Other Idea Creates You a (super?)Power (Quizz)

Should I make more things like this?

  • Total voters
1. Righting wrongs on not necessarily a lawful level but a moral level.

2. To achieve an endstate that is desirable to you.

3. Save the child and cry about it later.

4. Dogs, because they have been with people for the longest and have a special place in all our hearts.

5. Coyote Tan

6. Something with a well-developed conflict resolution system, whether it be combat or social.

7. A microapartment in the big city that consists of enough room for a kitchenette, a shower bathroom, a small activity area with a TV and a pull out couch to sleep in.

8. To know what you're fighting for.

9. Follower, but we are all leaders if we have initiative.

10. Keep it hidden.

11. Talk to my best friend first and figure it out from there.

12. I wish for the genie to tell me only truths and figure out the genie's situation from there.

13. Seek help.

14. Show respect.

15. Is in the eye of the beholder.

16. People.

17. Wallet, keys, and alcohol level.

18. They are innocent, but tasty, and definitely overconsumed.

19. We should not be afraid or be delighted to kill, but be respectful to the act of taking a life. Generally, we should be using it on those who display hostile intent and action.

20. A superhero, at the lowest level probably be a dog rescuer.

21. My thoughtfulness.

22. Sometimes I say the wrong things when it becomes obvious I shouldn't be saying it.

23. No. Virgo.
Someone told me to take this quiz.
1) Justice is judgement that is based on people's morality.

2) Conquest of some sort.

3) Save close friend or family member.

4) Dolphin. They are second smartest animal to humans. I would argue that they are better compared to others I have met personally.

5) Blue.

6) I don't have a preference since I have yet to actually be in a role play but I do enjoy superhero sci fi comics.

7) A studio apartment that allows pets.

8) Strategy and element of surprise.

9) Support and medic.

10) Use it to help out without getting credit much like Spiderman.

11) Keep the blame.

12) Give the wishes to someone who need it most. The rules sound too much for myself and even with how my life is. Others have it worse.

13) When most afraid you... I don't get this.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to myself in a certain area, I... try to get as much help as I can.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder

16) Above all else, I put my trust in... my family and my ability.

17) I never been at a party but I would check the ones I went with came back with me as well.

18) They are worth protecting.

19) It should not happen and but I can't do anything to stop them.

20) Superhero to protect my loved one.

21) My main quality is learning a routine.

22) My biggest flaw is my lack of creativity and hesitation to take any action/adventurous move.

23) No, I do not believe in zodiac. I don't know my zodiac.
1. Righting wrongs on not necessarily a lawful level but a moral level.

2. To achieve an endstate that is desirable to you.

3. Save the child and cry about it later.

4. Dogs, because they have been with people for the longest and have a special place in all our hearts.

5. Coyote Tan

6. Something with a well-developed conflict resolution system, whether it be combat or social.

7. A microapartment in the big city that consists of enough room for a kitchenette, a shower bathroom, a small activity area with a TV and a pull out couch to sleep in.

8. To know what you're fighting for.

9. Follower, but we are all leaders if we have initiative.

10. Keep it hidden.

11. Talk to my best friend first and figure it out from there.

12. I wish for the genie to tell me only truths and figure out the genie's situation from there.

13. Seek help.

14. Show respect.

15. Is in the eye of the beholder.

16. People.

17. Wallet, keys, and alcohol level.

18. They are innocent, but tasty, and definitely overconsumed.

19. We should not be afraid or be delighted to kill, but be respectful to the act of taking a life. Generally, we should be using it on those who display hostile intent and action.

20. A superhero, at the lowest level probably be a dog rescuer.

21. My thoughtfulness.

22. Sometimes I say the wrong things when it becomes obvious I shouldn't be saying it.

23. No. Virgo.
"Communal Telepathics" is your ability, a simple power that allows anyone in a certain area around you to communicate mentally with any other person in that same area. Of course, this doesn't mean they will automatically know they can do it, so unless a pretty great coicidence happens, you may need to tell them. The opposite may be the case as well though, since they may end up sharing thoughts, memories or feelings without even realizing it. Of course, this ability also affects you, allowing you the same level of communication. By placing loud headphones on your ears, the signals this ability uses will be blocked, thus temporarily de-activiating the ability, but it will also make you unable to communicate via sound.
Someone told me to take this quiz.
1) Justice is judgement that is based on people's morality.

2) Conquest of some sort.

3) Save close friend or family member.

4) Dolphin. They are second smartest animal to humans. I would argue that they are better compared to others I have met personally.

5) Blue.

6) I don't have a preference since I have yet to actually be in a role play but I do enjoy superhero sci fi comics.

7) A studio apartment that allows pets.

8) Strategy and element of surprise.

9) Support and medic.

10) Use it to help out without getting credit much like Spiderman.

11) Keep the blame.

12) Give the wishes to someone who need it most. The rules sound too much for myself and even with how my life is. Others have it worse.

13) When most afraid you... I don't get this.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to myself in a certain area, I... try to get as much help as I can.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder

16) Above all else, I put my trust in... my family and my ability.

17) I never been at a party but I would check the ones I went with came back with me as well.

18) They are worth protecting.

19) It should not happen and but I can't do anything to stop them.

20) Superhero to protect my loved one.

21) My main quality is learning a routine.

22) My biggest flaw is my lack of creativity and hesitation to take any action/adventurous move.

23) No, I do not believe in zodiac. I don't know my zodiac.
Your ability is "Wonder-chastity", an ability that allows you to transfer nutrients from your body into a form of energy that can temporarily create an energy shield around someone, which you can freely manipulate. However, this person must have seen you naked for at least 15 seconds or the effect will not work. In addition, using the ability too often will make your body have greater and greater difficulties in accepting nutrients, harming your body's health and physical abilility.
1) What is justice to you?
I believe justice is like karma. What goes around must come around so if you do something bad, something equally bad must happen to you.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory to me is overcoming your own and others expectations of yourself and surpassing your own limits.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I save the child. There's no telling the kind of good things he could bring to the world when he gets older, plus I just like kids.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
My favorite animal is a black Labrador Retriever. Growing up, my family raised and trained them as hunting dogs and I've always shared a deep bond with them even to this day.

5) What is your favorite color?
Purple, the color of royalty.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
I like the Realistic/Modern genre the best, mainly because I feel like you can do just about anything with it setting and plot-wise.

7) Describe your ideal home
A house big enough for me and all of my friends to live in so we can just hang out and have fun whenever we feel like it.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
The high ground. You should always have the upper hand so that you look cool when you win or so its very dramatic when all of a sudden you lose.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Tank. As a Tank, I can still get all up on the action and be able to take massive hits that would kill most of my teammates. Also, I have the power to keep my teammates alive while I look like a big hero.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I try my best to use it in secret to just make my life a bit easier without spoiling myself.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I let the truth get out. I feel like I'm very loyal towards people I consider my friends so if they betray me or purposely try to hurt me, I get deeply offended and I don't think of them as friends anymore.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1. I want to have enough money that I would never have to work another day in my life.
2. I want a really good explanation for how I got said money so no one can question me about it.
3. I want to become so good at writing that I can become the world's greatest author.

