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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

Same with the food running out and braving it out. Renee had to go hunting while Seifer took care of Sirius. That's also foreshadowing !
29 is good too because it's when they first were figuring out they had switched bodies. xD LMAO Lydia in Seifer's body yelling at him to get out of her shirt. LOL
*Cackles* "NO I'M NOT. I'm Seifer, Dubois is in my body. Muses is Pendragon Serious, Lock is Pendragon Crazy, and that horse is Pendragon Chicken Girl."
That part made me die. XD I'm so happy that Johnny turned Seifer into a sheep just so Renee can be all snuggly and call him 'Sheep boy' for it. XD
Huh... you know, Howl's Moving Castle the book seems to have a really different plot from the movie. It still sounds interesting though.
Yea, it is! Sophie was a actually a red head in the book and the blonde sister from the beginning in the movie is actually the disguised older sister while the younger sister that looks like her went off to seek a witch or a wizard to train her.
Yea, it is! Sophie was a actually a red head in the book and the blonde sister from the beginning in the movie is actually the disguised older sister while the younger sister that looks like her went off to seek a witch or a wizard to train her.

I haven't read it, I was looking at a synopsis because I am working on the second part of that One-shot I started and I need ideas for what Lydia puts for the charades game.
I haven't read it, I was looking at a synopsis because I am working on the second part of that One-shot I started and I need ideas for what Lydia puts for the charades game.

Like each time she goes up to mime the words:

To her brothers: Get. Me. Out. Of. Here. Now. Please.

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