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Fantasy Hunter//Hunted OOC

Of course! And she normally wouldn't use her abilities unless necessary~

I actually have a different version of vampires of my own design that I can PM to you if you would like! ^_^  


That would be appreciated~!
I did some research about American in the Middle Ages and up til 1500s the Incas and Aztecs were thriving in the Southern parts. So do we want to do that? (could be fun ;) ) Or would ya'll rather have feudal society with royalty and castles and all that? Also since this is pre-industrial and pre-scienceblahblahblah there will be heavy religious influences. To avoid all that debate, I will create some pseudo religionz. Should be fun  ^33^

Alternatively we can have the timeline changed so that the Americas were already colonized and we can have an outbreak of plague and ruling nobles of different fiefs. 
I did some research about American in the Middle Ages and up til 1500s the Incas and Aztecs were thriving in the Southern parts. So do we want to do that? (could be fun ;) ) Or would ya'll rather have feudal society with royalty and castles and all that? Also since this is pre-industrial and pre-scienceblahblahblah there will be heavy religious influences. To avoid all that debate, I will create some pseudo religionz. Should be fun  ^33^

Alternatively we can have the timeline changed so that the Americas were already colonized and we can have an outbreak of plague and ruling nobles of different fiefs. 

That would be interesting.
I did some research about American in the Middle Ages and up til 1500s the Incas and Aztecs were thriving in the Southern parts. So do we want to do that? (could be fun ;) ) Or would ya'll rather have feudal society with royalty and castles and all that? Also since this is pre-industrial and pre-scienceblahblahblah there will be heavy religious influences. To avoid all that debate, I will create some pseudo religionz. Should be fun  ^33^

Alternatively we can have the timeline changed so that the Americas were already colonized and we can have an outbreak of plague and ruling nobles of different fiefs. 

I think post colonisation/ European kind of setting would be best for me...

Maybe we could do a fusion of sorts? I can change it, but Misrey atm is Japanese and kinda tailored to a modern or victorian setting...

But whatever everyone else wants! I can always change it up lol.
I did some research about American in the Middle Ages and up til 1500s the Incas and Aztecs were thriving in the Southern parts. So do we want to do that? (could be fun ;) ) Or would ya'll rather have feudal society with royalty and castles and all that? Also since this is pre-industrial and pre-scienceblahblahblah there will be heavy religious influences. To avoid all that debate, I will create some pseudo religionz. Should be fun  ^33^

Alternatively we can have the timeline changed so that the Americas were already colonized and we can have an outbreak of plague and ruling nobles of different fiefs. 

I'd say feudal medevil, but that's just me
I did some research about American in the Middle Ages and up til 1500s the Incas and Aztecs were thriving in the Southern parts. So do we want to do that? (could be fun ;) ) Or would ya'll rather have feudal society with royalty and castles and all that? Also since this is pre-industrial and pre-scienceblahblahblah there will be heavy religious influences. To avoid all that debate, I will create some pseudo religionz. Should be fun  ^33^

Alternatively we can have the timeline changed so that the Americas were already colonized and we can have an outbreak of plague and ruling nobles of different fiefs. 

Not all too for the idea of the Americas like that at all. It´s just not very interesting to me as a setting. My suggestion would be that we came up with something entirely original for the setting.

As for religion, I agree it´s best if we come up with something. I don´t like using real religions in my roleplays, unless they are about those religions specifically.
I think post colonisation/ European kind of setting would be best for me...

Maybe we could do a fusion of sorts? I can change it, but Misrey atm is Japanese and kinda tailored to a modern or victorian setting...

But whatever everyone else wants! I can always change it up lol.

I don't think there would be problems that Japanese creatures are in america (there is pretty easy way there from alaska, and to think that nobody never even thinked that at time of Columbus.)
What I'm hearing is we make up a setting. All right. I'm all for that! Thought it would be easier than doing a bunch of historical reading and research anyway. We can pull a little from each. Will keep the climate about the same though (fast group i plan on putting somewhere on the eastern seaboard and the slow maybe further south. Plans for intermingling the two...hm. Any ideas for that? Maybe plague will cause them to move and the nearest ley line intersect be the slow group I'm thinking. Ok; I've got some ideas in my head.)
What I'm hearing is we make up a setting. All right. I'm all for that! Thought it would be easier than doing a bunch of historical reading and research anyway. We can pull a little from each. Will keep the climate about the same though (fast group i plan on putting somewhere on the eastern seaboard and the slow maybe further south. Plans for intermingling the two...hm. Any ideas for that? Maybe plague will cause them to move and the nearest ley line intersect be the slow group I'm thinking. Ok; I've got some ideas in my head.)

Well some of RPers would have safehouse to creatures as there is creatures working with hunters. Even if most of creatures in safehouse would be young, that would made conflicts in that city.
- 3

- Feudal medieval

- Werewolf (the classic)

As far as getting the groups to meet, once the hunted figure out they are being targeted as a whole, they might try to locate other monsters in an attempt to form a coalition against the hunter(s).
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So as of this point it's probs going to go medieval. As such, religion will play a heavy role in this I think. There will be three religions to choose from, or you can just be a heathen. In the field "religion" you can put a description like "firm believer" or "member in deed only" or something similar indicating how much your character adheres to the religion. In "occupation" please put down your role in the society. I will have more details later but a sneak peek: some roles include Champion, Paladin, Priest, Servant, Slave.