13) When most afraid you...
Try to come up with as many excuses to get as far away from the source of fear as soon as possible.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Listen to music that motivates and calms me for the moment. Red Hot Chili Peppers usually does the trick.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My friends.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
The charge on my phone, in case I have to call somebody.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
I love pretty much all animals and I like most plants.

19) What is your stance on killing?
If it's to protect the innocent, I would kill a criminal/villain. I wouldn't be the type of guy to kill a pickpocket or something like that though.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I'd become a superhero, just so I'd get the love and respect that I desire.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
I think my best/main quality is that I can make people laugh.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My biggest flaw is that sometimes I try so hard at something that I fail or make it worse and other times I try so very little that that something becomes underwhelming and bad.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
I do not believe in the zodiac. However, my sign is Taurus.
"Perfect Karaoke" is your ability. It's a power that for any given object provides you with a chant, often based on some form of music written up to the present day. If you can hit every note right as you utter the chant, you can create a magnified version of the object that always stays in it's prime so long as you are using it. However, if you fail the chant, you will instead create a rusty worthless copy. Try three times and fail and you will loose all chants for that type of object permanently.
I love this. Here you go, I hope this is everything. If you are no longer interested in this, simply ignore it at your leisure. If anything seems inconsistant or confusing, let me know - so that I can clarify.

1) What is justice to you?

  • It is in understanding potential - or even the potential for potential in both everyday situations and people, and then undermining those people or things which would limit or threaten those potential-filled contexts and individuals who seek, develop and ensure a more cohesive, stable and reliable future.
2) What is victory to you?
  • Having set a goal - and achieving said goal entirely, or - when only partially achieved - learning from my failure to such an extent that future attempts have a greater chance of success. These smaller victories often give greater personal meaning to those victories others would find more attractive.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
  • While the child would be the greatest draw for my sympathies - since they would show the loss of the greatest amount of potential, I would still go with catching the villain. A person capable of arranging such a scheme, and then getting away with it - will most surely do so again, leading to the situation repeating itself until I am willing to sacrifice everyone to catch him. It only makes sense that I do so now... and save as many as I possibly can.
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
  • The Lyre Bird - A bird that can imitate any sound it hears, and in doing so manipulate its enemies or romantic interests into thinking it is something it is not - using a skill to make up for a physical or material lack.
5) What is your favorite color?
  • Cornflower Blue
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
  • Political Fantasy
7) Describe your ideal home
  • A wide, flat - single story house, floating on stilts rather than a foundation of concrete - overlooking an evergreen forest. It should rain for most of the year, if possible. Its walls are made of glass or arctic white, framed walls with elaborate crown moulding - also in a clinical, arctic white. The only definition or texture to be seen should come from shadows, as the sun moves past the house, changing the feel of the rooms as the day goes by. The rooms should be slightly too large to be comfortable, keeping the mind awake and busy with a constant feeling that something is missing. It needs one room, empty of all things save my piano - and another with enough space for my books and my reading chair. I don't care for extra rooms for family or friends to stay over, but a kitchen with a herb garden would be preferable - as I would like to make my own infused olive oils and dry my own spices.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
  • A calm, strategic mind - capable of observing the enemy, and recognising the needed shifts and reactions required for eventual victory.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
  • Healer, Support Mage
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
  • As the power can be useful to those around me, yet would cause me danger when outed - I would have to keep it secret, confiding in none since the repercussions for sharing it would mean potential outing which would mean danger for me, which would mean I could no longer use the power at all. The only logical solution is to use it in secret since not using it leads to the same outcome as using it flagrantly. The potential temporary good along with potential successful secrecy outweighs potential danger.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
  • My role as a friend is bound in loyalty. If my reputation is ruined, and I suffer daily while another is left to live their lives free of guilt or shame, at my expense - then all duty I have towards their comfort and personal security is forfeit. Being the better person only extends to the point where I do not disable myself for the sake of others. My life means just as much as theirs and I have a personal duty to maintain my own reputation and credibility. I would have the truth come out.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
  • I wish that for one year I gain the ability to, upon touch, not only have an eidetic recall of a document or text but also have the information available to me as readily as I have my own name - allowing me to consider everything I have learned in this manner whenever learning something new, allowing for deeper and more complete study.
  • I wish I could recall all things I have experienced since birth while being able to edit and remove memories I find so traumatic so as to hinder my capacity to function optimally.
  • I wish I had the ability to sleep only four hours - i.e. mastery over Polyphasic Sleep and the ability to enter REM and DEEP sleep at will.
13) When most afraid you...
  • Shut down. I stop moving or thinking. My body becomes rigid. I simply remain quiet until I feel calm once more.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
  • prepare my facts, my arguments and my resources. I won't take on tasks I know I won't succeed in, and those that have small chances will be investigated thoroughly to know the downsides of failing at them. When I know that the potential gains outweigh the negatives - I am more inclined to initiate a confrontation. There is no glory in ignoring your own weaknesses.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

  • Work and study - people can and will fail you. You will fail yourself. The only foundations that you have which you can really count on are those you build through work and study when you are the best you, so that when you are at your worst - you do not fall through the cracks.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
  • That the host knows that I am leaving and that I appreciated the invitation. If I came with other people, and am the designated driver - I will wait for them outside if I have had enough of the party, and If I have drunk and came with others, I will do the same.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
  • Just as we might wish to avoid pain, so too must we as moral agents within the world - extend that courtesy to those we depend upon. Eating animals is not wrong. It is part of how we managed to become what we are. Eating vegetables does not make you a saint. Take in nutrition as you need to, respect where it comes from. Just as the Lion is no better in our eyes than the buck it hunts - so too must we see ourselves.
19) What is your stance on killing?
  • You have the right to live. Another can't insist that you don't. Another can't undermine your ability to live. It is your right to protect yourself from harm and death. It is your right, in realizing the sanctity of life - to protect others from death inflicted by others. Those who live only for death, worshipping it by taking the lives of others while completely capable of understanding that they would not want that same death directed towards them - deserve death for they have discarded the sanctity in the lives of others, and so too must discard it in themselves. Those incapable of understanding that the death they deal, need to be removed from society, and allowed every chance at as consistent and peaceful a life as possible.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
  • While thematically I like the idea of the Supervillain, I would be a hero. Someone quiet, fixing the small, everyday tragedies that befall the most vulnerable of the world. The people who lose jobs because of unfairness, and have no savings. Stolen heirlooms from families that have little else. Late mornings which would lead to being fired from one's second job. It is easy to say you would take on the great superpowers of the world, and dole out justice and fairness - but you would most likely turn out the tyrant you wished to overthrow. In humble work, humility is more easily ensured.
21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
  • My curiosity. I am interested in everything and everyone. All sorts of histories. All sorts of Stories. All sorts of science, poetry, art, music - all fields of academia. I have at least one book about most topics, and I have read most of them at least once. I have most of the English Canon. I have the modern must reads. Biographies of great journalists and writers. I have the Bible, The Book of Mormon, Dianetics, and a few others - which I sometimes read simply to understand faith and those who have it. All ways of thinking interest me and that curiosity has driven me towards becoming a better person.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
  • My distracted mind. While I am interested in most things, I struggle to keep myself focused on one topic for very long. I often find myself wasting away hours of my day thinking about something that does not add to the context, and will most likely cause me some trouble later on with late work or slow reports. I will often start a book and read it for a few hours, before placing it down - and not getting back to it for a few weeks, as I started another few in the meantime. It has caused me no small amount of grief over the years, as I have become very frustrated at my perceived slow pace in learning and working. I don't work slow. I don't learn slow. I work fast, but on many things at the same time. I don't learn slow, it's just hard to learn many things at the same time. I also think another flaw is my inability to develop my self-control on my own, in order to master my distractions.
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
  • I am an Aquarius. While the positioning of stars and planets might have some effect on our development during birth due to gravitational variances - the effect itself would be so minute so as to be discarded. Especially when considering the wide spectrum of people who will be born on that same moment, who will be supposedly born on different days due to how time is set out on Earth - or how the constellations and celestial positionings have changed over time, and yet the system itself has remained mostly the same. The subjectivity of the form, along with the vast history of charlatan exploiting the dull and the pathetic with exposed tricks and vague fortunes - has led to one being unable to take it at face value. One must insist on objective, testable proofs for its claims. Proofs to claims that could not be explained with simple observation and a quick background check. Which it has not been able to provide.
I love this.
Why thank you :)

