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Fandom If you must go, I wish you love

Aaron frowned and just held onto his mom. “Eddie just said she isn’t doing good.” He mumbled, sitting on the other chair next to his mom

Eddie went and sat near Jamie, pulling the curtain across for now. “Max rip your head off yet?” He asked him smiling a little.
She gave a heavy sigh and kept an arm around him "Yeah she isn't doing well. It really hurt her, but she'll pull through okay? You know your Aunt, she won't go out like that." She murmured before kissing the top of his head

Jamie shook his head some and sighed heavily "She won't look at me, otherwise she has said nothing." He explained
He nodded. “Good… I’m gonna get them both back to the hotel later. You got tonihhr with her then they’re gonna let you go in the morning…. And you’re going straight to rehab. No contact for 30 days.” He told him seriously.

Aaron nodded some and frowned. “That’s what you said about uncle Aaron too.” He mumbled, chewing on his lip and fidgeted with his feet ending up falling asleep leaned up on his mom.
Jamie frowned deeply shaking his head some "No contact at all?! No...no what if something happens to her? Ed you have to atleast contact me and tell me how she is doing." He said starting to freak out a bit

Max frowned deeply but gave a small nod letting a few tears fall at the memory. She gave a heavy sigh before she too started to doze off.
He shook his head. “It’s not my rules it’s theirs.” He told him sighing a little. “Just… enjoy the evening with her.” He told him frowning a little, looking over when max eventually pulled the curtain open. “You ready to go home?” He asked her quietly, getting up when she nodded.

Carmen had woken up and had a little chat with max and Aaron but she wanted to talk to Jamie right now alone.
Max woke herself up a few short minutes later when she heard Carmen's voice. She talked with her for a little before going to Eddie. She pulled back the curtains and gave him a small nod "Yeah, Aaron fell asleep." She whispered before going back and gently nudging her son awake. As they got back to the hotel she stripped down and crawled into bed cuddling up close to him "I love you."

Jamie looked over at Carmen when he heard her voice after they left. He reached over for her hand giving a heavy sigh "I love you." He said truthfully to her "I love you more than any other woman in my life. Including my mother."
She watched him frowning some. “Come sit over here,” she mumbled, resting her head back and reaching for him. “C’mere. Fuck the rules I want you here. They’re sending you away tomorrow.” She mumbled just wanting him close.

He smiled and pulled her in close. “Mmm I love you too.” He told her quietly, kissing her head
Jamie sighed softly but gave a small nod. He got up slowly and wheeled his little stand to be on the other side of her bed. He moved to lay with her and kissed her gently as soon as he was comfortable "I'll be gone for 30 days, no communication."

Max yawned before nodding some "I just hope this all goes well."
She just nodded and held onto him, struggling to breathe a little still, "I know... I did.. rehab before." She mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you... I'll be there on the other side." She mumbled, shaking a little from the effort of moving around and the talking.

Eddie sighed a little, "I know babe I know but we can help them get clean... If it makes. you feel any better the album will have been postponed a month at least til Jamie gets out." He murmured, tracing patterns on her back.... You want me to help get the tension out your back? No funny business just an Eddie massage?" He smiled a little
Jamie gave a small nod and held onto her just a little less so that she could have some more room to breathe. One month of rehab had turned into two for him, but now six months later he was happier than ever. He had just gotten his 6 month chip and was excited to show it to Carmen, it came right in time as well to get him started on the holiday spirit.

Max sat at the house putting up the small house decorations while Eddie and Aaron did the outside lights for the holidays. Soon enough Christmas break would be around the corner and she was excited for their first real family Christmas together. The previous year had been so awkward with their relationship still being fresh and Aaron not liking it. She perked up as she heard their voices echoe through the house once they came in "Aaron you ready to do the tree with me?" She asked happily.
Eddiie got inside after him, stamping his feet and shivering a little "You sure you don't wanna go to Cali for the winter? It was so much warmer there." He told her, his teeth chattering a little. He'd always hated the cold and never dressed appropriately for it. They'd fully moved into his place once he'd left for California though and were renting out her house but he was happier than ever with his family around him and his friend doing a lot better, things were starting ot look up.

Carmen was curled up on the couch with her fire going, reading while Jamie was pottering in the kitchen, looking up when he came out holding two mugs of hot apple cinnamon cider without the alcohol, "Ooh that smells good... Thanks babe." She murmured, kissing his cheek. She'd only got home from rehab a few weeks ago, glad to be reunited with Jamie again though. She'd been delayed over and over with the extra health problems the overdose had created, and even now she was struggling a little to get her weight back on but also with her energy. She'd somewhat handed the salon over to her manager while she just took a small salary from it, no longer able to work like she used to
Max smiled widely and went over Eddie shaking her head some "Nooo. We agreed this year we would have a big family Christmas here and next year would be California" she said before kissing him lovingly "Go sit by the fire and warm up, I've got just about everything out for the tree. Just one box left." She said happily before skipping off to the basement. This was always her favorite time of the year and she was happy that she had Eddie and Aaron there with her.

Jamie came in with their drinks smilimg widely at her "Got my chip in the mail today." He said happily before kissing her gently. He handed her the drink and sat down next to her. He had been wracked with guilt ever since the over dose, and the fact she wasn't getting off as easy as he had really hurt him. He blamed himself completely for all of it and wanted to find someway to make it up to her.
She smiled tiredly and nodded, "Oh yeah? You gonna show me?" She smiled, taking a sip and set her mug down on a coaster "I rented Gremlins from Blockbuster by the way, and a couple other horrors." She murmured. She hated Christmas, had done for most of her life and the most celebrating she did was go over to Max and Aaron's for dinner and then chill at home watching movies.

