K Elizabeth

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  • Actually tho I'm lowkey proud of this whoops

    Like I'd 100% take this storyline and write an actual book?
    Me: I want to write some quality stories
    Also me: *currently writing a gay fanfic*
    Anything a person writes can be a quality story if written the right way.
    Sea Jay
    Sea Jay
    Sounds like quality to me ?????
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    It's funny bc it's actually been like 5 years since I wrote a fanfic but here I am at 8:30 am running on no sleep and working on my second chapter of the night
    I made a character who's a serial killer and it's like

    Sure she murdered 5 men before she was 26 but thatdoesn'tmakeherabadperson-
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman

    I don’t think that’s how morals and ethics work, young lady.
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Two were her abusive dad and grandfather does that help anything-
    Axel The Englishman
    Axel The Englishman
    I am simply of a man of righteous law enforcement.
    Being so far behind is causing a lot of anxiety and all in all I just really need to focus on that instead of roleplay. My responses will likely become more spread out, but I'll still TRY to remember to come on every day and write my responses. I have quite a lot of roleplays going at the moment so I can't promise I'll always reply, but I'll try to warn everyone if it's going to take me a while.
    Alright so I'm not accepting any new roleplays at the moment. I have a lot of school to catch up on, and keeping up with the roleplays I've already started is hard enough. I'll be waiting to get on on every day until after I've finished that day's school work because I've found myself neglecting school because I feel the need to reply and that's not good.
    Hey do you want to write with me?
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    Sorry bro I stopped starting rps because of school. Maybe some other time but for now I still have to try keeping up with the ones I've already started up on. :)
    I think, of the 12 criminal minds episodes I've watched today, 10 have made me cry, and 4 of those 10 have had me actually sobbing I need to

    Here I come with my daily expression of how much I adore Matthew Gray Gubler

    That is all

    Flowiest D
    Flowiest D
    (O) k Elizabeth.
    (Still funny to me.. dunno why.)
    One of my old coworkers just got fired and honestly I'm so
    Like there's 20 other people who worked there who deserved to be fired before she did??? She was the only reason that place even stayed running-
    All the other employees are commenting on her page all pissed off at the manager for it too
    She was 100% the only person there that I got along with and I'm g l a d I left....
    Okay so
    I'm making an attempt to fix my sleep schedule and I've been up all night and I'm gonna just like
    Try not to sleep until it's late
    So @ all my partners, my replies will probs have to wait until tomorrow bc I am so not in a place to write anything decent rn
    It's 7:23 am and I haven't slept because I'm writing this stupid research paper but I'm too tired to actually write anything for the paper but I finished my outline and omg I just want to be over and done with it I am so done and like way too tired for this rn
    I don't get bothered by murder shows ever

    But the second you throw in fuckin needles I want to die
    my brother is fucking hyperventilating because I asked him to move to another seat and i am really not in the mood for this shit
    my dog wont stop farting and i wanna die
    That’s a time when it’s good to be me and have no sense of smell. My dog has deadly farts too
    i don't know why this made me laugh so much
    I just went through and made a list of all the characters I have to make for roleplays and I have sIXTEEN CHARACTERS TO FUCKIN MAKE AND OHMYGODSOMEONESAVEME
    Would you like me to help you?
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth
    No it's not that I can't make them all it's just that I have a lot to make...
    Alrighty. If you ever need any help, just PM me!
    it's 5 am and my mom just made a whole dish of food and I'm sitting watching TV and eating and it feels like dinner except like

    at 5 am
    Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak I'm still a freshman in high school, so I mean...-shrugs- I dunno. I had to write a 40 page essay on why masturbation was against the bible...punishment, not school. So I could sooooo write a 1,000 word essay on this <3
    Caffeine Freak
    Caffeine Freak
    40 pages?? For real? That's like 20-40 thousand words! How long did that take?
    Considering she had me write that, it took two weeks, then I was grounded for 10 more weeks after that because I had to write 1,900 seven sentence paragraphs.
    Your picture is awesome aha
    Flowiest D
    Flowiest D
    More the sweater, “seduce and destroy” she’s also got a cigarette so I’m like wooo lol
    K Elizabeth
    K Elizabeth

    I like love this model so much it's almost scary I think I have 12 pictures of her just on my laptop waiting to be used for profile pictures when I need a new one?
    Flowiest D
    Flowiest D
    She is hot, I can’t deny your logic or compulsion. Aha
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