If anything seems inconsistant or confusing, let me know - so that I can clarify.
Ah don't worry about it. My method to do this revolves around what your way of writing tells me about you, and what patterns you focus on, moreso perhaps than the actual direct content of your answers. So it is my policy not to request clarification per norm.

1) What is justice to you?
  • It is in understanding potential - or even the potential for potential in both everyday situations and people, and then undermining those people or things which would limit or threaten those potential-filled contexts and individuals who seek, develop and ensure a more cohesive, stable and reliable future.
2) What is victory to you?
  • Having set a goal - and achieving said goal entirely, or - when only partially achieved - learning from my failure to such an extent that future attempts have a greater chance of success. These smaller victories often give greater personal meaning to those victories others would find more attractive.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
  • While the child would be the greatest draw for my sympathies - since they would show the loss of the greatest amount of potential, I would still go with catching the villain. A person capable of arranging such a scheme, and then getting away with it - will most surely do so again, leading to the situation repeating itself until I am willing to sacrifice everyone to catch him. It only makes sense that I do so now... and save as many as I possibly can.
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
  • The Lyre Bird - A bird that can imitate any sound it hears, and in doing so manipulate its enemies or romantic interests into thinking it is something it is not - using a skill to make up for a physical or material lack.
5) What is your favorite color?
  • Cornflower Blue
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
  • Political Fantasy
7) Describe your ideal home
  • A wide, flat - single story house, floating on stilts rather than a foundation of concrete - overlooking an evergreen forest. It should rain for most of the year, if possible. Its walls are made of glass or arctic white, framed walls with elaborate crown moulding - also in a clinical, arctic white. The only definition or texture to be seen should come from shadows, as the sun moves past the house, changing the feel of the rooms as the day goes by. The rooms should be slightly too large to be comfortable, keeping the mind awake and busy with a constant feeling that something is missing. It needs one room, empty of all things save my piano - and another with enough space for my books and my reading chair. I don't care for extra rooms for family or friends to stay over, but a kitchen with a herb garden would be preferable - as I would like to make my own infused olive oils and dry my own spices.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
  • A calm, strategic mind - capable of observing the enemy, and recognising the needed shifts and reactions required for eventual victory.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
  • Healer, Support Mage
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
  • As the power can be useful to those around me, yet would cause me danger when outed - I would have to keep it secret, confiding in none since the repercussions for sharing it would mean potential outing which would mean danger for me, which would mean I could no longer use the power at all. The only logical solution is to use it in secret since not using it leads to the same outcome as using it flagrantly. The potential temporary good along with potential successful secrecy outweighs potential danger.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
  • My role as a friend is bound in loyalty. If my reputation is ruined, and I suffer daily while another is left to live their lives free of guilt or shame, at my expense - then all duty I have towards their comfort and personal security is forfeit. Being the better person only extends to the point where I do not disable myself for the sake of others. My life means just as much as theirs and I have a personal duty to maintain my own reputation and credibility. I would have the truth come out.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
  • I wish that for one year I gain the ability to, upon touch, not only have an eidetic recall of a document or text but also have the information available to me as readily as I have my own name - allowing me to consider everything I have learned in this manner whenever learning something new, allowing for deeper and more complete study.
  • I wish I could recall all things I have experienced since birth while being able to edit and remove memories I find so traumatic so as to hinder my capacity to function optimally.
  • I wish I had the ability to sleep only four hours - i.e. mastery over Polyphasic Sleep and the ability to enter REM and DEEP sleep at will.
13) When most afraid you...
  • Shut down. I stop moving or thinking. My body becomes rigid. I simply remain quiet until I feel calm once more.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
  • prepare my facts, my arguments and my resources. I won't take on tasks I know I won't succeed in, and those that have small chances will be investigated thoroughly to know the downsides of failing at them. When I know that the potential gains outweigh the negatives - I am more inclined to initiate a confrontation. There is no glory in ignoring your own weaknesses.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