Also! This is kind of important: In the "name" field you must put down which city/city-state you are in. Ex) Jon Smith of Coastal City or Mary Sue of Inland City ((NO, these are not the actual names of a city and are meant as examples only!)) 

keep in mind this is a medieval setting when naming your characters please!

I've sorted people into groups! *see below* It's also in the first post! Make sure your name is there and where it's supposed to be! Right now the groups look pretty even lol which is good...

Hunted Group Fast:  @Vampunk @SirGrey @StoneWolf18 @Delacare @Chrysalism @Lady Astra @Chichibu @FrostFire @Hanah Solo

Hunted Group Slow/Meh: @Idea @Heim @Petroshka @JPax @Ratatoskr @Cicero Vinter @FearTheKumquat @Storm Guardian

Hunters: @Federoff @TheRealBmike

(18 in total)

IMPORTANT: I will be taking votes/suggestions for names of the cities. Please tag me when voting/suggesting. :)  Thank you!

Slow Posting, Inland City Names:

  • Harloweston
  • Duermio
  • Cedar City

Fast Posting, Coastal City Names:

  • Adelport 1
  • Ordrisail
  • Bantas

(if you don't like the names i sorry. ;A; do suggest one and specify which city you want to name.)
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So as of this point it's probs going to go medieval. As such, religion will play a heavy role in this I think. There will be three religions to choose from, or you can just be a heathen. In the field "religion" you can put a description like "firm believer" or "member in deed only" or something similar indicating how much your character adheres to the religion. In "occupation" please put down your role in the society. I will have more details later but a sneak peek: some roles include Champion, Paladin, Priest, Servant, Slave.

Also! This is kind of important: In the "name" field you must put down which city/city-state you are in. Ex) Jon Smith of Coastal City or Mary Sue of Inland City ((NO, these are not the actual names of a city and are meant as examples only!)) 

keep in mind this is a medieval setting when naming your characters please!

I've sorted people into groups! *see below* It's also in the first post! Make sure your name is there and where it's supposed to be! Right now the groups look pretty even lol which is good...

Hunted Group Fast:  @Vampunk @SirGrey @StoneWolf18 @Delacare @Chrysalism @Idea @Lady Astra @Chichibu

Hunted Group Slow/Meh: @FrostFire  @Heim @Hanah Solo @Petroshka @JPax @Ratatoskr @Cicero Vinter @FearTheKumquat

Hunters: @Federoff @TheRealBmike

IMPORTANT: I will be taking votes/suggestions for names of the cities. Please tag me when voting/suggesting. :)  Thank you!

Slow Posting, Inland City Names:

  • Harloweston
  • Duermio
  • Cedar City

Fast Posting, Coastal City Names:

  • Adelport
  • Ordrisail
  • Bantas

(if you don't like the names i sorry. ;A; do suggest one and specify which city you want to name.)

little thing, me and @StoneWolf18 have talked about living in @FrostFire's safehouse and Kitty would be Kiraan's adopted child.


@Nyctophiliac i made this.
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So as of this point it's probs going to go medieval. As such, religion will play a heavy role in this I think. There will be three religions to choose from, or you can just be a heathen. In the field "religion" you can put a description like "firm believer" or "member in deed only" or something similar indicating how much your character adheres to the religion. In "occupation" please put down your role in the society. I will have more details later but a sneak peek: some roles include Champion, Paladin, Priest, Servant, Slave.

Also! This is kind of important: In the "name" field you must put down which city/city-state you are in. Ex) Jon Smith of Coastal City or Mary Sue of Inland City ((NO, these are not the actual names of a city and are meant as examples only!)) 

keep in mind this is a medieval setting when naming your characters please!

I've sorted people into groups! *see below* It's also in the first post! Make sure your name is there and where it's supposed to be! Right now the groups look pretty even lol which is good...

Hunted Group Fast:  @Vampunk @SirGrey @StoneWolf18 @Delacare @Chrysalism @Idea @Lady Astra @Chichibu

Hunted Group Slow/Meh: @FrostFire  @Heim @Hanah Solo @Petroshka @JPax @Ratatoskr @Cicero Vinter @FearTheKumquat

Hunters: @Federoff @TheRealBmike

IMPORTANT: I will be taking votes/suggestions for names of the cities. Please tag me when voting/suggesting. :)  Thank you!

Slow Posting, Inland City Names:

  • Harloweston
  • Duermio
  • Cedar City

Fast Posting, Coastal City Names:

  • Adelport
  • Ordrisail
  • Bantas

(if you don't like the names i sorry. ;A; do suggest one and specify which city you want to name.)

uhm.... I think you got my inscription wrong. I placed a 1, meaning I would go for the slow group, remember?
@Nyctophiliac  how fast is fast?

also I'm finding it difficult to fill out slime things so a lot of human-esque info will be missing... 

*shrugs* However fast the group decides to go. It's vague I know. Mostly just there to split people up by rough posting speed. 

That's fine. You can just put N/A for not applicable fields. Which things in particular...?

Well it seems i don't get adopted by @StoneWolf18

Ah, so you're wanting to join the fast group as well? Amirite?

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