Advice/Help How do I find some goddamn light hearted fantasy rp's


What am I doing?
I swear everything in the fantasy section is so damn edgy or overdramatic. Can't I just get some light hearted fantasy? Would I have better luck in another section? Am I just doomed to be stuck with so much melodrama? Help.
It depends on how you define fantasy and if your looking for groups or 1x1s. For groups you might try realistic/modern section, they have some urban fantasy ( fantasy in the modern world )
The easiest part would most likely be to make one yourself- this is assuming you are talking group RPs.

If that's not your style, then it's pretty much like @The Mechanist said, you need to determine what "light hearted" means concretely. Now going on a bit of a tangent from what my buddy probably meant, this implies for example, do you mean something without deeper consequences? Something with comedy? Something slice of life-ish?

Once you figure that out, try looking through those concepts instead. There is a search function that RPN has it should help to find the keywords. 

This isn't a 100% problem proof way of going about it, but really none is. And in any case, remember that most if not all RPs will not be your ideal conception of them- be ready to compromise.
I really like playing political RPs, but they are difficult to run and are hard to find.  So, I ended up running the RP I wanted to play, since no one else was going too. 

I mean, I'd still want to play in a political RP, but running one is the closest I'll get.  

(Funny enough, I just posted an interest check for a really dark horror Quest.  I guess it would fall under melodramatic and edgy, but while werewolves are fluffy, they aren't what I'd call light-hearted.)
I swear everything in the fantasy section is so damn edgy or overdramatic. Can't I just get some light hearted fantasy? Would I have better luck in another section? Am I just doomed to be stuck with so much melodrama? Help.

I was actually considering starting something a little light-hearted, on the level of things like the Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I didn't actually think there would be any interest, so I've been putting it off.

Would you be interested?
I really like playing political RPs, but they are difficult to run and are hard to find.  So, I ended up running the RP I wanted to play, since no one else was going too. 

I mean, I'd still want to play in a political RP, but running one is the closest I'll get.  

(Funny enough, I just posted an interest check for a really dark horror Quest.  I guess it would fall under melodramatic and edgy, but while werewolves are fluffy, they aren't what I'd call light-hearted.)

It's not that I don't like darker or more serious stuff but I wish it wasn't all there is. But yeah I'm starting to plan my own light hearted fantasy rp though I doubt anyone will join
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I was actually considering starting something a little light-hearted, on the level of things like the Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I didn't actually think there would be any interest, so I've been putting it off.

Would you be interested?

I don't really see anything light-hearted about FFCC xD It's pretty dark. The only thing light-hearted about it is the art style. LoZ can be pretty dark too actually xD
I don't really see anything light-hearted about FFCC xD It's pretty dark. The only thing light-hearted about it is the art style. LoZ can be pretty dark too actually xD

I wouldn't consider Crystal Chronicles dark at all. More melancholic.

And though Zelda can be pretty dark, there are plenty of light ones as well. The 3DS games, as well as the Wind Waker and others come to mind.
I reckon you'd get plenty of attention if you started a lighthearted fantasy RP, group or 1x1 (though group would be more successful). I've seen a few plots around too, so don't give up! 
I swear everything in the fantasy section is so damn edgy or overdramatic. Can't I just get some light hearted fantasy? Would I have better luck in another section? Am I just doomed to be stuck with so much melodrama? Help.

I'm going to be restarting a silly adventure rp following a group of untrained and overly enthusiastic newbies setting out on a great and silly quest, if you're interested.
;3  I hardly find any lighthearted fantasy myself. I would love a break from the dark tones. Something fruitful and fluttery would be amazing. I like some hardcore adventure, yes. But not edgy gigantic anime sword with weeping vampires shit. Instead like a pretty epic adventure where the hero/heroin digs through the gorgeous world of vividly colored trees, mystical griffins soaring through the skies and facing fierce mages along the way. He takes a potion from a friendly witch, and finds the ability to soar with spiritual wings through the skies, to leap from cloud to cloud like a leaping hare. Ahh~ I'm getting ahead of myself. Those kind of vividly told, light hearted adventures always make my heart soar. Yes, I am practically a hopeless romantic for scenery.
Just from the title itself, I presume our tastes and problems are both fairly alike.