  • Work and study - people can and will fail you. You will fail yourself. The only foundations that you have which you can really count on are those you build through work and study when you are the best you, so that when you are at your worst - you do not fall through the cracks.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
  • That the host knows that I am leaving and that I appreciated the invitation. If I came with other people, and am the designated driver - I will wait for them outside if I have had enough of the party, and If I have drunk and came with others, I will do the same.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
  • Just as we might wish to avoid pain, so too must we as moral agents within the world - extend that courtesy to those we depend upon. Eating animals is not wrong. It is part of how we managed to become what we are. Eating vegetables does not make you a saint. Take in nutrition as you need to, respect where it comes from. Just as the Lion is no better in our eyes than the buck it hunts - so too must we see ourselves.
19) What is your stance on killing?
  • You have the right to live. Another can't insist that you don't. Another can't undermine your ability to live. It is your right to protect yourself from harm and death. It is your right, in realizing the sanctity of life - to protect others from death inflicted by others. Those who live only for death, worshipping it by taking the lives of others while completely capable of understanding that they would not want that same death directed towards them - deserve death for they have discarded the sanctity in the lives of others, and so too must discard it in themselves. Those incapable of understanding that the death they deal, need to be removed from society, and allowed every chance at as consistent and peaceful a life as possible.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
  • While thematically I like the idea of the Supervillain, I would be a hero. Someone quiet, fixing the small, everyday tragedies that befall the most vulnerable of the world. The people who lose jobs because of unfairness, and have no savings. Stolen heirlooms from families that have little else. Late mornings which would lead to being fired from one's second job. It is easy to say you would take on the great superpowers of the world, and dole out justice and fairness - but you would most likely turn out the tyrant you wished to overthrow. In humble work, humility is more easily ensured.
21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
  • My curiosity. I am interested in everything and everyone. All sorts of histories. All sorts of Stories. All sorts of science, poetry, art, music - all fields of academia. I have at least one book about most topics, and I have read most of them at least once. I have most of the English Canon. I have the modern must reads. Biographies of great journalists and writers. I have the Bible, The Book of Mormon, Dianetics, and a few others - which I sometimes read simply to understand faith and those who have it. All ways of thinking interest me and that curiosity has driven me towards becoming a better person.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
  • My distracted mind. While I am interested in most things, I struggle to keep myself focused on one topic for very long. I often find myself wasting away hours of my day thinking about something that does not add to the context, and will most likely cause me some trouble later on with late work or slow reports. I will often start a book and read it for a few hours, before placing it down - and not getting back to it for a few weeks, as I started another few in the meantime. It has caused me no small amount of grief over the years, as I have become very frustrated at my perceived slow pace in learning and working. I don't work slow. I don't learn slow. I work fast, but on many things at the same time. I don't learn slow, it's just hard to learn many things at the same time. I also think another flaw is my inability to develop my self-control on my own, in order to master my distractions.
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
  • I am an Aquarius. While the positioning of stars and planets might have some effect on our development during birth due to gravitational variances - the effect itself would be so minute so as to be discarded. Especially when considering the wide spectrum of people who will be born on that same moment, who will be supposedly born on different days due to how time is set out on Earth - or how the constellations and celestial positionings have changed over time, and yet the system itself has remained mostly the same. The subjectivity of the form, along with the vast history of charlatan exploiting the dull and the pathetic with exposed tricks and vague fortunes - has led to one being unable to take it at face value. One must insist on objective, testable proofs for its claims. Proofs to claims that could not be explained with simple observation and a quick background check. Which it has not been able to provide.
Your ability is called "Self-search Engine", and it gives you the ability to automatically alter your brain's memories to suit the needs of any given task. Your brain has an additional gigantic amount of storage space where any memory nomatter how small is stored. Whenever given a task your body will automatically search for keywords you associate with that task and bring up every memory and learned skill you acquired as a memory you currently have, while repressing all unecessary memories and skills your body or brain have. The ultimate expression of this is by completly blanking your mind allowing you to take in all the information from each of your senses and completely burning it into your memory, like say, completely reading and processing a book by flipping through the pages and memorizing a song while listening to it in fast foward. However, the ability may backfire if you accept a task which would require a concept you have no connections to connect with, in which case your brain may shut down and temporarily revert your mind to an infatile state as a defense mechanism.

1) What is justice to you?
A scale that balances good and bad acts to their consequences. Ideally the balance is exactly equal, but in an imperfect world that isn't always the case, and in fact it is quite infrequently so. But, in the words of Marcus Cole, "Wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?"

2) What is victory to you?
Achieving a net positive end to whatever action you were trying to succeed in. This may not happen the way you envisioned, or it may even be completely different from what you were expecting, but unexpected positive results are still victories.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Assuming I know absolutely nothing about these people other than what is presented to me:
  • Child - Naturally a priority by moral default. However without knowing anything more about the child I unfortunately can't say anything more than that for sure.
  • Elderly - See "Child"
  • War Veteran - I have high respect for these people. He's probably had a really hard life, and for it to end in such a way would be really awful. I'd place him higher than most people on priority.
  • Close Family - Very high priority. Without question.
  • Close Friend - Also high priority, however not as high as family. Sorry dude. Knowing me you'll understand, I'm sure.
  • Criminals - Considering the only thing I know about these people is that they're criminals, it's safe for me to assume the worst and figure they deserve this somehow.
  • Priest - Honestly your profession doesn't matter. Without any further information, you're just a person. And while yes, that does automatically mean your life is precious, it also means... I don't know anything about you. So I'm less inclined to consider you.
  • Attractive Girl - Little bit more priority than priest, but only because of the attraction factor.
  • Culprit - While I obviously wouldn't like letting the guy get away, there are other lives at stake here. Even if it were only the three criminals I had to save, I'd hang back and save them over chasing him. Being a villain and me being a hero, I'll probably have more chances to get at him.
TLDR, My family is the absolute #1 priority. I wouldn't choose anyone else in a million years.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Foxes. They're very cool. Also I like their fur color.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
Some place out of the way, where I don't have to deal with a whole lot of people if I don't want to. Necessities include electricity (Enough to power all of my electronics and appliances there), plumbing, and internet. Everything else is either a bonus or furnishings I'll get on my own.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Strategy. Especially in a high-energy environment like combat, you need to be on your toes and react quickly to whatever your opponent does, then think of the best way to counter what they're doing, all before they either change things up or overwhelm you. The speed at which you need to think is slowed with distance, but it's still important no matter what.

9) What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Support/Ranged. Preferably I'm the one supporting my teammates with my abilities, but if I have to fight - Say, we already have a support, or everyone's too spread out to support effectively - I'd prefer to be at a distance.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Only let my family and closest friends know about it, making absolutely sure they know not to share it with anybody. To get it out to the public is asking for trouble, but to shoulder it all by yourself is also equally so for different reasons.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Depends on one specific question: Did he consult me about it first, or just go along with it without asking my opinion? If the former, and we agreed on me taking the blame, then my reputation being ruined is my fault and I'll deal with it. If the latter, I would be really upset with him. Since he's my best friend I'd let him explain, but I wouldn't be happy about it no matter what his answer was. Regardless I don't like lying no matter what the circumstances.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Honestly, my most likely answer would be... "I'll get back to you on that." Maybe save the wishes for when I need the genie's help to get out of a jam.

13) When most afraid you...
Drop all semblance of long-term planning and only make decisions that immediately contribute to my survival, until such a time that I feel safe from the danger and can organize my thoughts.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Survive with what I can, and attempt to ascertain any advantage I can use. If I cannot see one, flee. If I am trapped, repeat step 1 until help arrives or exhaustion sets in.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The information laid out before me. Especially if it comes from someone I know.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
That I have everything I intend to take with me. Usually entertainment of some kind like my laptop, since I don't like large groups.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Most animals are cute. Plants are interesting.

19) What is your stance on killing?
I understand its necessity in dire situations, but I don't believe I could ever bring myself to do so even knowing that.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Hero, because while humanity is braindead stupid, I still maintain the belief that everyone deserves a chance.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Logical thinking. I can come up with very reasoned explanations for things, even if I sometimes can't find those things myself.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Inflexibility. I dislike change, usually cannot think of more than one or two reasons/solutions for something, and I stick vehemently to how things are supposed to be done.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, I do not. But my sign is Gemini.
ookay lets try this

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is the concept of fairness, of equity, of leveling the playing field so that no one has an advantage, and everyone must rely on their own wits. It’s about doing the right thing rather than the good thing, to be following the law even when the law doesn’t fit the situation, because society needs order, and if you break the law in this extenuating circumstance, what’s to prevent others from breaking them in what might seem to them to be extenuating circumstances? Its not about an eye for an eye, its about removing the threat to the order society as quickly as possible without too much collateral damage. Justice isn’t always pleasant or good or nice, and it’s not a good concept, but it is right.

