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Fantasy Hunter's Moon: The Sin & Sentence [IC] [CLOSED]

Jakob looked at Hudson as he talked to him. "Hey, don't blame me, blame the Gods..." As Venextos walked past both men to speak with the demons. Jakob leaned a bit closer to Hudson to whisper something. "I don't know what to think, I understand the Ascended Demon is actually a good person but I still don't feel comfortable helping Demons."
"Yes," Senya spoke up stepping closer behind Vexnetos. Now was the time to figure out where to go from here. "It would be helpful to explain what's the plan in detail. Better yet, why help this group out?"
"Demons always have ulterior motives." he whispered back to Jakob, eyes still held on the two demons ahead of them. "Even if they seek to help us now it is only because they benefit in some way. I don't give a damn what Cassiel says, ascended or not a demon is still a demon. Keep your guard up - and don't assume that they won't turn on us once we fulfill whatever stupid bargain we're wrapped up in."
Seriphine frowned. So much talking. Glancing at Inari and the others she rolled her eyes. This was exactly why her thralls had earn the right to speak. Emotions. Thoughts. Opinions. All useless, all serving to shatter the cohesion. Now if a soldier had to earn the right to speak he would also choose his words better. No stupid thoughts. No, instead there was strategy and tactics.

Watching Aliana grow a spine made Seriphine grunt. At least the terrified elf wouldn't disgrace their entire race through her cowardice. Good.

Upon arriving at the dock Seriphine hanged back. Once the demons arrived she watched them with mild interest. Demonspawn were hard to control and even more difficult to trust.

"Help from a demon is like breaking bread with a slave," muttered Seriphine in the vicinity of Hudson. She glanced at the man with disgust. "At least you don't try to mask your disgusting existence, Man."
Hudson eyed the elf that gave him the rather clear cut insult, yet soon slowly moved back to looking at Tariun and her lieutenant. "Charmed."
Jakob looked at Seriphine, recognized her face painting and features as a northern elf, but clearly of the warmongering type rather than the peaceful mountain dwelling archers the old stories talked about. She insulted Hudson out of nowhere. "Hey elf, why are you being racist?" Jakob shakes his head in disapproval. He absolutely detested people like that, that only see 'a human' or 'a orc' rather than a living being. The longer both elves talked, the more he realized how lucky Red Gorge was of having mostly friendly elves. He then looked back the Tariun and her lieutenant, but continued to talk with Hudson. "Look, for now lets give them the benefit of the doubt... but I'm with you, working with demons, ascended or not is rather... strange, to say the least."
Inari was prepared to continue bantering with Hudson, but her words grew silent in her throat as their scenery gradually changed. The first thing she really noticed was all the water. And the boat alongside the two new demons, who were presumably their associates. Her fingers scrunched up against the hilt of her sword as the other hand was resting in her open robe lazily, but she drew it out and cracked her fingers. "[You've got to be kidding me..."] she lamented to herself, eying the storm in the distance and the immediate area with the dock.

She lingered in silence for a moment, and heard Jakob mention knowing the demon, where he happened to meet a - rather, the - Winchester and his kitsune wife. "Hey, hey! I know Winchester and his bitch, I mean, wife. Sorry, word get mixed up sometime," she said not entirely convincingly. "Winchester save my life and send me here."
Coming up from her curtsey, a glance was shot to the side towards Seriphine. She'd been something of a wildcard in her eyes. Elven, to be sure, but tattooed, and inked like a warrior. Oh, and how she had no control over her words! "Ah, madamoiselle." She said with a smirk over her lips. "Perhaps it may not be one's first choice, but, ah, we are in the Abyss. It would be invaluable to have their experience since this is their home, non?" Much as she carried herself like an elf, she acted no better than that incomprehensible idiot with the large vintovka. "And besides. Not all humans are disgusting, I even worked with some personally! They've developed quite a lot over the past... however long. It's quite cute, in truth." A quiet titter. How innocent she acted. She failed to mention just how she worked with them.
Tariun returned the bow that Loque, Takato, and Gwen gave them, but Xager remained upright. Watching each of the group, with her hand firmly gripping the sword on her hip's grip. As Tariun straightened up, she responded to Venextos. "Good to see you as well, Venextos." She then turned her attention to Jakob. "Yes! It is a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Phillomon. Though I wish it was in a different location than this." she replied, motioning around her.