I have to say, the state this site is in is very... depressing. It reminds me a lot of the Immaterium in W40k. The realm of souls, also known as the Warp or the Immaterium collected mental feedback from the galaxy's inhabitants and shaped itself according to their emotions. The people in W40k were so fucked up that the Immaterium turned into an evil realm of dark gods, demons, eldritch abominations, legions upon legions of atrocious monsters and Cthulhu knock-offs if I've ever seen one. The situation is the same here, except instead of a whole realm we have roleplay threads.

I'd love something lighthearted in this mental asylum of teenage drama once in a while to keep me living.

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Just from the title itself, I presume our tastes and problems are both fairly alike.

I have to say, the state this site is in is very... depressing. It reminds me a lot of the Immaterium in W40k. The realm of souls, also known as the Warp or the Immaterium collected mental feedback from the galaxy's inhabitants and shaped itself according to their emotions. The people in W40k were so fucked up that the Immaterium turned into an evil realm of dark gods, demons, eldritch abominations, legions upon legions of atrocious monsters and Cthulhu knock-offs if I've ever seen one. The situation is the same here, except instead of a whole realm we have roleplay threads.

I'd love something lighthearted in this mental asylum of teenage drama once in a while to keep me living.


;3  Hey. I'm looking for a cool person with lighthearted nature to rp with. If you're open, I'm here.

Well, my question is;

Do you like knights and dragons?

Do you like pirates and sea adventures?

Do you like stories of adorable pairings thrown in?

Do you like stories with something that doesn't take itself seriously, but has a few deep meanings thrown in? (Kinda like the adventure time with Rebecca Sugar writing for it.)

Do you like a simplistic story line, but with a grandiose setting and funny characters?

If so,

We're gonna get along just fine. XD
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Well, my question is;

Do you like knights and dragons?

Do you like pirates and sea adventures?

Do you like stories of adorable pairings thrown in?

Do you like stories with something that doesn't take itself seriously, but has a few deep meanings thrown in? (Kinda like the adventure time with Rebecca Sugar writing for it.)

Do you like a simplistic story line, but with a grandiose setting and funny characters?

If so,

We're gonna get along just fine. XD


Let's see.






I suppose we are fairly alike.
Let's see.






I suppose we are fairly alike.

Lastly, are you against the thought of talking animals? Possible anthros and anime tropes thrown in? Nothing like a weeboo's wet dream, but I always imagined the story in anime format. Kind of like the Legend of Zelda's style of anime.
Lastly, are you against the thought of talking animals? Possible anthros and anime tropes thrown in? Nothing like a weeboo's wet dream, but I always imagined the story in anime format. Kind of like the Legend of Zelda's style of anime.


I'm not into anthro animals, but nothing against people who like them. Simply not my taste. I'm somewhat into anime and I like to use anime appearances for my characters sometimes.

I'm not into anthro animals, but nothing against people who like them. Simply not my taste. I'm somewhat into anime and I like to use anime appearances for my characters sometimes.

;3  Ah, because I was going disney style adorable talking dog following along hip, or dragons that are breathing fire at a knight's shield stopping mid way and going; "... Why the hell do we still do this? Is it.. is it relevant to society?" Knight; "Meh I do it to pick up chicks." Dragon; "We do it because our wives nag us to go protect the land when you've got no damn clue where the nest is." Knight; "Look man, I've got a chick in the house, and I want to get the girl. So. You've gotta die." Dragon; "COME ON MAN CANT WE WORK SOMETHING OUT-" *Jabs throat* "Nope. Sorry."

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