2) What is victory to you?
Reaching my goal absolutely and completely, knocking down any obstacles in the way and making sure they won’t remain a threat to my future goals if possible. Victory is about gaining the best result while sacrificing as little as you could, without compromising. It’s also about satisfaction in yourself that you have done a good job, and you may improve from that moment onwards, but in that instance, you have achieved above and beyond for someone of your skill level.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I’d catch the criminal. If they do this once, they could do it again, and if I save one of the people’s lives this time, I would be condemning the rest to death time and time again afterwards by placing a price on their lives, indicating that I value the lives of whoever I saved more that the lives of the others, which I do not. It’s sad that they have to die, and I would probably feel horrible, but preference utilitarianism means that I’d be willing to sacrifice a small amount to ensure a large amount of destruction does not happen.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Peregrine falcon. It’s a bird of prey, looks pretty, and is the fastest creature in the animal kingdom. What’s not to like?

5) What is your favorite color?
White, the combination of all colors in the spectrum.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Low fantasy/low sci-fi. It allows for just a little bit of world building as well as a little bit of familiarity, and it’s great to see explanations for magic/advanced technology using modern terms. Besides, having relatively underpowered characters compared to full on scifi/fantasy makes a lot more interesting story as you’re thinking creatively rather than brute-forcing problems.

7) Describe your ideal home
Somewhere close to civilization so I can get whatever I need relatively easily, with enough space for everything I need and a few luxuries so nothing looks cluttered, decorated with just the barest bit of greenery.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Information. If you know exactly how your enemy will react to a situation and how to best take away what advantages they have, you’re basically set.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Battlefield control. I’m not interested in being in the middle of the fight, but taking away the advantages of my opponents so others can do the hard work is more up my alley.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Use it as much as I can to gain personal advantages without being blatant about having a power.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Tell the truth. I don’t offend anyone who doesn’t offend me, but this sort of thing is serious, and if they’re willing to do that to me, I wouldn’t want their friendship.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Honestly this is very hard to not-munchkin but I’ll try.
1) Just enough non-abstract resources for everything I’d want to attempt.
2) An in depth analysis of any possible risks I may take in the future, how likely they are to occur, how I can avoid them, what danger would they put me in, etc.
3) For every sapient being’s intelligence to be raised by five IQ points per year.

13) When most afraid you...
Shut the world out while attempting to reason with myself that whatever caused my fear was completely irrational or unlikely to harm me.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Try to think of ways around it by using talents in another area, or alternatively practise so that my skills exceed theirs.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder, but so is disintegration and finger of death.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The laws of physics. They are probably the most unlikely thing to change on me, even if murphy’s law is in effect.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If my house is secure and if the party is still going to happen.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They’re a necessary part of nature, each unique in their way and required to keep the balance. None of them are more important than a human, however, but some are still sentient, and minimal harm ought to come to them if possible

19) What is your stance on killing?
It’s bad, but occasionally necessary. There’s usually a nonlethal way out of every problem, but it might have a higher cost attached to it than a human life.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Villain. I dislike being taken for granted as heroes tend to be, and am quite selfish although I would aim to decrease collateral damage, and being constantly reined in by the opinions of others is no fun. If I actually did become a villain despite being this lazy, however, I would ensure that minimal collateral damage is caused where possible, and even if I fail in the end, at least I had a good time.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Creativity. The ability to use what resources I have to form a plan most suitable for the situation.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Stubbornness. It’s hard for me to admit I’m wrong, and that I should try a different way.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Eh, not really. There’s no point in trying to divine the future from shiny lights that were imprints of stars from way too long ago. Abstract are too easily twisted around, and if it’s accurate in some areas but not in another it’s probably coincidence. I’m an aries.

1) What is justice to you?
A scale that balances good and bad acts to their consequences. Ideally the balance is exactly equal, but in an imperfect world that isn't always the case, and in fact it is quite infrequently so. But, in the words of Marcus Cole, "Wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?"

2) What is victory to you?
Achieving a net positive end to whatever action you were trying to succeed in. This may not happen the way you envisioned, or it may even be completely different from what you were expecting, but unexpected positive results are still victories.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Assuming I know absolutely nothing about these people other than what is presented to me:
  • Child - Naturally a priority by moral default. However without knowing anything more about the child I unfortunately can't say anything more than that for sure.
  • Elderly - See "Child"
  • War Veteran - I have high respect for these people. He's probably had a really hard life, and for it to end in such a way would be really awful. I'd place him higher than most people on priority.
  • Close Family - Very high priority. Without question.
  • Close Friend - Also high priority, however not as high as family. Sorry dude. Knowing me you'll understand, I'm sure.
  • Criminals - Considering the only thing I know about these people is that they're criminals, it's safe for me to assume the worst and figure they deserve this somehow.
  • Priest - Honestly your profession doesn't matter. Without any further information, you're just a person. And while yes, that does automatically mean your life is precious, it also means... I don't know anything about you. So I'm less inclined to consider you.
  • Attractive Girl - Little bit more priority than priest, but only because of the attraction factor.
  • Culprit - While I obviously wouldn't like letting the guy get away, there are other lives at stake here. Even if it were only the three criminals I had to save, I'd hang back and save them over chasing him. Being a villain and me being a hero, I'll probably have more chances to get at him.
TLDR, My family is the absolute #1 priority. I wouldn't choose anyone else in a million years.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Foxes. They're very cool. Also I like their fur color.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
Some place out of the way, where I don't have to deal with a whole lot of people if I don't want to. Necessities include electricity (Enough to power all of my electronics and appliances there), plumbing, and internet. Everything else is either a bonus or furnishings I'll get on my own.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Strategy. Especially in a high-energy environment like combat, you need to be on your toes and react quickly to whatever your opponent does, then think of the best way to counter what they're doing, all before they either change things up or overwhelm you. The speed at which you need to think is slowed with distance, but it's still important no matter what.

9) What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Support/Ranged. Preferably I'm the one supporting my teammates with my abilities, but if I have to fight - Say, we already have a support, or everyone's too spread out to support effectively - I'd prefer to be at a distance.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Only let my family and closest friends know about it, making absolutely sure they know not to share it with anybody. To get it out to the public is asking for trouble, but to shoulder it all by yourself is also equally so for different reasons.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Depends on one specific question: Did he consult me about it first, or just go along with it without asking my opinion? If the former, and we agreed on me taking the blame, then my reputation being ruined is my fault and I'll deal with it. If the latter, I would be really upset with him. Since he's my best friend I'd let him explain, but I wouldn't be happy about it no matter what his answer was. Regardless I don't like lying no matter what the circumstances.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Honestly, my most likely answer would be... "I'll get back to you on that." Maybe save the wishes for when I need the genie's help to get out of a jam.