As Hudson made his comments, Tariun simply smiled. "You're rather paranoid, aren't you?" She then returned her gaze to the others. "Welcome to the Abyss. Home of the demon, and the unfortunate souls to be eternally damned. I hope your trip here was an easy one." she said, "I assume you have several questions, so I'll be happy to answer them once I've explained a few basic things about this realm." She took a step forward, and motioned around her once more. "The Abyss is a rather odd place. The 'sun', as you have seen, gives off no heat. Think of it like a light bulb. It is there to provide light, and nothing else. There is also a 'moon' as well, during the night, which does the same thing. As I'm sure you know, time in the Abyss is faster than time in the mortal realm. A year there is ten years here. The Abyss also tends to shift at random points in time, rearranging and reforming itself into different shapes and landscapes. This may be an island for now, but in the future, it may be part of the mainland.

"The water you see is rather dangerous to swim in for mortals. Think of it like a sludge. We demons can swim in it fine, but you will have trouble doing so. There are also aquatic demons that live beneath the waves...so its best to just stay out of the water unless absolutely necessary."
Jakob didn't know how to react to Tariun's friendliness. In a way he felt bad for not trusting her but at the same time, he couldn't look past her demonic nature even if she had ascended due to her good actions. He simply gave her a smile and give her the benefit of the doubt just like he told Hudson. As the talked about the water, Jakob looked over to it. "Great... can't wait for us to get devoured by the Leviathan."
Senya raised a hand, still patient these demons can answer her question, "Like I said before, it would be benefical to explain what you plan to do for us during this mission. Better yet, why help this group out?"
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Inari pouted slightly when Jakob didn't notice she called Winchester's wife a bitch, so she rolled her shoulders and glanced at the demons.

"What is food like here? There rice? We buy food or steal? Long journey needs good food."
Hudson cared little for the details about this hellscape, and he glared at Tariun through his helmet. "You don't stay alive if you trust everyone you come across." he said, clearly unmoved by her friendly demeanor.
Uloth adjusts her armor and looks at the others, she's not going to bombard the demons with questions but she nods at Senya's question and chimes in, "Ye, we dunnae exactly 'ave a supply train ta' run back an' forth fer us."
Aliana simply stared at the horny ladies. She didn't understand why they had horns, or what they were talking about. Other than water bad. Well, there goes any chance of drinking it... She was rather thirsty, as she was licking her dried lips.

They were rather friendly, but didn't know what they were other than just 'demons' from everyone else calling them such. Is that what a demon is? A horn-y lady? She was confused, not believing in such things after having such a sheltered life.

She looked up to Riberta, then back at the tall women with horns. As the others asked questions or conversed, she digs in a pocket to unveil a candy bar, taking a piece of the wrapper off and nibbling on the chocolate. At least chocolate is a good friend. She can't abandon a friend.
Loque also joins in the others asking questions. Unlike them, hers is far more personal. "I only have one question. Is that fat MAGGOT still breathing!?" For just a moment if anyone was paying attention, she clenches her fists tightly enough that her leather gloves groan loudly. She also comes very close to screaming out the word 'maggot' as she says it, briefly forgetting of what Demon language does to mortals.
Jakob continued to look at the water. Wondering what sort of terrible creatures inhabited the murky sea around them. He noticed Aliana licking her lips while staring at it, Jakob approached her and offered her a canteen with water he brought in his gun bag. "Here, have a drink."
He noticed Aliana licking her lips while staring at it, Jakob approached her and offered her a canteen with water he brought in his gun bag. "Here, have a drink."