Eddie nodded, going to sit down as close to the fireplace as was safe and just rubbed his hands together "I don't know where you're getting your energy from but can I have some of it?| He called after her
Jamie smiled widely and pulled out the chip from his pocket showing it to her. He leaned back sipping his drink and nodded some "Sounds lovely." He said happily kissing her cheek gently "So will you ever tell me why you hate Christmas?" He asked running his fingers through her hair.

Max came up and gave him a big smile "Its the Christmas Spirit baby!" She said happily before placing the box down. She rummaged through it and gasped happily before pulling the old santa hat out and placing it on his head "Remember this?!" She asked happily
She smiled and leaned over, kissing him quickly "I'm so proud of you." She murmured, kissing him again before moving to lay up against him, "Probably not. There's not much to it.... I just think it's an unnecessary holiday." She told him quietly, resting her head on his shoulder, "But we're gonna do Eddie and Max's for the whole day this year so maybe it'll change my mind." She mumbled, playing with his free hand.

He chuckled and nodded "Oh I do.... I remember the other one too." He winked at her, "I'm guessing you didn't keep my little friend's santa hat?" He chuckled, seeing Aaron grimace. He'd been so broke the last year of school that his present had been sex and he'd worn nothing but the santa hat on his head and jokingly put a tiny one on his cock as well
Jamie chuckled quietly and wrapped his arms around her "Fair enough then." He said happily before kissing the top of her head "You know, I'd love to take you to England one day. If you's be up for it." He said softly while giving her a small squeeze.

Max blushed bright red and laughed a bit "No I don't have that Eddie!" She said glancing back at Aaron seeing his disgusted face. She gave Eddie a quick peck on the lips before she handed the box over to him and went to start on the tree with Aaron "So we have Carmen and Jamie over on Christmas day. Will any of the other guys be stopping in?" She asked
He shook his head "No, Patrick is in California and I have no idea what Gareth is doing." He told her, yawning a little as the cat came over to him and curled up on his lap while he watched them both doing the tree.

Carmen smiled and nodded "That would be nice... I've always wanted to see Scotland as well." She told him, curling up to him a little more and picking her book back up while they sat there in contented silence.
Max smiled softly and continued with the tree. After about an hour they were done and she turned to see Eddie asleep with the cat by the fire. She gave a small laugh before letting Aaron go off to do whatever he wanted while she went to start on dinner.

Jamie sipped his drink and sat there contently with her. He just watched her read for a bit before she placed her book down "So what book are you reading now?" He asked softly while tracing patterns on her arms.
She smiled and showed him the cover. “New Neil gaiman… it’s very good.” She told him quietly. “What you wanna do for dinner?” She asked

Eddie eventually woke up and got up to make his way into the kitchen. “I shouldn’t have slept on the floor. I don’t have a teenager body anymore.” He groaned
Jamie looked over the book and gave a nod "Its looks it. Hmm, I'm not sure honestly. Are you wanting anything?" He asked while sitting up a little more.

Max laughed lightly and nodded some "I'm sorry honey, maybe if you're good I'll give you a back massage later." She murmured before pecking his lips "Oh! And I didn't want to say anything with Aaron around because lord knows the boy is scarred enough from our sexual acts, but I do still have the other hat." She murmured with a small smirk playing at her lips.
She smiled and shrugged a little. “Something easy. I know I need to get my weight up but I’m just not that hungry.” She sighed a little. She usually ate enough for two people but her appetite still hadn’t come back from being so ill and the stress about the whole thing wasn’t helping.

He chuckled and kissed her head. “I don’t know what you saw in me back then. Stupid shit I used to do like that.” He smiled, holding her close and burying his face into her hair. “Mmm what time are they getting here in the morning?” He asked her quietly.
Max smiled and turned to face him "Because those stupid things were some of sweetest and most thoughtful things you did for me." She said before kissing hkm gently..Christmas came faster than.either of them were ready for. Max was busy making sure all the treats and main dishes were made for everyone. They's had a last minute arrival of Gareth and his family so things were definitely more hectic than they had originally planned.

Jamie sat in the lounge with Carmen smilimg wide as he watched Aaron look over the music book he had gotten him from back to front. He was giddy for once about gifts. He had finally figured out the perfect one for Carmen and he was just waiting by his phone to get the notification that it had arrived. He just hoped that she would love it.
Carmen yawned a little and leaned up against him watching Aaron get to finally have the family Christmas hed always wanted, happy for him. “I’m gonna go get another drink and see if max needs help.” She told him quietly heading into the kitchen. “You doing okay in here?” She asked quietly.

Eddie leaned back chatting with gareth and keeping an eye on his son. “Scoot forward asron you’re gonna knock the tree over in a sec.” He chuckled, poor thing had clearly got his ADHD.
Aaron scooted away from the tree and gave a wide smile seeing everyone there. He quickly went to get his guitar wanting to learn the new notes he had been reading about in his book.

Max looked over at Carmen and gave her a tired smile "Hey. Yeah I'm good, just getting the last of the rolls in the oven. After they're done food will be ready." She said happily before giving her friend a hug "I know you aren't a Christmas person, but thank you for coming."
She smiled. “You know I come for the free food and drink,” she teased her. “Aarons never looked happier.” She said quietly, watching him rush around.

Eddie looked up and went to get something from the garage. “Babe! Can you come to the lounge?” He called to her, lifting up the puppy he’d been hiding from her since the previous morning.

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