He light a cigarette. Now to deal with his helper. Dealing with heroes was the worst part of the job.
@Birdsie[/URL] @SirGrey
SirGrey said:
Owen would of sighed. However the robot had manged to capture his anger. He shoot through one of the robots legs. That was one of the better parts of the job. "Sir you are under arrest any thing you say may be used against in a court of law" he said with the correct amount of monotone and smugness . The special sector police would on the way. The ones who dealt with robots and mutants and the other crazies. He light a cigarette. Now to deal with his helper. Dealing with heroes was the worst part of the job.
Dr. Birdman

"You foolish, arrogant piece of human trash. Once again, I, Doctor Birdman will prove you wrong. This is but a remote body, the real me is running away. This body has been used as a decoy. This is a kamikaze robot! You will be blown to smithereens in 10... 9... " he continued counting, his body started lighting up with purple, haze was coming out of him along with a weird purple smoke. It seemed like he wasn't lying, you could feel the energy of what would become an explosion.

Jack Rosenthal

"Dammit!" he yelled, then jumped out the window. A lot of other civillians followed out, through the windows or doors. Fortunately the train stopped near a station. It was in fact the destination of Birdman.
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"Shit." James runs to the robot, his arms bleeding profusely now. The blood invaded the robot's circuits, then hardened to prevent any explosion. He then leapt out of the train for good measure and sprinted to the station.
Not good really not good. Owen yelled "Everyone get out of here now". He didn't know how the big sure area of the blast would be. All he could was run and hope for the best. Maybe the hero could do something. This is what they are built for after all.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"Shit." James runs to the robot, his arms bleeding profusely now. The blood invaded the robot's circuits, then hardened to prevent any explosion. He then leapt out of the train for good measure and sprinted to the station.

SirGrey said:
Not good really not good. Owen yelled "Everyone get out of here now". He didn't know how the big sure area of the blast would be. All he could was run and hope for the best. Maybe the hero could do something. This is what they are built for after all.
Dr. Birdman

Birdman's first layer was very hard to penetrate, however the hole in his leg made it accessible for the blood to go inside. Once it stiffened, the explosion was sure to have it's blast radius reduced, but it was still going to be devastating, possibly causing the whole tunnel of the metro to collapse. The robot laughed, but at the same time somehow kept counting. As if Birdman had two voices "8... 7... 6..." there were still a few seconds to run, or to attempt to decrease the blast radius to a smaller level.
James sprinted, making it to the train station. He helped people get onto the platform before getting up himself. His forehead was soaked in sweat. He can't debate looking like this!
A majority of the people had been helped out. Owen himself was know outside the platform, forward people outside to hopeful safety. That was just it, he had to pray to whatever God there was that this would be safe.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]James sprinted, making it to the train station. He helped people get onto the platform before getting up himself. His forehead was soaked in sweat. He can't debate looking like this!

SirGrey said:
A majority of the people had been helped out. Owen himself was know outside the platform, forward people outside to hopeful safety. That was just it, he had to pray to whatever God there was that this would be safe.
Dr. Birdman

A few seconds after, a thick explosion could be heard. The train and the tunnel near it collapses into tiny fragments and rocks, the bigger ones above. The blocks above the metro have also collapsed, causing minor damage to the city's infrastrucutre. The rest of the people however made it out alive, so the loses were not that big.



Where is he?

On his spaceship, The Equalizer.


What is he doing?

Razaiel was sitting in the spaceship's cockpit, when one of his servants ran up to him, kneeling down with huge fear saying: "We're about to enter the Milky Way." With a fearful tone, while he kept looking down. The servant looked a lot like a ghoul, but his face was like the the traditional alien. Razaiel raised his head, looking at the kneeling figure and said, with a gloom and low tone: "Good, enter Hyper-space now. I want to get there as soon as possible and wipe out the human scum." while his more than 100 eyes glowed red. The pilot raised a hand, signing the number 5 with his hand.

A speaker said: "
5...4...3...2...1..." and when he was on the 1, the ship accelerated enormously, while the starts became lines. The ship entered hyper-space.

With who?

His crew.

Song playing?



No info ^_^

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James sighed and brushed himself off. He looks at his wrist. "SHIT!" James runs to the bathroom, changing back into his blazer and tie. He emerges as James Warren, no longer the Bleeding Shadow.
He sat smoking his second cigarette. They helped as many people as they could but some didn't make it. If he every finds that doctor, mask or not he will hurt him. The other emergency service were arriving. His boss wouldn't be happy. That's okay though, he wasn't happy with his boss.

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