As she was nibbling on her chocolate bar, she notices Jakob coming up to her with a pretty weird looking metal can. She can hear the water sloshing around in it. Aliana takes a few seconds to respond, as she gulps down some chocolate.

"What an odd bottle..." She says quietly, putting the last of her chocolate away and taking the bottle thing in two hands. There was no opening. She shrugs, and plants her mouth around the lid, suckling on it as she attempts to retrieve liquid...
Jakob looked at Aliana a bit confused. But then lets out a little chuckle. "That's not how you open it kiddo." He gently took the canteen from her hands showed her how to remove the canteens cap. He gave it back to her. "Drink as much as you want. You look thirsty." He gave her a little smile. "If you need help, feel free to ask me anything. Us afflicted with lycanthropy gotta help each other after all."
Aliana is a bit surprised as the bottle is taken away, being mid-suckle and all, but watches him unscrew the cap and hand it back. She accepts the nature of things, and tips back the entire bottle, holding onto it with both hands still. Some of the water spills around her mouth and drips down her cheeks and chin.

In that moment, she truly is and will be a rather promiscuous individual for water. It tastes so good! Like river water from the clearest stream.

"Thank you...!" She says, with a bit of cheer in her voice now, handing the half empty bottle back to Jakob. Properly refreshed, she retrieves her candy bar, and resumes her nibbling as the others talk.
"Great... can't wait for us to get devoured by the Leviathan."

Tariun chuckled. "No, you won't have to worry about the Leviathan. It was slain two centuries ago by Taranoch himself."

"What is food like here? There rice? We buy food or steal? Long journey needs good food."

Tariun chose to take the more simple questions first, looking to Inari. "Yes, there are crops and other sources of food down here. They may not taste like your foods back home in the mortal realm, but with proper cooking, they are safe to eat for mortals. There are some villages that you may purchase food from here in the Abyss through trade." She then smiled. "And yes, there is rice. I had a Onigiri just the other day."

"Ye, we dunnae exactly 'ave a supply train ta' run back an' forth fer us."

"You actually do." stated Tariun, before motioning to Xager. "Xager will act as your supplier. At the end of every week, she will arrive to resupply you with ammunition and basic essentials. If there is something that you would like to request, simply tell her and she will attempt to retrieve it."

"I only have one question. Is that fat MAGGOT still breathing!?"

The second half of Loque's statement made most of the party twitch a bit, giving each a partial migraine. The demonic language was rather guttural and painful to hear, even if it was simply gibberish to mortal ears. Tariun nodded. "Yes. Thorgran is still alive. He resides in his palace, continuing to engorge himself." she said. She didn't sound all that happy about it either.

"Like I said before, it would be beneficial to explain what you plan to do for us during this mission. Better yet, why help this group out?"

Tariun looked to Senya. "You are currently the best thing to happen to the Abyss in a while. Allow me to explain..." she said, waving a hand off to the side, "Taranoch is ruled the Abyss for several centuries as the Demon King, as you know. He imprisoned the former Demon King, Kaizen, inside a wall during an Abyssal shift, and took the crown for himself. During his reign, the Abyss has a near lawless land. The Icons run the Abyss as they see fit, only answering to Taranoch himself. The ascended demons are often hunted down and slain because we choose to speak out against the insanity that the Icons bring. I, myself, wish to see the Abyss return to its old ways of rule. I was one of Kaizen's Chosen, a group of ascended demons that acted as Kaizen's advisors during his reign. When Kaizen was in power, the Abyss had structure much like Heaven. That structure is gone now."

She paused for a moment, looking directly to Hudson. "Some of you may not care about Abyssal politics. You should. What happens down here greatly affects what happens in your realm. Taranoch was able to breach the boundaries between the Abyss and the mortal realm due to his sheer power...and that is how the Age of Darkness in your realm came to be. Your Grand Cathedral in Eternis sits right on top of where Taranoch came through. Should things continue to progress the way they are...I fear Taranoch will once again emerge into the mortal realm and seek vengeance for being bound down here."