13) When most afraid you...
Drop all semblance of long-term planning and only make decisions that immediately contribute to my survival, until such a time that I feel safe from the danger and can organize my thoughts.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Survive with what I can, and attempt to ascertain any advantage I can use. If I cannot see one, flee. If I am trapped, repeat step 1 until help arrives or exhaustion sets in.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The information laid out before me. Especially if it comes from someone I know.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
That I have everything I intend to take with me. Usually entertainment of some kind like my laptop, since I don't like large groups.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Most animals are cute. Plants are interesting.

19) What is your stance on killing?
I understand its necessity in dire situations, but I don't believe I could ever bring myself to do so even knowing that.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Hero, because while humanity is braindead stupid, I still maintain the belief that everyone deserves a chance.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Logical thinking. I can come up with very reasoned explanations for things, even if I sometimes can't find those things myself.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Inflexibility. I dislike change, usually cannot think of more than one or two reasons/solutions for something, and I stick vehemently to how things are supposed to be done.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, I do not. But my sign is Gemini.
Your power is "Secret Box", an ability which triggers when you ask a question about anything the other person would normally try to keep hidden. If they confess it to you without you needing to reveal you have the ability, then whatever they confessed to you will become something nobody else can wrap their head around, their brains will be unable to process that information thus keeping the info secret. However if the person chooses not to share their secret, then you will acquire the answer. However the ability cannot be used again for the same secret after the innitial result.
ookay lets try this

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is the concept of fairness, of equity, of leveling the playing field so that no one has an advantage, and everyone must rely on their own wits. It’s about doing the right thing rather than the good thing, to be following the law even when the law doesn’t fit the situation, because society needs order, and if you break the law in this extenuating circumstance, what’s to prevent others from breaking them in what might seem to them to be extenuating circumstances? Its not about an eye for an eye, its about removing the threat to the order society as quickly as possible without too much collateral damage. Justice isn’t always pleasant or good or nice, and it’s not a good concept, but it is right.

2) What is victory to you?
Reaching my goal absolutely and completely, knocking down any obstacles in the way and making sure they won’t remain a threat to my future goals if possible. Victory is about gaining the best result while sacrificing as little as you could, without compromising. It’s also about satisfaction in yourself that you have done a good job, and you may improve from that moment onwards, but in that instance, you have achieved above and beyond for someone of your skill level.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I’d catch the criminal. If they do this once, they could do it again, and if I save one of the people’s lives this time, I would be condemning the rest to death time and time again afterwards by placing a price on their lives, indicating that I value the lives of whoever I saved more that the lives of the others, which I do not. It’s sad that they have to die, and I would probably feel horrible, but preference utilitarianism means that I’d be willing to sacrifice a small amount to ensure a large amount of destruction does not happen.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Peregrine falcon. It’s a bird of prey, looks pretty, and is the fastest creature in the animal kingdom. What’s not to like?

5) What is your favorite color?
White, the combination of all colors in the spectrum.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Low fantasy/low sci-fi. It allows for just a little bit of world building as well as a little bit of familiarity, and it’s great to see explanations for magic/advanced technology using modern terms. Besides, having relatively underpowered characters compared to full on scifi/fantasy makes a lot more interesting story as you’re thinking creatively rather than brute-forcing problems.

7) Describe your ideal home
Somewhere close to civilization so I can get whatever I need relatively easily, with enough space for everything I need and a few luxuries so nothing looks cluttered, decorated with just the barest bit of greenery.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Information. If you know exactly how your enemy will react to a situation and how to best take away what advantages they have, you’re basically set.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Battlefield control. I’m not interested in being in the middle of the fight, but taking away the advantages of my opponents so others can do the hard work is more up my alley.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Use it as much as I can to gain personal advantages without being blatant about having a power.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Tell the truth. I don’t offend anyone who doesn’t offend me, but this sort of thing is serious, and if they’re willing to do that to me, I wouldn’t want their friendship.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Honestly this is very hard to not-munchkin but I’ll try.
1) Just enough non-abstract resources for everything I’d want to attempt.
2) An in depth analysis of any possible risks I may take in the future, how likely they are to occur, how I can avoid them, what danger would they put me in, etc.
3) For every sapient being’s intelligence to be raised by five IQ points per year.

13) When most afraid you...
Shut the world out while attempting to reason with myself that whatever caused my fear was completely irrational or unlikely to harm me.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Try to think of ways around it by using talents in another area, or alternatively practise so that my skills exceed theirs.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder, but so is disintegration and finger of death.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The laws of physics. They are probably the most unlikely thing to change on me, even if murphy’s law is in effect.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If my house is secure and if the party is still going to happen.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They’re a necessary part of nature, each unique in their way and required to keep the balance. None of them are more important than a human, however, but some are still sentient, and minimal harm ought to come to them if possible

19) What is your stance on killing?
It’s bad, but occasionally necessary. There’s usually a nonlethal way out of every problem, but it might have a higher cost attached to it than a human life.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Villain. I dislike being taken for granted as heroes tend to be, and am quite selfish although I would aim to decrease collateral damage, and being constantly reined in by the opinions of others is no fun. If I actually did become a villain despite being this lazy, however, I would ensure that minimal collateral damage is caused where possible, and even if I fail in the end, at least I had a good time.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Creativity. The ability to use what resources I have to form a plan most suitable for the situation.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Stubbornness. It’s hard for me to admit I’m wrong, and that I should try a different way.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Eh, not really. There’s no point in trying to divine the future from shiny lights that were imprints of stars from way too long ago. Abstract are too easily twisted around, and if it’s accurate in some areas but not in another it’s probably coincidence. I’m an aries.
"Skillsaw Puzzle" is your ability. You can reach out to someone and make a grabbing motion (without actually needing to touch them, but they need to be in direct line of sight so no windows, mirrors or screens) you can trigger your mind to hack into theirs allowing you to temporarily (for a day at maximum) remove one of their skills (you don't acquire this skill), any which they've learned after their first day alive. It can be anything from being good at playing tennis to their understanding of math to being able to control their bladder, but in the moment in which you hack their brain to remove the skill, you have to convince that brain that it was never there, and thus intake all of it's memories (which you don't retain later) and have to reconstruct every memory where the skill was used or being acquired using it's other memories to justify it to the brain, which can in of itself take a huge amount of time during which you will be innactive.

Sorry if that's a bit confusing.
Why thank you :)

Ah don't worry about it. My method to do this revolves around what your way of writing tells me about you, and what patterns you focus on, moreso perhaps than the actual direct content of your answers. So it is my policy not to request clarification per norm.

Your ability is called "Self-search Engine", and it gives you the ability to automatically alter your brain's memories to suit the needs of any given task. Your brain has an additional gigantic amount of storage space where any memory nomatter how small is stored. Whenever given a task your body will automatically search for keywords you associate with that task and bring up every memory and learned skill you acquired as a memory you currently have, while repressing all unecessary memories and skills your body or brain have. The ultimate expression of this is by completly blanking your mind allowing you to take in all the information from each of your senses and completely burning it into your memory, like say, completely reading and processing a book by flipping through the pages and memorizing a song while listening to it in fast foward. However, the ability may backfire if you accept a task which would require a concept you have no connections to connect with, in which case your brain may shut down and temporarily revert your mind to an infatile state as a defense mechanism.