She then looked back to the others. "That is where you all come in. I spoke to Velin, and we discussed a few matters. Eventually we came to an agreement. I would act as your guide here in the Abyss, and assist you in your endeavors, in exchange for your help. There are things that must be done here in the Abyss in order to weaken Taranoch and the Icon's hold on things. Currently, far to the south in Azgon's territory, a guerilla war is being waged by a lich known as Ethraeil and his allies against the Icon of Wrath. Their efforts are largely in vain, however, as there are billions of demons down here. Its a war he will not win, but it serves as the perfect distraction. As his war escalates and draws the attention of the other Icons, and eventually Taranoch himself, that will grant you the chance to conduct surgical strikes for me. And then, when the time is right, I will conduct a war to seize the crown."
Hudson winced in his armor as Loque shouted in that horrible demonic tongue. It certainly wasn't the first time he has heard the language but it was not something that could be so easily numbed. As Tariun began explaining their plan he shook his head, finally deciding to lower his sword for the moment as he lazily dropped it to his side. "You sure have a lot of faith in a group like us." he piped up, soon bringing his blade up again just to rest it on his shoulder.

"The plan's decent but at the rate we're going we'll have trouble taking down a handful of demons. Let alone the targets for these 'surgical strikes'."
Ignoring Inari's increasingly bothersome behavior, Takato nodded in response to Tariun's explanations, before allowing the others to ask their questions first. They certainly had more important questions to ask, for he had not many but those related to faith. As she answered the questions and led into her explanation as to why they were affiliated with her, Takato nodded more slowly and with a more serious expression - the Great Demon Emperor, Taranoch Daimasumeragi, returned to the mortal coil?! A horrifying thought, it was. If Kaizen's Chosen are as good as they speak, then it would be worth affiliating themselves with them, in his eyes. Abyssal politics have now garnered his full attention.

"...with the presence of demons in mind," Takato slowly spoke up, "are religious practices known to garner unconditional attention from nearby demons? As a Douean siennyin, i.e. a hermit in Adonian terms, a... 'routine' is followed to maintain our faith," he asked.
As Loque screeched out something incomprehensible to her ears, Gwen held a hand up to her temple, pressing against it lightly with a grimace on her face. Even if human language was crass to her ears, it didn't give her a migraine to speak and hear it. She hung on to Tariun's words, however. The rise and fall of kingdoms was such a fascinating affair to her. As it well should be, given her heritage. "Ah, and this Taranoch calls himself a king?" Gwenaelle asked, a mocking tone in her voice, followed by something between a hearty guffaw, and a scoff. "Warlords." A more audible scoff, this time. "Without fail, always striving for nothing more than their own personal power with violent expansion, and then leaving behind nothing but ash and dust when they die." She shook her head. "A true ruler would have the power to create a lasting empire."

"Ah... but enough philosophy! Allow me to guess, we are going to the mainland, waiting for this, ah, little rebellion to gain more notoriety, and then striking down the icons whilst they're distracted, oui? Building all the way to this..." Gwen cleared her throat, "King, himself."
Jakob smiled a bit, as Aliana thanked him for the water. He simply gave her a respectful nod, before returning to Vincent and Hudson's side. When Tariun mentioned the nearly biblical Leviathan was killed by the king of demons, Jakob let out a chuckle. "Way to kill-off the sights, then." Jakob gave the demon a smile. As she continued to answer questions, he looked at the others and smiled. "Don't worry about cooking, I can do it. I've got a knack for it, since the wife taught me how to...bless her." But when she began talking of the Abyssal politics, answering what Senya and Uloth asked, his cheerful expression turned into one of surprise. "Ethraeil...he's still alive? And if he's not going to win then...Gods!" He got closer to the demon, probably close enough for her second-in-command to worry. "Is there a way to help him? I...if there's no chance of winning, he might die. He doesn't deserve that."

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