These are very creative. If you ever do more of these let me know. I would definitely like to take part again. :)
Your power is "Secret Box", an ability which triggers when you ask a question about anything the other person would normally try to keep hidden. If they confess it to you without you needing to reveal you have the ability, then whatever they confessed to you will become something nobody else can wrap their head around, their brains will be unable to process that information thus keeping the info secret. However if the person chooses not to share their secret, then you will acquire the answer. However the ability cannot be used again for the same secret after the innitial result.
Huh, I see... That's quite interesting.
1) What is justice to you?
2) What is victory to you?
Getting more than your opponent in a struggle
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
A friend
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Snakes, I like snakes
5) What is your favorite color?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
7) Describe your ideal home
1 story, 5 rooms with a huge kitchen, huge shower and the best AC/heat money can buy
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
The ability to strike before being struck.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Not getting into a fight.
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I use it, obviously.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I help my friend, my reputation is already bad.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
A bag of holding, The ability to make the best clothes I've ever had, and the ability to make gold bars on demand.
13) When most afraid you...
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Use my wit to artificially boost my power.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My belongings
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They are living, just like me.
19) What is your stance on killing?
It happens, in the wild and in Civilization.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Supervillain, for myself.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My wit
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My stubbornness.
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, Aquarius.
1) What is justice to you?
2) What is victory to you?
Getting more than your opponent in a struggle
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
A friend
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Snakes, I like snakes
5) What is your favorite color?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
7) Describe your ideal home
1 story, 5 rooms with a huge kitchen, huge shower and the best AC/heat money can buy
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
The ability to strike before being struck.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Not getting into a fight.
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I use it, obviously.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I help my friend, my reputation is already bad.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
A bag of holding, The ability to make the best clothes I've ever had, and the ability to make gold bars on demand.
13) When most afraid you...
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Use my wit to artificially boost my power.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My belongings
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They are living, just like me.
19) What is your stance on killing?
It happens, in the wild and in Civilization.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Supervillain, for myself.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My wit
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My stubbornness.
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, Aquarius.
Your ability is "Pain Sensor". This ability causes your nervous to automatically generate a field through which they can effectively predict any pain you would receive from any source within 50 meters within the following two minutes, and automatically adjust your body's motion for preservation from said pain if possible, effectively giving a sort of automatic future sight to avoid injury, though you don't see the future nor can stop yourself from acting in self--defense. However, you can cause your body to instead sense the pain of someone else within 50 meters, making it so you can adjust your attacks to guarantee a hit.
I've got time to kill, and this looks interesting... Half of this is probably going to seem super confusing, so I'm sorry about that lmao

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is, understandably, up for interpretation. However, I personally think it's when someone gets what's coming to them, whether that be good or bad. It should be based on someone's actions, or behaviors. Whatever they have control of, they should be rewarded/punished for it. (Example: You had the choice to not steal, and yet you stole anyway. You would get justice for your actions, so some form of retribution most likely.)

2) What is victory to you?
Victory is being able to accept the outcomes of an event without much regret. It doesn't have to be black and white. If you are happy with the outcome in the long-run, it could indeed be considered a victory.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Oof, this one is hard. Personal relationships are a big thing with me, so that immediately makes me not worry about most of the strangers... And, considering the fact that we can only save one room, I think I would go with one of my close family members/friends. The other superhero hasn't done me any favors, so... That's really their own fault. This is making me sound like a jerk lmao but honestly it's not my fault that the other superhero chose to act that way.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Sea slugs. I have many reasons: they're adorable, yet deadly, they have beautiful color schemes, and they are, like, the chillest creatures ever... They don't want to hurt anyone, but they will if you hurt them first. I kinda relate, tbh...

5) What is your favorite color?
I like orange, leaning more toward the red-orange.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Modern with a fantasy/supernatural twist.

7) Describe your ideal home
A cul-de-sac in which there are friendly neighbors; the houses are spaced a cozy distance apart, not too tight, not too far. A house that isn't too big, and is manageable in terms of price.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Knowledge; the more you know, the less you'll be taken aback by.

9) What role would you rather have in a team fight?
I like being able to deal out damage, but in a more subtle, indirect way. Like, having a turret or assisting a teammate in their attack.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I think I would use it; if it proved useful, I would want to take advantage of that however I could. I would keep it on the down low, though, and make it very hush-hush.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
My best friend would never do something like that; if my supposed 'best friend' did this, I would not suck it up and fake it. I would let them reap what they sowed. I should not have to take the fall for them.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I would wish that I could stop time, which includes my aging, and have some genuine time to just... Think.
I would also wish for telekinesis, because moving stuff manually sucks.
My last wish would be being able to formulate a way to solve any problem I am approached with, in a manner that is timely and brilliant.

13) When most afraid you...
Tend to lose my cool and rely on instincts to get me through whatever is going on; however, I also become cautious, and find the best route of escape from whatever is causing me to be most afraid.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
I'm chill and friendly, as long as we avoid that certain subject. If we got on it, and they began bragging or something, I would get bitter and passive-aggressive.

15) Beauty....
B) Comes from within

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Myself, because I can't hurt me more than I already have...

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If have some form of communication on me, specifically my phone.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They're cool, and we should do what we can to help them; but it shouldn't get to the point of ignoring humans, if you get what I mean. Plenty of our own are suffering out there, too.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It's disturbing and the concept of it grosses me out, at least when it's unnecessary. If something really needs to die, though... I can at least understand that.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?

Superhero, probably, because I don't have it in me to be a supervillian. I would say that I would become one 'to help people, of course!' but I would probably actually only do it because I want to be remembered and revered. Helping others is nice, though.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
My agreeability

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My temper, and the fact that I can't stand up for what I believe in because I'm a bit of a pushover...

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Eh, not really; Libra
Your ability is "Pain Sensor". This ability causes your nervous to automatically generate a field through which they can effectively predict any pain you would receive from any source within 50 meters within the following two minutes, and automatically adjust your body's motion for preservation from said pain if possible, effectively giving a sort of automatic future sight to avoid injury, though you don't see the future nor can stop yourself from acting in self--defense. However, you can cause your body to instead sense the pain of someone else within 50 meters, making it so you can adjust your attacks to guarantee a hit.
Nice :D. Thanks Idea!
My last wish would be being able to formulate a way to solve any problem I am approached with, in a manner that is timely and brilliant.
You are killed by the genie

I've got time to kill, and this looks interesting... Half of this is probably going to seem super confusing, so I'm sorry about that lmao

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is, understandably, up for interpretation. However, I personally think it's when someone gets what's coming to them, whether that be good or bad. It should be based on someone's actions, or behaviors. Whatever they have control of, they should be rewarded/punished for it. (Example: You had the choice to not steal, and yet you stole anyway. You would get justice for your actions, so some form of retribution most likely.)

2) What is victory to you?
Victory is being able to accept the outcomes of an event without much regret. It doesn't have to be black and white. If you are happy with the outcome in the long-run, it could indeed be considered a victory.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Oof, this one is hard. Personal relationships are a big thing with me, so that immediately makes me not worry about most of the strangers... And, considering the fact that we can only save one room, I think I would go with one of my close family members/friends. The other superhero hasn't done me any favors, so... That's really their own fault. This is making me sound like a jerk lmao but honestly it's not my fault that the other superhero chose to act that way.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Sea slugs. I have many reasons: they're adorable, yet deadly, they have beautiful color schemes, and they are, like, the chillest creatures ever... They don't want to hurt anyone, but they will if you hurt them first. I kinda relate, tbh...

5) What is your favorite color?
I like orange, leaning more toward the red-orange.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Modern with a fantasy/supernatural twist.

7) Describe your ideal home
A cul-de-sac in which there are friendly neighbors; the houses are spaced a cozy distance apart, not too tight, not too far. A house that isn't too big, and is manageable in terms of price.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Knowledge; the more you know, the less you'll be taken aback by.

9) What role would you rather have in a team fight?
I like being able to deal out damage, but in a more subtle, indirect way. Like, having a turret or assisting a teammate in their attack.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I think I would use it; if it proved useful, I would want to take advantage of that however I could. I would keep it on the down low, though, and make it very hush-hush.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
My best friend would never do something like that; if my supposed 'best friend' did this, I would not suck it up and fake it. I would let them reap what they sowed. I should not have to take the fall for them.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I would wish that I could stop time, which includes my aging, and have some genuine time to just... Think.
I would also wish for telekinesis, because moving stuff manually sucks.
My last wish would be being able to formulate a way to solve any problem I am approached with, in a manner that is timely and brilliant.

13) When most afraid you...
Tend to lose my cool and rely on instincts to get me through whatever is going on; however, I also become cautious, and find the best route of escape from whatever is causing me to be most afraid.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
I'm chill and friendly, as long as we avoid that certain subject. If we got on it, and they began bragging or something, I would get bitter and passive-aggressive.

15) Beauty....
B) Comes from within

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Myself, because I can't hurt me more than I already have...

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If have some form of communication on me, specifically my phone.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They're cool, and we should do what we can to help them; but it shouldn't get to the point of ignoring humans, if you get what I mean. Plenty of our own are suffering out there, too.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It's disturbing and the concept of it grosses me out, at least when it's unnecessary. If something really needs to die, though... I can at least understand that.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Superhero, probably, because I don't have it in me to be a supervillian. I would say that I would become one 'to help people, of course!' but I would probably actually only do it because I want to be remembered and revered. Helping others is nice, though.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
My agreeability

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My temper, and the fact that I can't stand up for what I believe in because I'm a bit of a pushover...

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Eh, not really; Libra
"Newtonian Wish" is your ability. For each of your arms any given person can make two wishes of the creation, transformation, information or destruction types. However they can only wish for anything like that that already exists in our real reality and has no magic or otherwise supernatural properties. So they can wish to create a set amount of money, but creating infinite money or creating a magical artifact is impossible. In addition, the ability will have a backlash effect on the wisher. If they wish for something positive, then something inverse and negative will occur to them. If they wish for something negative then something equal will happen to them as well. Further wishes cannot stop this. To grant a wish you place a hand with which you haven't granted a wish yet on someone's forehead. You cannot grant your own wishes or choose not to grant someone's wish if they still have any available wishes.
Ohhhhhhhh I fuckin love this okok

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is wrongs turned right in any way. Whether it's as simple as a witty comeback toward some asshole or a rapist being sent to jail for his crimes. But wrongs turned right only is justifiable when the punishment fits the crime. If someone flips the fuck out on someone else for a stupid mistake it's not justice it's just...overkill.

2) What is victory to you?
In a competition sense even like 2nd place is still fine by me I guess?? Idk I don't do much here tbhhh like I'm not very competitive?

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Uhhh fuck man
Probably my family member/friend?
Like I highkey wouldn't be able to live with myself afterward but

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I love cats, domestic or wild doesn't matter to me. They're not crazy needy or annoying like dogs but they don't just act like you don't exist either... Like I can live my life with them around but they'll still sit with me and they have a personality, unlike, say, a tortoise or something like that.
Big cats are different in the sense of it's not really a pet thing I just love their dynamics with each other like they still act like domestic cats in a lot of ways and it's kinda cute??

5) What is your favorite color?
Black bc I'm an edgy emo kid

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Depends on my mood but usually realistic/modern, but fantasy definitely can trump it every now and then, it just depends on the plot

7) Describe your ideal home
To live on my own, three large bedrooms, but with my family I'd say like six large bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, one story. Open windows but thick, blackout curtains in all of them. Finished basement, and an attic storage space. Outside of the house would be pale yellow, with grey designs (like shutters and the door etc) with window boxes of flowers (that would probs die within a week because I forgot about them) Inside walls would be painted a light grey, furniture would be black with yellow accents to match the whole aesthetic of the outside. But it'd still be cozy...? There would be a room devoted to specifc things. Schoolwork stuff if I lived with my family, but music/art if I lived on my own. There'd also be a room specifically for animal related things because I love me some pets....
God I got way too into this, fuck

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
The ability to defend yourself and/or others...even if you can't manage to actually hurt the people/person you're fighting against...you can't exactly do that if you're dead either so?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Is a useless person standing to the side an option bc??
No but honestly I'd probably care for the wounded I guess? Like healing and patching up wounds etc

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Use it but rlly lowkey and only in a seriously desperate situation

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Honestly, knowing myself, my first reaction would be to flip the fuck out on them....but if I let myself think about it enough I wou;dn't tell anyone that it was them. I'd let them know I was pissed as hell but....

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1. I'd wish that my parents owned a million/billion dollar company
2. I'd wish for a way for my parents marriage to be better (or at least for their mental shit to calm the fuck down)
3. I'd wish for a way for me to learn to be less afraid of doing things I'd enjoy / fucking stuff up...

13) When most afraid you...
Hide. Whether it's in a literal sense of like freaking myself out in the middle of the night and hiding under the covers, or in a sense of a friend bringing up an uncomfortable topic I just...hide. Not even read the conversation until they change the subject.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get awkward as hell about it??? Like I'll literally do anything I can to make sure I don't fail tho

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My gut feeling.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
To make sure I haven't left anything important, though I always somehow manage to

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Animals are literally the best thing on this damn planet I want a million of them
Plants are cute as hell even if I'm shit at taking care of them I love how they look. I just wish I could keep them alive.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It's bad don't do it
Unless it's self defense
Then fuck morals don't die

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Probably a superhero and probably because I'd feel like I had to tbh? Not in like a "ugh but I have to" way more in a "I was given special abilities I can't just not use them" kinda way.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
I mean I try to be a good person...and make sure I don't do any harm to others, emotionally or physically?
Maybe just like...idk I'm good at taking care of people I guess?? 5 little siblings does that to you tho

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I'm not confident. Like at all.
Like I psych myself out all the time and convince myself of everything thaat'll go wrong and then I don't do things. Or I convince myself I'll mess things up and then won't do them...

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not really??
Considering I'm a Scorpio and yet I literally have 0 interest in sex and relationships but that's all they ever talk about with them

And that's it okokok

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